Year 2021,
Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 873 - 885, 29.11.2021
Canbolat Gürses
Melek Uyan
Ali Kuruçay
Aziz Paşahan
In our research, the antibacterial properties of tear which protect our eyes from many infections have been investigated by using Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus haemolyticus and Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria. In addition, the antibacterial effect of creams in different formulations containing vaseline, also known as petroleum jelly, prepared by mixing olive oil and lemon juice which have been known and used throughout history with tears have been investigated. The antibacterial effect has been investigated measuring the zone of inhibition diameters, also known as the Kirby-Bauer method. It has been determined that all samples showed antibacterial effects except Staphylococcus epidermidis to which only tear was applied. The highest antibacterial activity with tear containing cream (vaseline and olive oil) has been observed for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria. In addition, tear containing cream (vaseline, olive oil and lemon juice) has shown the highest antibacterial effect against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus haemolyticus bacteria.
- Arnold, R. R., Brewer, M., Gauthier, J. J. (1980). Bactericidal activity of human lactoferrin: sensitivity of a variety of microorganisms. Infection and Immunity, 28(3), 893-898.
- Başustaoğlu, A. C., Yıldırım, R. V., İnce, G. (2020). Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests from Past to Present. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi, 50(1), 1-9.
- Brasca, M., Morandi, S., Silvetti, T., Rosi, V., Cattaneo, S., Pellegrino, L. (2013). Different analytical approaches in assessing antibacterial activity and the purity of commercial lysozyme preparations for dairy application. Molecules, 18(5), 6008-6020.
- Bron, A. J., Tiffany, J. M., Gouveia, S. M., Yokoi, N., Voon, L. W. (2004). Functional aspects of the tear film lipid layer. Experimental Eye Research, 78(3), 347-360.
- Durance, T. D. (1994). Separation, purification, and thermal stability of lysozyme and avidin from chicken egg white. Egg uses and processing technologies. New Developments, 77-93.
- Farandos, N. M., Yetisen, A. K., Monteiro, M. J., Lowe, C. R., Yun, S. H. (2015). Contact lens sensors in ocular diagnostics. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(6), 792-810.
- Frey II, W. H., Desota-Johnson, D., Hoffman, C., McCall, J. T. (1981). Effect of stimulus on the chemical composition of human tears. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 92(4), 559-567.
- Friedland, B. R., Anderson, D. R., Forster, R. K. (1972). Non-lysozyme antibacterial factor in human tears. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 74(1), 52-59.
- Goto, E., Ishida, R., Kaido, M., Dogru, M., Matsumoto, Y., Kojima, T., Tsubota, K. (2006). Optical aberrations and visual disturbances associated with dry eye. The Ocular Surface, 4(4), 207-213.
- Lu, P., Chen, X., Liu, X., Yu, L., Kang, Y., Xie, Q., ...Wei, X. (2008). Dry eye syndrome in elderly Tibetans at high altitude: a population-based study in China. Cornea, 27(5), 545-551.
- Moshirfar, M., Pierson, K., Hanamaikai, K., Santiago-Caban, L., Muthappan, V., Passi, S. F. (2014). Artificial tears potpourri: a literature review. Clinical Ophthalmology, 8, 1419.
- Nagyova, B., Tiffany, J. M. (1999). Components responsible for the surface tension of human tears. Current Eye Research, 19(1), 4-11.
- Perkins, E. S., Davson, H. (2020, August 7). Human Eye. Encyclopedia Britannica. Available from Accessed 12 August 2021.
- Poupard, J. A., Rittenhouse, S. F., & Walsh, L. R. (1994). The evolution of antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods. In Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (pp. 3-14). Boston, MA: Springer.
- Seal, D. V., Mackie, I. A., Coakes, R. L., Farooqi, B. (1980). Quantitative tear lysozyme assay: a new technique for transporting specimens. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 64(9), 700-704.
- Silvetti, T., Brasca, M., Lodi, R., Vanoni, L., Chiolerio, F., De Groot, M., Bravi, A. (2010). Effects of lysozyme on the microbiological stability and organoleptic properties of unpasteurized beer. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 116(1), 33-40.
- Tirelli, A., De Noni, I. (2007). Evaluation of lysozyme stability in young red wine and model systems by a validated HPLC method. Food Chemistry, 105(4), 1564-1570.
- Toda, I., Fujishima, H., Tsubota, K. (1993). Ocular fatigue is the major symptom of dry eye. Acta Ophthalmologica, 71(3), 347-352.
- Van Delft, J. L., Meijer, F., Van Best, J. A., Van Haeringen, N. J. (1997). Permeability of blood-tear barrier to fluorescein and albumin after application of platelet-activating factor to the eye of the guinea pig. Mediators of Inflammation, 6(5-6), 381-383.
- Van der Strate, B. W. A., Beljaars, L., Molema, G., Harmsen, M. C., Meijer, D. K. F. (2001). Antiviral activities of lactoferrin. Antiviral Research, 52(3), 225-239.
- Wolff, E. (1946). The muco-cutaneous junction of the lidmargin and the distribution of the tear fluid. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Societies of the United Kingdom, 66, 291-308.
- Zahoor, M., Bahadar, H., Ayaz, M., Khan, A., Shah, M. J. (2018). In vitro study on the antimicrobial activity of human tears with respect to age. Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science, 50(2), 93-99.
Gözyaşı İçeren Farklı Kremlerin Hazırlanması ve Antibakteriyel Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
Year 2021,
Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 873 - 885, 29.11.2021
Canbolat Gürses
Melek Uyan
Ali Kuruçay
Aziz Paşahan
Çalışmamızda, birçok enfeksiyondan gözlerimizi koruyan gözyaşının antibakteriyel özelliği Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus haemolyticus ve Staphylococcus epidermidis bakterileri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, antibakteriyel etkisi tarih boyunca bilinip kullanılan zeytinyağı ve limon suyunun, gözyaşı ile karıştırılmasıyla hazırlanan petrol jelatini olarak da bilinen vazelin içeren farklı formülasyondaki kremlerin antibakteriyel etkisi araştırılmıştır. Kirby-Bauer yöntemi olarak da bilinen inhibisyon zon çapları ölçülerek antibakteriyel etki araştırılmıştır. Sadece gözyaşı uygulanan Staphylococcus epidermidis hariç tüm örneklerin antibakteriyel etki gösterdikleri belirlenmiştir. En yüksek antibakteriyel aktivite, gözyaşı içeren krem (vazelin ve zeytinyağı) ile Pseudomonas aeruginosa ve Staphylococcus epidermidis bakterileri için gözlenmiştir. Ek olarak, Bacillus subtilis ve Staphylococcus haemolyticus bakterilerine karşı en yüksek antibakteriyel etkiyi gözyaşı içeren krem (vazelin, zeytinyağı ve limon suyu) göstermiştir.
- Arnold, R. R., Brewer, M., Gauthier, J. J. (1980). Bactericidal activity of human lactoferrin: sensitivity of a variety of microorganisms. Infection and Immunity, 28(3), 893-898.
- Başustaoğlu, A. C., Yıldırım, R. V., İnce, G. (2020). Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests from Past to Present. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi, 50(1), 1-9.
- Brasca, M., Morandi, S., Silvetti, T., Rosi, V., Cattaneo, S., Pellegrino, L. (2013). Different analytical approaches in assessing antibacterial activity and the purity of commercial lysozyme preparations for dairy application. Molecules, 18(5), 6008-6020.
- Bron, A. J., Tiffany, J. M., Gouveia, S. M., Yokoi, N., Voon, L. W. (2004). Functional aspects of the tear film lipid layer. Experimental Eye Research, 78(3), 347-360.
- Durance, T. D. (1994). Separation, purification, and thermal stability of lysozyme and avidin from chicken egg white. Egg uses and processing technologies. New Developments, 77-93.
- Farandos, N. M., Yetisen, A. K., Monteiro, M. J., Lowe, C. R., Yun, S. H. (2015). Contact lens sensors in ocular diagnostics. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(6), 792-810.
- Frey II, W. H., Desota-Johnson, D., Hoffman, C., McCall, J. T. (1981). Effect of stimulus on the chemical composition of human tears. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 92(4), 559-567.
- Friedland, B. R., Anderson, D. R., Forster, R. K. (1972). Non-lysozyme antibacterial factor in human tears. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 74(1), 52-59.
- Goto, E., Ishida, R., Kaido, M., Dogru, M., Matsumoto, Y., Kojima, T., Tsubota, K. (2006). Optical aberrations and visual disturbances associated with dry eye. The Ocular Surface, 4(4), 207-213.
- Lu, P., Chen, X., Liu, X., Yu, L., Kang, Y., Xie, Q., ...Wei, X. (2008). Dry eye syndrome in elderly Tibetans at high altitude: a population-based study in China. Cornea, 27(5), 545-551.
- Moshirfar, M., Pierson, K., Hanamaikai, K., Santiago-Caban, L., Muthappan, V., Passi, S. F. (2014). Artificial tears potpourri: a literature review. Clinical Ophthalmology, 8, 1419.
- Nagyova, B., Tiffany, J. M. (1999). Components responsible for the surface tension of human tears. Current Eye Research, 19(1), 4-11.
- Perkins, E. S., Davson, H. (2020, August 7). Human Eye. Encyclopedia Britannica. Available from Accessed 12 August 2021.
- Poupard, J. A., Rittenhouse, S. F., & Walsh, L. R. (1994). The evolution of antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods. In Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (pp. 3-14). Boston, MA: Springer.
- Seal, D. V., Mackie, I. A., Coakes, R. L., Farooqi, B. (1980). Quantitative tear lysozyme assay: a new technique for transporting specimens. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 64(9), 700-704.
- Silvetti, T., Brasca, M., Lodi, R., Vanoni, L., Chiolerio, F., De Groot, M., Bravi, A. (2010). Effects of lysozyme on the microbiological stability and organoleptic properties of unpasteurized beer. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 116(1), 33-40.
- Tirelli, A., De Noni, I. (2007). Evaluation of lysozyme stability in young red wine and model systems by a validated HPLC method. Food Chemistry, 105(4), 1564-1570.
- Toda, I., Fujishima, H., Tsubota, K. (1993). Ocular fatigue is the major symptom of dry eye. Acta Ophthalmologica, 71(3), 347-352.
- Van Delft, J. L., Meijer, F., Van Best, J. A., Van Haeringen, N. J. (1997). Permeability of blood-tear barrier to fluorescein and albumin after application of platelet-activating factor to the eye of the guinea pig. Mediators of Inflammation, 6(5-6), 381-383.
- Van der Strate, B. W. A., Beljaars, L., Molema, G., Harmsen, M. C., Meijer, D. K. F. (2001). Antiviral activities of lactoferrin. Antiviral Research, 52(3), 225-239.
- Wolff, E. (1946). The muco-cutaneous junction of the lidmargin and the distribution of the tear fluid. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Societies of the United Kingdom, 66, 291-308.
- Zahoor, M., Bahadar, H., Ayaz, M., Khan, A., Shah, M. J. (2018). In vitro study on the antimicrobial activity of human tears with respect to age. Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science, 50(2), 93-99.