Research Article
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Effects of tow protocol cold water immersion on the post match recovery and physical performance in youth handball players

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 26.09.2019


The purpose of this study is to compare two
cold water immersion (CWI) protocols, continuous and fractionated, to optimize
the recovery of Handball players after on recovery from exercise resulting in
exercise-induced muscle damage.

Ten male Handball players (age: 15 ± 1.4
years, mass index: 67.2 ± 5.1 kg, height: 176.6 ± 7.30) voluntarily
participated in the study. After three 90-minute training sessions (heart rate
160 ± 15.81, 156 ± 5.53 and 156 ± 12.24 bpm) per week, participants were divided
into 03 groups. The first experimental group (GE1) in continuous immersion
(CWIC) of (12 minutes, 12± 0.4 ° C), a second experimental group (GE2) in
fractional immersion (CWIF) of (4 x 2 min at 12 ± 0.4 ° C + 1 min out of water)
and a control group (GC) in passive recovery. Body mass indices (BMI),
countermovement jump and muscle pain were measured. The results concerning the
percentage differences in the variation of the CMJ occurred respectively at 24h
(Z = 12.62, p = 0.004) and 48h (Z = 16.22, p <0.001) compared to the control
group. In addition, the results for muscle volume did not report any
significant interaction (F (5.64) = 3.42, p = 0.078). The results of both
protocols showed their effectiveness in reducing pain intensity by 24 and 48
hours after intense training (F (3.54) = 2.91, p = 0.016, p2 = 0.24).

In conclusion, continuous and fractionated
cold water immersion is beneficial for neuromuscular recovery 24 hours after
intense exercise. The results also demonstrate a rapid recovery of handball players
from their physical potential required in high level competitions.


  • Argus, CK, Broatch, JR, Petersen, AC, Polman, R, Bishop, DJ, & Halson, S. (2017). Cold-Water Immersion and Contrast Water Therapy: No Improvement of Short-Term Recovery After Resistance Training. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2016–0127.
  • Ascensão, A, Leite, M, Rebelo, AN, Magalhäes, S, & Magalhäes, J. (2011). Effects of cold water immersion on the recovery of physical performance and muscle damage following a one-off soccer match. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 217–225.
  • Ascensão, António, Leite, M., Rebelo, AN, Magalhäes, S, & Magalhäes, J. (2011). Effects of cold water immersion on the recovery of physical performance and muscle damage following a one-off soccer match. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 217‑225.
  • Belkadi, A, Othman, B, Mohamed, S, Abdelhafid, L, M, BH., & Gleyse, J. (2015). Contribution to the Identification of the Professional Skills Profile of Coaches in the Algerian Sport Judo System. International Journal of Sports Science, 5, 145‑150.
  • Berria, M, Bachir, K, Eddine, SN, & Adel, B. (2018). Study of LDH adaptations associated with the development of Speed endurance in basketball players U19. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 7, 35‑43.
  • Calleja-González, J, Terrados, N, Mielgo-Ayuso, J, Delextrat, A, Jukic, I., Vaquera, A., … Ostojic, S. M. (2016). Evidence-based post-exercise recovery strategies in basketball. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 44, 74‑78.
  • Cherara, L., Belkadi, A., Asli, H., & Benbernou, O. (2019). Effects of caloric restriction on anthropometrical and specific performance in highly-trained university judo athletes. Physical education of students, 23, 30‑36.
  • Christensen, P. M., Jacobs, R. A., Bonne, T., Flück, D., Bangsbo, J., & Lundby, C. (2016). A short period of high-intensity interval training improves skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics. Journal of Applied Physiology, 120, 1319‑1327.
  • Delextrat, A., Calleja-González, J., Hippocrate, A., & Clarke, N. D. (2013). Effects of sports massage and intermittent cold-water immersion on recovery from matches by basketball players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31, 11‑19.
  • Elias, George P., Wyckelsma, V. L., Varley, M. C., McKenna, M. J., & Aughey, R. J. (2013a). Effectiveness of water immersion on postmatch recovery in elite professional footballers. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 8, 243‑253.
  • Elias, George P., Wyckelsma, V. L., Varley, M. C., McKenna, M. J., & Aughey, R. J. (2013b). Effectiveness of water immersion on postmatch recovery in elite professional footballers. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 8, 243‑253.
  • Elias, G.P., Wyckelsma, V. L., Varley, M. C., McKenna, M. J., & Aughey, R. J. (2013). of water immersion on postmatch recovery in elite professional footballers. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 8, 243–253.
  • G., N., Halson, S. L., & Dawson, B. T. (2013). Water immersion recovery for athletes: effect on exercise performance and practical recommendations. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 43, 1101–1130.
  • General Assembly of the World Medical Association. (2014). World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. The Journal of the American College of Dentists, 81, 14‑18.
  • Glasgow, P. D., Ferris, R., & Bleakley, C. M. (2014). Cold water immersion in the management of delayed-onset muscle soreness: Is dose important? A randomised controlled trial. Physical Therapy in Sport, 15, 228‑233.
  • Hammami, M., Negra, Y., Billaut, F., Hermassi, S., Shephard, R. J., & Chelly, M. S. (2018). Effects of Lower-Limb Strength Training on Agility, Repeated Sprinting With Changes of Direction, Leg Peak Power, and Neuromuscular Adaptations of Soccer Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32, 37‑47.
  • Higgins, T. R., Greene, D. A., & Baker, M. K. (2017). Effects of Cold Water Immersion and Contrast Water Therapy for Recovery From Team Sport: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 31, 1443‑1460.
  • Hohenauer, E., Taeymans, J., Baeyens, J.-P., Clarys, P., & Clijsen, R. (2015). The Effect of Post-Exercise Cryotherapy on Recovery Characteristics: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS. ONE, 10.
  • Hoppe, M. W., Brochhagen, J., Baumgart, C., Bauer, J., & Freiwald, J. (2017). Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics and Physical Capacities Between Junior and Adult Top-Level Handball Players. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 8.
  • Houcine, A., Ahmed, A., & Saddek, Z. (2014). Designing a Software to Count the Body Composition and Somatotype and its Role in Pursing the Morphological State of Spotsmen. AASRI Procedia, 8, 38‑43.
  • Ihsan, M., Watson, G., & Abbiss, C. R. (2016). What are the Physiological Mechanisms for Post-Exercise Cold Water Immersion in the Recovery from Prolonged Endurance and Intermittent Exercise? Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 46, 1095‑1109.
  • Johnston, R. D., Gabbett, T. J., & Jenkins, D. G. (2015). Influence of playing standard and physical fitness on activity profiles and post-match fatigue during intensified junior rugby league competition. Sports Medicine - Open, 1, 18.
  • Karan, V., Rakovac, A., Karan, M., Popović, M., Klašnja, J., & Lukač, D. (2017). Evaluation of body composition and muscular strength in different sports. Medicinski pregled, 70, 150‑154.
  • Katch, V. L., & Katch, F. I. (1974). A simple antrhopometric method for calculating segmental leg limb volume. Research Quarterly, 45, 211‑214.
  • Knowlton, W. M., Palkar, R., Lippoldt, E. K., McCoy, D. D., Baluch, F., Chen, J., & McKemy, D. D. (2013). A Sensory-Labeled Line for Cold: TRPM8-Expressing Sensory Neurons Define the Cellular Basis for Cold, Cold Pain, and Cooling-Mediated Analgesia. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 2837‑2848.
  • Kwiecien, S. Y., McHugh, M. P., & Howatson, G. (2018). The efficacy of cooling with phase change material for the treatment of exercise-induced muscle damage: Pilot study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36, 407‑413.
  • Lauber, C., Hickle, S., Jargstorf, J., & West, C. (2017). Effect of Cold Water Immersion or Contrast Water Therapy on Muscle Soreness After Exercise: 3330 Board #235 June 2 2. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49.
  • Leeder, J., Gissane, C., van Someren, K., Gregson, W., & Howatson, G. (2012). Cold water immersion and recovery from strenuous exercise: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46, 233‑240.
  • Machado, A. F., Ferreira, P. H., Micheletti, J. K., de Almeida, A. C., Lemes, Í. R., Vanderlei, F. M., … Pastre, C. M. (2016). Can Water Temperature and Immersion Time Influence the Effect of Cold Water Immersion on Muscle Soreness? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 46, 503‑514.
  • Markovic, G., Dizdar, D., Jukic, I., & Cardinale, M. (2004). Reliability and factorial validity of squat and countermovement jump tests. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18, 551‑555.
  • Montgomery, P. G., Pyne, D. B., Hopkins, W. G., Dorman, J. C., Cook, K., & Minahan, C. L. (2008). The effect of recovery strategies on physical performance and cumulative fatigue in competitive basketball. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26, 1135‑1145.
  • Mudie, K. L., Gupta, A., Green, S., Hobara, H., & Clothier, P. J. (2017). A Comparison of Vertical Stiffness Values Calculated from Different Measures of Center of Mass Displacement in Single-Leg Hopping. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 33, 39‑47.
  • Murray, A., & Cardinale, M. (2015). Cold applications for recovery in adolescent athletes: A systematic review and meta analysis. Extreme Physiology & Medicine, 4, 17.
  • Peiffer, J. J., Abbiss, C. R., Watson, G., Nosaka, K., & Laursen, P. B. (2009). Effect of cold-water immersion duration on body temperature and muscle function. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27, 987‑993.
  • Proudfoot, C. J., Garry, E. M., Cottrell, D. F., Rosie, R., Anderson, H., Robertson, D. C., … Mitchell, R. (2006). Analgesia Mediated by the TRPM8 Cold Receptor in Chronic Neuropathic Pain. Current Biology, 16, 1591‑1605.
  • Rowsell, G.J., Coutts, A. J., Reaburn, P., & Hill-Haas, S. (2010). Effect of post-match cold-water immersion on subsequent match running performance in junior soccer players during tournament play. Journal of Sports Sciences. Consulté. Consulté à l’adresse
  • Rowsell, Greg J., Coutts, A. J., Reaburn, P., & Hill-Haas, S. (2009). Effects of cold-water immersion on physical performance between successive matches in high-performance junior male soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27, 565‑573.
  • Sanchez-Ureña, B. A., Barrantes-Brais, K., Ureña-Bonilla, P., Calleja-González, J., & Ostojic, S. (2015). Effect of water immersion on recovery from fatigue: a meta-analysis. European Journal of Human Movement, 34, 1‑14.
  • Sánchez-Ureña, B., Martínez-Guardado, I., Crespo, C., Timón, R., Calleja-González, J., Ibañez, S. J., & Olcina, G. (2017). The use of continuous vs. intermittent cold water immersion as a recovery method in basketball players after training: A randomized controlled trial. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 45, 134‑139.
  • Simmons, G., Cooper, S., Research, J. B., & Muse, D. (2018). Enhancing methods for the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) pain model. The Journal of Pain, 19, S81.
  • Stanley, J., Buchheit, M., & Peake, J. M. (2012). The effect of post-exercise hydrotherapy on subsequent exercise performance and heart rate variability. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112, 951‑961.
  • Stevens, C. J., Kittel, A., Sculley, D. V., Callister, R., Taylor, L., & Dascombe, B. J. (2017). Running performance in the heat is improved by similar magnitude with pre-exercise cold-water immersion and mid-exercise facial water spray. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35, 798‑805.
  • Tidhar, D., Armer, J. M., Deutscher, D., Shyu, C.-R., Azuri, J., & Madsen, R. (2015). Measurement Issues in Anthropometric Measures of Limb Volume Change in Persons at Risk for and Living with Lymphedema: A Reliability Study. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 5, 341‑353.
  • Vaile, J. M., Gill, N. D., & Blazevich, A. J. (2007). The effect of contrast water therapy on symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21, 697‑702.
  • Versey, N. G., Halson, S. L., & Dawson, B. T. (2013). Water immersion recovery for athletes: Effect on exercise performance and practical recommendations. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 43, 1101‑1130.
  • Vieira, A., Siqueira, A. F., Ferreira-Junior, J. B., do Carmo, J., Durigan, J. L. Q., Blazevich, A., & Bottaro, M. (2016). The Effect of Water Temperature during Cold-Water Immersion on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 937‑943.
  • Wang, H., & Siemens, J. (2015). TRP ion channels in thermosensation, thermoregulation and metabolism., TRP ion channels in thermosensation, thermoregulation and metabolism. Temperature (Austin, Tex.), Temperature: Multidisciplinary Biomedical Journal, 2, 2, 178, 178‑187.
  • Washington, L. L., Gibson, S. J., & Helme, R. D. (2000). Age-related differences in the endogenous analgesic response to repeated cold water immersion in human volunteers. Pain, 89, 89‑96.
  • Wilcock, I. M., Cronin, J. B., & Hing, W. A. (2006). Physiological response to water immersion: A method for sport recovery? Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 36, 747‑765.
  • Yanagisawa, O., Homma, T., Okuwaki, T., Shimao, D., & Takahashi, H. (2007). Effects of cooling on human skin and skeletal muscle. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 100, 737‑745.
  • Zagatto, A. M., de Paula Ramos, S., Nakamura, F. Y., de Lira, F. S., Lopes-Martins, R. Á. B., & de Paiva Carvalho, R. L. (2016). Effects of low-level laser therapy on performance, inflammatory markers, and muscle damage in young water polo athletes: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Lasers in Medical Science, 31, 511‑521.
Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 26.09.2019



  • Argus, CK, Broatch, JR, Petersen, AC, Polman, R, Bishop, DJ, & Halson, S. (2017). Cold-Water Immersion and Contrast Water Therapy: No Improvement of Short-Term Recovery After Resistance Training. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2016–0127.
  • Ascensão, A, Leite, M, Rebelo, AN, Magalhäes, S, & Magalhäes, J. (2011). Effects of cold water immersion on the recovery of physical performance and muscle damage following a one-off soccer match. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 217–225.
  • Ascensão, António, Leite, M., Rebelo, AN, Magalhäes, S, & Magalhäes, J. (2011). Effects of cold water immersion on the recovery of physical performance and muscle damage following a one-off soccer match. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 217‑225.
  • Belkadi, A, Othman, B, Mohamed, S, Abdelhafid, L, M, BH., & Gleyse, J. (2015). Contribution to the Identification of the Professional Skills Profile of Coaches in the Algerian Sport Judo System. International Journal of Sports Science, 5, 145‑150.
  • Berria, M, Bachir, K, Eddine, SN, & Adel, B. (2018). Study of LDH adaptations associated with the development of Speed endurance in basketball players U19. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 7, 35‑43.
  • Calleja-González, J, Terrados, N, Mielgo-Ayuso, J, Delextrat, A, Jukic, I., Vaquera, A., … Ostojic, S. M. (2016). Evidence-based post-exercise recovery strategies in basketball. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 44, 74‑78.
  • Cherara, L., Belkadi, A., Asli, H., & Benbernou, O. (2019). Effects of caloric restriction on anthropometrical and specific performance in highly-trained university judo athletes. Physical education of students, 23, 30‑36.
  • Christensen, P. M., Jacobs, R. A., Bonne, T., Flück, D., Bangsbo, J., & Lundby, C. (2016). A short period of high-intensity interval training improves skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics. Journal of Applied Physiology, 120, 1319‑1327.
  • Delextrat, A., Calleja-González, J., Hippocrate, A., & Clarke, N. D. (2013). Effects of sports massage and intermittent cold-water immersion on recovery from matches by basketball players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31, 11‑19.
  • Elias, George P., Wyckelsma, V. L., Varley, M. C., McKenna, M. J., & Aughey, R. J. (2013a). Effectiveness of water immersion on postmatch recovery in elite professional footballers. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 8, 243‑253.
  • Elias, George P., Wyckelsma, V. L., Varley, M. C., McKenna, M. J., & Aughey, R. J. (2013b). Effectiveness of water immersion on postmatch recovery in elite professional footballers. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 8, 243‑253.
  • Elias, G.P., Wyckelsma, V. L., Varley, M. C., McKenna, M. J., & Aughey, R. J. (2013). of water immersion on postmatch recovery in elite professional footballers. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 8, 243–253.
  • G., N., Halson, S. L., & Dawson, B. T. (2013). Water immersion recovery for athletes: effect on exercise performance and practical recommendations. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 43, 1101–1130.
  • General Assembly of the World Medical Association. (2014). World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. The Journal of the American College of Dentists, 81, 14‑18.
  • Glasgow, P. D., Ferris, R., & Bleakley, C. M. (2014). Cold water immersion in the management of delayed-onset muscle soreness: Is dose important? A randomised controlled trial. Physical Therapy in Sport, 15, 228‑233.
  • Hammami, M., Negra, Y., Billaut, F., Hermassi, S., Shephard, R. J., & Chelly, M. S. (2018). Effects of Lower-Limb Strength Training on Agility, Repeated Sprinting With Changes of Direction, Leg Peak Power, and Neuromuscular Adaptations of Soccer Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32, 37‑47.
  • Higgins, T. R., Greene, D. A., & Baker, M. K. (2017). Effects of Cold Water Immersion and Contrast Water Therapy for Recovery From Team Sport: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 31, 1443‑1460.
  • Hohenauer, E., Taeymans, J., Baeyens, J.-P., Clarys, P., & Clijsen, R. (2015). The Effect of Post-Exercise Cryotherapy on Recovery Characteristics: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS. ONE, 10.
  • Hoppe, M. W., Brochhagen, J., Baumgart, C., Bauer, J., & Freiwald, J. (2017). Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics and Physical Capacities Between Junior and Adult Top-Level Handball Players. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 8.
  • Houcine, A., Ahmed, A., & Saddek, Z. (2014). Designing a Software to Count the Body Composition and Somatotype and its Role in Pursing the Morphological State of Spotsmen. AASRI Procedia, 8, 38‑43.
  • Ihsan, M., Watson, G., & Abbiss, C. R. (2016). What are the Physiological Mechanisms for Post-Exercise Cold Water Immersion in the Recovery from Prolonged Endurance and Intermittent Exercise? Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 46, 1095‑1109.
  • Johnston, R. D., Gabbett, T. J., & Jenkins, D. G. (2015). Influence of playing standard and physical fitness on activity profiles and post-match fatigue during intensified junior rugby league competition. Sports Medicine - Open, 1, 18.
  • Karan, V., Rakovac, A., Karan, M., Popović, M., Klašnja, J., & Lukač, D. (2017). Evaluation of body composition and muscular strength in different sports. Medicinski pregled, 70, 150‑154.
  • Katch, V. L., & Katch, F. I. (1974). A simple antrhopometric method for calculating segmental leg limb volume. Research Quarterly, 45, 211‑214.
  • Knowlton, W. M., Palkar, R., Lippoldt, E. K., McCoy, D. D., Baluch, F., Chen, J., & McKemy, D. D. (2013). A Sensory-Labeled Line for Cold: TRPM8-Expressing Sensory Neurons Define the Cellular Basis for Cold, Cold Pain, and Cooling-Mediated Analgesia. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 2837‑2848.
  • Kwiecien, S. Y., McHugh, M. P., & Howatson, G. (2018). The efficacy of cooling with phase change material for the treatment of exercise-induced muscle damage: Pilot study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36, 407‑413.
  • Lauber, C., Hickle, S., Jargstorf, J., & West, C. (2017). Effect of Cold Water Immersion or Contrast Water Therapy on Muscle Soreness After Exercise: 3330 Board #235 June 2 2. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49.
  • Leeder, J., Gissane, C., van Someren, K., Gregson, W., & Howatson, G. (2012). Cold water immersion and recovery from strenuous exercise: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46, 233‑240.
  • Machado, A. F., Ferreira, P. H., Micheletti, J. K., de Almeida, A. C., Lemes, Í. R., Vanderlei, F. M., … Pastre, C. M. (2016). Can Water Temperature and Immersion Time Influence the Effect of Cold Water Immersion on Muscle Soreness? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 46, 503‑514.
  • Markovic, G., Dizdar, D., Jukic, I., & Cardinale, M. (2004). Reliability and factorial validity of squat and countermovement jump tests. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 18, 551‑555.
  • Montgomery, P. G., Pyne, D. B., Hopkins, W. G., Dorman, J. C., Cook, K., & Minahan, C. L. (2008). The effect of recovery strategies on physical performance and cumulative fatigue in competitive basketball. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26, 1135‑1145.
  • Mudie, K. L., Gupta, A., Green, S., Hobara, H., & Clothier, P. J. (2017). A Comparison of Vertical Stiffness Values Calculated from Different Measures of Center of Mass Displacement in Single-Leg Hopping. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 33, 39‑47.
  • Murray, A., & Cardinale, M. (2015). Cold applications for recovery in adolescent athletes: A systematic review and meta analysis. Extreme Physiology & Medicine, 4, 17.
  • Peiffer, J. J., Abbiss, C. R., Watson, G., Nosaka, K., & Laursen, P. B. (2009). Effect of cold-water immersion duration on body temperature and muscle function. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27, 987‑993.
  • Proudfoot, C. J., Garry, E. M., Cottrell, D. F., Rosie, R., Anderson, H., Robertson, D. C., … Mitchell, R. (2006). Analgesia Mediated by the TRPM8 Cold Receptor in Chronic Neuropathic Pain. Current Biology, 16, 1591‑1605.
  • Rowsell, G.J., Coutts, A. J., Reaburn, P., & Hill-Haas, S. (2010). Effect of post-match cold-water immersion on subsequent match running performance in junior soccer players during tournament play. Journal of Sports Sciences. Consulté. Consulté à l’adresse
  • Rowsell, Greg J., Coutts, A. J., Reaburn, P., & Hill-Haas, S. (2009). Effects of cold-water immersion on physical performance between successive matches in high-performance junior male soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27, 565‑573.
  • Sanchez-Ureña, B. A., Barrantes-Brais, K., Ureña-Bonilla, P., Calleja-González, J., & Ostojic, S. (2015). Effect of water immersion on recovery from fatigue: a meta-analysis. European Journal of Human Movement, 34, 1‑14.
  • Sánchez-Ureña, B., Martínez-Guardado, I., Crespo, C., Timón, R., Calleja-González, J., Ibañez, S. J., & Olcina, G. (2017). The use of continuous vs. intermittent cold water immersion as a recovery method in basketball players after training: A randomized controlled trial. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 45, 134‑139.
  • Simmons, G., Cooper, S., Research, J. B., & Muse, D. (2018). Enhancing methods for the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) pain model. The Journal of Pain, 19, S81.
  • Stanley, J., Buchheit, M., & Peake, J. M. (2012). The effect of post-exercise hydrotherapy on subsequent exercise performance and heart rate variability. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112, 951‑961.
  • Stevens, C. J., Kittel, A., Sculley, D. V., Callister, R., Taylor, L., & Dascombe, B. J. (2017). Running performance in the heat is improved by similar magnitude with pre-exercise cold-water immersion and mid-exercise facial water spray. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35, 798‑805.
  • Tidhar, D., Armer, J. M., Deutscher, D., Shyu, C.-R., Azuri, J., & Madsen, R. (2015). Measurement Issues in Anthropometric Measures of Limb Volume Change in Persons at Risk for and Living with Lymphedema: A Reliability Study. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 5, 341‑353.
  • Vaile, J. M., Gill, N. D., & Blazevich, A. J. (2007). The effect of contrast water therapy on symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21, 697‑702.
  • Versey, N. G., Halson, S. L., & Dawson, B. T. (2013). Water immersion recovery for athletes: Effect on exercise performance and practical recommendations. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 43, 1101‑1130.
  • Vieira, A., Siqueira, A. F., Ferreira-Junior, J. B., do Carmo, J., Durigan, J. L. Q., Blazevich, A., & Bottaro, M. (2016). The Effect of Water Temperature during Cold-Water Immersion on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, 937‑943.
  • Wang, H., & Siemens, J. (2015). TRP ion channels in thermosensation, thermoregulation and metabolism., TRP ion channels in thermosensation, thermoregulation and metabolism. Temperature (Austin, Tex.), Temperature: Multidisciplinary Biomedical Journal, 2, 2, 178, 178‑187.
  • Washington, L. L., Gibson, S. J., & Helme, R. D. (2000). Age-related differences in the endogenous analgesic response to repeated cold water immersion in human volunteers. Pain, 89, 89‑96.
  • Wilcock, I. M., Cronin, J. B., & Hing, W. A. (2006). Physiological response to water immersion: A method for sport recovery? Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 36, 747‑765.
  • Yanagisawa, O., Homma, T., Okuwaki, T., Shimao, D., & Takahashi, H. (2007). Effects of cooling on human skin and skeletal muscle. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 100, 737‑745.
  • Zagatto, A. M., de Paula Ramos, S., Nakamura, F. Y., de Lira, F. S., Lopes-Martins, R. Á. B., & de Paiva Carvalho, R. L. (2016). Effects of low-level laser therapy on performance, inflammatory markers, and muscle damage in young water polo athletes: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Lasers in Medical Science, 31, 511‑521.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Belkadi Adel This is me

Mime Mokhtar This is me

Benchehida Abdelkader This is me

Sebbane Mohamed This is me

Benbernou Othman This is me

Publication Date September 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Adel, B., Mokhtar, M., Abdelkader, B., Mohamed, S., et al. (2019). Effects of tow protocol cold water immersion on the post match recovery and physical performance in youth handball players. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 7(2), 1-12.
IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).