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Year 2021, , 1 - 24, 29.12.2021


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Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital

Year 2021, , 1 - 24, 29.12.2021


Previous studies carried out within the scope of positive psychology reveal that happiness have been related to workplace productivity and the performance of the employees. To widen this insight, this study analyzes the relation between the workplace happiness level of the employees and the psychological capital and also workplace environment variables such as role ambiguity, role conflict, the characteristics of the job, workload, and supervisor support. According to the study results, psychological capital, job characteristics and supervisor support affect the employees’ workplace happiness significantly and positively whereas role ambiguity and role conflict affect them negatively. On the other hand, it is determined that psychological capital has a moderating effect on the relationship between role ambiguity, job characteristics, and supervisor support, and workplace happiness.

Project Number



  • Anttonen, H., & Rasanen, T. (2008). Well-being at Work-New Innovations and Good Practices. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki. google scholar
  • Aselage, J., & Eisenberger, R. (2003). Perceived organizational support and psychological contracts:A theorical integration. journa of organizational behavior, 24, 491-509. google scholar
  • Avey, J., Luthans, F., Smith, R., & Palmer, N. (2010). Impact of positif psychologycal capital on employee well-being over time. Journal of Occupational Helath Psychology, 15(1), 17-28. google scholar
  • Babin BJ, Boles JS. (1996). The effects of perceived co-worker involvement and supervisor support on service provider role stress, performance, and job satisfaction. Journal of Retail;72(1):57-75. google scholar
  • Bakker, A.B., Demerouti, E. (2007). The job demands-resources model: state of the art. J. Manage. Psychol. 22 (3), 309-328. google scholar
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-Efficacy:The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman. google scholar
  • Bauer, T.N.; Green, S. (1996) “Development Of Leader-Member Exchange: L” From İdeal To Real: A Longitudinal Study Of The Role Of İmplicit Leadership Theories On Leader-Member Exchanges And Employee Outcomes”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 2005, p. 659-676. google scholar
  • Beal III, L., Stavros, J. M., ve Cole, M. L. (2013). Effect of psychological capital and resistance to change on organizational citizenship behavior. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 39(2), 01-11. google scholar
  • Blau, P. (1964). Exchange and power in social life. NewYork: John Wiley. google scholar
  • Bolino, M. C., Turnley, W. H. (2005). The personal costs of citizenship behavior: The relationship between individual initiative and role overload, job stress, and work-family conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 740-748. google scholar
  • Bowling, N. A., & Eschleman, K. J. (2010). A meta- analytic examination of the relationship between job satisfaction and subjective well-being. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 83(4), 915-934. google scholar
  • Briner, R. (2000). Relationship between work environments, psychological environments and psychological well-being. Occupational Medicine, 50, 299-303. google scholar
  • Brown, S. P., Jones, E., ve Leigh, T. W. (2005). The attenuating effect of role overload in relationships linking self-efficacy and goal level to work performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(5): 972-979. google scholar
  • Budıe, B., Appel-Meulenbroek, R., Kemperman, A., Weıjs-Perree, M. (2019). Employee Satısfactıon Wıth The Physıcal Work Envıronment: The Importance Of A Need-Based Approach, International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 23(1), 36-49 google scholar
  • Carver, C., & Scheier, M. (2003). Optimism. S. Lopez, & C. (. Snyder içinde, Positive psychological assesment: A handbook of models and measures. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. google scholar
  • Chang, E., & Hancock, K. (2003). Role stress and role ambiguity in new nursing graduates in Australia. Nursing and Health Sciences, 5, 155-163. google scholar
  • Chawla, S., ve Sharma, R. R. (2019). Enhancing Women’s well-being: The role of psychological capital and perceived gender equity, with social support as a moderator and commitment as a mediator. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1377. google scholar
  • Choi, H, ve Kim, MJ. (2010). Comparing adolescents’ adjustment and family resilience in divorced families depending on the types of primary caregiver. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 1695-1706. google scholar
  • Conway, J. M., & Lance, C. E. (2010). What reviewers should expect from authors regarding common method bias in organizational research. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(3), 325-334. google scholar
  • Cöte, S. (2014). Emotional intelligence in organizations. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1(1), 459-488. google scholar
  • Cöte, S., DeCelles, K. A., McCarthy, J. M., Van Kleef, G. A., & Hideg, I. (2011). The Jekyll and Hyde of emotional intelligence: Emotion-regulation knowledge facilitates both prosocial and interpersonally deviant behavior. Psychological science, 22(8), 1073-1080. google scholar
  • Culbertson, S., Fullagar, C., & Mills, M. (2010). Feeling Good and doing great:The relationship between psychological capital and well-being. Journal of occupational health psychology, 15(5), 421-433. google scholar
  • De Been, I., ve Beijer, M. (2014). The influence of office type on satisfaction and perceived productivity. Journal of Facilities Management, 12(2), 142-157. google scholar
  • De Jonge, J., Dormann, C., Jahnssen, P., Dollard, M., & Nijhuis, F. (2001). Testing reciprocal relationship between job characteristics and psychological well-being: A cross lagged structural equation model. Journal of organizational psychology, 74, 29-46. google scholar
  • Deluga, R.J. (1994) Supervisor Trust Building, Leader-Member Exchange And Organizational Citizenship Behaviour”, Journal Of Occupational And Organizational Psychology, 67, p. 315-326. google scholar
  • Diener, E. (1994). Assessing Subjective Well-being: Progress and Opportunities. Social Indicators Research, 103-157.. google scholar
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  • Eisenberger, R., Stinglhamber, F., Vandenberghe, C., Sucharski, I., & Rhoades, L. (2002). perceived supervisor support:contrubutions to perceived organizational support and employee retention. Journal of applied psychology, 87(3), 565-573. google scholar
  • Epitropaki, O.; Martin, R. (2005) “From İdeal To Real: A Longitudinal Study Of The Role Of İmplicit Leadership Theories On Leader-Member Exchanges And Employee Outcomes”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 2005, p. 659-676 google scholar
  • Erdogan, B., Bauer, T.N., Truxillo, D.M. and Mansfield, L.R. (2012), “Whistle while you work a review of the life satisfaction literature”, Journal of Management, Vol. 38 No. 4, pp. 1038-1083. google scholar
  • Erkuş, A. ve Afacan Fındıklı, M. (2010). Psikolojik sermaye ile mesleki ve örgütsel özdeşleşme arasındaki ilişkiler: Meslek yaşamı projesinin aracılık etkisi, 18nci Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 20-22 Mayıs, Adana. google scholar
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There are 98 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Erkuş 0000-0003-3270-7070

Mine Afacan Fındıklı 0000-0003-1021-6641

Project Number yok
Publication Date December 29, 2021
Submission Date May 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Erkuş, A., & Afacan Fındıklı, M. (2021). Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital. Istanbul Management Journal(91), 1-24.
AMA Erkuş A, Afacan Fındıklı M. Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital. Istanbul Management Journal. December 2021;(91):1-24. doi:10.26650/imj.2021.91.001
Chicago Erkuş, Ahmet, and Mine Afacan Fındıklı. “Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 91 (December 2021): 1-24.
EndNote Erkuş A, Afacan Fındıklı M (December 1, 2021) Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital. Istanbul Management Journal 91 1–24.
IEEE A. Erkuş and M. Afacan Fındıklı, “Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital”, Istanbul Management Journal, no. 91, pp. 1–24, December 2021, doi: 10.26650/imj.2021.91.001.
ISNAD Erkuş, Ahmet - Afacan Fındıklı, Mine. “Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital”. Istanbul Management Journal 91 (December 2021), 1-24.
JAMA Erkuş A, Afacan Fındıklı M. Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital. Istanbul Management Journal. 2021;:1–24.
MLA Erkuş, Ahmet and Mine Afacan Fındıklı. “Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 91, 2021, pp. 1-24, doi:10.26650/imj.2021.91.001.
Vancouver Erkuş A, Afacan Fındıklı M. Workplace Happiness: A Research on the Effects of Workplace Environment and Psychological Capital. Istanbul Management Journal. 2021(91):1-24.