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Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 63 - 74, 30.11.2018



  • Babe, Robert E. (1996). “Paeans to Dallas Smythe”. Journal of Communication. 46 (1). Winter. Pp.: 179-182.Crehan, Kate (2002). Gramsci, Culture and Antropology. London: Pluto Press. Enzensberger, Hans Magnus (1974). The Consciousness Industry. New York: Seabury. Fearn, Gordon, F. N. (1982). “Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness and Canada by Dallas W. Smythe Reviewed Gordon, F. N. Fearn”. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 7 (4). Pp.: 431-434. Garnham, Nicolas (1979). “Contribution to Political Economy of Mass Communication”. Media, Culture and Society. 1(2). Pp.: 123-146. Hamelink, Cees J. (1983). “Emancipation or Domestication Toward a Utopian Science of Communication”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 74-79.Herkman, J. (2014). Media Ownership and Content: Corporation of the Finnish Media in 1990’s. Erişim: 9 Kasım. Jansen, Sue Curry (1983). “Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness, and Canada by Dallas W. Smythe”. Theory and Society. Vol: 12. No: 3. (May). Pp.: 421-426. Katz, Elihu and Lazarsfeld Paul (1995). Personal Influence: the Part Played By the People in the Flow of Mass Communications. Illinois: The Free Press. Kellner, Douglass and Durham, M. (2001). “Adventures in the Media and Cultural Studies: Introducing the Keyworks”. Media and Cultural Studies.: Keyworks. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. Li, Zhenfang (2003). “A Review on the Study of Media Economics”. China-USA Business Review (Journal). August. Volume:2. No: 1. Pp.: 26-32. Mansell, Robin (2004). “Political Economy, Power and New Media”. New Media & Society. 6(1). Pp.:96-105. Meehan, E; Mosco, V and Wasko, J. (1994). “Rethinking Political Economy: Change and Continuity”. Defining Media Studies: Reflections on the Future of the Field. Eds.: M. R. Levy and M. Gurevitch. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp.: 347-358. Melody, William (1993). “Dallas Smythe: A Lifetime at the Frontier of Communications”. Media, Culture and Society. Vol: 15. Pp.: 295-297. Mosco, Vincent (1996). The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal. London: Sage Publications. Murdock, Graham (1978). “Blindspots about Western Marxism: A Reply to Dallas Smythe”. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory. 2(2). Pp.: 109-119. Schiller, Herbert I. (1983). “Critical Research in the Information Age”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 249-257. Shade, Leslie (2009). Political Economy of Communication: Canadian Theorists. Erişim: 2 Ocak. Slack, Jennifer Daryl and Allor, Martin (1983). “The Political and Epistemological Constituents of Critical Communication Research”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 208-2182. Smythe, Dallas and Dihn, Tran Van (1983). “On Critical and Administrative Research: A New Critical Analysis”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 117-127. Smythe, Dallas W. (1981). Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness and Canada. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Smythe, Dallas W. (1977). “Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism”. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory. Volume: 1. No:3. Fall. Pp.: 1-27. Smythe, Dallas W. (1977). “Critique of The Consciousness Industry”. Journal of Communication. Winter. Pp.: 198-202. Smythe, Dallas W. (1960). “On the Political Economy of Communications”. Journalism Quarterly. (Fall). Pp.: 461-475.


Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 63 - 74, 30.11.2018



Bu makalede, Dallas W.
Smythe’nin iletişimin alanına yaptığı katkılar, nitel tarihsel bir yaklaşımla
incelenmiştir. Dallas Smythe iletişim araştırmaları alanında, ana-akım medya
analizlerini eleştiren kuramsal bir açılım yapmıştır. Buna göre, Dallas Smythe,
kitle iletişim alanını ilk defa ekonomi politik bir yaklaşımla incelemiştir. Bu
yaklaşıma göre, kitle iletişim araçlarının yapısal özellikleri ve politikaları
bu kurumların içinde işledikleri kapitalist toplumsal yapı bağlamında
anlaşılabilir. Çünkü iletişimsel kaynakların dağılımı genel maddi kaynakların
dağılımının bir parçasıdır ve  medya
kapitalist üretim ve dağıtım süreçlerinin temel bileşenlerindendir. Amaç, satış
çabasına katkı yaparak kapitalizmi yeniden üretmektir. Smythe’nin Batı
Marksizm’inin kör noktası dediği yaklaşım, kitle iletişim araçlarını sadece
ideolojik aygıtlar olarak görür. Oysa Smythe, geliştirdiği ekonomi politik
yaklaşım aracılığıyla ilk defa medyanın kapitalist ekonomi içerisinde yerine
getirdiği ekonomik işlevi incelemiş ve “emtialaşma” kavramını iletişim
süreçlerine uygulamıştır. Emtialaşmanın sonucu izleyicilerin reklam verenlere satılmasıdır.
Smythe, iktisadi süreçlerin işlemesinde medyanın ekonomik rolünü ve işlevini
görmüş ve kullandığı nitel tarihsel araştırma tekniği ile  bunu ilk defa iletişimsel analizlere dahil


  • Babe, Robert E. (1996). “Paeans to Dallas Smythe”. Journal of Communication. 46 (1). Winter. Pp.: 179-182.Crehan, Kate (2002). Gramsci, Culture and Antropology. London: Pluto Press. Enzensberger, Hans Magnus (1974). The Consciousness Industry. New York: Seabury. Fearn, Gordon, F. N. (1982). “Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness and Canada by Dallas W. Smythe Reviewed Gordon, F. N. Fearn”. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 7 (4). Pp.: 431-434. Garnham, Nicolas (1979). “Contribution to Political Economy of Mass Communication”. Media, Culture and Society. 1(2). Pp.: 123-146. Hamelink, Cees J. (1983). “Emancipation or Domestication Toward a Utopian Science of Communication”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 74-79.Herkman, J. (2014). Media Ownership and Content: Corporation of the Finnish Media in 1990’s. Erişim: 9 Kasım. Jansen, Sue Curry (1983). “Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness, and Canada by Dallas W. Smythe”. Theory and Society. Vol: 12. No: 3. (May). Pp.: 421-426. Katz, Elihu and Lazarsfeld Paul (1995). Personal Influence: the Part Played By the People in the Flow of Mass Communications. Illinois: The Free Press. Kellner, Douglass and Durham, M. (2001). “Adventures in the Media and Cultural Studies: Introducing the Keyworks”. Media and Cultural Studies.: Keyworks. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. Li, Zhenfang (2003). “A Review on the Study of Media Economics”. China-USA Business Review (Journal). August. Volume:2. No: 1. Pp.: 26-32. Mansell, Robin (2004). “Political Economy, Power and New Media”. New Media & Society. 6(1). Pp.:96-105. Meehan, E; Mosco, V and Wasko, J. (1994). “Rethinking Political Economy: Change and Continuity”. Defining Media Studies: Reflections on the Future of the Field. Eds.: M. R. Levy and M. Gurevitch. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp.: 347-358. Melody, William (1993). “Dallas Smythe: A Lifetime at the Frontier of Communications”. Media, Culture and Society. Vol: 15. Pp.: 295-297. Mosco, Vincent (1996). The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal. London: Sage Publications. Murdock, Graham (1978). “Blindspots about Western Marxism: A Reply to Dallas Smythe”. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory. 2(2). Pp.: 109-119. Schiller, Herbert I. (1983). “Critical Research in the Information Age”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 249-257. Shade, Leslie (2009). Political Economy of Communication: Canadian Theorists. Erişim: 2 Ocak. Slack, Jennifer Daryl and Allor, Martin (1983). “The Political and Epistemological Constituents of Critical Communication Research”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 208-2182. Smythe, Dallas and Dihn, Tran Van (1983). “On Critical and Administrative Research: A New Critical Analysis”. Journal of Communication . (Summer). Pp.: 117-127. Smythe, Dallas W. (1981). Dependency Road: Communications, Capitalism, Consciousness and Canada. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Smythe, Dallas W. (1977). “Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism”. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory. Volume: 1. No:3. Fall. Pp.: 1-27. Smythe, Dallas W. (1977). “Critique of The Consciousness Industry”. Journal of Communication. Winter. Pp.: 198-202. Smythe, Dallas W. (1960). “On the Political Economy of Communications”. Journalism Quarterly. (Fall). Pp.: 461-475.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Levent Yaylagül

Publication Date November 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Yaylagül, L. (2018). DALLAS W. SMYTHE’NİN İLETİŞİMİN EKONOMİ POLİTİĞİ ALANINA KATKISI. İnönü Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (İNİF E-Dergi), 3(2), 63-74.