Günümüzde akıllı telefonlar iletişim aracı olarak değil internette gezinmek için de kullanılan ve hayatın vazgeçilmez bir parçası olarak görülen teknolojik bir cihaz olarak tanımlanabilir. Akıllı telefon kullanan bireylerin kas iskelet sitemi açısından nasıl etkilendiğine dair çalışmalara literatürde sıklıkla rastlanmaktadır. Ancak dokunmatik ekran boyutunun değerlendirildiği çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, sağlıklı bireylerde akıllı telefon kullanımının farklı kavrama tipleri (ikili kavrama, üçlü kavrama, lateral kavrama) üzerindeki etkilerinin ekran boyutu açısından incelenmesidir. Farklı boyutlardaki ekranların, kullanıcıların kavrama tipleri üzerinde etkilerini araştırarak ekran boyutu özelliğinin kavrama tipleri üzerinde ne gibi etkileri olabileceğini araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya, en az bir yıldır akıllı telefon kullanan 150 üniversite öğrencisi dahil edildi. Tüm katılımcıların el-el bileği kavrama kuvveti, lateral kavrama kuvveti, ikili kavrama kuvveti ve üçlü kavrama kuvveti ölçümleri yapıldı. Erkeklerin kavrama kuvvetleri ekran boyutundan etkilenmezken kadınlarda ekran boyutunun ikili kavrama ve üçlü kavrama üzerinde etkileri olduğu belirlendi (p<0.05). Akıllı telefon dokunmatik ekran boyutlarının kavrama tiplerini etkileyebileceği görüşündeyiz.
Akurke, S. V. (2018). The Effect of Smartphone Screen Size on Usability and Users’ Discomfort. Lamar University-Beaumont.
Almunawar M.N., Anshari M., Susanto H., Chen, C.K. (2018). How people choose and use their Smartphones. In Management Strategies and Technology Fluidity in the Asian Business Sector, 235-252. IGI Global.
Alshahrani A, Samy Abdrabo M, Aly S.M, Alshahrani M.S., Alqhtani R.S., Asiri F., Ahmad I. (2021) Effect of smartphone usage on neck muscle endurance, hand grip and pinch strength among healthy college students: A cross-sectional study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(12), 6290.
Alqahtani BA, Alenazi A.M., Elnaggar R.K., Alshehri M.M., Alhowimel A., Najmi A.A., Alghadeir M. (2023). Normative values for hand grip and pinch strength for 6 to 18 year-olds in Saudi Arabia. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24(1), 1-8.
Carayannis E.G., Clark S.C., Valvi D.E. (2013). Smartphone affordance: achieving better business through innovation. Journal of the Knowledge Economy,4, 444-472.
Chany A.M., Marras W.S., Burr D.L. (2007). The effect of phone design on upper extremity discomfort and muscle fatigue. Human factors, 49(4), 602-618.
Chen Y.S, Tso-Jen C., Lin C.C. (2016). The analyses of purchasing decisions and brand loyalty for smartphone consumers. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4(7), 108-116.
Dağ F., Erdoğan A.T. (2020). Gender and age differences in absolute and relative handgrip strength of the Turkish population aged 8–27 years. Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation, 39(6), 556-563.
Din S.T., Hafeez N. (2021). Relationship of smartphone addiction with handgrip strength and upper limb disability. Int. Surg. Case Rep, 6, 1-7.
Dunaway J, Soroka S. (2021). Smartphone-size screens constrain cognitive access to video news stories. Information, Communication & Society, 24(1), 69-84.
Ekşioğlu M. (2016). Normative static grip strength of population of Turkey, effects of various factors and a comparison with international norms. Applied ergonomics, 52, 8-17.
İbrahim, E. Y. İ., & Büyükakıncı, B. Y. (2022). Musculoskeletal Dısorders Of Hand In Healthcare Workers: A Cross-Sectıonal Study. Ergonomi, 5(3), 144-152.
Larson C.C, Ye Z. (2017). Development of an updated normative data table for hand grip and pinch strength: A pilot study. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 86, 40-46.
Jais I.S.M., Chan K.L, Loke M.K.A., Rahim S.A., Tay S.C. (2018). Normative data on functional grip strength of elderly in Singapore. Journal of Hand Therapy, 31(1), 122-128.
Jonsson P, Johnson P.W., Hagberg M., Forsman M. (2011). Thumb joint movement and muscular activity during mobile phone texting–A methodological study. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21(2), 363-370.
Kamel D.M., Al Hakeem C., Tantawy S.A. (2020). Influence of hand and smartphone anthropometric measurements on hand pain and discomfort: A cross-sectional study. Medicine, 99(11).
Korhan, O., & ELGHOMATİ, A. (2019). The impact of mobile touch screen device use on musculoskeletal system: A literature review. Ergonomi, 2(3), 137-146.
Lee S., Kyung G., Lee J., Moon S.K., Park K.J. (2016) Grasp and index finger reach zone during one-handed smartphone rear interaction: effects of task type, phone width and hand length. Ergonomics, 59(11), 1462-1472.
Massy-Westropp N.M., Gill T.K., Taylor A.W., Bohannon R.W., Hill C.L. (2011) Hand Grip Strength: age and gender stratified normative data in a population-based study. BMC research notes, 4(1), 1-5.
Osailan A. (2021) The relationship between smartphone usage duration (using smartphone’s ability to monitor screen time) with hand-grip and pinch-grip strength among young people: an observational study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 22, 1-8.
Trudeau M.B., Udtamadilok T., Karlson A.K., Dennerlein J.T. (2012) Thumb motor performance varies by movement orientation, direction, and device size during single-handed mobile phone use. Human factors, 54(1), 52-59.
Tsai T.H., Tseng K.C, Chang Y.S. (2017). Testing the usability of smartphone surface gestures on different sizes of smartphones by different age groups of users. Computers in Human Behavior. 75, 103-116.
Samaan M.N., Elnegmy E.H., Elnahhas A.M., Hendawy A. (2018). Effect of prolonged smartphone use on cervical spine and hand grip strength in adolescence. Int J Multidiscip Res Dev, 5(9), 49-53.
Shim, J.M. (2012). The effect of carpal tunnel changes on smartphone users. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24(12), 1251-1253.
Shousha T.M., Hamada H.A., Abo-Zaid N.A., Abdelsamee M.Y.A., Behiry M.A. (2021). The effect of smartphone use on neck flexion angle and hand grip power among adolescents: Cross-sectional study
Spijkerman D.C., Snijders, C.J., Stijnen T., Lankhorst G.J. (1991). Standardization of grip strength measurements. Effects on repeatability and peak force. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 23(4), 203-206.
Ulcay T., Kamaşak B., Kazım K., Ersan, K., Ahmet, U., Konar N. M. (2021). The effect of hand anthropometric variables on grip strength in grip elite athletes and non-athletes. Turkish journal of sport and exercise, 23(1), 102-110.
Walsh T, Delahunt E, Persson U.M. (2011). Effects of taping on thumb alignment and force application during PA mobilisations. Manual therapy, 16(3), 264-269.
Xiong J, Muraki S. (2016). Effects of age, thumb length and screen size on thumb movement coverage on smartphone touchscreens. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 53, 140-148.
Investigating the Effects of Smartphone Screen Size on Different Grip Types in Healthy Individuals: Screen Size Analysis
Smartphones can be defined as a technological device that is used not only as a means of communication but also for surfing the Internet and is seen as an indispensable part of life. Studies on how individuals using smartphones are affected in terms of musculoskeletal system are frequently encountered in the literature. However, studies evaluating the touch screen size are limited. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of smartphone use on different grip types (dual grip, triple grip, lateral grip) in healthy individuals in terms of screen size. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different sizes of screens on the grip types of the users and what effects the screen size feature can have on grip types. The study included 150 university students who had been using a smartphone for at least a year. Wrist grip strength, lateral grip strength, double grip strength and triple grip strength were measured for all participants. While men's grip strength was not affected by screen size, it was determined that screen size had effects on double grip and triple grip in women. (p<0.05). We are of the opinion that smartphone touchscreen sizes may affect grip types.
Akurke, S. V. (2018). The Effect of Smartphone Screen Size on Usability and Users’ Discomfort. Lamar University-Beaumont.
Almunawar M.N., Anshari M., Susanto H., Chen, C.K. (2018). How people choose and use their Smartphones. In Management Strategies and Technology Fluidity in the Asian Business Sector, 235-252. IGI Global.
Alshahrani A, Samy Abdrabo M, Aly S.M, Alshahrani M.S., Alqhtani R.S., Asiri F., Ahmad I. (2021) Effect of smartphone usage on neck muscle endurance, hand grip and pinch strength among healthy college students: A cross-sectional study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(12), 6290.
Alqahtani BA, Alenazi A.M., Elnaggar R.K., Alshehri M.M., Alhowimel A., Najmi A.A., Alghadeir M. (2023). Normative values for hand grip and pinch strength for 6 to 18 year-olds in Saudi Arabia. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24(1), 1-8.
Carayannis E.G., Clark S.C., Valvi D.E. (2013). Smartphone affordance: achieving better business through innovation. Journal of the Knowledge Economy,4, 444-472.
Chany A.M., Marras W.S., Burr D.L. (2007). The effect of phone design on upper extremity discomfort and muscle fatigue. Human factors, 49(4), 602-618.
Chen Y.S, Tso-Jen C., Lin C.C. (2016). The analyses of purchasing decisions and brand loyalty for smartphone consumers. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4(7), 108-116.
Dağ F., Erdoğan A.T. (2020). Gender and age differences in absolute and relative handgrip strength of the Turkish population aged 8–27 years. Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation, 39(6), 556-563.
Din S.T., Hafeez N. (2021). Relationship of smartphone addiction with handgrip strength and upper limb disability. Int. Surg. Case Rep, 6, 1-7.
Dunaway J, Soroka S. (2021). Smartphone-size screens constrain cognitive access to video news stories. Information, Communication & Society, 24(1), 69-84.
Ekşioğlu M. (2016). Normative static grip strength of population of Turkey, effects of various factors and a comparison with international norms. Applied ergonomics, 52, 8-17.
İbrahim, E. Y. İ., & Büyükakıncı, B. Y. (2022). Musculoskeletal Dısorders Of Hand In Healthcare Workers: A Cross-Sectıonal Study. Ergonomi, 5(3), 144-152.
Larson C.C, Ye Z. (2017). Development of an updated normative data table for hand grip and pinch strength: A pilot study. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 86, 40-46.
Jais I.S.M., Chan K.L, Loke M.K.A., Rahim S.A., Tay S.C. (2018). Normative data on functional grip strength of elderly in Singapore. Journal of Hand Therapy, 31(1), 122-128.
Jonsson P, Johnson P.W., Hagberg M., Forsman M. (2011). Thumb joint movement and muscular activity during mobile phone texting–A methodological study. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21(2), 363-370.
Kamel D.M., Al Hakeem C., Tantawy S.A. (2020). Influence of hand and smartphone anthropometric measurements on hand pain and discomfort: A cross-sectional study. Medicine, 99(11).
Korhan, O., & ELGHOMATİ, A. (2019). The impact of mobile touch screen device use on musculoskeletal system: A literature review. Ergonomi, 2(3), 137-146.
Lee S., Kyung G., Lee J., Moon S.K., Park K.J. (2016) Grasp and index finger reach zone during one-handed smartphone rear interaction: effects of task type, phone width and hand length. Ergonomics, 59(11), 1462-1472.
Massy-Westropp N.M., Gill T.K., Taylor A.W., Bohannon R.W., Hill C.L. (2011) Hand Grip Strength: age and gender stratified normative data in a population-based study. BMC research notes, 4(1), 1-5.
Osailan A. (2021) The relationship between smartphone usage duration (using smartphone’s ability to monitor screen time) with hand-grip and pinch-grip strength among young people: an observational study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 22, 1-8.
Trudeau M.B., Udtamadilok T., Karlson A.K., Dennerlein J.T. (2012) Thumb motor performance varies by movement orientation, direction, and device size during single-handed mobile phone use. Human factors, 54(1), 52-59.
Tsai T.H., Tseng K.C, Chang Y.S. (2017). Testing the usability of smartphone surface gestures on different sizes of smartphones by different age groups of users. Computers in Human Behavior. 75, 103-116.
Samaan M.N., Elnegmy E.H., Elnahhas A.M., Hendawy A. (2018). Effect of prolonged smartphone use on cervical spine and hand grip strength in adolescence. Int J Multidiscip Res Dev, 5(9), 49-53.
Shim, J.M. (2012). The effect of carpal tunnel changes on smartphone users. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24(12), 1251-1253.
Shousha T.M., Hamada H.A., Abo-Zaid N.A., Abdelsamee M.Y.A., Behiry M.A. (2021). The effect of smartphone use on neck flexion angle and hand grip power among adolescents: Cross-sectional study
Spijkerman D.C., Snijders, C.J., Stijnen T., Lankhorst G.J. (1991). Standardization of grip strength measurements. Effects on repeatability and peak force. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 23(4), 203-206.
Ulcay T., Kamaşak B., Kazım K., Ersan, K., Ahmet, U., Konar N. M. (2021). The effect of hand anthropometric variables on grip strength in grip elite athletes and non-athletes. Turkish journal of sport and exercise, 23(1), 102-110.
Walsh T, Delahunt E, Persson U.M. (2011). Effects of taping on thumb alignment and force application during PA mobilisations. Manual therapy, 16(3), 264-269.
Xiong J, Muraki S. (2016). Effects of age, thumb length and screen size on thumb movement coverage on smartphone touchscreens. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 53, 140-148.
Çınar, M. A., Atbasi, Z., Gönen, T., Bayramlar, K., et al. (2024). SAĞLIKLI BİREYLERDE AKILLI TELEFON EKRAN BOYUTUNUN FARKLI KAVRAMA TİPLERİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ: EKRAN BOYUT ANALİZİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 12(1), 239-248. https://doi.org/10.33715/inonusaglik.1391556