Research Article
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A Utopian Way of Thinking about Work: Tracing William Morris’ Ideas on the Concept of Work

Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 149 - 167, 15.06.2021


Sosyal teoriler, modern çalışma örgütlenmesine dair geniş bir eleştiri yelpazesi sunmaktadır. Buna karşın insan doğası ve ideal çalışmanın nasıl olabileceğine dair tartışmalar sınırlı kalmıştır. Çalışma olgusunu ütopik bir bakış açısıyla ele almayı öneren bu makale, William Morris’in çalışma kavramsallaştırmasının başlıca argümanlarını ve gelecekteki toplum vizyonunda çalışma örgütlenmesinin temel dinamiklerini konu almaktadır. Morris’in eserlerinden ütopik romanı Hiçbir Yerden Haberler, özünde çalışmanın dönüşümünü barındırması sebebiyle, derinlemesine incelenmek üzere seçilmiştir. Morris’in ütopyası olan Hiçbir Yer’deki çalışmanın başlıca özellikleri izlenerek, işlerin geleceği ile ilgili güncel tartışmalara alternatif bir perspektif geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gelecekte ulaşmak istediğimiz ideal çalışmanın nasıl olabileceği üzerine yeni arayışları tetiklemesi umuduyla Morris’in çalışmaya ilişkin görüşlerinin çağımıza ilham veren bir yaklaşım sunduğu iddia edilmektedir.


  • Agamenon, O. R. E. (2014). A history of the concept of work: From physics to economics. Springer.
  • Beecher, J., & Bienvenu, R. (1972). Introduction: Work in civilization. In The utopian vision of Charles Fourier: Selected texts on work, love, and passionate attraction (pp. 1–79). Beacon Press.
  • Bocutoğlu, E. (2012). İktisat teorisinde emeğin öyküsü: Değerin kaynağı olan emekten marjinal faydanın türevi olan emeğe yolculuk. HAK-İŞ Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, 1(1), 127–150.
  • Braham, K. (2015). Working in utopia: Locating Marx’s “Realm of necessity” in the socialist futures of Bellamy and Morris (Master’s thesis). The University of Vermont, The Faculty of Graduate College.
  • Brantlinger, P. (1975). News from nowhere: Morris’ socialist anti-novel. Victorian Studies, 19(1), 35-49.
  • Browne, P. L. (2018). Work, freedom, and reciprocity in William Morris’ news from nowhere. The Journal of the Socialist Studies, 13(1). doi: 10.18740/ss27257
  • Budd, J. W. (2011). The thought of work. Cornell University - ILR Press.
  • Camlot, J. (2018). Morrisian spectres of working and learning in the context of the new division of labor. The Journal of the Socialist Studies, 13(1), 57–66.
  • Cleaver, H. (2001). Work is still the central issue! New words for new worlds. In A. C. Dinerstein & M. Neary (Eds.), The labor debate: An investigation into the theory and reality of capitalist work (pp. 135–149). Ashgate Publishing Company.
  • Dinerstein, A. C., & Neary, M. (2001). The labor debate: An investigation into the theory and reality of capitalist work. Ashgate Publishing Company.
  • Drinkwater, J. (1912). William Morris: A critical study. Martin Secker.
  • Fourier, C. (1972). The utopian vision of Charles Fourier: Selected texts on work love and passionate attraction (J. Beecher & R. Bienvenu, Tran.). Beacon Press.
  • Freeman-Moir, J. (2011). Crafting experience: William Morris, John Dewey, and utopia. Utopian Studies, 22(2), 202–232. doi: 10.5325/utopianstudies.22.2.0202
  • Granter, E. (2009). Critical social theory and the end of work. Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Hale, P. J. (2003). Labor and the human relationship with nature: The naturalization of politics in the work of Thomas Henry Huxley, Herbert George Wells, and William Morris. Journal of the History of Biology, 36(2), 249–284.
  • Kinna, R. (2000). William Morris: Art, work, and leisure. Journal of the History of Ideas, 61(3), 493–512. doi: 10.2307/3653925
  • Kumar, K. (1993). The end of socialism? The end of utopia? The end of history? In S. Bann & K. Kumar (Eds.),
  • Utopias and the millennium: Critical view (pp. 63–80). Reaction Books.
  • Kumar, K. (2002). Morris: News from nowhere, or an epoch of rest. In History of political thought. Cambridge University Press.
  • Kumar, K. (2005). Ütopyacılık (A. Somel, Tran.). Imge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Jacoby, R. (1999). The end of utopia: Politics and culture in an age of apathy. Basic Books.
  • Jacoby, R. (2005). Picture imperfect: Utopian thought for an anti-utopian age. Columbia University Press.
  • Levitas, R. (2001). Against work: A utopian incursion into social policy. Critical Social Policy, 21(4), 449–465.
  • Macdonald, B. J. (2004). William Morris and the vision of ecosocialism. Contemporary Justice Review, 7(3), 287–304).
  • Mannheim, K. (2008). İdeoloji ve Ütopya (M. Okyavuz, Tran.).De Ki Basım Yayım.
  • Marx, K. (1973). Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy (M. Nicolaus, Tran.). Penguin Books.
  • Marx, K. (1984). Capital (Vol. III). International Publishers.
  • Marx, K. (2004). Kapital, III. Cilt: Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisi (2nd ed.; A. Bilgi, Tran.). Eriş Yayınları.
  • McCarthy, F. (2004). Morris, William, Oxford dictionary of national biography. Retrieved from https://www.
  • Méda, D. (2010). Le travail: Une valeur en voie de disparition? Flammarion Champs Essais.
  • Mellor, M., Hannah, J., & Stirling, J. (1988). Worker cooperatives in theory and practice. Open University Press.
  • Morris, W. (1879). Art of the people. Retrieved from
  • Morris, W. (1881). Art and the beauty of the earth. Retrieved from works/1881/earth.htm
  • Morris, W. (1884). Useful work versus useless toil. Retrieved from works/1884/useful.htm
  • Morris, W. (1885). Attractive labour. Commonweal, Vol I, No. 5, June 1885, pp. 49-50. Retrieved from https://
  • Morris, W. (1888). The revival of handicraft. Retrieved from works/1888/handcrft.htm
  • Morris, W. (1889). The arts and crafts of to-day. Retrieved from works/1889/today.htm
  • Morris, W. (1908). News from nowhere or an epoch of rest: Being some chapters from a utopian romance (10th ed.). Longmans, Green, and Co.
  • Morris, W., & Bax, B. E. (1886). Socialism from the root up, Commonweal. Retrieved from https://www.marxists. org/archive/morris/works/1886/sru/Socialism_From_The_Root_Up.pdf
  • Peksan, S. (2019, October 11-13). Concept of work in William Morris’ News From Nowhere. 2nd Erasmus International Academic Research Symposium. Paris, France, Abstract Book. Asos Yayınevi.
  • Peksan, S. (2021). Çalışmanın evrimi ve işin sonu. İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Smith, A. (2007). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Metalibri.
  • Spencer, D. (2009). Work in utopia: Pro-work sentiments in the writings of four critics of classical economics. In Euro. J. History of Economic Thought, 16(1), 97–122.
  • Stirling, J. (2002). William Morris and work as it is and as it might be. Capital & Class, 76, 127–144. doi: 10.1177/030981680207600105
  • Thomas, K. (1999). The Oxford book of work. Oxford University Press.
  • Thompson, E. P. (1976). William Morris: Romantic to revolutionary. Pantheon Books Vallas, S. P. (2012). Work: A critique. Polity Press.

A Utopian Way of Thinking about Work: Tracing William Morris’ Ideas on the Concept of Work

Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 149 - 167, 15.06.2021


Social theories present a wide range of criticism regarding the modern organization of work, yet little on the nature of humans and what an ideal concept of work would be. Favoring a utopian way of thinking about work, this paper inspects William Morris’ understanding of work and the basic dynamics of work organization in his vision of the society of the future. This article has chosen to perform an in-depth analysis of his utopian novel News from Nowhere due to the transformation of work laying at the core of the book. By tracing the key patterns of work in Morris’ future utopia which he called Nowhere, this paper proposes the concept of work that articulated in Morris’thought as a means of gaining an alternative model regarding the recent debates about the future of work. In particular, the paper scans Morris’ arguments on labor to demonstrate how Morris’ view presents an inspiring approach for our era. This hopefully opens up the prospect of thinking about the ideal work of the future one wants to achieve.


  • Agamenon, O. R. E. (2014). A history of the concept of work: From physics to economics. Springer.
  • Beecher, J., & Bienvenu, R. (1972). Introduction: Work in civilization. In The utopian vision of Charles Fourier: Selected texts on work, love, and passionate attraction (pp. 1–79). Beacon Press.
  • Bocutoğlu, E. (2012). İktisat teorisinde emeğin öyküsü: Değerin kaynağı olan emekten marjinal faydanın türevi olan emeğe yolculuk. HAK-İŞ Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, 1(1), 127–150.
  • Braham, K. (2015). Working in utopia: Locating Marx’s “Realm of necessity” in the socialist futures of Bellamy and Morris (Master’s thesis). The University of Vermont, The Faculty of Graduate College.
  • Brantlinger, P. (1975). News from nowhere: Morris’ socialist anti-novel. Victorian Studies, 19(1), 35-49.
  • Browne, P. L. (2018). Work, freedom, and reciprocity in William Morris’ news from nowhere. The Journal of the Socialist Studies, 13(1). doi: 10.18740/ss27257
  • Budd, J. W. (2011). The thought of work. Cornell University - ILR Press.
  • Camlot, J. (2018). Morrisian spectres of working and learning in the context of the new division of labor. The Journal of the Socialist Studies, 13(1), 57–66.
  • Cleaver, H. (2001). Work is still the central issue! New words for new worlds. In A. C. Dinerstein & M. Neary (Eds.), The labor debate: An investigation into the theory and reality of capitalist work (pp. 135–149). Ashgate Publishing Company.
  • Dinerstein, A. C., & Neary, M. (2001). The labor debate: An investigation into the theory and reality of capitalist work. Ashgate Publishing Company.
  • Drinkwater, J. (1912). William Morris: A critical study. Martin Secker.
  • Fourier, C. (1972). The utopian vision of Charles Fourier: Selected texts on work love and passionate attraction (J. Beecher & R. Bienvenu, Tran.). Beacon Press.
  • Freeman-Moir, J. (2011). Crafting experience: William Morris, John Dewey, and utopia. Utopian Studies, 22(2), 202–232. doi: 10.5325/utopianstudies.22.2.0202
  • Granter, E. (2009). Critical social theory and the end of work. Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Hale, P. J. (2003). Labor and the human relationship with nature: The naturalization of politics in the work of Thomas Henry Huxley, Herbert George Wells, and William Morris. Journal of the History of Biology, 36(2), 249–284.
  • Kinna, R. (2000). William Morris: Art, work, and leisure. Journal of the History of Ideas, 61(3), 493–512. doi: 10.2307/3653925
  • Kumar, K. (1993). The end of socialism? The end of utopia? The end of history? In S. Bann & K. Kumar (Eds.),
  • Utopias and the millennium: Critical view (pp. 63–80). Reaction Books.
  • Kumar, K. (2002). Morris: News from nowhere, or an epoch of rest. In History of political thought. Cambridge University Press.
  • Kumar, K. (2005). Ütopyacılık (A. Somel, Tran.). Imge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Jacoby, R. (1999). The end of utopia: Politics and culture in an age of apathy. Basic Books.
  • Jacoby, R. (2005). Picture imperfect: Utopian thought for an anti-utopian age. Columbia University Press.
  • Levitas, R. (2001). Against work: A utopian incursion into social policy. Critical Social Policy, 21(4), 449–465.
  • Macdonald, B. J. (2004). William Morris and the vision of ecosocialism. Contemporary Justice Review, 7(3), 287–304).
  • Mannheim, K. (2008). İdeoloji ve Ütopya (M. Okyavuz, Tran.).De Ki Basım Yayım.
  • Marx, K. (1973). Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy (M. Nicolaus, Tran.). Penguin Books.
  • Marx, K. (1984). Capital (Vol. III). International Publishers.
  • Marx, K. (2004). Kapital, III. Cilt: Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisi (2nd ed.; A. Bilgi, Tran.). Eriş Yayınları.
  • McCarthy, F. (2004). Morris, William, Oxford dictionary of national biography. Retrieved from https://www.
  • Méda, D. (2010). Le travail: Une valeur en voie de disparition? Flammarion Champs Essais.
  • Mellor, M., Hannah, J., & Stirling, J. (1988). Worker cooperatives in theory and practice. Open University Press.
  • Morris, W. (1879). Art of the people. Retrieved from
  • Morris, W. (1881). Art and the beauty of the earth. Retrieved from works/1881/earth.htm
  • Morris, W. (1884). Useful work versus useless toil. Retrieved from works/1884/useful.htm
  • Morris, W. (1885). Attractive labour. Commonweal, Vol I, No. 5, June 1885, pp. 49-50. Retrieved from https://
  • Morris, W. (1888). The revival of handicraft. Retrieved from works/1888/handcrft.htm
  • Morris, W. (1889). The arts and crafts of to-day. Retrieved from works/1889/today.htm
  • Morris, W. (1908). News from nowhere or an epoch of rest: Being some chapters from a utopian romance (10th ed.). Longmans, Green, and Co.
  • Morris, W., & Bax, B. E. (1886). Socialism from the root up, Commonweal. Retrieved from https://www.marxists. org/archive/morris/works/1886/sru/Socialism_From_The_Root_Up.pdf
  • Peksan, S. (2019, October 11-13). Concept of work in William Morris’ News From Nowhere. 2nd Erasmus International Academic Research Symposium. Paris, France, Abstract Book. Asos Yayınevi.
  • Peksan, S. (2021). Çalışmanın evrimi ve işin sonu. İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Smith, A. (2007). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Metalibri.
  • Spencer, D. (2009). Work in utopia: Pro-work sentiments in the writings of four critics of classical economics. In Euro. J. History of Economic Thought, 16(1), 97–122.
  • Stirling, J. (2002). William Morris and work as it is and as it might be. Capital & Class, 76, 127–144. doi: 10.1177/030981680207600105
  • Thomas, K. (1999). The Oxford book of work. Oxford University Press.
  • Thompson, E. P. (1976). William Morris: Romantic to revolutionary. Pantheon Books Vallas, S. P. (2012). Work: A critique. Polity Press.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Research Articles

Selcan Peksan

Publication Date June 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Peksan, S. (2021). A Utopian Way of Thinking about Work: Tracing William Morris’ Ideas on the Concept of Work. İnsan Ve Toplum, 11(2), 149-167.