Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 337 - 356, 30.06.2019



  • Autes, M. (2007) ‘The links between knowledge and politics’ Literature review Report June 2007 04-03-2008
  • Balibar Etienne (2004) We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship?. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Bendel, (2005). “Immigration policy in the European Union: still bringing up the walls for fortress Europe?”, Migration Letters, 2(1): 2-8.
  • Castells, M. (2000a) The Rise of the Network Society, Second Edition. U.S.: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Di Gregorio, L. (2000). “La politica migratoria italiana nel quadro europeo: quale e quanta europeizzazione?”. Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Scienza Politica.Earnest, D. C. (2008) Old nations, new voters : nationalism, transnationalism, and democracy in the era of global migration State University of New York Press, Albany
  • Faist, T. (Ed.), (2007). The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration Between Autonomy and the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • FP6 Specific Programme “Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area”Priority 7: Citizens and Governance in a knowledge based society’ Work Programme 2002 -2003
  • Fuller, S. (2002) Knowledge Management Foundations Butterworth–Heinemann Boston
  • Gibbons M. Limoges, C. Nowotny, H. Schwartzman, S. Scott, P. and Trow, M., (1994).The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London: Sage.
  • Gibbons, M. Scott P. Nowotny, H. (2003) “‘Mode 2’ revisited: the new production of knowledge – Introduction”, Minerva, Vol. 41 No.3, pp.179-94.
  • Held, D. (1996). Models of Democracy. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • Hirschman, C., DeWind, J., Kasinitz, P. and DeWind, J. 1999 The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Kuhn, T. (1963) The Structure of Scientific Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Lerner, Daniel and Lasswell, D. Harold ed. (1951) The Policy Sciences; Recent Developments in Scope and Method, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Lindblom, Charles E. (19599. “The Science of ‘Muddling Through’”. Public Administration Review, 19, 79-88. (Gordon Marshal 1998).
  • Lush, S. (2002). Critique of Information SAGE Publications London
  • Martin, J. Frost P. J. and O’Neill, O. A. (2004). “Organizational Culture: Beyond Struggles for Intellectual Dominance”, in Clegg, S. Hardy, C. Nord, W. and Lawrence, T. (Ed.), The Handbook of Organisation Studies. 2nd ed, Sage Publications Newbury Park. 23-07-2009.
  • Melica L. (1996). Lo straniero extracomunitario. Valori costituzionali e identità culturali. Torino, Giappichelli.
  • Müldür, U. Caracostas, P. (1998). Society, the endless frontier a European vision of research and innovation policies for the 21st century. European Commission, Directorate-General XII-Science, Research and Development
  • Nutley, S. (2003). “Bridging the policy/research divide: Reflections and lessons from the UK”. Keynote paper presented at the National Institute of Governance conference ‘‘Facing the Future: Engaging Stakeholders and Citizens in Developing Public Policy,’’ Canberra, Australia.
  • Nutley, S. M. Walter I. and Davies, H. T.O. (2007). Using Evidence: How research can inform public services. The Policy Press University of Bristol.
  • Popper, K. (1953) “Science: Conjectures and Refutations” A lecture given at Peterhouse, Cambridge, in Summer 1953, as part of a course on Developments and trends in contemporary British philosophy 03-04-2008
  • Popper, K.(1966) The Open society and its Enemies Routledge London. 1972 Objective Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Schiller N. G. (2009). “A Global perspective on Transnational Migration: Theorizing Migration without Methodological Nationalism” Working Paper No. 67, University of Oxford.
  • Sörlin S. and Vessuri H. (2007). Knowledge Society vs. Knowledge Economy: Knowledge, Power, and Politics. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wagner, P. (1999) ‘The Twentieth-Century – The Century of the Social Sciences?’, in World Science Report, pp. 16–41. Paris: UNESCO
  • Wallerstein, I. (1999). “Social Sciences in the Twenty-first century,” in A. Kazancigil & D. Makinson, eds., World Social Sciences Report, 1999. Par¬is: Unesco Publ./Elsevier, 1999, 42-49.
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel 2001 ‘The Three Meaning Of Discipline’ ” in Re-inventing the Social Sciences OECD 2004 21-05-2007.
  • Webster, F. (2006) Theories of the Information Society Routledge London and Newm York.
  • Zincone G. (2010). “Citizenship Policy Making in Mediterranean EU States: Italy”. EUDO Citizenship Observatory Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in collaboration with Edinburgh University Law School Country Report, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT. 03-04-2010.
  • Zincone, G. and Di Gregorio, L. (2002 Le politiche pubbliche per l’immigrazione in Italia: uno schema d’analisi eclettico.” convegno triennale dell'Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Università della Calabria. Stato e mercato 66 (3): 37-59.

The Europeanization of social science research: the relation between policy research and migration policies in Italy in the late 1990s early 2000s.

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 337 - 356, 30.06.2019


The inclusion of social science research in the
decision making process has raised questions about the validity of scientific
knowledge, in terms of its objectivity and of its legitimizing function. On the
other hand, the emergence of new ways to understand contemporary societies with
the central role of information and knowledge and a new model of science and technology
has revived the role of social science research. The inclusion of the social
sciences and humanities in the ERA (European Research Area) is an attempt to
achieve a greater degree of economic, social and political integration. The EU
is therefore proposing the revival of the social sciences in the policy-making process.
This paper seeks to determine to what extent funding in the social sciences at
EU level has had an impact on policy research at national level. It explores
the implication that a latent European social science may have at national
level. To investigate these issues, the paper examines migration policies in
Italy, whether there has been an increased role of the social sciences in the
policy-making process.


  • Autes, M. (2007) ‘The links between knowledge and politics’ Literature review Report June 2007 04-03-2008
  • Balibar Etienne (2004) We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship?. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Bendel, (2005). “Immigration policy in the European Union: still bringing up the walls for fortress Europe?”, Migration Letters, 2(1): 2-8.
  • Castells, M. (2000a) The Rise of the Network Society, Second Edition. U.S.: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Di Gregorio, L. (2000). “La politica migratoria italiana nel quadro europeo: quale e quanta europeizzazione?”. Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Scienza Politica.Earnest, D. C. (2008) Old nations, new voters : nationalism, transnationalism, and democracy in the era of global migration State University of New York Press, Albany
  • Faist, T. (Ed.), (2007). The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration Between Autonomy and the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • FP6 Specific Programme “Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area”Priority 7: Citizens and Governance in a knowledge based society’ Work Programme 2002 -2003
  • Fuller, S. (2002) Knowledge Management Foundations Butterworth–Heinemann Boston
  • Gibbons M. Limoges, C. Nowotny, H. Schwartzman, S. Scott, P. and Trow, M., (1994).The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London: Sage.
  • Gibbons, M. Scott P. Nowotny, H. (2003) “‘Mode 2’ revisited: the new production of knowledge – Introduction”, Minerva, Vol. 41 No.3, pp.179-94.
  • Held, D. (1996). Models of Democracy. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  • Hirschman, C., DeWind, J., Kasinitz, P. and DeWind, J. 1999 The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Kuhn, T. (1963) The Structure of Scientific Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Lerner, Daniel and Lasswell, D. Harold ed. (1951) The Policy Sciences; Recent Developments in Scope and Method, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Lindblom, Charles E. (19599. “The Science of ‘Muddling Through’”. Public Administration Review, 19, 79-88. (Gordon Marshal 1998).
  • Lush, S. (2002). Critique of Information SAGE Publications London
  • Martin, J. Frost P. J. and O’Neill, O. A. (2004). “Organizational Culture: Beyond Struggles for Intellectual Dominance”, in Clegg, S. Hardy, C. Nord, W. and Lawrence, T. (Ed.), The Handbook of Organisation Studies. 2nd ed, Sage Publications Newbury Park. 23-07-2009.
  • Melica L. (1996). Lo straniero extracomunitario. Valori costituzionali e identità culturali. Torino, Giappichelli.
  • Müldür, U. Caracostas, P. (1998). Society, the endless frontier a European vision of research and innovation policies for the 21st century. European Commission, Directorate-General XII-Science, Research and Development
  • Nutley, S. (2003). “Bridging the policy/research divide: Reflections and lessons from the UK”. Keynote paper presented at the National Institute of Governance conference ‘‘Facing the Future: Engaging Stakeholders and Citizens in Developing Public Policy,’’ Canberra, Australia.
  • Nutley, S. M. Walter I. and Davies, H. T.O. (2007). Using Evidence: How research can inform public services. The Policy Press University of Bristol.
  • Popper, K. (1953) “Science: Conjectures and Refutations” A lecture given at Peterhouse, Cambridge, in Summer 1953, as part of a course on Developments and trends in contemporary British philosophy 03-04-2008
  • Popper, K.(1966) The Open society and its Enemies Routledge London. 1972 Objective Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Schiller N. G. (2009). “A Global perspective on Transnational Migration: Theorizing Migration without Methodological Nationalism” Working Paper No. 67, University of Oxford.
  • Sörlin S. and Vessuri H. (2007). Knowledge Society vs. Knowledge Economy: Knowledge, Power, and Politics. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wagner, P. (1999) ‘The Twentieth-Century – The Century of the Social Sciences?’, in World Science Report, pp. 16–41. Paris: UNESCO
  • Wallerstein, I. (1999). “Social Sciences in the Twenty-first century,” in A. Kazancigil & D. Makinson, eds., World Social Sciences Report, 1999. Par¬is: Unesco Publ./Elsevier, 1999, 42-49.
  • Wallerstein, Immanuel 2001 ‘The Three Meaning Of Discipline’ ” in Re-inventing the Social Sciences OECD 2004 21-05-2007.
  • Webster, F. (2006) Theories of the Information Society Routledge London and Newm York.
  • Zincone G. (2010). “Citizenship Policy Making in Mediterranean EU States: Italy”. EUDO Citizenship Observatory Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in collaboration with Edinburgh University Law School Country Report, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT. 03-04-2010.
  • Zincone, G. and Di Gregorio, L. (2002 Le politiche pubbliche per l’immigrazione in Italia: uno schema d’analisi eclettico.” convegno triennale dell'Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, Università della Calabria. Stato e mercato 66 (3): 37-59.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research

Marco Boschele 0000-0003-2498-0317

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Submission Date March 20, 2019
Acceptance Date June 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Boschele, M. (2019). The Europeanization of social science research: the relation between policy research and migration policies in Italy in the late 1990s early 2000s. Uluslararası Kültürel Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5(1), 337-356.

 International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies