Research Article
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The Relationship between Sport Self-efficacy Inter-mediator and Perfectionism and Competitive Anxiety among Top Football League Athletes of Hamedan Province

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 126 - 139, 22.06.2018


Present study was carried out to reveal the relationship between sport self-efficacy intermediator
and perfectionism among athletes of top football league of Hamedan province. This
study was applied, descriptive and correlative type and it was quantitative in terms of data
collection method. The statistical community of present study consisted of all footballers in
top football league of Hamedan province in 2016. Given the point that there are 10 teams in
top league of Hamedan province, thus, the statistical society of this study included 220
athletes. The statistical sample consisting of 140 athletes were chosen in random using
Morgan and Kerjsi table. Results indicate that there is a significant relationship between sport
self-efficacy inter-mediator and perfectionism and competitive anxiety of football athletes of
Hamedan province. On the other hand, a significant relationship is observed among all three
variables of sport self-efficacy, competitive anxiety, and perfectionism. Also, the components
of perfectionism had the ability to predict sport self-efficacy and competitive anxiety and also
components of sport self-efficacy were capable of predicting competitive anxiety.


  • Alden LE, Bielingt PY, Wallace ST (2009). Perfectionism in an interpersonal context,Cognitive Therapy and Reacher, 264-376.Anshel MH,
  • Mansouri H (2005). "Influences of perfectionism on motor performance, affect,and causal attributions in response to critical information feedback". Journal of sportbehavior, 28, 99-124.
  • Bandura A (1997). Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: W. H. Free -man.Bandura A (2000). Cultivate self-efficacy for personal and organizational effectiveness. Handbook of principles of organization behavior. Oxford, uk:Blachwell, 120-139.
  • Besharat MA, Hominian D, Ghahramani MH, Naghipourgivi B (2011). The effect of sportingself-efficacy mediator on the relationship between perfectionism and competitive anxiety,Growth and movement sporting –learning (Movement), 8, 5- 27.
  • Besharat MA (2004). Relationship between perfectionism and inter-personal problems. Scientific-investigative periodical, Shahed University, 11(7).
  • Besharat MA (2004). Effect of style of resisting stress in sporting situations. Movement, 24, 87, 100.Broday SF (1988). Perfectionism and Million basic personality patterns. Physiological Reports, 63, 791-794.
  • Brusokas A, Malinauskas R (2014). Career Self – efficacy among Lithuanian Adolescents in Sports Schools. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 21 212-216.
  • Burton D (1998). Measuring competitive state anxiety. In J. L. Duda (Ed.), advances in sport and exercise psychology measurement, 129-148 Morgantown, WV: fitness Information Technology.
  • Cooper Z, Cooper PJ, Fairburn CC (1985). The specialty of the Eating disorders inventory. British Journal of clinical Phycology, 24. 129-130.
  • Egan S (2005). An investigation of positive and negative perfectionism, Unpublished master's thesis, Curtin University of technology human research. Australia. (Online).
  • Eun Hee S (2008). Self-efficacy as a mediator in the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and academic procrastination. Social (Impact Factor: 0.31), 36(6):753-764. DOI: 10.2224/sbp.2008.36.6.75.
  • Farrokhi A, Hakak E (2010). Comparison of two types of competitive innate and state anxiety in the domestic and foreign athletes attending Basketball international matches, sports cup and nations. Harakat publishing House ,4.
  • Flett GL, Hewitt PL (2005). "The perils of perfectionism in sport and exercise". Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 14-18.
  • Flett GL, Hewitt PL, Dyck (1989). Self-oriented neuroticism and anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 10. 731-735.
  • Frost RO, Heimberg RC, Holt S, Mattia JI (1993). A Compassion of two measures of perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences, 15, 469-490.
  • Ghaseminezhad MA, Abulghasemi A, Ansarhossein S (2015). Design and pattern of causative patterns relationship between mental performance and competitive anxiety with mental solidity and sports-orientation. Sporting psychological studies .11,77-92.
  • Hall HK, Kerr AW, Matthews J (1998). "Precompetitive anxiety in sport: the contribution of achievement goals and perfectionism". Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, 94-217.
  • Hewitt PL, Flett GL (1991). Perfectionism in the self and social contests: conceptualization, assessment and association with psychopathology. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 456-470.
  • Hewitt PL, Flett GL (1990). Perfectionism and Depression: A Multidimensional analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and personality, 5. 423-438.
  • Hill RW, Huelsmann TJ, Furr RM, Kibler J, Vicente BB, Kennedy C (2004). A new measure of perfectionism Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 80-91.
  • Hushmand Vizhe M (2007). Durland Medical Dictionary (English into Persian). Tehran Sorush publishing center.Isfahani N, Soflu HG (2011). Studying the relationship between self-confidence and performance and competitive anxiety of female amateur and professional. woman in the development and politics, 35.135-149.
  • Kheibari M (2003). Reducing the amount of depression and anxiety through sports. Series of sporting congress articles from medical viewpoint, published: Ferdows publishing company.
  • Koivula N, Hassmen P, Fallby J (2002). Self – esteem and perfectionism in elite athletes:effects on competitive anxiety and self – confidence. Personality and individual Differences,32, 865-875.
  • Madigan D, Stoeber J, Passfield L (2016). Athletes perfectionism and reasons for training:Perfectionistic concerns predict training for weight control Personality and IndividualDifferences, In Press, Corrected Proof.
  • Mahdian S (2011). Relationship between physical self-concept and sporting anxiety of successful and unsuccessful female students in school competitions and their comparison.Academic Sorush publishing House, (1990). MA Thesis, Markazi province.
  • Mansoor M, Dadsetan P (1990). Genetic psychologists (2nd Ed.). Zharf publishing House, Tehran.
  • Martens R, Vealey RS, Burton D (1990). Competitive anxiety in sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Mazlumi Mahmoud Abad SS, Mohammadi Morowatisharifabad MA (2010). Spots and its relationship with self-efficacy based on the pattern of change processes in the employees of Yazd in 2008. Journal of Kerman medical university. 4(17), 346-354.
  • Nakano K (2009). Perfectionism, self-efficacy, and depression: preliminary analysis of the Japanese version if the almost perfect scale-revised, psychological reports, 104, 3, 896-908.
  • Ramezanzadeh H, Arabnarmi B, Eghhali Hashjin B (2013). Studying relationship between aspects of perfectionism and self-efficacy in female students. Sporting psychological studies, 4,10.
  • Shamaeezadeh M (2005). Studying the effect of cognitive social occupational consultation on increasing self-efficacy of student job-creator of Isfahan University. MA thesis in occupational consultation (unpublished), Isfahan University.
  • Stoeber J, Hutchfield J, Wood KV (2011). Perfectionism, self-efficacy, and aspiration level: differential effects of perfectionistic striving and self-criticism after success and failure. Personality and individual differences, 45, 4, 323-327.
  • Stumpf H, Parker WD (2000). A hierarchical structural analysis of perfectionism and its relation to other personality characteristics. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 837- 852.
  • Suddarth BH, Slaney RB (2001). An investigation of the dimensions of perfectionism in college students. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and development, 34, 157-165.
  • Trumpeter N, Watson Brian PJ, O’Leary F (2006). Within Multidimensional Perfectionism Scales: Complexity of relationships with Self-Esteem, Narcissism, Self-Control, and SelfCriticism. Psychology/Department # 2803, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
  • Wallace L, Buckworth J (2002). Application of the trans-theoretical model to exercise behavior among nontraditional college students. American Journal of Health Education, 32(1), 39-47.
  • Woodman T, Hardy L (2001). Stress and anxiety. In R. Singer, H. A. Hausenblas, and C. M. Janelle (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Sport Psychology (2nd ed., 290-318). New York: Wiley.
Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 126 - 139, 22.06.2018



  • Alden LE, Bielingt PY, Wallace ST (2009). Perfectionism in an interpersonal context,Cognitive Therapy and Reacher, 264-376.Anshel MH,
  • Mansouri H (2005). "Influences of perfectionism on motor performance, affect,and causal attributions in response to critical information feedback". Journal of sportbehavior, 28, 99-124.
  • Bandura A (1997). Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: W. H. Free -man.Bandura A (2000). Cultivate self-efficacy for personal and organizational effectiveness. Handbook of principles of organization behavior. Oxford, uk:Blachwell, 120-139.
  • Besharat MA, Hominian D, Ghahramani MH, Naghipourgivi B (2011). The effect of sportingself-efficacy mediator on the relationship between perfectionism and competitive anxiety,Growth and movement sporting –learning (Movement), 8, 5- 27.
  • Besharat MA (2004). Relationship between perfectionism and inter-personal problems. Scientific-investigative periodical, Shahed University, 11(7).
  • Besharat MA (2004). Effect of style of resisting stress in sporting situations. Movement, 24, 87, 100.Broday SF (1988). Perfectionism and Million basic personality patterns. Physiological Reports, 63, 791-794.
  • Brusokas A, Malinauskas R (2014). Career Self – efficacy among Lithuanian Adolescents in Sports Schools. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 21 212-216.
  • Burton D (1998). Measuring competitive state anxiety. In J. L. Duda (Ed.), advances in sport and exercise psychology measurement, 129-148 Morgantown, WV: fitness Information Technology.
  • Cooper Z, Cooper PJ, Fairburn CC (1985). The specialty of the Eating disorders inventory. British Journal of clinical Phycology, 24. 129-130.
  • Egan S (2005). An investigation of positive and negative perfectionism, Unpublished master's thesis, Curtin University of technology human research. Australia. (Online).
  • Eun Hee S (2008). Self-efficacy as a mediator in the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and academic procrastination. Social (Impact Factor: 0.31), 36(6):753-764. DOI: 10.2224/sbp.2008.36.6.75.
  • Farrokhi A, Hakak E (2010). Comparison of two types of competitive innate and state anxiety in the domestic and foreign athletes attending Basketball international matches, sports cup and nations. Harakat publishing House ,4.
  • Flett GL, Hewitt PL (2005). "The perils of perfectionism in sport and exercise". Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 14-18.
  • Flett GL, Hewitt PL, Dyck (1989). Self-oriented neuroticism and anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 10. 731-735.
  • Frost RO, Heimberg RC, Holt S, Mattia JI (1993). A Compassion of two measures of perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences, 15, 469-490.
  • Ghaseminezhad MA, Abulghasemi A, Ansarhossein S (2015). Design and pattern of causative patterns relationship between mental performance and competitive anxiety with mental solidity and sports-orientation. Sporting psychological studies .11,77-92.
  • Hall HK, Kerr AW, Matthews J (1998). "Precompetitive anxiety in sport: the contribution of achievement goals and perfectionism". Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, 94-217.
  • Hewitt PL, Flett GL (1991). Perfectionism in the self and social contests: conceptualization, assessment and association with psychopathology. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 456-470.
  • Hewitt PL, Flett GL (1990). Perfectionism and Depression: A Multidimensional analysis. Journal of Social Behavior and personality, 5. 423-438.
  • Hill RW, Huelsmann TJ, Furr RM, Kibler J, Vicente BB, Kennedy C (2004). A new measure of perfectionism Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 80-91.
  • Hushmand Vizhe M (2007). Durland Medical Dictionary (English into Persian). Tehran Sorush publishing center.Isfahani N, Soflu HG (2011). Studying the relationship between self-confidence and performance and competitive anxiety of female amateur and professional. woman in the development and politics, 35.135-149.
  • Kheibari M (2003). Reducing the amount of depression and anxiety through sports. Series of sporting congress articles from medical viewpoint, published: Ferdows publishing company.
  • Koivula N, Hassmen P, Fallby J (2002). Self – esteem and perfectionism in elite athletes:effects on competitive anxiety and self – confidence. Personality and individual Differences,32, 865-875.
  • Madigan D, Stoeber J, Passfield L (2016). Athletes perfectionism and reasons for training:Perfectionistic concerns predict training for weight control Personality and IndividualDifferences, In Press, Corrected Proof.
  • Mahdian S (2011). Relationship between physical self-concept and sporting anxiety of successful and unsuccessful female students in school competitions and their comparison.Academic Sorush publishing House, (1990). MA Thesis, Markazi province.
  • Mansoor M, Dadsetan P (1990). Genetic psychologists (2nd Ed.). Zharf publishing House, Tehran.
  • Martens R, Vealey RS, Burton D (1990). Competitive anxiety in sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Mazlumi Mahmoud Abad SS, Mohammadi Morowatisharifabad MA (2010). Spots and its relationship with self-efficacy based on the pattern of change processes in the employees of Yazd in 2008. Journal of Kerman medical university. 4(17), 346-354.
  • Nakano K (2009). Perfectionism, self-efficacy, and depression: preliminary analysis of the Japanese version if the almost perfect scale-revised, psychological reports, 104, 3, 896-908.
  • Ramezanzadeh H, Arabnarmi B, Eghhali Hashjin B (2013). Studying relationship between aspects of perfectionism and self-efficacy in female students. Sporting psychological studies, 4,10.
  • Shamaeezadeh M (2005). Studying the effect of cognitive social occupational consultation on increasing self-efficacy of student job-creator of Isfahan University. MA thesis in occupational consultation (unpublished), Isfahan University.
  • Stoeber J, Hutchfield J, Wood KV (2011). Perfectionism, self-efficacy, and aspiration level: differential effects of perfectionistic striving and self-criticism after success and failure. Personality and individual differences, 45, 4, 323-327.
  • Stumpf H, Parker WD (2000). A hierarchical structural analysis of perfectionism and its relation to other personality characteristics. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 837- 852.
  • Suddarth BH, Slaney RB (2001). An investigation of the dimensions of perfectionism in college students. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and development, 34, 157-165.
  • Trumpeter N, Watson Brian PJ, O’Leary F (2006). Within Multidimensional Perfectionism Scales: Complexity of relationships with Self-Esteem, Narcissism, Self-Control, and SelfCriticism. Psychology/Department # 2803, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
  • Wallace L, Buckworth J (2002). Application of the trans-theoretical model to exercise behavior among nontraditional college students. American Journal of Health Education, 32(1), 39-47.
  • Woodman T, Hardy L (2001). Stress and anxiety. In R. Singer, H. A. Hausenblas, and C. M. Janelle (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Sport Psychology (2nd ed., 290-318). New York: Wiley.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Saeed Saheb Bayatı This is me

Gholamreza Khaksary This is me

Majid Soleyman This is me

Publication Date June 22, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Saheb Bayatı, S., Khaksary, G., & Soleyman, M. (2018). The Relationship between Sport Self-efficacy Inter-mediator and Perfectionism and Competitive Anxiety among Top Football League Athletes of Hamedan Province. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 6(2), 126-139.
IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).