Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles
1. Marmara University Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the publishing organization of the Journal of Turkish Studies, is committed to complying with ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. The Editorial Board oversees the compliance of the articles in the journal with ethical principles. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or submitted for publication in another journal. Other works of the authors of the duplication attempts detected by the Editorial Board will not be included in the journal. The publication of unpublished symposium papers is possible provided that the symposium participation is indicated in the study.

2. Articles submitted to the journal are checked through the Turnitin similarity / plagiarism program at the beginning of the editorial process. Studies with a similarity rate of more than 20% are not published.
3. As of 2020, an Ethics Committee Certificate is strictly required for researches prepared with qualitative and quantitative approaches that collect data using interview techniques such as surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observations. Information about the approval date and unit of the Ethics Committee Certificate should be specified in the “Description” section as an attachment to the document during the article application.

4. Under the title of the article, information such as the author's name, title in the footnote, the institution where he/she works, e-mail address where he/she can be reached and ORCID ID should not be included. Since the system administrator can see which academician added the manuscript to the system or sent it to the journal, this information is added to the manuscript by the editor after the manuscript has passed the referee process. In this respect, while the manuscripts are entered into the system, they should be reviewed to make sure that no information belonging to the author is included in the manuscript. This is important in terms of allowing the referees who will review the article to move more easily and to apply ethical principles.
5. In articles with multiple authors, the contribution of each author to the article should be added at the end of the title and address and e-mail information.
6. Articles whose editorial process is completed are published in order based on the dates of their inclusion in the evaluation process. The publication order will not be changed for any reason.

Ethics Committee Permission: In line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index, Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published since 2020. Studies requiring Ethics Committee Permission are listed below. When uploading your study to our journal, you must upload your Ethics Committee document together with your article file. If your study is not included in the study group that requires ethics committee permission, you must sign the declaration form stating this situation and indicate the relevant situation in your article text.

Research Requiring Ethics Committee Approval
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical trials in humans,
Research on animals,
Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.

5. The Journal is a peer-reviewed publication. Submissions are first examined by the Editorial Board in terms of subject, presentation style and technical aspects. Those found suitable for publication are sent to two referees who are experts on the subject. If the referee reports are positive, they are published. If one of the reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee and the decision is taken accordingly. If the referees ask for some corrections in their reports, the articles are sent back to the author for the corrections to be made. If the author disagrees with the referees' decisions, he/she should explain the reason in writing. Confidentiality is essential during the evaluation of manuscripts. The names of the authors are not sent to the referees and the authors are not informed of the names of the referees. Reports are kept confidential for five years.
6. It is recommended to follow the spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association. However, the authors are ultimately responsible for the spelling of the manuscripts.
7. If the manuscript sent to the Journal includes a text reading, a photocopy of the original text should be included in the file for a proper review. The same applies to translations and the original translated text should also be sent. This is because translated manuscripts are also sent for referee approval just like copyrighted manuscripts.

8. If the articles contain transcribed text, the font used should be sent to the Journal together with the article. If the submitted font is not suitable for the general font character used in the Journal, it will be converted to the transcribed font used in the Journal.
9. The footnote to be placed in the title of the article should be indicated with a (*) sign. The author's name should be written right-justified under the title; title, place of duty and e-mail address should be indicated in the footnote with (**) sign.

1) In each issue of the journal, a maximum of 35 articles in the genres of “original research” and “review research” are included. A maximum of 38 articles are included in each issue, including publication promotion/criticism and translation studies. Book reviews are not subjected to the same evaluation process as research/compilation studies.
2. The article should be a maximum of 25 pages, including abstracts, graphs, tables, images and appendices.
3. Manuscripts with more than 50% of their volume consisting of images are rejected during the editorial process.

Page Layout
1. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word program and page structures should be arranged as follows:
Paper Size Width: 21 cm Height: 29.7 cm
Top Margin: 2.5 cm
Bottom Edge Gap: 2.5 cm
Left Margin: 2 cm
Right Margin: 2.5 cm
Font Type Times New Roman
Font Style: Normal
Size (text): 12 (Times New Roman)
Size (abstract and footnote text): 10 (Times New Roman)
Paragraph Spacing: 0 pt before, 0 pt after
Line Spacing Single (1)
First Line 1 cm

2. If a special font is used in the manuscript, the font used should be sent with the manuscript.
3. Manuscripts should not include details such as page numbers, headers and footers.
4. The manuscript should include the title in English (10 pt.), abstract in English, and five keywords (Keywords) immediately below the title in Turkish (14 pt.) in capital letters. The Turkish abstract and English abstract should appear separately and before the beginning of the article.
5. The author's name should appear immediately below the title, and his/her title and institution should be written with a footnote “*”. The person submitting the manuscript should also clearly write his/her address, telephone number, e-mail and ORCID number for communication.
6. Only the first letters of each word of the titles in the article should be capitalized, and no other formatting should be used.

7. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Turkish Language Association's Spelling Guide should be taken as a basis, except in special cases required by the article or the subject.
8. In-text and end-of-text attachments such as tables, pictures and photographs to be included in the article should be made according to the formal insertion procedures of the Word program; copy-paste should not be used. Attention should also be paid to ensure that the insertions are compatible with the page format features of the manuscript. Manuscripts that do not meet the specified formal requirements are rejected.
9. Those submitting translated manuscripts should also send a sample of the original text and bibliographic bibliography to the journal. For translated manuscripts, approval must be obtained from the authors or the journals or books in which the manuscripts are published.
10. The following rules should be followed when footnoting the articles and preparing the bibliography:
a. Footnote system will be used for in-text citations or references. Footnotes will be written in Times New Roman font and 10 points.

If the article is to be cited;

Author's name and surname, Title of the thesis, Name of the university and institute where the thesis was conducted (Unpublished Master's/Doctoral Thesis), Name and date of the province where the thesis was conducted.
Example: Sebahat Deniz, 16th Century Some Divan Poets' Turkish Divans, Marmara University, Institute of Turkish Studies, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Istanbul 1992.
b. In the bibliography section at the end of the article, the references should be written as described above, with the only difference being that they should be written in the form of “Author's surname, name”, alphabetically, in 10 point font size.
DENİZ, Sebahat, Tecellî and his Dîvânı, Veli Publications, Istanbul 2005.
KÖPRÜLÜ, M. Fuat, Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, 2nd bs., Ötüken Neşriyat, İstanbul 1980.
TİMURTAŞ, Faruk Kadri, “Eski Anadolu Türkçesi”, Türk Dünyası El Kitabı, C. II, 2. bs., Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Ankara 1992, pp. 120-145.

Author's name and surname, “Article title”, Name of the journal in which the article was published, Volume and issue number, place and date of printing, page.
Example: Mehmet Aça, “Gaziz Gobeydullin and Seyyid Battal Gazi Epic”, KÜLTÜRK Journal of Turkish Language and Literature Studies, Issue: 7, Istanbul Summer 2023, p.1-21.
If the book will be referred to;
Author's name and surname, book title, publisher's name, place and date of printing, page number.
Example: Mustafa Uslu, Anadolu dan Esintiler Düzenlemeli Halk Türkülerimiz, Marmara University Publications, Istanbul 2007, p. 48.
If it will continue to give examples from the same work; Author's name and surname, a.g.e., p. 48
Example: Mustafa Uslu, a.g.e., p. 40.
If the thesis is to be cited;

Internet Citations:
Cited Internet Address, date, time.
Indication of Source Person Information:
Source persons; KK-1: Name-Surname information, date of birth, occupation, date of interview.
KK-1: Nursel Uyanıker, 01.01.1961, Housewife, Interview Date: 12.12.2015
Manuscripts to be submitted to the journal should be sent from “” web address.
All responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.
Non-essential editorial changes and corrections in the articles to be published are made by the Editorial Board of the Journal and the Mother Tongue Officers.
Unpublished manuscripts will not be returned.
Click here to download the writing rules .

Last Update Time: 11/19/24, 3:26:30 PM