Bilge Yesil, Talking Back to the West: How Turkey uses Counter- Hegemony to Reshape the Global Communication Order, The University of Illinois Press, Chicago, 2024, p. 233
Year 2024,
Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 228 - 233, 04.09.2024
This book review contains an evaluation of Bilge Yeşil's "Talking Back to the West: How Turkey uses Counter- Hegemony to Reshape the Global Communication Order”.
Bu kitap incelemesi Bilge Yeşil'in “Talking Back to the West: How Turkey uses Counter- Hegemony to Reshape the Global Communication Order” adlı kitabının bir değerlendirmesini içermektedir.
Anaz, N. (2024). Bilge Yesil, Talking Back to the West: How Turkey uses Counter- Hegemony to Reshape the Global Communication Order, The University of Illinois Press, Chicago, 2024, p. 233. İnsan Ve Toplum, 14(3), 228-233.