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The Examination of Effect on Anthropometric Characteristics and Motor Activities of Infrastructure Training at Volleyball

Year 2015, Volume 3 (Special Issue 1), 757 - 763, 05.08.2015


Purpose: The examination of changes at some anthropometric characteristics and motor activities of volleyball players placing 10-12 age categories by infrastructure trainings performed periodically.
Method: The twenty-nine soccer players from soccer school of Ordu Telekom Sport Club at Altınordu district of Ordu province joined to this study. The volleyball players performed trainings half-weekly throughout thirty-sixweek. Pre-test and post-test values of height, weight, triceps, suprailiac, subscapula and abdomen fat, biceps flexion and extension, chest, abdomen, hip, thigh and calf circumstance, upper extremity, upperarm, forearm, inferior extremity, thigh and leg length were measured by anthropometric measure set and fat percentage of body (BF%) and body mass index (BMI) were calculated by Yuhaz formula. The 20 m. sprint, ball throwing, standing long and vertical jump and flexibility tests were done as motor activity tests by Newtest test system. The difference between pre-test and post-test values was determined by Wilcoxon test at SPSS package programme.
Results: The significant differences between pre-test and post-test, biceps flex, biceps ext, chest, abdomen, leg, hip and calf circumstance, inferior extremity and leg length, fat percentage of body (BF%), body mass index (BMI), vertical jump, horizontal jump, 20 m. sprint, flexibility and ball throwing values were determined (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It was determined that volleyball infrastructure trainings performed periodically at children volleyball players placing at 10-12 age categories developed anthropometric characteristics, basic motor activity and performance values of them.


  • Astandrat PO.,Rodahl I. (1977). “Textbook of WorkPhysiology”, New York: McGraw-HillCompany.
  • Agaoglu, SA, Taşmektepligil, A., Al, Y, Caspian, F. (2008). "Summer Sports School of the Physical and Technical Development of Analysis by Participating Youth Age Group" .SPORMETR Physical Education and the Journal of Sports Sciences, 2008, VI (3) 159-166.
  • Ayan, V., Mülazımoğlu, O. (2009). "Sports Talent and Sports Routing 8-10 age group, men of the children of Physical Properties and Evaluation of Some Performance Profile" (Ankara Case) .F. of. Health. Science. Medical Journal. 2009: 23 (3): 113-118
  • GligorHristov, AleksandarAceskiandVlatkoNedelkovski (2011).”TheStructure of Specific Motor Abilities on YouthFemaleVolleyballPlayers”. НАУЧНИ ТРУДОВЕ НА РУСЕНСКИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ - 2011 том 50, серия8.2.
  • Günay, M.,Cığerci. A, Aksen, P. (2011).”TheEvaluatıon Of SomePhysıcalAnd Motor Features Of TheFemaleAnd Male StudentsAged 12–14 WhoPartıcıpatedIn Sports” Or Not Bulletin of theTransilvaniaUniversity of Braşov Series VIII: Art • Sport • Vol. 4 (53) No. 1 – 2011.
  • Guler, D., (2009). "Participating in Summer Football Course Age Group Male children 6-9 Evaluation of Some Physical Fitness Characteristics". Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 2009; 11 (2): 1-6.
  • Howard Z. Zeng.,Raymond W. Leung., WenhaoLiu., WeiBian. (2009).”Learning OutcomesTaughtby Three TeachingStyles in CollegeFundamentalVolleyballClasses” ClinicalKinesiology 63(1); Spring, 2009.
  • Ibish S., Gökdemir K. Huge R. (2004). "I participated in the 12-14 age group football summer school and participate in the examination of children's physical and physiological parameters." Kastamonu Education Journal, 12 (1): 285-292.
  • Iri R., H. Joy, Süel E. (2009). "The effect of basic motor skills of children ages 12-14 applied soccer skills training." International Journal of Human Sciences, 6 (2): 122-131.
  • Kosar, N. Sti. and Demirel, A. H. (2004). "Physiological Properties of Child Athlete", actaorthoptraumatolturc, 38 Suppl1: 1-15.
  • Koc, H. Kaya, M., Sarıtaş, N., Çoksev, B. (2006). "Comparement of somephysicalandphysiologicalparametres of Football playersandtennisplayers" Journal of Health Sciences (Journal of healthsciences) 15 (3) 161-167, 2006.
  • Mikic, B.,Basinac, I., Tanovic, I., Ivanei, V.(2011).”Transformatıon Of Motor AndSıtuatıonal-Motor Abıllıtıes Of Boys Under TheInfluence Of ProgrammedVolleyballPractıce”.ActaKinesiologica 5 (2011) 1: 31-33
  • Maline R. (1993). “Physicalactivityandtrainingeffects on statureandadolescentgrowthspurt”, MedicineandScience in Sports andExercise, 26(6): 758-765.
  • Sözen H. (2012). “The effect of volleyballtraining on thephysicalfitness of highschoolstudents”. ProcediaSocialandBehavioralSciences, 46: 1455-1460.
  • Şirinkan A. (2010). "Football school students in the 7-12 age group, examining the physical fitness test with EUROFIT (Erzurum Case)". e-Journal of New World Science Academy, 6 (3): 178-184.
  • Zafirovska, A., Daskalovski, B.(2013).”Relatıons Between Some Anthropometrıc Characterıstıcs And Sıtuatıon-Motorıc Knowledge Smash From The Zone 4 For The Women Volleyball Players In The Age Of 14-18” Resaarch in KinesiologyFederation of the Sports Pedagogues of theRepublic of MacedoniaVol. 41, No.1, pp. 121-123
  • Zafirova, B.,Todorovska L.(2009).”Anthropometricparameters of growthandnutritionalstatus in children aged 6 to 7 years in R”. Macedonia.Advances in MedicalSciences · Vol. 54(2) · 2009 · pp 289-295 · DOI: 10.2478/v10039-009-0043-2.

Voleybol Altyapı Antrenmanının Antropometrik ve Motorik Özellikler Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Year 2015, Volume 3 (Special Issue 1), 757 - 763, 05.08.2015


Amaç: 10-12 yaş grubu voleybolculara belirli periyotlarda yapılan alt yapı çalışmaları sonucunda bazı antropometrik ve motorik özelliklerinde meydana gelen değişimlerin incelenmesidir. Yöntem: Araştırmaya Ordu Telekom Spor Kulübünün 23 oyuncusu katılmıştır. Çalışmalar haftada 2 gün toplam 36 hafta sürmüştür. Çalışmaların başında ve sonunda olmak üzere; boy, vücut ağırlığı, triceps, suprailiac, supscapula, abdomen yağ, biceps fleksiyon-ekstansiyon, göğüs, karın, kalça, uyluk, kalf çevre, üst ekstremite, üst kol, ön kol, alt ekstremite, uyluk ve bacak uzunluk, Vücut Yağ Yüzdesi (VY%) ile Beden Kitle İndeksleri (BKİ) Yuhaz Formülü ile hesaplanmıştır. Motorik özellikler bakımından, Newtest Sistem testleri kullanılarak, 20 m sürat (m/sn), top fırlatma testi, durarak uzun atlama, dikey sıçrama ve esneklik ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Verilerin analizi, grupların ön test ve son test değerlerine bakılarak SPSS programında Wilcoxson testi ile yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Göğüs, biseps fleksiyon, biseps ekstansiyon, karın, kalça, uyluk, kalf çevre, alt ekstremite, uyluk uzunluk, Vücut Yağ Yüzdesi (VY%) ile Beden Kitle İndeksleri (BKİ), uzun atlama, dikey sıçrama, 20 m sürat, esneklik ve top fırlatma testi ön ve son test sonuçlarında anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (P < 0,05). Sonuç: Belirli periyotlarda uygulanan voleybol altyapı çalışmalarının, 10-12 yaş grubu çocuklarda gerek antropometrik ölçümler gerekse temel motorik özellikler açısından olumlu yönde gelişmeler sağladığı ve performans değerlerinde artışa neden olduğu saptanmıştır


  • Astandrat PO.,Rodahl I. (1977). “Textbook of WorkPhysiology”, New York: McGraw-HillCompany.
  • Agaoglu, SA, Taşmektepligil, A., Al, Y, Caspian, F. (2008). "Summer Sports School of the Physical and Technical Development of Analysis by Participating Youth Age Group" .SPORMETR Physical Education and the Journal of Sports Sciences, 2008, VI (3) 159-166.
  • Ayan, V., Mülazımoğlu, O. (2009). "Sports Talent and Sports Routing 8-10 age group, men of the children of Physical Properties and Evaluation of Some Performance Profile" (Ankara Case) .F. of. Health. Science. Medical Journal. 2009: 23 (3): 113-118
  • GligorHristov, AleksandarAceskiandVlatkoNedelkovski (2011).”TheStructure of Specific Motor Abilities on YouthFemaleVolleyballPlayers”. НАУЧНИ ТРУДОВЕ НА РУСЕНСКИЯ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ - 2011 том 50, серия8.2.
  • Günay, M.,Cığerci. A, Aksen, P. (2011).”TheEvaluatıon Of SomePhysıcalAnd Motor Features Of TheFemaleAnd Male StudentsAged 12–14 WhoPartıcıpatedIn Sports” Or Not Bulletin of theTransilvaniaUniversity of Braşov Series VIII: Art • Sport • Vol. 4 (53) No. 1 – 2011.
  • Guler, D., (2009). "Participating in Summer Football Course Age Group Male children 6-9 Evaluation of Some Physical Fitness Characteristics". Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 2009; 11 (2): 1-6.
  • Howard Z. Zeng.,Raymond W. Leung., WenhaoLiu., WeiBian. (2009).”Learning OutcomesTaughtby Three TeachingStyles in CollegeFundamentalVolleyballClasses” ClinicalKinesiology 63(1); Spring, 2009.
  • Ibish S., Gökdemir K. Huge R. (2004). "I participated in the 12-14 age group football summer school and participate in the examination of children's physical and physiological parameters." Kastamonu Education Journal, 12 (1): 285-292.
  • Iri R., H. Joy, Süel E. (2009). "The effect of basic motor skills of children ages 12-14 applied soccer skills training." International Journal of Human Sciences, 6 (2): 122-131.
  • Kosar, N. Sti. and Demirel, A. H. (2004). "Physiological Properties of Child Athlete", actaorthoptraumatolturc, 38 Suppl1: 1-15.
  • Koc, H. Kaya, M., Sarıtaş, N., Çoksev, B. (2006). "Comparement of somephysicalandphysiologicalparametres of Football playersandtennisplayers" Journal of Health Sciences (Journal of healthsciences) 15 (3) 161-167, 2006.
  • Mikic, B.,Basinac, I., Tanovic, I., Ivanei, V.(2011).”Transformatıon Of Motor AndSıtuatıonal-Motor Abıllıtıes Of Boys Under TheInfluence Of ProgrammedVolleyballPractıce”.ActaKinesiologica 5 (2011) 1: 31-33
  • Maline R. (1993). “Physicalactivityandtrainingeffects on statureandadolescentgrowthspurt”, MedicineandScience in Sports andExercise, 26(6): 758-765.
  • Sözen H. (2012). “The effect of volleyballtraining on thephysicalfitness of highschoolstudents”. ProcediaSocialandBehavioralSciences, 46: 1455-1460.
  • Şirinkan A. (2010). "Football school students in the 7-12 age group, examining the physical fitness test with EUROFIT (Erzurum Case)". e-Journal of New World Science Academy, 6 (3): 178-184.
  • Zafirovska, A., Daskalovski, B.(2013).”Relatıons Between Some Anthropometrıc Characterıstıcs And Sıtuatıon-Motorıc Knowledge Smash From The Zone 4 For The Women Volleyball Players In The Age Of 14-18” Resaarch in KinesiologyFederation of the Sports Pedagogues of theRepublic of MacedoniaVol. 41, No.1, pp. 121-123
  • Zafirova, B.,Todorovska L.(2009).”Anthropometricparameters of growthandnutritionalstatus in children aged 6 to 7 years in R”. Macedonia.Advances in MedicalSciences · Vol. 54(2) · 2009 · pp 289-295 · DOI: 10.2478/v10039-009-0043-2.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Özgür Dinçer

İbrahim Türkay This is me

Publication Date August 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume 3 (Special Issue 1)


APA Dinçer, Ö., & Türkay, İ. (2015). The Examination of Effect on Anthropometric Characteristics and Motor Activities of Infrastructure Training at Volleyball. International Journal of Sport Culture and Science, 3(Special Issue 3), 757-763.
IntJSCS is published by International Science Culture and Sport Association (ISCSA).