The Effect of Paternalistic Leadership Perception on Knowledge-Sharing Behavior in the Context of Social Exchange Theory
Year 2023,
, 38 - 52, 26.12.2023
Hande Ulukapı Yılmaz
Building upon social exchange theory, this study addresses the following questions: “Is leadership one of the premises of knowledgesharing behavior?” and “Do paternalistic leaders influence employees’ knowledge-sharing behaviors within the organization?” The study aimed to determine the effect of employee perceptions of paternalistic leadership on knowledge-sharing behaviors. For this purpose, data were collected from 376 private sector employees using the survey method. The data were analyzed using SPSS 29 and AMOS 24. According to the findings, the perception of moral leadership has a positive and statistically significant effect on knowledge-donating and knowledge-collecting behavior. Furthermore, while the perception of authoritarian leadership has a positive and statistically significant effect on knowledge-donating behavior, it was determined that the perception of benevolent leadership does not have a statistically significant effect on knowledge-collecting behavior and knowledge-donating, and the perception of authoritarian leadership does not have a statistically significant effect on knowledge-collecting behavior. These results contribute to the literature and present a ground for discussion among researchers in subsequent studies.
JEL Classification : M10 , D83
Ethical Statement
With the decision of KTO Karatay University Human Research Ethics Committee dated 6.3.2023 and numbered 55433, the data collection tool was proven to be suitable for scientific research and publication ethics. Within the scope of the study, scientific research and ethical rules were adhered to.
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