Research Article
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The Role of Dare Teachings on Self-concept and Reducing Academic Concern of Male students in Hamadan City

Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 237 - 251, 30.06.2018


This investigation was carried out aiming at determining the role of
dare lessons on academic self-esteem and reducing academic concerns of male
students in senior high school level in Hamedan city. Present research was
semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test plan and risk control group. The
statistical society of the study consisted of all male students educating in
the year 2016-17 in senior high school level in Hamedan. Statistical sample in
this study consisted of 30 subjects that were selected using multistage
clustering method. In a way that one high school was selected in random among
male senior high schools in Hamedan, and in this school, two classes were
selected in random as the control and experimental groups. Both groups
consisted of 15 subjects. To evaluate the academic self-concept in this study,
the 20-item questionnaire of Lieu and Yang (2005) and for academic concern, the
25-item questionnaire of Abulghasemi (1995) were used. Courage- teaching
consisted of eight 30-minute sessions on the skill regarding establishing
communication between people. Results from covariance analysis showed that dare
teachings (lessons) had effect on the academic self-concept and decreased
academic concern.


  • Abulghasemi, A.(1995).Introductory Building and validation of exam anxiety questionnaire and study of the relationship between exam anxiety and general anxiety, self_esteem, social and economic status, educational performance and teachers expectations in male students in the third grade of guidance school in Ahwaz city :M.A thesis ,Ahwaz , Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz.
  • Aghamohammadian-sherbaf, H., Pasuokhzadeh, Sh. (2002). Comparison of stress-causing factors and methods of coping them in students. Psychology Magazine, 6(2), 134-148
  • Akram Rana, R., & Zafar Iqbal, M. (2010). Effect of students' self-concept and gender on academic achievements in science. Bulletin of education & research, 27(2), 19-36.
  • Alberty, A. (2010). Psychiatric mental health nursing. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Concepts of care in evidence based practice.
  • Behpejooh, A., Hejazi, M. (2007). Effect of group dare learning program in increasing the degree of dare and self_esteem of students with little dare. Consulation investigations (New finding and consultation investigation),6 (23),7_24.
  • Biabangard, I. (1999). Methods of raising self_esteem in children and adolscents. Chapter 5, Tehran, society of parents and teachers.
  • Biabangard, I. (1999). Anxiety of exam. Tehran: Farhange Islami , Publishment center .
  • Bloom, B.S. (1984). Human characteristics and school learning.Translated by Alikhar Seif, Tehran: University publishment center.
  • Clingeh, crees, L. (2013).Life skills .4th ed. Tehran: Espand Honar.
  • Ellis, H. C., & Hunt, R. R. (1993). Fundamentals of Cognitive psychology. Fifth edition. VS. Brown & Benchmark (WCB). Publishers.
  • Erfani, N. (2009). Compiling amodel for stating educational achievement based on academic skills of students in the third grade of high school in Hamedan City. PhD thesis Tehran: Alameh Tabatabaee University.
  • Eureligs-Bontekoe, E. H. M. (2005). Homesickness, personality and personality disorders: An overview and therapeutic considerations. In: Van Tilburg ML, Vingerhoets JJM, editors. Psychological aspects of geographical moves: Homesickness and acculturation stress. Amesterdam University Press, 179-96.
  • Fatemeh, B. (2006). comparison of dare teaching methods to high school female students with little dare using group and individual consultation methods in Isfahan city.M.A thesis, counsiling field ,Tehran : Allameh Tabatabaee University .
  • Ferla, J., Valke, M., & Cai, Y. (2009). Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Selfconcept: Reconsidering Structural Relationships. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 499-505.
  • Forneris, T., Danish, S, J., & Scott, D, L. (2009). Setting goals, solving problems, and seeking social support: developing adolescents' abilities through life skill program. Adolescence, 42(165), 103-114.
  • Ghaffari, A., Arfahbluchi, F. (2011). Relation between achievement motive and academic self-concept with exam anxiety in the students of graduate studies in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Clinical psychology investigations and counciling, 2 (4), 121_136.
  • Ghobari Banab , B., Hejazi,M. (2007).Relationship between dare and self_esteem with educational achievement in expressional (highly tasented students) and ordinary students, investigation in regard with exceptional a students, 7 (3), 299_316.
  • Gruee, M., Kheir, M., Hashemi, L., (2011). Study of the relation between perfection-seeking and academic self- concept given the mediator role of academic laxity in students. Methods and models of psychiatry, 2, 137-150.
  • Hill, K., & Wigfeld, A. (1984). Test anxiety: a major educational problem and what can be done about it. Elementary School Journal, 85, 105-126.
  • Jomehpour, A. (2008).Getting rid of exam anxiety .Mashhad: Farangizesh.
  • Kamari, F., Karamati, H., Sarami, Gh. (2013). Effect of dare education on educational self_efficiency and academic achievement. 6th international gathering of psychaiterics.
  • Kegel, K. (2012). Homesickness in International College Students. Paper based on a program presented. American Counseling Association. Annual Conference and Exposition, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Keykhai Farzaneh, M.M. (2011).Effect of group self_expression education on social anxiety, educational achievement and social skills of student. Training psychology .2 (1), 103_116
  • Lieu, W.C., & Wang, C. K. J. (2005). Academic Self-Concept: A Cross-Sectional Study of Grade and Gender Differences in a Singapore Secondary School, Asia Pacific Education Review, 6(1), 20-27.
  • Lotfabadi, H., (2001). Psychology of Growth (2). Tehran: Samt.
  • Man, L. Narman. (2005). Psychology Principles. Translated by Mahmud Saatchi, Tehran: Sepehr.
  • Musavi, M., Haghshenas, H., Alishahi, M.J., Najmi, B., (3008). Exam Anxiety and some individual-social factors related to sinior high school students in Shiraz. Behavioral Science research, 1(6), 17-25.
  • Naderi, F., Ismaeli, E., Asgari, P., Heidari, A., (2010). Psychology of Anxiety. MA thesis, Ahwaz: Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz Branch.
  • Nagy, G., Watt, H.m.g., Eccles, J.S., Trautwein, U., ludthe, O., & baumert, J. (2010). The Development of student's mathematics self-concept in relation to gender: different countries, different trajectories? Journal of research on adolescence, 20(2), 482-506.
  • Nazari, M., (2004). Success Factors in Education. Tehran: Madreseh.
  • Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2014). An assertiveness training program for indecisive student attending an Italian University. Career Development Quarterly, 15(4), 47-63.
  • Ogden, J. (2004). Health Psychology. Spain: McGraw-Hill.
  • Paterson, M., Green, Y.M., Basson, C.Y., & Ross, F. (2009). Probability of assertive behavior, interpersonal anxiety and self-efficacy of South African register dietitians. Journal of Hom Nutr. Diet, 15 (1), 9-17.
  • Pekrun, R. (2004). Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 15610-15614.
  • Rahimi , J.,Haghighi , J.,Mehrabizadeh honarmand ,M.,Beshlideh kyomars (2006).Study of effect of dare teaching on social skills , social anxiety and self_expression in students in grade one of high school .Magazine of psychlogy and educational science , 1 (13),111_124.
  • Rezapoumirsaleh, Y., Abutorabi Kashani , P., Ebrahinighavam,Soghra (2012).Effect of dare teating on social skills, social anxiety and self_expression and self_esteem in female Students in the gardes (3_5) of elementary school in Tehran .Clinical psychology and personality , ( Daneshvar Raftar,1917,17_90 ) .
  • Rezazadeh, M., & Tavakoli, M. (2009). Investigating the relationship among test anxiety, gender, academic achievement and years of study: a case of Iranian EFL university student. English Language Teaching, 2(4), 68-74.
  • Taghizadeh, M.E. (2000).Restless wind of Adolscence ,Isfahan , Yekta.
  • Tavakoli, S., Lumley, M., & Hejazi, A. (2009). Effects of assertiveness training and expressive writing on acculturative stress in international students: A randomized trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56 (4), 590-596. (Persian).
  • Totonchi, M. (2011).Mediatorial role of self_concept for perfection _seeleing and mental health .M.A.thesis .University of Psychology and education science, Shiraz : Islamic Azad university , Marvdasht branch .
  • Ziasi, A.A. (2000). Theories of personality, Tehran: publishment Institute anx press of Tehran University.
Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 237 - 251, 30.06.2018



  • Abulghasemi, A.(1995).Introductory Building and validation of exam anxiety questionnaire and study of the relationship between exam anxiety and general anxiety, self_esteem, social and economic status, educational performance and teachers expectations in male students in the third grade of guidance school in Ahwaz city :M.A thesis ,Ahwaz , Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz.
  • Aghamohammadian-sherbaf, H., Pasuokhzadeh, Sh. (2002). Comparison of stress-causing factors and methods of coping them in students. Psychology Magazine, 6(2), 134-148
  • Akram Rana, R., & Zafar Iqbal, M. (2010). Effect of students' self-concept and gender on academic achievements in science. Bulletin of education & research, 27(2), 19-36.
  • Alberty, A. (2010). Psychiatric mental health nursing. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Concepts of care in evidence based practice.
  • Behpejooh, A., Hejazi, M. (2007). Effect of group dare learning program in increasing the degree of dare and self_esteem of students with little dare. Consulation investigations (New finding and consultation investigation),6 (23),7_24.
  • Biabangard, I. (1999). Methods of raising self_esteem in children and adolscents. Chapter 5, Tehran, society of parents and teachers.
  • Biabangard, I. (1999). Anxiety of exam. Tehran: Farhange Islami , Publishment center .
  • Bloom, B.S. (1984). Human characteristics and school learning.Translated by Alikhar Seif, Tehran: University publishment center.
  • Clingeh, crees, L. (2013).Life skills .4th ed. Tehran: Espand Honar.
  • Ellis, H. C., & Hunt, R. R. (1993). Fundamentals of Cognitive psychology. Fifth edition. VS. Brown & Benchmark (WCB). Publishers.
  • Erfani, N. (2009). Compiling amodel for stating educational achievement based on academic skills of students in the third grade of high school in Hamedan City. PhD thesis Tehran: Alameh Tabatabaee University.
  • Eureligs-Bontekoe, E. H. M. (2005). Homesickness, personality and personality disorders: An overview and therapeutic considerations. In: Van Tilburg ML, Vingerhoets JJM, editors. Psychological aspects of geographical moves: Homesickness and acculturation stress. Amesterdam University Press, 179-96.
  • Fatemeh, B. (2006). comparison of dare teaching methods to high school female students with little dare using group and individual consultation methods in Isfahan city.M.A thesis, counsiling field ,Tehran : Allameh Tabatabaee University .
  • Ferla, J., Valke, M., & Cai, Y. (2009). Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Selfconcept: Reconsidering Structural Relationships. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 499-505.
  • Forneris, T., Danish, S, J., & Scott, D, L. (2009). Setting goals, solving problems, and seeking social support: developing adolescents' abilities through life skill program. Adolescence, 42(165), 103-114.
  • Ghaffari, A., Arfahbluchi, F. (2011). Relation between achievement motive and academic self-concept with exam anxiety in the students of graduate studies in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Clinical psychology investigations and counciling, 2 (4), 121_136.
  • Ghobari Banab , B., Hejazi,M. (2007).Relationship between dare and self_esteem with educational achievement in expressional (highly tasented students) and ordinary students, investigation in regard with exceptional a students, 7 (3), 299_316.
  • Gruee, M., Kheir, M., Hashemi, L., (2011). Study of the relation between perfection-seeking and academic self- concept given the mediator role of academic laxity in students. Methods and models of psychiatry, 2, 137-150.
  • Hill, K., & Wigfeld, A. (1984). Test anxiety: a major educational problem and what can be done about it. Elementary School Journal, 85, 105-126.
  • Jomehpour, A. (2008).Getting rid of exam anxiety .Mashhad: Farangizesh.
  • Kamari, F., Karamati, H., Sarami, Gh. (2013). Effect of dare education on educational self_efficiency and academic achievement. 6th international gathering of psychaiterics.
  • Kegel, K. (2012). Homesickness in International College Students. Paper based on a program presented. American Counseling Association. Annual Conference and Exposition, Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • Keykhai Farzaneh, M.M. (2011).Effect of group self_expression education on social anxiety, educational achievement and social skills of student. Training psychology .2 (1), 103_116
  • Lieu, W.C., & Wang, C. K. J. (2005). Academic Self-Concept: A Cross-Sectional Study of Grade and Gender Differences in a Singapore Secondary School, Asia Pacific Education Review, 6(1), 20-27.
  • Lotfabadi, H., (2001). Psychology of Growth (2). Tehran: Samt.
  • Man, L. Narman. (2005). Psychology Principles. Translated by Mahmud Saatchi, Tehran: Sepehr.
  • Musavi, M., Haghshenas, H., Alishahi, M.J., Najmi, B., (3008). Exam Anxiety and some individual-social factors related to sinior high school students in Shiraz. Behavioral Science research, 1(6), 17-25.
  • Naderi, F., Ismaeli, E., Asgari, P., Heidari, A., (2010). Psychology of Anxiety. MA thesis, Ahwaz: Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz Branch.
  • Nagy, G., Watt, H.m.g., Eccles, J.S., Trautwein, U., ludthe, O., & baumert, J. (2010). The Development of student's mathematics self-concept in relation to gender: different countries, different trajectories? Journal of research on adolescence, 20(2), 482-506.
  • Nazari, M., (2004). Success Factors in Education. Tehran: Madreseh.
  • Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2014). An assertiveness training program for indecisive student attending an Italian University. Career Development Quarterly, 15(4), 47-63.
  • Ogden, J. (2004). Health Psychology. Spain: McGraw-Hill.
  • Paterson, M., Green, Y.M., Basson, C.Y., & Ross, F. (2009). Probability of assertive behavior, interpersonal anxiety and self-efficacy of South African register dietitians. Journal of Hom Nutr. Diet, 15 (1), 9-17.
  • Pekrun, R. (2004). Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 15610-15614.
  • Rahimi , J.,Haghighi , J.,Mehrabizadeh honarmand ,M.,Beshlideh kyomars (2006).Study of effect of dare teaching on social skills , social anxiety and self_expression in students in grade one of high school .Magazine of psychlogy and educational science , 1 (13),111_124.
  • Rezapoumirsaleh, Y., Abutorabi Kashani , P., Ebrahinighavam,Soghra (2012).Effect of dare teating on social skills, social anxiety and self_expression and self_esteem in female Students in the gardes (3_5) of elementary school in Tehran .Clinical psychology and personality , ( Daneshvar Raftar,1917,17_90 ) .
  • Rezazadeh, M., & Tavakoli, M. (2009). Investigating the relationship among test anxiety, gender, academic achievement and years of study: a case of Iranian EFL university student. English Language Teaching, 2(4), 68-74.
  • Taghizadeh, M.E. (2000).Restless wind of Adolscence ,Isfahan , Yekta.
  • Tavakoli, S., Lumley, M., & Hejazi, A. (2009). Effects of assertiveness training and expressive writing on acculturative stress in international students: A randomized trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56 (4), 590-596. (Persian).
  • Totonchi, M. (2011).Mediatorial role of self_concept for perfection _seeleing and mental health .M.A.thesis .University of Psychology and education science, Shiraz : Islamic Azad university , Marvdasht branch .
  • Ziasi, A.A. (2000). Theories of personality, Tehran: publishment Institute anx press of Tehran University.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Research

Ali Asghar Rasouli This is me

Seyed Zohre Sadeghi This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2018
Submission Date April 2, 2018
Acceptance Date June 11, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Rasouli, A. A., & Sadeghi, S. Z. (2018). The Role of Dare Teachings on Self-concept and Reducing Academic Concern of Male students in Hamadan City. Uluslararası Kültürel Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(1), 237-251.

 International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies