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Year 2013, Volume 1 - Issue 3, 66 - 77, 01.09.2013


The purpose of this study was to determine physical fitness related with performance characteristics of amputee football players. A total of 15 volunteer amputee football players from Karagücü Sports Club participated in this study voluntarily. Subjects’ height, body weight, body mass index, body fat percentage and somatotype characteristics were determined. Body fat percentage was determined by Jackson & Pollock formula and somatotype properties was determined according to Heath-Carter system. The counter movement (CMJ), relative CMJ (RCMJ), squat jump (SJ) and relative SJ (RSJ) tests were used for the determination of anaerobic performance, 10-20-30 meter transition (speed) times were used for the determination of sprint performance, the sit and reach, ankle, trunk-neck, shoulder flexion test was used for the determination of flexibility and 1-mile run test was used for determination of determined of maximal oxygen consumption capacity (VO2max). Results indicated that amputee football players have normal body fat percentage (10.02±3.66) and ectomorphy-mesomorphy properties (2.52-4.69-3.08). Results of anaerobic performance; the CMJ, RCMJ, SJ, RSJ values of amputee football players was 847.94±201.48, 12.72±0.17, 822.21±176.12, 2.40±0.18watt respectively while the 10, 20 and 30 meter sprint performance values were 2.07±0.24, 3.71±0.48 and 5.44±0.77 second respectively. The sit and reach, ankle, trunk-neck, shoulder flexion flexibility values were 20.25±5.45, 14.12±2.04, 40.25±6.21, 44.28±12.83cm respectively while the VO2max was 50.93±13.43 ml/kg/min. As a conclusion, the findings of the present study indicated that amputee football players had normal body fat percentage and good physical fitness performance and had a ectomorphy-mesomorphy properties.


  • Donachy J.E.K., Brannon D., Hughes L.S., Seahorn J., Cruther T.T., Christiae L.N. (2004). Strength and endurance training of an individualwith left upper and lower limb amputations. Disability and Rehabilitation: 26(8), 495–499.
  • George J.D., Vehrs P.R., Allsen P.E., Fellingham G.W., Fisher A.G. (1993). VO2max estimation from a submaximal 1-mile track jog for fit college-age individuals. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 25(3), 401-406.
  • Gomes A.I.S.M.S., Ribeiro B.G., Soares E.A. (2005). Nutritional characterization of elite amputee soccer players. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. 11(1), 17-21. Gomes A.I.S.M.S., Ribeiro B.G., Soares E.A. (2006). Nutritional profile of the Brazilian Amputee Soccer Team during the precompetition period for the world championship. Nutrition: 22, 989-995.
  • Heyward. V.H., Stolarczyk. L.M. (1996). Applied Body Composition Assessment, IL: Human Kinetics. 21-43, Canada.
  • Jackson A. S., Pollock M. L. (1978). Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British Journal of Nutrition: 40, 497-504.
  • Kayıhan G., Özkan A., Koz M., Ergün N. “The Role of Body Composition and Somatotype in Determining Sprint Performance in Amputee Football Players of the Turkish National Team” 14 th International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sports and Sport for All. 5-8 October. Kiev. pp. 213. Ukraine, 2010a.
  • Kayıhan G., Özkan A., Koz M., Akça F., Ergün N. “The Relationship Between Anaerobic Performance and Sprint Ability in Amputee Football Players in Turkish National Teams” 14 th International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sports and Sport for All. 5-8 October. Kiev. pp. 214. Ukraine, 2010b.
  • Lowter J., Lane A., Lane H. (2002). Self-Efficany and Phychological Skills During the Amputee Soccer World Cup. Athletic Insight. The Journal of Sports Phychology: 4(2), 23Özkan A., Arıburun B., Kin-İşler A. (2005). Ankara’daki Amerikan Futbolu Oyuncularının Bazı Fiziksel ve Somatotip Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi: 10(2), 35-42.
  • Ross. W. D., Marfell-Jones. M. J. (1991). Kinanthropometry, In MacDougall. D. J., Wenger. A. H., Green. H. J. (Eds). Physiological Testing of the High-Performance Athlete. Illinois: Human Kinetics, s. 223-308. Canada.
  • Yazıcıoğlu K., Tahmisoğlu M. (2007). Amputee Sports for Victims of Terrorism” NATO Science for Peace and security Series. Human and Societal Dynamics: 31, 94
  • Yazicioglu K., Taskaynatan M.A., Guzelkucuk U., Tugcu I. (2007). Effect of playing football (soccer) on balance, strength, and quality of life in unilateral below-knee amputees. Am J Phys Med Rehabil: 86, 800–805.


Year 2013, Volume 1 - Issue 3, 66 - 77, 01.09.2013


Bu çalışmanın amacı, ampute futbol oyuncularının performansla ilgili fiziksel uygunluk özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmaya Karagücü Spor Kulubü’nde ampute futbol oynayan toplam 15 gönüllü sporcu katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan deneklerin boy uzunluğu, vücut ağırlığı, deri kıvrım kalınlığı, çevre ve çap ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Vücut yağ yüzdesi Jackson ve Pollock formulü ile hesaplanırken somatotip özellikler Heath-Carter yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Anaerobik performans ise dikey sıçrama (aktif (AS), relatif aktif (RAS) ve skuat sıçrama (SS), relatif skuat (RSS) testi ile belirlenirken sprint performansı belirlemek için 10m, 20m, 30m. sprint testleri ile belirlenmiştir. Esneklik ölçümleri ise uzaneriş testi, ayak bileği, gövde-boyun, omuz fleksiyonu esnekliği ile belirlenirken VO2max ise 1 mil koşu testi ile belirlenmiştir. Bulgular çalışmaya katılan ampute futbolcularının, normal vücut yağ yüzdesine (10.02±3.66) ve ekto-mezomorf (2.52-4.69-3.08) özelliklere sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Ayrıca anaerobik performans değerlendirme sonucunda; AS, 847.94±201.48; RAS, 12.72±0.17 watt; SS, 822.21±176.12; RSS 12.40±0.18 watt olarak bulunurken sprint değerleri ise, 10m, 2.07±0.24; 20m, 3.71±0.48 ve 30m, 5.44±0.77 saniye olarak bulunmuştur. Esneklik ise uzan-eriş, 20.25±5.45; ayak bileği, 14.12±2.04; gövdeboyun, 40.25±6.21; omuz fleksiyon, 44.28±12.83 cm olarak belirlenirken VO2max ise 50.93±13.43 ml/kg/min olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Ampute futbolcularının düşük yağ yüzdesine, iyi bir anaerobik performansa, sprint performansına, esnekliğe, VO2max sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir. Somatotip özellikleri bakımından ise futbolcuların ekto-mezomorfik özellikler gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.


  • Donachy J.E.K., Brannon D., Hughes L.S., Seahorn J., Cruther T.T., Christiae L.N. (2004). Strength and endurance training of an individualwith left upper and lower limb amputations. Disability and Rehabilitation: 26(8), 495–499.
  • George J.D., Vehrs P.R., Allsen P.E., Fellingham G.W., Fisher A.G. (1993). VO2max estimation from a submaximal 1-mile track jog for fit college-age individuals. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 25(3), 401-406.
  • Gomes A.I.S.M.S., Ribeiro B.G., Soares E.A. (2005). Nutritional characterization of elite amputee soccer players. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. 11(1), 17-21. Gomes A.I.S.M.S., Ribeiro B.G., Soares E.A. (2006). Nutritional profile of the Brazilian Amputee Soccer Team during the precompetition period for the world championship. Nutrition: 22, 989-995.
  • Heyward. V.H., Stolarczyk. L.M. (1996). Applied Body Composition Assessment, IL: Human Kinetics. 21-43, Canada.
  • Jackson A. S., Pollock M. L. (1978). Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British Journal of Nutrition: 40, 497-504.
  • Kayıhan G., Özkan A., Koz M., Ergün N. “The Role of Body Composition and Somatotype in Determining Sprint Performance in Amputee Football Players of the Turkish National Team” 14 th International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sports and Sport for All. 5-8 October. Kiev. pp. 213. Ukraine, 2010a.
  • Kayıhan G., Özkan A., Koz M., Akça F., Ergün N. “The Relationship Between Anaerobic Performance and Sprint Ability in Amputee Football Players in Turkish National Teams” 14 th International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sports and Sport for All. 5-8 October. Kiev. pp. 214. Ukraine, 2010b.
  • Lowter J., Lane A., Lane H. (2002). Self-Efficany and Phychological Skills During the Amputee Soccer World Cup. Athletic Insight. The Journal of Sports Phychology: 4(2), 23Özkan A., Arıburun B., Kin-İşler A. (2005). Ankara’daki Amerikan Futbolu Oyuncularının Bazı Fiziksel ve Somatotip Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi: 10(2), 35-42.
  • Ross. W. D., Marfell-Jones. M. J. (1991). Kinanthropometry, In MacDougall. D. J., Wenger. A. H., Green. H. J. (Eds). Physiological Testing of the High-Performance Athlete. Illinois: Human Kinetics, s. 223-308. Canada.
  • Yazıcıoğlu K., Tahmisoğlu M. (2007). Amputee Sports for Victims of Terrorism” NATO Science for Peace and security Series. Human and Societal Dynamics: 31, 94
  • Yazicioglu K., Taskaynatan M.A., Guzelkucuk U., Tugcu I. (2007). Effect of playing football (soccer) on balance, strength, and quality of life in unilateral below-knee amputees. Am J Phys Med Rehabil: 86, 800–805.
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ali Özkan This is me

Safaz İ. This is me

İ. Safaz This is me

Yaşar E. This is me

Yazıcıoğlu K. This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume 1 - Issue 3


APA Özkan, A., İ., S., Safaz, İ., E., Y., et al. (2013). AMPUTE FUTBOL OYUNCULARININ PERFORMANS İLE İLGİLİ FİZİKSEL UYGUNLUK ÖZELLİKLERİNİN BELİRLENMESİ. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 1(3), 66-77.
IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).