Research Article
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Year 2021, , 286 - 305, 30.11.2021


İletişim dünyasında oluşturulan materyallerin hedef kitle tarafından fark edilmesi, hedef kitlenin bu materyallere bilinçli ve istekli bir şekilde angaje olmaları kritik önem taşımaktadır. Bu noktada; dikkat, odaklanma, meşgul olma, fark etme, hatırlama, bilgi işleme süreçlerine dâhil etme gibi kavramlar iletişim araştırmaları için önde gelen çalışma konuları arasına girmektedir. Sözü geçen bu unsurların hedef kitlelerde tetiklenebilmesi için ise her şeyden önce iletişim materyallerinin hedef kitlenin görsel algı alanı içerisinde yer alması gerekmektedir. Görsel alan içerisinde çeşitli iletişim materyallerine maruz bırakılan alıcılar görsel algı verilerini beyin sinirlerine iletmekte ve burada çeşitli bilişsel süreçler oluşturulmasına zemin oluşturmaktadır. Bu sürecin belirlenebilmesi, detaylı incelenebilmesi içinse en objektif ve güvenilir yöntemlerin başında göz izleme yöntemi gelmektedir. Son zamanlarda psikolojiden pazarlamaya, reklamdan halkla ilişkilere çok çeşitli alanlarda popüler bir araştırma yöntemi haline gelen bu yöntem sayesinde; katılımcıların göz hareketleri, iletişim materyalleri üzerinde odaklandıkları alanlar, dikkat düzeyleri, hatırlama düzeyleri gibi önemli araştırma verilerine ulaşılabilmektedir. Özellikle halkla ilişkiler ve reklamcılıkta görülen yeni yaklaşımlara paralel olarak kullanılan yöntemler de çeşitlenmiş, göz izleme yöntemi de bu yöntemler arasında yerini almıştır. Bu çalışma ile yerli literatürde yeni yeni önem kazanmaya başlamış göz izleme yöntemi hakkında genel bir bakış kazandırılmak hedeflenmiştir. Yöntemin çeşitli kaynaklarda nasıl tanımlandığı, göz izleme yönteminde kullanılan ve araştırma sonuçlarına veri sağlayan ölçüm metrikleri, göz izleme verilerinin nasıl görselleştirildiği, göz izleme yönteminde sabitlenme-tanımlama algoritmaları, göz izleme ve dikkat ilişkisi, göz izleme cihazları ve türleri, göz hareketlerini etkileyen faktörler, tipik bir göz izleme prosedürünün ne olduğu bu kapsamda önem verilen konuların başında yer almaktadır. Ayrıca, yöntemin reklam ve halkla ilişkiler alanında gerçekleştirilmiş örnek çalışmalara ve göz izleme yönteminde kayıp veri, veri kalitesi ve geçerlilik olgusu da son derece önemlidir. Çalışmanın, göz izleme yöntemi ile ilgilenen araştırmacılar için temel bir bilgi kaynağı olması beklenmektedir.


  • Avery, J. E. And Park, s. (2018). HPV vaccination campaign fear visuals: An eye tracking study exploring effects of visual attention and type on message informative value, recall, and behavioral intentions. Public Relations Review, 44, 321-330.
  • Boerman, C. S., van Reijmersdal, A. E. and Neijens, C., P. (2015). Using eye tracking to understand the effects of brand placement disclouse types in television programs. Journal of Advertising, 0(0), 196-207. DOI: 10.1080/00913367.2014.967423
  • Cantoni, V. and Porta, M., Ravarelli, A. (2011). Applying on-line newspaper design principles to e-Learning: An eye-tracking study focused on multimedia. Communication & Cognition, 44, 1-15.
  • Cao, Y., Qu, Q., Duffy, G. V. And Ding, Y. (2019). Attention for web directory advertisements: A top-down or bottom-up process? International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(1), 89-98. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1432162
  • Chae, S. W. and Lee, K. C. (2013). Exploring the effect of the human brand on consumers’ decision quality in online shopping: An eye tracking approach. Online Information Review, 37, 83-100.
  • Davenport, H. T. and Beck, C. J. (2001). The attention economy. Understanding the new currency of business. USA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Duchowski, Andrew T. (2002). A breadth-first survey of eye tracking applications. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 34 (4), 455–470.
  • Duerrschmid, K. and Danner, L. (2018). Eye Tracking in Consumer Research. Methods in Consumer Research, 2, 279-318.
  • Fox. J. R., Krugman, M. D., Fletcher, E. J. and Fischer, M. P. (1998). Adolescents’ attention to beer and cigarette print ads and associated product warnings. Journal of Advertising, 27 (3): 57–68.
  • Gwizdka, J., Zhang, Y. and Dillon, A. (2019). Using the eye tracking method to study consumer online health information search behaviour. Journal of Information Management, 71(6), 739-754. DOI 10.1108/AJIM-02-2019-0050
  • Hervet, G., Guérard, K., Tremblay, S., and Chtourou, M. S. (2011). Is banner blindness genuine? Eye tracking internet text advertising. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 708–716. doi:10.1002/acp.1742
  • Holsanova, J., Holmqvist, K., Rahm, H. (2006). Entry Points and Reading Paths on Newspaper Spreads: Comparing a Semiotic Analysis with eye tracking Measurements. Visual Communications, 5(1), 65-93. /10.1177/1470357206061005
  • Hutton, S. B., and Nolte, S. (2011). The effect of gaze cues on attention to print advertisements. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 887-892.
  • Ju, H. and Johnson, P. K. K. (2010). Fashion advertisiments and young women: Determining visual attention using eye tracking. Clothing&Textiles Reseacrh Journal, 28(3), 159-173. DOI: 10.1177/0887302X09359935
  • King, J. A., Bol, N., Cummins, G. R. And John, K. K. (2019). Improving visual behavior research in communication science: An overview, review, and reporting recommendations for using eye-tracking methods. Communication Methods and Measures, 13(3), 149-177. DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2018.1558194
  • Krugman, M. D., Fox, J. R., Fletcher, E. J., Fischer, M. P. and Rojas, H. T. (1994). Do adolescents attend to warnings in cigaretter advertising? An eye-tracking approach. Journal of Advertising Research, November/December, 39-52.
  • Kumar, N., Maheshwari, V. and Kumar, J. (2016). A comparative study of user experience in online social media branding web pages using eye tracker. International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction. 1-8.
  • Lee, J. and Ahn, J. (2012). Attention to banner ads and their effectiveness: An eye-tracking approach. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 17(1), 119-137. DOI: 10.2753/JEC1086-4415170105
  • Lierle, A. (2017). The view: An eye-tracking study of print advertisements. The Degree of Master of Science. Oklahoma State University.
  • Litfin, T. and Meeh-bunse, G., Luer, K., Teckert, Ö. (2017). Corporate social responsibility reporting-a stakeholder’s perspective approach. Business Systems Research, 8(1), 30-42. DOI: 10.1515/bsrj-2017-0003
  • Maslowska, E., Segijn, M. C., Vakeel, A. K. and Viswanathan, V. (2020). How consumers attend to online reviews: an eye-tracking and network analysis approach. International Journal of Advertising, 39 (2), 282-306.
  • Myers, A. G., Sherman, R. K. and Stark, L. (1991). Eye monitor. microcomputer-based instrument uses an internal model to track the eye. IEEE Computer Magazine, 14-21.
  • Owens, W. J., Chaparro, S. B. and Palmer, M. E. (2011). Text advertising blindness: The new banner blindness? Journal of Usability Studies. 6(3), 172-197.
  • Pozharliev, R., Verbeke, JMI. W. and Bagozzi, P. R. (2017). Social Consumer Neuroscience: Neurophysiological Measures of Advertising Effectiveness in a Social Context. Journal of Advertising, 46(3), 351-362.
  • Resnick, M. and Albert, W. (2014). The impact of advertising location and user task on the emergence of banner ad blindness: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 30(3), 206-219. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2013.847762
  • Rumpf, C. and Breuer, C. (2018). Focus on brand choice: Assessing the behavioral response to sponsorship-linked communication. Journal of Sport Management, 32, 531-541.
  • Salvucci, D. D. and Goldberg, H. J. (2000). Identifying fixations and saccades in eye-tracking protocols. Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium. 71- 78.
  • Santos, dos J. O. de R., Oliveira, de C. H. J., Rocha, B. J. and Giraldi, E. M. de J. (2015). Eye tracking in neuromarketing: A research agenda for marketing studies. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7 (1), 32-42. doi:10.5539/ijps.v7n1p32
  • Schiessl, M., Duda, S., Thölke, A. and Fischer, R. (2003). Eye tracking and its application in usability and media research, MMI-interaktiv Journal, 1-10.
  • Teixeira, T., Wedel, M. and Pieters, R. (2012). Emotion-induced engagement in Internet video advertisements. Journal of Marketing Research, 49, 144-159.
  • Thomsen, S. R. P. D. and Fulton, K. B. A. (2007). Adolescents’ attention to responsibility messages in magazine alcohol advertisements: An eye-tracking approach. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 27-34.
  • Wästlund, E., Shams, P., Löfgren, M., Witell, L. and Gustafsson, A. (2010). Consumer perception at point of purchase: Evaluating proposed package designs in an eye-tracking lab. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research. 5(1), 42-51.
  • Wedel, M. and Pieters, R. (2008) A Review of Eye-Tracking Research in Marketing. In Malhotra, N. (Ed.) Review of Marketing Research, (p. 123-147). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.07.2021).
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20. 07. 2021).
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.07.2021).
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.07.2021).
Year 2021, , 286 - 305, 30.11.2021



  • Avery, J. E. And Park, s. (2018). HPV vaccination campaign fear visuals: An eye tracking study exploring effects of visual attention and type on message informative value, recall, and behavioral intentions. Public Relations Review, 44, 321-330.
  • Boerman, C. S., van Reijmersdal, A. E. and Neijens, C., P. (2015). Using eye tracking to understand the effects of brand placement disclouse types in television programs. Journal of Advertising, 0(0), 196-207. DOI: 10.1080/00913367.2014.967423
  • Cantoni, V. and Porta, M., Ravarelli, A. (2011). Applying on-line newspaper design principles to e-Learning: An eye-tracking study focused on multimedia. Communication & Cognition, 44, 1-15.
  • Cao, Y., Qu, Q., Duffy, G. V. And Ding, Y. (2019). Attention for web directory advertisements: A top-down or bottom-up process? International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(1), 89-98. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1432162
  • Chae, S. W. and Lee, K. C. (2013). Exploring the effect of the human brand on consumers’ decision quality in online shopping: An eye tracking approach. Online Information Review, 37, 83-100.
  • Davenport, H. T. and Beck, C. J. (2001). The attention economy. Understanding the new currency of business. USA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Duchowski, Andrew T. (2002). A breadth-first survey of eye tracking applications. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 34 (4), 455–470.
  • Duerrschmid, K. and Danner, L. (2018). Eye Tracking in Consumer Research. Methods in Consumer Research, 2, 279-318.
  • Fox. J. R., Krugman, M. D., Fletcher, E. J. and Fischer, M. P. (1998). Adolescents’ attention to beer and cigarette print ads and associated product warnings. Journal of Advertising, 27 (3): 57–68.
  • Gwizdka, J., Zhang, Y. and Dillon, A. (2019). Using the eye tracking method to study consumer online health information search behaviour. Journal of Information Management, 71(6), 739-754. DOI 10.1108/AJIM-02-2019-0050
  • Hervet, G., Guérard, K., Tremblay, S., and Chtourou, M. S. (2011). Is banner blindness genuine? Eye tracking internet text advertising. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 708–716. doi:10.1002/acp.1742
  • Holsanova, J., Holmqvist, K., Rahm, H. (2006). Entry Points and Reading Paths on Newspaper Spreads: Comparing a Semiotic Analysis with eye tracking Measurements. Visual Communications, 5(1), 65-93. /10.1177/1470357206061005
  • Hutton, S. B., and Nolte, S. (2011). The effect of gaze cues on attention to print advertisements. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 887-892.
  • Ju, H. and Johnson, P. K. K. (2010). Fashion advertisiments and young women: Determining visual attention using eye tracking. Clothing&Textiles Reseacrh Journal, 28(3), 159-173. DOI: 10.1177/0887302X09359935
  • King, J. A., Bol, N., Cummins, G. R. And John, K. K. (2019). Improving visual behavior research in communication science: An overview, review, and reporting recommendations for using eye-tracking methods. Communication Methods and Measures, 13(3), 149-177. DOI: 10.1080/19312458.2018.1558194
  • Krugman, M. D., Fox, J. R., Fletcher, E. J., Fischer, M. P. and Rojas, H. T. (1994). Do adolescents attend to warnings in cigaretter advertising? An eye-tracking approach. Journal of Advertising Research, November/December, 39-52.
  • Kumar, N., Maheshwari, V. and Kumar, J. (2016). A comparative study of user experience in online social media branding web pages using eye tracker. International Conference on Advances in Human Machine Interaction. 1-8.
  • Lee, J. and Ahn, J. (2012). Attention to banner ads and their effectiveness: An eye-tracking approach. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 17(1), 119-137. DOI: 10.2753/JEC1086-4415170105
  • Lierle, A. (2017). The view: An eye-tracking study of print advertisements. The Degree of Master of Science. Oklahoma State University.
  • Litfin, T. and Meeh-bunse, G., Luer, K., Teckert, Ö. (2017). Corporate social responsibility reporting-a stakeholder’s perspective approach. Business Systems Research, 8(1), 30-42. DOI: 10.1515/bsrj-2017-0003
  • Maslowska, E., Segijn, M. C., Vakeel, A. K. and Viswanathan, V. (2020). How consumers attend to online reviews: an eye-tracking and network analysis approach. International Journal of Advertising, 39 (2), 282-306.
  • Myers, A. G., Sherman, R. K. and Stark, L. (1991). Eye monitor. microcomputer-based instrument uses an internal model to track the eye. IEEE Computer Magazine, 14-21.
  • Owens, W. J., Chaparro, S. B. and Palmer, M. E. (2011). Text advertising blindness: The new banner blindness? Journal of Usability Studies. 6(3), 172-197.
  • Pozharliev, R., Verbeke, JMI. W. and Bagozzi, P. R. (2017). Social Consumer Neuroscience: Neurophysiological Measures of Advertising Effectiveness in a Social Context. Journal of Advertising, 46(3), 351-362.
  • Resnick, M. and Albert, W. (2014). The impact of advertising location and user task on the emergence of banner ad blindness: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 30(3), 206-219. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2013.847762
  • Rumpf, C. and Breuer, C. (2018). Focus on brand choice: Assessing the behavioral response to sponsorship-linked communication. Journal of Sport Management, 32, 531-541.
  • Salvucci, D. D. and Goldberg, H. J. (2000). Identifying fixations and saccades in eye-tracking protocols. Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium. 71- 78.
  • Santos, dos J. O. de R., Oliveira, de C. H. J., Rocha, B. J. and Giraldi, E. M. de J. (2015). Eye tracking in neuromarketing: A research agenda for marketing studies. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7 (1), 32-42. doi:10.5539/ijps.v7n1p32
  • Schiessl, M., Duda, S., Thölke, A. and Fischer, R. (2003). Eye tracking and its application in usability and media research, MMI-interaktiv Journal, 1-10.
  • Teixeira, T., Wedel, M. and Pieters, R. (2012). Emotion-induced engagement in Internet video advertisements. Journal of Marketing Research, 49, 144-159.
  • Thomsen, S. R. P. D. and Fulton, K. B. A. (2007). Adolescents’ attention to responsibility messages in magazine alcohol advertisements: An eye-tracking approach. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, 27-34.
  • Wästlund, E., Shams, P., Löfgren, M., Witell, L. and Gustafsson, A. (2010). Consumer perception at point of purchase: Evaluating proposed package designs in an eye-tracking lab. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research. 5(1), 42-51.
  • Wedel, M. and Pieters, R. (2008) A Review of Eye-Tracking Research in Marketing. In Malhotra, N. (Ed.) Review of Marketing Research, (p. 123-147). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.07.2021).
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20. 07. 2021).
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.07.2021).
  • (Erişim tarihi: 20.07.2021).
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies, Public Relations
Journal Section Makaleler

Döndü Bal 0000-0002-6019-3831

Sevil Bayçu 0000-0003-0865-6007

Publication Date November 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Bal, D., & Bayçu, S. (2021). GÖZ İZLEME YÖNTEMİ: HALKLA İLİŞKİLER VE REKLAMCILIK BAĞLAMINDA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. İnönü Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (İNİF E-Dergi), 6(2), 286-305.