Writing Rules

1. At the end of the article, a bibliography must be included, listing the sources used in the article in alphabetical order by the authors' last names. The bibliography should be arranged according to the initial citations of the works. In-text citations for the sources used should be provided as footnotes at the end of each page. Citations and the bibliography should be formatted according to the Chicago citation style.
2. The heading system should be as follows: I. A. 1. a. (a) i.
3. Articles submitted to the journal must include an abstract in both Turkish and English. The Turkish abstract should be between 200-250 words. *Starting from the September 2025 issue, an Extended Summary section of 750-1000 words will be mandatory for all articles.
4. Footnote citations should be arranged as follows:
a. For book citations:
aa. First citations in the text:
ŞANLI, Cemal, Uluslararası Ticari Akitlerin Hazırlanması ve Uyuşmazlıkların Çözüm Yolları, 5th Edition, Beta Yayınları, Istanbul, 2013, p. 5.
bb. Subsequent citations:
ŞANLI, p. 24.
b. For edited books:
KARA, Hacı, “Turkish Maritime Law”, Introduction to Turkish Law, Ed. M. Refik KORKUSUZ, Ankara, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 2016, p. 309.
c. For journal articles:
aa. First citations in the text:
TOPUZ, Murat, “6098 Sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu Uyarınca Pazarlamacılık Sözleşmesi (TBK m. 448-460)”, MÜHF – HAD, Y. 2013, Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 298.
bb. Subsequent citations:
TOPUZ, p. 298.
d. For electronic sources:
aa. First citations in the text:
GÖZLER, Kemal, “Hukuk Okumak İsteyen Üniversite Adaylarına Fakülte Tercihi Konusunda Uyarılar,” (Online) http://www.anayasa.gen.tr/tercih-rehberi.htm, Accessed: 03.03.2014.
bb. Subsequent citations:
BAŞÖZEN, p. 8.
e. If multiple works by the same author are used, abbreviations should distinguish the works from each other:
GÖZLER, Anayasa Hukukunun…, p. 76.
f. For works with multiple authors, all authors’ full names should be listed:
KURU, Baki / ARSLAN, Ramazan / YILMAZ, Ejder, Medeni Usul Hukuku (Ders Kitabı), 25th Edition, Yetkin Yayıncılık, Istanbul, 2014, p. 145.
g. For journal articles from electronic sources:
BERRY, John N., "Educate Library Leaders,” Library Journal, (Online)
http://www.epnet.com/ehost, Accessed: April 3, 2000.
h. For encyclopedia entries:
BOHANNAN, Paul, “Law and Legal Institutions,” International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Vol. IX, Ed. by David L. Shils, Publisher, McMillan and Free Press, 1968, pp. 73-77.
i. For classical works:
ARISTOTLE, Nicomachean Ethics, pp. 22-23.
j. For sacred texts:
Qur'an 49/12.
k. For court decisions:
Legislation or court decisions cited in footnotes should not be included in the bibliography. The following rules and abbreviations should be observed for citing court decisions:
aa. For Turkish court decisions:
The name of the court/body, chamber (if applicable), E. (docket number), K. (decision number), date [format: day.month.year], (source of the decision, page number or URL/DOI if applicable).
Example: Yar. 1. HD, E.2015/1456, K.2017/7086, 05.12.2017, (Kazancı İçtihat ve Bilgi Bankası).
bb. For foreign court decisions:
The citation format adopted by the relevant court/body should be used. Alternatively, the Turkish system may be applied where appropriate, provided that the same systematic is used consistently for all decisions from that court/body.
l. For citations to the Official Gazette:
RG. 02.01.2019, No. 30643.
5. Articles submitted to the journal must not exceed a word limit of 10,000 words.

Last Update Time: 11/21/24, 7:36:04 PM