Aim & Scope

İnönü University Faculty of Communication Electronic Journal İNİF E-Journal applies the criterion of objectivity in science based on the standard of universality. İNİF E-Journal, aiming to be published twice a year in May and November, has adopted the principle of contributing to the world of science. 

İnönü University Faculty of Communication academic journal İNİF E-Journal started its publication life in May 2016 and is published twice a year in May and November. All of the articles in İNİF E-Journal are published after the approval of at least two referees. Articles previously published in the journal, accepted for publication, and being evaluated for publication are not accepted. Although the responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author, if a correction is requested from the author, the correction must be made within 1 month at the latest. İNİF E-Journal includes a comprehensive review of scientific studies on a specific subject, articles written in a scientific format that present original research results, and studies prepared on a theoretical level that will contribute to the relevant discipline. İNİF E-Journal; ULAKBİM TR Index is indexed in ASOS Index, SOBIAD, and OpenAIRE indexes.

Period Months
May November