Research Article
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Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis

Year 2022, Issue: 93, 39 - 66, 30.12.2022


Crises are disruptive events that represent a threat to the existence of organizations, making the study of leadership a core component of crisis management. Crisis leadership focuses on preparing organizations for and surviving crises, as well as leading thereafter. This comprehensive framework has led to several disciplines addressing crisis leadership. While there is a substantial body of literature on crisis leadership, there is a lack of bibliometric research that compares and contrasts the conceptual characteristics and intellectual patterns of the two most essential management disciplines, business and public administration. To address this gap, bibliometric methods were applied to assess the academic performance and trends, to disclose the variations in intellectual patterns, and to identify the conceptual roots of both domains. In addition to the descriptive study of performance metrics, the analytical results reveal that conceptual foundations vary considerably and are intellectually reflected by variations. The research offers readers with a road map and implications for future research.

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There are 161 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Konuralp Sezgili 0000-0001-6301-1805

Project Number -
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date August 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 93


APA Sezgili, K. (2022). Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis. Istanbul Management Journal(93), 39-66.
AMA Sezgili K. Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis. Istanbul Management Journal. December 2022;(93):39-66. doi:10.26650/imj.2022.93.003
Chicago Sezgili, Konuralp. “Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93 (December 2022): 39-66.
EndNote Sezgili K (December 1, 2022) Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis. Istanbul Management Journal 93 39–66.
IEEE K. Sezgili, “Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis”, Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93, pp. 39–66, December 2022, doi: 10.26650/imj.2022.93.003.
ISNAD Sezgili, Konuralp. “Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Istanbul Management Journal 93 (December 2022), 39-66.
JAMA Sezgili K. Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis. Istanbul Management Journal. 2022;:39–66.
MLA Sezgili, Konuralp. “Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93, 2022, pp. 39-66, doi:10.26650/imj.2022.93.003.
Vancouver Sezgili K. Variations on Crisis Leadership in Business and Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis. Istanbul Management Journal. 2022(93):39-66.