Kardeş ilişkisi sevgi ve sıcaklığın
yanı sıra çatışma ve rekabet olarak da tanımlanan, bireylerin yaşamlarındaki en
uzun süreli ilişkilerden biridir. Bu uzun süreli ilişki bireylerin gelişimleri
üzerinde oldukça güçlü bir etkiye sahiptir. Yaşanan uyumlu kardeş ilişkilerinin
bireyin gelişimine katkısı ne kadar fazlaysa, uyumsuz kardeş ilişkisinin
bireyde oluşturduğu zarar da bir o kadar fazladır. Ne yazık ki kardeş
ilişkilerinde yaşanan çatışma, saldırganlık ve şiddet gibi durumlar bazı
aileler tarafından gelişimin normal bir parçası olarak görülmekte, bu durum
kardeşler arasında meydana gelen davranışın istismar olarak görülmesini
güçleştirmektedir. Bu süreçte önemli olan hangi davranışların normal,
hangilerinin istismar kabul edileceğidir. Bu makalede kardeş istismarının
tanımına ve türlerine değinerek, konu ile ilgili farkındalığı artırmak
Akers, R. L. (2000). Criminological Theories: Introduction.Evaluation and Application, 3rd Ed., Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Aral, N., Gürsoy, F. (2001). Çocuk Hakları Çerçevesinde Çocuk İhmal ve İstismarı. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 151, 36-39.
Atkin, C., Smith, S., Roberto, A., Fediuk, T., Wagner, T. (2002). Correlates of Verbally Aggressive Communication in
Adolescents. Journal Of Applied Communication Research, 30(3), 251-268.
Brassard, M. R., Gelardo, M. S. (1987). Psychological Maltreatment: The Unifying Construct in Child Abuse and Neglect. School Psychology Review,16 (2), 127-136.
Brogan, S.M. (1999). ‘Verbal Aggression in Sibling Relationships’, Eberly College Of Arts and Sciences At West Virginia University Masters of Arts in Communication Studies, Morgantown: West Virginia.
Button, D. M., Gealt, R. (2010). High Risk Behaviors Among Victims of Sibling Violence. Journal of Family Violence, 25(2), 131-140.
Caffaro, J. V. Ve Conn-Caffaro, A. (1998). Sibling Abuse Trauma: Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Children, Families and Adults. New York: The Haworth Maltreatment And Trauma Press.
Cahn, D. D., Lloyd, S. A. (Eds.). (1996). Family Violence from a Communication Perspective. Sage Publications. 1-19.
Claussen, A. H., Crittenden, P. M. (1991). Physical and Psychological Maltreatment: Relations Among Types of Maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect,15 (1), 5-18.
Corson, J., Davidson, H. (1987). Emotional Abuse and The Law. Psychological Maltreatment of Children And Youth, 185-202.
Ebenuwa-Okoh, E. E., Obiunu, J. J. (2011). Relationship Between Dimensions of Sibling Abuse and Personality
Development. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 90-93.
Ellonen, N., Piispa, M., Peltonen, K., Oranen, M. (2013). Exposure to Parental Violence and Outcomes of Child Psychosocial Adjustment. Violence And Victims, 28 (1), 3-15.
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R., Turner, H., Hamby, S. L. (2005). The Victimization of Children and Youth: A Comprehensive, National Survey. Child Maltreatment,10 (1), 5-25.
Gelles, R. J. Ve Straus, M. A. (1979). Violence in the American Family. Journal of Social Issues, 35(2), 15-39.
Glaser, D. (2002). Emotional Abuse and Neglect (Psychological Maltreatment): A Conceptual Framework. Child Abuse & Neglect, 26(6), 697-714.
Hart, S. N., Germain, R. B., Brassard, M. R. (1987). The Challenge: To Better Understand and Combat Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Youth. Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Youth, 3-24.
Hoffman, K. L., Kiecolt, K. J., Edwards, J. N. (2005). Physical Violence Between Siblings A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. Journal of Family İssues, 26(8), 1103-1130.
Infante, D. A. (1995). Teaching Students to Understand and Control Verbal Aggression. Communication Education, 44 (1), 51-63.
Infante, D. A., Rancer, A. S. (1996). Argumentativeness and Verbal Aggressiveness: A Review of Recent Theory and Research. Communication Yearbook, 19, 319-352.
Kiselica, M. S., Morrill‐Richards, M. (2007). Sibling Maltreatment: The Forgotten Abuse. Journal of Counseling & Development, 85 (2), 148-160.
Krienert, J. L., Walsh, J. A. (2011). My Brother’s Keeper: A Contemporary Examination of Reported Sibling Violence Using National Level Data, 2000–2005. Journal of Family Violence, 26(5), 331-342.
Martin Del Campo, M. (2012). ‘Creation and Validation of the Sibling Abuse Scale’, Faculty of San Diego State University, Master of Arts İn Psychology, San Diego.
Meyers, A. (2014). A Call to Child Welfare: Protect Children from Sibling Abuse. Qualitative Social Work, 13(5), 654-670.
Murphy, C. M., O'Leary, K. D. (1989). Psychological Aggression Predicts Physical Aggression in Early Marriage. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57 (5), 579-582.
Navarre, E. L. (1987). Psychological Maltreatment: The Core Component of Child Abuse. Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Youth, 45-56.
Newman, J. (1994). Conflict and Friendship in Sibling Relationships: A Review. Child Study Journal, 24(2), 119-153.
Polat, O. (2007). Tüm Boyutlarıyla Çocuk İstismarı 1. Tanımlar. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Raffaelli, M. (1992). Sibling Conflict in Early Adolescence. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 652-663.
Raffaelli, M. (1992). Sibling Conflict in Early Adolescence. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 652-663.
Schneider, M. W., Ross, A., Graham, J. C., Zielinski, A. (2005). Do Allegations of Emotional Maltreatment Predict Developmental Outcomes Beyond That of Other Forms of Maltreatment?. Child Abuse & Neglect, 29 (5), 513-532.
Stormshak, E. A., Bellanti, C. J., Bierman, K. L. (1996). The Quality of Sibling Relationships and the Development of Social Competence and Behavioral Control in Aggressive Children. Developmental Psychology, 32(1), 79-89.
Whipple, E. E., Finton, M. S. E. (1995). Psychological Maltreatment By Siblings: An Unrecognized Form of Abuse. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 12 (2), 135-146.
Wiehe, V. R. (1997). Sibling Abuse: Hidden Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Trauma. Sage Publications.
A Type of Domestic Violence: Sibling Abuse
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 261 - 270, 30.11.2016
Sibling relationship which is defined as conflict
and competition as well as love and warmth, is one of the most long-term
relationships in the lives of individuals. This long-term relationship has a
quite strong effect on the development of individuals. Experienced compatible
sibling relationships the greater contribution to the development of the
individual, discordant sibling relationship that causes just as much demage in
the individuals. Unfortunately, experienced cases such as conflict, aggression
and violence in the sibling relationship are seen as a normal part of
development by some families, this (situation) makes it more difficult to be
seen as abuse the behaviour that occured between siblings. In this process the
important one (thing), which behaviour will be accepted normal and which ones
will be accepted as abuse. In this article intended to increase awareness about
the subject referring to the definition and types of sibling abuse.
Akers, R. L. (2000). Criminological Theories: Introduction.Evaluation and Application, 3rd Ed., Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Aral, N., Gürsoy, F. (2001). Çocuk Hakları Çerçevesinde Çocuk İhmal ve İstismarı. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 151, 36-39.
Atkin, C., Smith, S., Roberto, A., Fediuk, T., Wagner, T. (2002). Correlates of Verbally Aggressive Communication in
Adolescents. Journal Of Applied Communication Research, 30(3), 251-268.
Brassard, M. R., Gelardo, M. S. (1987). Psychological Maltreatment: The Unifying Construct in Child Abuse and Neglect. School Psychology Review,16 (2), 127-136.
Brogan, S.M. (1999). ‘Verbal Aggression in Sibling Relationships’, Eberly College Of Arts and Sciences At West Virginia University Masters of Arts in Communication Studies, Morgantown: West Virginia.
Button, D. M., Gealt, R. (2010). High Risk Behaviors Among Victims of Sibling Violence. Journal of Family Violence, 25(2), 131-140.
Caffaro, J. V. Ve Conn-Caffaro, A. (1998). Sibling Abuse Trauma: Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Children, Families and Adults. New York: The Haworth Maltreatment And Trauma Press.
Cahn, D. D., Lloyd, S. A. (Eds.). (1996). Family Violence from a Communication Perspective. Sage Publications. 1-19.
Claussen, A. H., Crittenden, P. M. (1991). Physical and Psychological Maltreatment: Relations Among Types of Maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect,15 (1), 5-18.
Corson, J., Davidson, H. (1987). Emotional Abuse and The Law. Psychological Maltreatment of Children And Youth, 185-202.
Ebenuwa-Okoh, E. E., Obiunu, J. J. (2011). Relationship Between Dimensions of Sibling Abuse and Personality
Development. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 90-93.
Ellonen, N., Piispa, M., Peltonen, K., Oranen, M. (2013). Exposure to Parental Violence and Outcomes of Child Psychosocial Adjustment. Violence And Victims, 28 (1), 3-15.
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R., Turner, H., Hamby, S. L. (2005). The Victimization of Children and Youth: A Comprehensive, National Survey. Child Maltreatment,10 (1), 5-25.
Gelles, R. J. Ve Straus, M. A. (1979). Violence in the American Family. Journal of Social Issues, 35(2), 15-39.
Glaser, D. (2002). Emotional Abuse and Neglect (Psychological Maltreatment): A Conceptual Framework. Child Abuse & Neglect, 26(6), 697-714.
Hart, S. N., Germain, R. B., Brassard, M. R. (1987). The Challenge: To Better Understand and Combat Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Youth. Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Youth, 3-24.
Hoffman, K. L., Kiecolt, K. J., Edwards, J. N. (2005). Physical Violence Between Siblings A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. Journal of Family İssues, 26(8), 1103-1130.
Infante, D. A. (1995). Teaching Students to Understand and Control Verbal Aggression. Communication Education, 44 (1), 51-63.
Infante, D. A., Rancer, A. S. (1996). Argumentativeness and Verbal Aggressiveness: A Review of Recent Theory and Research. Communication Yearbook, 19, 319-352.
Kiselica, M. S., Morrill‐Richards, M. (2007). Sibling Maltreatment: The Forgotten Abuse. Journal of Counseling & Development, 85 (2), 148-160.
Krienert, J. L., Walsh, J. A. (2011). My Brother’s Keeper: A Contemporary Examination of Reported Sibling Violence Using National Level Data, 2000–2005. Journal of Family Violence, 26(5), 331-342.
Martin Del Campo, M. (2012). ‘Creation and Validation of the Sibling Abuse Scale’, Faculty of San Diego State University, Master of Arts İn Psychology, San Diego.
Meyers, A. (2014). A Call to Child Welfare: Protect Children from Sibling Abuse. Qualitative Social Work, 13(5), 654-670.
Murphy, C. M., O'Leary, K. D. (1989). Psychological Aggression Predicts Physical Aggression in Early Marriage. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57 (5), 579-582.
Navarre, E. L. (1987). Psychological Maltreatment: The Core Component of Child Abuse. Psychological Maltreatment of Children and Youth, 45-56.
Newman, J. (1994). Conflict and Friendship in Sibling Relationships: A Review. Child Study Journal, 24(2), 119-153.
Polat, O. (2007). Tüm Boyutlarıyla Çocuk İstismarı 1. Tanımlar. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Raffaelli, M. (1992). Sibling Conflict in Early Adolescence. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 652-663.
Raffaelli, M. (1992). Sibling Conflict in Early Adolescence. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 652-663.
Schneider, M. W., Ross, A., Graham, J. C., Zielinski, A. (2005). Do Allegations of Emotional Maltreatment Predict Developmental Outcomes Beyond That of Other Forms of Maltreatment?. Child Abuse & Neglect, 29 (5), 513-532.
Stormshak, E. A., Bellanti, C. J., Bierman, K. L. (1996). The Quality of Sibling Relationships and the Development of Social Competence and Behavioral Control in Aggressive Children. Developmental Psychology, 32(1), 79-89.
Whipple, E. E., Finton, M. S. E. (1995). Psychological Maltreatment By Siblings: An Unrecognized Form of Abuse. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 12 (2), 135-146.
Wiehe, V. R. (1997). Sibling Abuse: Hidden Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Trauma. Sage Publications.
Işık, E., & Çetin, Z. (2016). Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 261-270.
Işık E, Çetin Z. Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı. UGEAD - IntJCES. November 2016;2(2):261-270.
Işık, Esra, and Zeynep Çetin. “Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı”. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2, no. 2 (November 2016): 261-70.
Işık E, Çetin Z (November 1, 2016) Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2 2 261–270.
E. Işık and Z. Çetin, “Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı”, UGEAD - IntJCES, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 261–270, 2016.
Işık, Esra - Çetin, Zeynep. “Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı”. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2/2 (November 2016), 261-270.
Işık E, Çetin Z. Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı. UGEAD - IntJCES. 2016;2:261–270.
Işık, Esra and Zeynep Çetin. “Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı”. Uluslararası Güncel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 2, 2016, pp. 261-70.
Işık E, Çetin Z. Aile İçi Şiddetin Bir Türü: Kardeş İstismarı. UGEAD - IntJCES. 2016;2(2):261-70.