Research Article
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Mary Parker Follett's Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future

Year 2022, , 89 - 123, 30.12.2022


Mary Parker Follett’s management philosophy and principles at the beginning of the 20th century exhibit the characteristic of management models of the past, present and future, and they appear to be linked to current theories of management. The aim of this research is to define the connection between Mary Parker Follett's management philosophy and past, present and expected future management approaches and to make a contribution to the science of management in this sense. For this purpose, this study seeks to investigate the relationship between, and similarities of, Follett’s management principles of those of matriarchal societies as the first social structures inancient times. The study also seeks to evaluate the basic concepts of management theories which have emerged since the industrial revolution. A narrative approach was applied in this study. The research findings indicate that Mary Parker Follett's management philosophy serves as a link between the management practices of the past, present and future and presents solutions to today's organizational, industrial, societal and international management problems. Through adopting Follett's management philosophy, humanity might be able to open the doors to a world with more freedom, peace, justice, equality and sharing. This in turn might give way to more happiness, more peacefulness, and high value of creativity in society.


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  • Enomoto, T. (1995). The individual in the group. In P. Graham (Ed.). Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of Management: 240-246. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Eylon, D. (1998). Understanding empowerment and resolving its paradox: Lessons from Mary Parker Follett. Journal of Management History, 4(1), 16-28. google scholar
  • Fayol, H. (1988). General and Industrial Management. London: Pitman. google scholar
  • Fisher, R., Ury, W. L., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving in. Newyork: Penguin Groups. google scholar
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  • Follett, M. (1918). The New State, Group Organization and the Solution of Popular Government. New York: David McKay Co. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1919). Community is a process. The Philosophical Review, 28(6), 576-588. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1923). Haldane Introduction to the New State. USA: Longmans, Green and Co. google scholar
  • Follett, M.P. (1924). Creative Experience. New York: Longmans, Green Co. google scholar
  • Follett, M Parker (1925). The Law of the Situation. New York: Longmans. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1928). The Teacher-Student Relation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 15(1), 1970, 137-48. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1949). Freedom and Coordination: Lectures in Business Organization. Garland, New York. google scholar
  • Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic Management: a Stakeholder Approach. Boston, MA: Pitman. google scholar
  • Freeman, R. E., & Evan, M. (1990). Corporate governance: A stakeholder interpretation. The Journal of Behavioral Economics, 19, 337-359. google scholar
  • Gergen, K. (1982). Toward Transformation in Social Knowledge. New York: Springer. google scholar
  • Gerzema, J., & D’Antonio, M. (2013). The Athena Doctrine: How Women and the Men (Who Think Like Them) will Rule the Future. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. google scholar
  • Gibson, J. W., & Deem, J. (2016). Leadership lessons from the past: Examining the work of Mary Parker Follett and Lillian Gilbreth. International Leadership Journal, 8(1), 3-26. google scholar
  • Graham, P. (Ed.). (1995). Mary Parker Follett, Prophet of Management: A Celebration of Writings from the 1920s. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Hawking, S. W. (1988). A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes. London: Bantam Press. google scholar
  • Hawking, S., & Mlodinow, L. (2010). Grand Design. Newyork: Bantam Books. google scholar
  • Héon, F., Damart, S., & Nelson, L. (2017). Mary Parker Follett: Change in the paradigm of integration. İçinde D. Szabla, W. Pasmore, M. Barnes ve A. Gibson (Eds). The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, pp.1-22. HAL: Post-Print hal-01629684. google scholar
  • Juran, J. (1995). Managerial Breakthrough: The Classic Book on Improving Management Performance. New York: McGraw-Hill. google scholar
  • Kanter, R. M. (1985), Drucker: the Unsolved Puzzle. New Management, 2(1), 10-13. google scholar
  • Kanter, R. M. (1995). Preface. In P. Graham (Ed.), Mary Parker Follett, prophet of management: a celebration of writings from the 1920s (pp. xiii-xxix). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
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  • McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise, New York, McGraw-Hill. google scholar
  • McLarney, C., & Rhyno, S. (1999). Mary Parker Follett: visionary leadership and strategic management. Women in Management Review, 14(7), 292-304. google scholar
  • Melé, D., & Rosanas, J. M. (2003). Power, freedom and authority in management: Mary Parker Follett’s ‘power-with’. Philosophy of Management, 3(2), 35-46. google scholar
  • Mendenhall, M. E., Macomber, J. H., & Cutright, M. (2000). Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of chaos and complexity. Journal of Management History, 6, 191-204. google scholar
  • Metcalf, H. C., & Urwick, L. (Eds). (1942). Dynamic Administration: The Collected papers of Mary Parker Follett. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers. google scholar
  • Monin, N., & Bathurst, R. (2008). Mary Parker Follett on the leadership of everyman. Ephemeratheory &Politics in Organization, 8(4), 447-461. google scholar
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  • Newman, M. A., & Guy, M. E. (1998). Taylor’s triangle, Follett’s web. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 20(3), 287-297. google scholar
  • Nohrıa, N., (1995), “The Basis ofAuthority 141 Commentary Mary Parker Follett’s View on Power, the Giving of Orders, and Authority: An Alternative to Hierarchy or a Utopian Ideology?”, In P. Graham (Ed.), Mary Parker Follett, prophet of management: a celebration of writings from the 1920s, (pp. 141-162). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.141-162. google scholar
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  • Phipps, S. T. A. (2011). Mary, Mary, quite contrary. In a male-dominated field, women contributed by bringing a touch of spirituality to early management theory and practice. Journal of Management History, 17, 270-281. google scholar
  • Ryan, L., & Rutherford, M. (2000). Mary Parker Follett: Individidualist, collectivist? Or both? Journal of Management History, 6(5), 207-223. google scholar
  • Scherer, A., & Palazzo, G. (2007). Toward a political conception of corporate responsibility: Business and society seen from a Habermasian perspective. Academy of Management Review, 32, 1096- 1120. google scholar
  • Scherer, A., & Palazzo, G. (2011). The new political role of business in a globalized world: A review of a new perspective on CSR and its implications for the firm, governance and democracy. Journal of Management Studies, 48, 899-901. google scholar
  • Schilling, M. A. (2000). Decades ahead of her time: advancing stakeholder theory through the ideas of Mary Parker Follett. Journal of Management History, 6(5), 224-242. google scholar
  • Sebenius, J. K. (2013). What Roger Fisher got profoundly right: Five enduring lessons for negotiators. Negotiation Journal, 29(2), 159-169. google scholar
  • Simms, M. (2009). Insights from a management prophet: Mary Parker Follett on social entrepreneurship. Business and Society Review, 114(3), 349-363. google scholar
  • Smith, A. (1776). The Wealth of Nations. New York: The Modern Library. google scholar
  • Tonn, J. C. (2003). Mary P. Follett Creating Democracy, Transforming Management. London: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Weick, K. E. (1979). Cognitive processes in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior, google scholar
Year 2022, , 89 - 123, 30.12.2022



  • Ağlargöz, O. (2018). Mary Parker Follett’ın yönetim düşüncesi. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 51(1), 1-26. Argyris, C. (1977). Double Loop Learning in Organizations. Harvard Business Review, 55(5), 115-125. Bachofen, J. J. (1967). Myth, Religion, and Mother Rright, trans. Ralph Manheim. Princeton: Princeton UP. google scholar
  • Bachofen, J. J. [1861] 2006. Mother Right: An Investigation of the Religious and Juridical Character of Matriarchy in the Ancient World, Translated by David Partenheimer. Newyork: The Edwin Mellen Press. google scholar
  • Baransel, A., (1993). Çağdaş Yönetim Düşüncesinin Evrimi. İstanbul: İ. Ü. İşletme Fakültesi Yayını No: 257. google scholar
  • Barnard, C. (1938; 1968 [30th anniversary edition]). The Functions of the Executive. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Baum, J. A. (2005). Companion to Organizations, The Blackwell companion to organizations, Oxford: Blackwell Business. google scholar
  • Bebel, A. (1910). Woman and Socialism, trans. Meta L. Stern, (HEBE). Newyork: Socialist Literature Co. google scholar
  • Bennis, W. (1995). The Essentials of Leadership in P. Graham (Ed.). Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of Management:163-177. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Berber, A. (2013). Klasik Yönetim Düşüncesi: Geleneksel ve Klasik Paradigmalarla Klasik ve Neo-klasik Örgüt Teorileri. İstanbul: Alfa. google scholar
  • Berktay, F. (2010). Tarihin Cinsiyeti. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. google scholar
  • Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2001). Where’s the power in empowerment? Answers from Follett and Clegg. Journal of Applied Behavior Science, 37(1), 90-117. google scholar
  • Child, J. (1995). Commentary on Follett: Constructive Conflict. In P. Graham (Ed.), Mary Parker Follett, prophet of management: A celebration of writings from the 1920s (pp. 87-95). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Coase, R. (1937). The Nature of the firm. Economica 4 (November) 386 - 405. google scholar
  • Cooperrider, D. L., & Srivastva, S. (1987). Appreciative inquiry in organizational life. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 1, 129-169. google scholar
  • Cooperrider, D. L., & Whitney, D. (1999). Appreciative Iınquiry. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. google scholar
  • Cooperrider, D. L., & Whitney, D. (2005). Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. google scholar
  • Drucker, P. F. (1995). Introduction, Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of Management. In P. Graham (Ed.), Mary Parker Follett, Prophet of Management: A Celebration of Writings from the 1920s (pp. 1-9). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Engels F. (1978). Ailenin, Özel Mülkiyetin ve Devletin Kökeni, Ankara: Sol Yayınları. google scholar
  • Enomoto, T. (1995). The individual in the group. In P. Graham (Ed.). Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of Management: 240-246. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Eylon, D. (1998). Understanding empowerment and resolving its paradox: Lessons from Mary Parker Follett. Journal of Management History, 4(1), 16-28. google scholar
  • Fayol, H. (1988). General and Industrial Management. London: Pitman. google scholar
  • Fisher, R., Ury, W. L., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving in. Newyork: Penguin Groups. google scholar
  • Fişek, K. (2015). Yönetim. Ankara: SBF Yayınları. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1896). The Speaker of the House of Representatives. London and Bombay: Longmans, Green, and Company. google scholar
  • Follett, M. (1918). The New State, Group Organization and the Solution of Popular Government. New York: David McKay Co. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1919). Community is a process. The Philosophical Review, 28(6), 576-588. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1923). Haldane Introduction to the New State. USA: Longmans, Green and Co. google scholar
  • Follett, M.P. (1924). Creative Experience. New York: Longmans, Green Co. google scholar
  • Follett, M Parker (1925). The Law of the Situation. New York: Longmans. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1928). The Teacher-Student Relation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 15(1), 1970, 137-48. google scholar
  • Follett, M. P. (1949). Freedom and Coordination: Lectures in Business Organization. Garland, New York. google scholar
  • Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic Management: a Stakeholder Approach. Boston, MA: Pitman. google scholar
  • Freeman, R. E., & Evan, M. (1990). Corporate governance: A stakeholder interpretation. The Journal of Behavioral Economics, 19, 337-359. google scholar
  • Gergen, K. (1982). Toward Transformation in Social Knowledge. New York: Springer. google scholar
  • Gerzema, J., & D’Antonio, M. (2013). The Athena Doctrine: How Women and the Men (Who Think Like Them) will Rule the Future. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. google scholar
  • Gibson, J. W., & Deem, J. (2016). Leadership lessons from the past: Examining the work of Mary Parker Follett and Lillian Gilbreth. International Leadership Journal, 8(1), 3-26. google scholar
  • Graham, P. (Ed.). (1995). Mary Parker Follett, Prophet of Management: A Celebration of Writings from the 1920s. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Hawking, S. W. (1988). A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes. London: Bantam Press. google scholar
  • Hawking, S., & Mlodinow, L. (2010). Grand Design. Newyork: Bantam Books. google scholar
  • Héon, F., Damart, S., & Nelson, L. (2017). Mary Parker Follett: Change in the paradigm of integration. İçinde D. Szabla, W. Pasmore, M. Barnes ve A. Gibson (Eds). The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, pp.1-22. HAL: Post-Print hal-01629684. google scholar
  • Juran, J. (1995). Managerial Breakthrough: The Classic Book on Improving Management Performance. New York: McGraw-Hill. google scholar
  • Kanter, R. M. (1985), Drucker: the Unsolved Puzzle. New Management, 2(1), 10-13. google scholar
  • Kanter, R. M. (1995). Preface. In P. Graham (Ed.), Mary Parker Follett, prophet of management: a celebration of writings from the 1920s (pp. xiii-xxix). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. google scholar
  • Kolb, D. A. (2014). Foundational scholars of experiential learning [PowerPoint slides]. Presented at the Power of Words, the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia. google scholar
  • Koçel, T. (2010). İşletme Yöneticiliği, 12. basım. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş. google scholar
  • Machiavelli, N. (1993). Prince. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions. google scholar
  • Matten, D., & Crane, A. (2005). Corporate citizenship: Toward an extended theoretical conceptualization. Academy of Management Review, 30, 166-179. google scholar
  • Mcgrath, J., & Bates, B. (2017). The Little Book of Big Management Theories and how to use them. Harlow UK.: Pearson. google scholar
  • McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise, New York, McGraw-Hill. google scholar
  • McLarney, C., & Rhyno, S. (1999). Mary Parker Follett: visionary leadership and strategic management. Women in Management Review, 14(7), 292-304. google scholar
  • Melé, D., & Rosanas, J. M. (2003). Power, freedom and authority in management: Mary Parker Follett’s ‘power-with’. Philosophy of Management, 3(2), 35-46. google scholar
  • Mendenhall, M. E., Macomber, J. H., & Cutright, M. (2000). Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of chaos and complexity. Journal of Management History, 6, 191-204. google scholar
  • Metcalf, H. C., & Urwick, L. (Eds). (1942). Dynamic Administration: The Collected papers of Mary Parker Follett. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers. google scholar
  • Monin, N., & Bathurst, R. (2008). Mary Parker Follett on the leadership of everyman. Ephemeratheory &Politics in Organization, 8(4), 447-461. google scholar
  • Morgan, L. H., (1969, II). Ancient Society. New York: Meridian Books. google scholar
  • Newman, M. A., & Guy, M. E. (1998). Taylor’s triangle, Follett’s web. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 20(3), 287-297. google scholar
  • Nohrıa, N., (1995), “The Basis ofAuthority 141 Commentary Mary Parker Follett’s View on Power, the Giving of Orders, and Authority: An Alternative to Hierarchy or a Utopian Ideology?”, In P. Graham (Ed.), Mary Parker Follett, prophet of management: a celebration of writings from the 1920s, (pp. 141-162). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.141-162. google scholar
  • Parker, L. D. (1984). Control in organizational life: The contribution of Mary Parker Follett. Academy ofManagement Review, 9(4), 736-745. google scholar
  • Phipps, S. T. A. (2011). Mary, Mary, quite contrary. In a male-dominated field, women contributed by bringing a touch of spirituality to early management theory and practice. Journal of Management History, 17, 270-281. google scholar
  • Ryan, L., & Rutherford, M. (2000). Mary Parker Follett: Individidualist, collectivist? Or both? Journal of Management History, 6(5), 207-223. google scholar
  • Scherer, A., & Palazzo, G. (2007). Toward a political conception of corporate responsibility: Business and society seen from a Habermasian perspective. Academy of Management Review, 32, 1096- 1120. google scholar
  • Scherer, A., & Palazzo, G. (2011). The new political role of business in a globalized world: A review of a new perspective on CSR and its implications for the firm, governance and democracy. Journal of Management Studies, 48, 899-901. google scholar
  • Schilling, M. A. (2000). Decades ahead of her time: advancing stakeholder theory through the ideas of Mary Parker Follett. Journal of Management History, 6(5), 224-242. google scholar
  • Sebenius, J. K. (2013). What Roger Fisher got profoundly right: Five enduring lessons for negotiators. Negotiation Journal, 29(2), 159-169. google scholar
  • Simms, M. (2009). Insights from a management prophet: Mary Parker Follett on social entrepreneurship. Business and Society Review, 114(3), 349-363. google scholar
  • Smith, A. (1776). The Wealth of Nations. New York: The Modern Library. google scholar
  • Tonn, J. C. (2003). Mary P. Follett Creating Democracy, Transforming Management. London: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Weick, K. E. (1979). Cognitive processes in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior, google scholar
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Nurcan Akbaş 0000-0002-6871-6449

Bahar Taner 0000-0002-4169-6716

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date March 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Akbaş, N., & Taner, B. (2022). Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future. Istanbul Management Journal(93), 89-123.
AMA Akbaş N, Taner B. Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future. Istanbul Management Journal. December 2022;(93):89-123. doi:10.26650/imj.2022.93.005
Chicago Akbaş, Nurcan, and Bahar Taner. “Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93 (December 2022): 89-123.
EndNote Akbaş N, Taner B (December 1, 2022) Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future. Istanbul Management Journal 93 89–123.
IEEE N. Akbaş and B. Taner, “Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future”, Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93, pp. 89–123, December 2022, doi: 10.26650/imj.2022.93.005.
ISNAD Akbaş, Nurcan - Taner, Bahar. “Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future”. Istanbul Management Journal 93 (December 2022), 89-123.
JAMA Akbaş N, Taner B. Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future. Istanbul Management Journal. 2022;:89–123.
MLA Akbaş, Nurcan and Bahar Taner. “Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93, 2022, pp. 89-123, doi:10.26650/imj.2022.93.005.
Vancouver Akbaş N, Taner B. Mary Parker Follett’s Footprints in the Management Principles of Today and the Future. Istanbul Management Journal. 2022(93):89-123.