Acrylamide is considered in the group of chemicals of which the doses that toxic effects on humans can be observed are not known exactly. This group of chemicals, including acrylamide, can pose health risks even at very low concentrations and cannot be considered completely harmless. Abundant acrylamide is formed as a result of frying and baking foods at high temperatures, and people who consume these foods are exposed to certain amounts of acrylamide every day. Pregnant women are also exposed to foodborne acrylamide throughout pregnancy, and their babies are likely to be affected from it. The fact that the developing brain is more sensitive to various chemicals and the reports that acrylamide is toxic to brain development and may impair the development of learning function make acrylamide taken with food during pregnancy even more important and cause serious concern. In recent studies, demonstrating the connection between enteric microbiota and brain function, it has been shown that supplementation of non-digestible oligosaccharides during pregnancy positively affects human health through stimulation of beneficial microbiota. In order to protect the offspring of pregnant women from the toxic effects of acrylamide on the fetus during pregnancy and cognitive dysfunctions that may occur after pregnancy we recommend them; to avoid acrylamide-rich fried and baked foods as much as possible, to take the antioxidants which can easily cross the placenta and blood-brain barrier and significantly reduce the fetotoxic effects of acrylamide such as vitamin E at a sufficient level on a daily basis, and to apply methods that significantly reduce the formation of acrylamide in foods while preparing their own food.
Allam, A., El-Ghareeb, A. A., Abdul-Hamid, M., Baikry, A., Sabri, M. I. (2011). Prenatal And Perinatal Acrylamide Disrupts The Development Of Cerebellum İn Rat: Biochemical And Morphological Studies. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 27(4), 291–306.
Annola, K., Karttunen, V., Keski-Rahkonen, P., Myllynen, P., Segerbäck, D., Heinonen, S., Vähäkangas, K. (2008). Transplacental Transfer Of Acrylamide And Glycidamide Are Comparable To That Of Antipyrine İn Perfused Human Placenta. Toxicology Letters, 182(1-3), 50–56.
Becalski, A., Lau, B. P.-Y., Lewis, D., Seaman, S. W. (2003). Acrylamide İn Foods: Occurrence, Sources, and Modeling. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51(3), 802–808.
Biedermann, M., Grob, K. (2003). Model Studies on Acrylamide Formation İn Potato, Wheat Flour and Corn Starch; Ways to Reduce Acrylamide Contents İn Bakery Ware. Mitteilungen Aus Lebensmitteluntersuchung Und Hygiene, 94(5), 406–422.
Blasiak, J., Gloc, E., Wozniak, K., Czechowska, A. (2004). Genotoxicity of Acrylamide İn Human Lymphocytes. Chemico-Biological İnteractions, 149(2-3), 137–149.
Collins, J. J., Swaen, G. M., Marsh, G. M., Utidjian, H. M. D., Caporossi, J. C., Lucas, L. J. (1989). Mortality Patterns Among Workers Exposed To Acrylamide. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 31(7), 614–617.
Dearfield, K. L., Abernathy, C. O., Ottley, M. S., Brantner, J. H., Hayes, P. F. (1988). Acrylamide: İts Metabolism, Developmental and Reproductive Effects, Genotoxicity, and Carcinogenicity. Mutation Research/Reviews İn Genetic Toxicology, 195(1), 45–77.
Duarte-Salles, T., Von Stedingk, H., Granum, B., Gützkow, K. B., Rydberg, P., Törnqvist, M., …Meltzer, H. M. (2013). Dietary Acrylamide İntake During Pregnancy And Fetal Growth—Results From The Norwegian Mother And Child Cohort Study (Moba). Environmental Health Perspectives, 121(3), 374–379.
El-Sayyad, H. I., Abou-Egla, M. H., El-Sayyad, F. I., El-Ghawet, H. A., Gaur, R. L., Fernando, A., …Ouhtit, A. (2011). Effects of Fried Potato Chip Supplementation On Mouse Pregnancy And Fetal Development. Nutrition, 27(3), 343–350.
Erdemli, M. E., Turkoz, Y., Altinoz, E., Elibol, E., Dogan, Z. (2016). Investigation of the Effects of Acrylamide Applied During Pregnancy on Fetal Brain Development İn Rats and Protective Role of the Vitamin E. Human & Experimental Toxicology, 35(12), 1337–1344.
Erdemli M. E., Erdemli Z., Turkoz Y., Bag H. G., Selamoglu Z. (2019). The effects of acrylamide and vitamin E administration during pregnancy on adults’ ovarian tissue: An experimental study. Annals of Medical Research, 26(9), 1856-60.
Friedman, M. A., Dulak, L. H., Stedham, M. A. (1995). A Lifetime Oncogenicity Study İn Rats With Acrylamide. Toxicological Sciences, 27(1), 95–105.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAOUN/WHO). (2002). Summary and Conclusion. 15 Eylül 2019 tarihinde Availableathttp://Www.Who.İnt/Fsf/Acrylamide/Summaryreportfinal.Pdt adresinden erişildi.
Garey, J., Paule, M. G. (2010). Effects of Chronic Oral Acrylamide Exposure on İncremental Repeated Acquisition (Learning) Task Performance İn Fischer 344 Rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 32(2), 220–225.
Gertz, C., Klostermann, S. (2002). Analysis of Acrylamide and Mechanisms of Its Formation in Deep-Fried Products. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 104(11), 762–771.
Ghanayem, B. I., Mcdaniel, L. P., Churchwell, M. I., Twaddle, N. C., Snyder, R., Fennell, T. R., Doerge, D. R. (2005). Role Of CYP2E1 in the Epoxidation of Acrylamide to Glycidamide and Formation of DNA and Hemoglobin Adducts. Toxicological Sciences, 88(2), 311–318.
Jaegerstad, M., Skog, K. (2005). Genotoxicity of Heat-Processed Foods. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 574(1-2), 156–172.
Kadawathagedara, M., Tong, A. C. H., Heude, B., Forhan, A., Charles, M.-A., Sirot, V., …the EDEN Mother-Child Cohort Study Group. (2016). Dietary Acrylamide İntake during Pregnancy and Anthropometry at Birth in the French EDEN Mother-Child Cohort Study. Environmental Research, 149, 189-196.
Krishna, G. (2015). Inulin Supplementation during Gestation Mitigates Acrylamide-İnduced Maternal and Fetal Brain Oxidative Dysfunctions and Neurotoxicity İn Rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 49, 49–58.
Krishna, G., Divyashri, G., Prapulla, S. G. (2015). A Combination Supplement of Fructo-and Xylo-Oligosaccharides Significantly Abrogates Oxidative İmpairments and Neurotoxicity in Maternal/Fetal Milieu Following Gestational Exposure to Acrylamide in Rat. Neurochemical Research, 40(9), 1904–1918.
Lingnert, H., Grivas, S., Jägerstad, M., Skog, K., Törnqvist, M., Aaman, P. (2002). Acrylamide İn Food: Mechanisms of Formation and İnfluencing Factors during Heating of Foods. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, 46(4), 159–172.
Marques, T. M., Cryan, J. F., Shanahan, F., Fitzgerald, G. F., Ross, R. P., Dinan, T. G., Stanton, C. (2014). Gut Microbiota Modulation and İmplications for Host Health: Dietary Strategies to İnfluence the Gut–Brain Axis. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 22, 239–247.
Midland, A. (2002). Overview of Acrylamide Toxicity and Metabolism. JIFSAN/NCFST Workshop on Acrylamide İn Food Toxicology and Metabolic Consequences Working Group, 1–35.
Ogawa, B., Wang, L., Ohishi, T., Taniai, E., Akane, H., Suzuki, K., …Shibutani, M. (2012). Reversible Aberration of Neurogenesis Targeting Late-Stage Progenitor Cells in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus of Rat Offspring after Maternal Exposure to Acrylamide. Archives of Toxicology, 86(5), 779–790.
Ölmez, H., Tuncay, F., Özcan, N., Demirel, S. (2008). A Survey of Acrylamide Levels in Foods from the Turkish Market. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21(7), 564–568.
Pedersen, M., Von Stedingk, H., Botsivali, M., Agramunt, S., Alexander, J., Brunborg, G., …Granum, B. (2012). Birth Weight, Head Circumference, and Prenatal Exposure to Acrylamide from Maternal Diet: The European Prospective Mother–Child Study (Newgeneris). Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(12), 1739–1745.
Rosén, J. ve Hellenäs, K.-E. (2002). Analysis of Acrylamide in Cooked Foods by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analyst, 127(7), 880–882.
Stadler, R. H., Blank, I., Varga, N., Robert, F., Hau, J., Guy, P. A., …Riediker, S. (2002). Acrylamide from Maillard Reaction Products. Nature, 419(6906), 449–450.
The Action Plans for Acrylamide İn Food. (2002). U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Thonning Olesen, P., Olsen, A., Frandsen, H., Frederiksen, K., Overvad, K., Tjønneland, A. (2008). Acrylamide Exposure and İncidence of Breast Cancer among Postmenopausal Women in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Study. International Journal of Cancer, 122(9), 2094–2100.
Yang, H.-J., Lee, S.-H., Jin, Y., Choi, J.-H., Han, D.-U., Chae, C., …Han, C.-H. (2005). Toxicological Effects of Acrylamide on Rat Testicular Gene Expression Profile. Reproductive Toxicology, 19(4), 527–534.
Yu, D., Xie, X., Qiao, B., Ge, W., Gong, L., Luo, D., …Kuang, H. (2019). Gestational Exposure to Acrylamide İnhibits Mouse Placental Development in Vivo. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 367, 160–170.
Akrilamid, insanlar üzerinde toksik etkilerinin gözlenebileceği dozların tam olarak bilinemediği kimyasallar grubunda değerlendirilmektedir. Akrilamidi de kapsayan bu grup kimyasal maddeler, çok düşük konsantrasyonlarda bile sağlık riski taşıyabilmektedir ve tamamen zararsız kabul edilmeleri mümkün değildir. Gıdaların yüksek sıcaklıklarda kızartılması ve fırınlanması sonucu bol miktarda akrilamid oluşmakta, bu gıdaları tüketen insanlar her gün belli miktarlarda akrilamide maruz kalmaktadır. Gebe kadınlar da gebelik boyunca gıda kaynaklı akrilamide maruz kalmakta ve bebekleri muhtemelen bundan etkilenmektedir. Gelişmekte olan beynin çeşitli kimyasallara karşı daha hassas olması ve akrilamidin beyin gelişimi için toksik olduğunun ve öğrenme fonksiyonunun gelişmesini bozabileceğinin rapor edilmesi gebelik boyunca gıdalarla alınan akrilamidi daha da önemli kılmakta ve ciddi endişeye yol açmaktadır. Güncel araştırmalarda, enterik mikrobiyata ve beyin fonksiyonu arasında bağlantı olduğunun ortaya konması ile gebelikte sindirilemeyen oligosakkaritlerin takviyesinin faydalı mikrobiyata stimulasyonu yoluyla insan sağlığını olumlu etkilediği gösterilmiştir. Gebe kadınların, akrilamidin gebelik süresince fetus üzerinde meydana getirebileceği toksik etkilerden ve gebelik sonrasında oluşabilecek bilişsel fonksiyon bozukluklarından yavrularını korumak için; yoğun akrilamid içeren kızartılmış ve fırınlanmış yiyeceklerden mümkün olduğunca uzak durmalarını, plasentayı ve kan‐beyin bariyerini kolaylıkla geçebilen ve akrilamidin fetotoksik etkilerini önemli oranda azaltan E vitamini gibi antioksidanları günlük olarak yeterli düzeyde almalarını, kendi gıdalarını hazırlarken gıdalarda akrilamid oluşumunu önemli oranda azaltan yöntemleri uygulamalarını öneriyoruz.
Allam, A., El-Ghareeb, A. A., Abdul-Hamid, M., Baikry, A., Sabri, M. I. (2011). Prenatal And Perinatal Acrylamide Disrupts The Development Of Cerebellum İn Rat: Biochemical And Morphological Studies. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 27(4), 291–306.
Annola, K., Karttunen, V., Keski-Rahkonen, P., Myllynen, P., Segerbäck, D., Heinonen, S., Vähäkangas, K. (2008). Transplacental Transfer Of Acrylamide And Glycidamide Are Comparable To That Of Antipyrine İn Perfused Human Placenta. Toxicology Letters, 182(1-3), 50–56.
Becalski, A., Lau, B. P.-Y., Lewis, D., Seaman, S. W. (2003). Acrylamide İn Foods: Occurrence, Sources, and Modeling. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51(3), 802–808.
Biedermann, M., Grob, K. (2003). Model Studies on Acrylamide Formation İn Potato, Wheat Flour and Corn Starch; Ways to Reduce Acrylamide Contents İn Bakery Ware. Mitteilungen Aus Lebensmitteluntersuchung Und Hygiene, 94(5), 406–422.
Blasiak, J., Gloc, E., Wozniak, K., Czechowska, A. (2004). Genotoxicity of Acrylamide İn Human Lymphocytes. Chemico-Biological İnteractions, 149(2-3), 137–149.
Collins, J. J., Swaen, G. M., Marsh, G. M., Utidjian, H. M. D., Caporossi, J. C., Lucas, L. J. (1989). Mortality Patterns Among Workers Exposed To Acrylamide. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 31(7), 614–617.
Dearfield, K. L., Abernathy, C. O., Ottley, M. S., Brantner, J. H., Hayes, P. F. (1988). Acrylamide: İts Metabolism, Developmental and Reproductive Effects, Genotoxicity, and Carcinogenicity. Mutation Research/Reviews İn Genetic Toxicology, 195(1), 45–77.
Duarte-Salles, T., Von Stedingk, H., Granum, B., Gützkow, K. B., Rydberg, P., Törnqvist, M., …Meltzer, H. M. (2013). Dietary Acrylamide İntake During Pregnancy And Fetal Growth—Results From The Norwegian Mother And Child Cohort Study (Moba). Environmental Health Perspectives, 121(3), 374–379.
El-Sayyad, H. I., Abou-Egla, M. H., El-Sayyad, F. I., El-Ghawet, H. A., Gaur, R. L., Fernando, A., …Ouhtit, A. (2011). Effects of Fried Potato Chip Supplementation On Mouse Pregnancy And Fetal Development. Nutrition, 27(3), 343–350.
Erdemli, M. E., Turkoz, Y., Altinoz, E., Elibol, E., Dogan, Z. (2016). Investigation of the Effects of Acrylamide Applied During Pregnancy on Fetal Brain Development İn Rats and Protective Role of the Vitamin E. Human & Experimental Toxicology, 35(12), 1337–1344.
Erdemli M. E., Erdemli Z., Turkoz Y., Bag H. G., Selamoglu Z. (2019). The effects of acrylamide and vitamin E administration during pregnancy on adults’ ovarian tissue: An experimental study. Annals of Medical Research, 26(9), 1856-60.
Friedman, M. A., Dulak, L. H., Stedham, M. A. (1995). A Lifetime Oncogenicity Study İn Rats With Acrylamide. Toxicological Sciences, 27(1), 95–105.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAOUN/WHO). (2002). Summary and Conclusion. 15 Eylül 2019 tarihinde Availableathttp://Www.Who.İnt/Fsf/Acrylamide/Summaryreportfinal.Pdt adresinden erişildi.
Garey, J., Paule, M. G. (2010). Effects of Chronic Oral Acrylamide Exposure on İncremental Repeated Acquisition (Learning) Task Performance İn Fischer 344 Rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 32(2), 220–225.
Gertz, C., Klostermann, S. (2002). Analysis of Acrylamide and Mechanisms of Its Formation in Deep-Fried Products. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 104(11), 762–771.
Ghanayem, B. I., Mcdaniel, L. P., Churchwell, M. I., Twaddle, N. C., Snyder, R., Fennell, T. R., Doerge, D. R. (2005). Role Of CYP2E1 in the Epoxidation of Acrylamide to Glycidamide and Formation of DNA and Hemoglobin Adducts. Toxicological Sciences, 88(2), 311–318.
Jaegerstad, M., Skog, K. (2005). Genotoxicity of Heat-Processed Foods. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 574(1-2), 156–172.
Kadawathagedara, M., Tong, A. C. H., Heude, B., Forhan, A., Charles, M.-A., Sirot, V., …the EDEN Mother-Child Cohort Study Group. (2016). Dietary Acrylamide İntake during Pregnancy and Anthropometry at Birth in the French EDEN Mother-Child Cohort Study. Environmental Research, 149, 189-196.
Krishna, G. (2015). Inulin Supplementation during Gestation Mitigates Acrylamide-İnduced Maternal and Fetal Brain Oxidative Dysfunctions and Neurotoxicity İn Rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 49, 49–58.
Krishna, G., Divyashri, G., Prapulla, S. G. (2015). A Combination Supplement of Fructo-and Xylo-Oligosaccharides Significantly Abrogates Oxidative İmpairments and Neurotoxicity in Maternal/Fetal Milieu Following Gestational Exposure to Acrylamide in Rat. Neurochemical Research, 40(9), 1904–1918.
Lingnert, H., Grivas, S., Jägerstad, M., Skog, K., Törnqvist, M., Aaman, P. (2002). Acrylamide İn Food: Mechanisms of Formation and İnfluencing Factors during Heating of Foods. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, 46(4), 159–172.
Marques, T. M., Cryan, J. F., Shanahan, F., Fitzgerald, G. F., Ross, R. P., Dinan, T. G., Stanton, C. (2014). Gut Microbiota Modulation and İmplications for Host Health: Dietary Strategies to İnfluence the Gut–Brain Axis. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 22, 239–247.
Midland, A. (2002). Overview of Acrylamide Toxicity and Metabolism. JIFSAN/NCFST Workshop on Acrylamide İn Food Toxicology and Metabolic Consequences Working Group, 1–35.
Ogawa, B., Wang, L., Ohishi, T., Taniai, E., Akane, H., Suzuki, K., …Shibutani, M. (2012). Reversible Aberration of Neurogenesis Targeting Late-Stage Progenitor Cells in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus of Rat Offspring after Maternal Exposure to Acrylamide. Archives of Toxicology, 86(5), 779–790.
Ölmez, H., Tuncay, F., Özcan, N., Demirel, S. (2008). A Survey of Acrylamide Levels in Foods from the Turkish Market. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21(7), 564–568.
Pedersen, M., Von Stedingk, H., Botsivali, M., Agramunt, S., Alexander, J., Brunborg, G., …Granum, B. (2012). Birth Weight, Head Circumference, and Prenatal Exposure to Acrylamide from Maternal Diet: The European Prospective Mother–Child Study (Newgeneris). Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(12), 1739–1745.
Rosén, J. ve Hellenäs, K.-E. (2002). Analysis of Acrylamide in Cooked Foods by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analyst, 127(7), 880–882.
Stadler, R. H., Blank, I., Varga, N., Robert, F., Hau, J., Guy, P. A., …Riediker, S. (2002). Acrylamide from Maillard Reaction Products. Nature, 419(6906), 449–450.
The Action Plans for Acrylamide İn Food. (2002). U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Thonning Olesen, P., Olsen, A., Frandsen, H., Frederiksen, K., Overvad, K., Tjønneland, A. (2008). Acrylamide Exposure and İncidence of Breast Cancer among Postmenopausal Women in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health Study. International Journal of Cancer, 122(9), 2094–2100.
Yang, H.-J., Lee, S.-H., Jin, Y., Choi, J.-H., Han, D.-U., Chae, C., …Han, C.-H. (2005). Toxicological Effects of Acrylamide on Rat Testicular Gene Expression Profile. Reproductive Toxicology, 19(4), 527–534.
Yu, D., Xie, X., Qiao, B., Ge, W., Gong, L., Luo, D., …Kuang, H. (2019). Gestational Exposure to Acrylamide İnhibits Mouse Placental Development in Vivo. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 367, 160–170.
Erdemli, Z. (2021). GIDA KAYNAKLI AKRİLAMİDİN FETOTOKSİK ETKİLERİ VE AKRİLAMİD TOKSİSİTESİNE KARŞI KORUYUCU ÖNLEMLER. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 9(3), 1154-1167.