Research Article
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Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership

Year 2023, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 1063 - 1083, 15.09.2023


The study aims to examine in depth the perceptions of teachers and administrators about the organizational change process of a deep-rooted high school through a university collaboration in Turkey. We utilized a case study within the realm of qualitative research. We gathered the data via semi-structured interviews, and we used content analysis in the analysis. As a result of the analysis of the findings, four themes were reached which are change as perceptions, awareness, process, and effect on change. The views of participants revealed that there had been a change in factors that increase the effectiveness of the educational environment such as school climate, student profile, parent/environmental involvement, and improvement of physical equipment. Based on some positive results, it was suggested that such cooperation practices should be disseminated, independent accreditation institutions should be consulted at the change stages to increase success, and initiatives should be taken to increase the competencies of key people who will make change effective.


  • Austin, M. J., & Ciaassen, J. (2008). Impact of organizational change on organizational culture. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 5(1), 321-359.
  • Bakioğlu, A. & Kirişçi-Sarıkaya, A. (2018). Bir öğretmen mesleki gelişim modeli: Üniversite-okul ortaklığı. Yıldız Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 76-98.
  • Berg, B. L. & Lune, H. (2012). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences. Pearson.
  • Beycioğlu, K., & Aslan, M. (2010). Okul gelişiminde temel dinamik olarak değişim ve yenileşme: Okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerin rolleri. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(1), 153-173.
  • Bogdan, R., & Biklen, S. (2006). Qualitative Research for Education (5th ed.). Allyn and Bacon. Burke, W. W. (2008). Organization change: Theory and practice. Sage.
  • Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: A re-appraisal. Journal of Management Studies, 41(6), 977-1002.
  • Burns, J. & Nielsen, K. (2006). How do embedded agents engage in institutional change?. Journal of Economic Issues, 40(2), 449-456.
  • Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2012). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change (3rd ed.). Kogan Page.
  • Cardona, L., Pardo, M., & Dasi, A. (2020). The institutional isomorphism in the context of organizational changes in higher education institutions. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(1), 61-73.
  • Carnegie, G. D., Guthrie, J., & Martin-Sardesai, A. (2021). Public universities and impacts of COVID-19 in Australia: risk disclosures and organisational change. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(1), 61-73.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education (6th ed.). Routledge.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. (4th ed.). Pearson.
  • Creswell, J.W. (2014). Research design. Qualitative, quantitate, and mixed method approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Çelik, K, & Gencer, M. (2019). Öğretmenlerin örgütsel güven algılarının değişime ilişkin tutumlarına etkisi. Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 9(1), 108-124.
  • Çolakoğlu, M. (2005). Eğitim örgütlerinde değişim ve liderlik. Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 63-77.
  • Dawson, C. (2002). Practical research methods. A user-friendly guide to mastering research. How to books.
  • Dee, J., & Leisyte, L. (2017). Knowledge sharing and organizational change in higher education. The Learning Organization, 24(5), 355-365.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2002). Eğitimde değişim yönetimi. Pegem.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2008). How to design and evaluate research in education. The McGraw-Hill.
  • Fullan, M. (2001). The New Meaning of Educational Change. (3rd ed.). Teachers College Press.
  • Fullan, M. (2010). The awesome power of the principal. Principal 89(4), 1012.
  • Gilley, A., Gilley, J.W., & McMillan, H.S. (2009), Organizational change: Motivation, communication, and leadership effectiveness. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 21(4), 75-94.
  • Güçlü, N., & Şehitoğlu, E.T. (2006). Örgütsel değişim yönetimi. Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 13, 240-254.
  • Hargreaves, A. (2004). Inclusive and exclusive educational change: Emotional responses of teachers and implications for leadership. School Leadership and Management, 24(2), 287-309.
  • Hargreaves, A. (2011). Second international handbook of educational change. Springer.
  • Helvacı, M.A. (2010). Eğitim örgütlerinde değişim yönetimi. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Holmes, K., Clement, J., & Albright, J. (2013). The complex tasks of leading educational change in schools. School Leadership & Management, 33(3), 270-283.
  • Iljins, J., Skvarciany, V., & Gaile-Sarkane, E. (2015). Impact of organizational culture on organizational climate during the process of change. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 944-950.
  • Johns, E.A. (2013). The sociology of organizational change. Pergamon Press.
  • Kanter, R. M., Stein, B. A., & Jick, T. D. (2003). Challenge of organizational change: How companies experience it and leaders guide it. Simon and Schuster.
  • Kaptan, O., & Korumaz, M. (2022). Mesleki ve teknik lise öğretmenlerinin içselleştirilmiş davranışları bağlamında öğrencilerin mekanik itaati. Eğitim ve Bilim, 47(212).
  • Kondakçı, Y., Zayim, M., & Çalışkan, Ö. (2010). Okul yöneticilerinin değişime hazır olma tutumlarının okulun öğretim düzeyi, yöneticilerin deneyimi ve okul büyüklüğü bağlamında incelenmesi. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 155-176.
  • Kotter, J.P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard Business School Press.
  • Latta, G. (2009). A process model of organizational change in cultural context (OC3 model). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 16(1), 19-37.
  • Levent, F. (2016). Öğretmenlerin değişime hazır olma durumlarının farklı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 43(43), 117-134.
  • Li, Y. L., Evans, K., & Bond, M. A. (2022). Allies as organizational change agents to promote equity and inclusion: a case study. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(1), 135-156.
  • Lunenburg, F. C. (2010). Forces for and resistance to organizational change. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 27(4), 1-10.
  • Lunenburg, F.C., & Ornstein, A.C. (2013). Eğitim yönetimi (Çev. Ed. G. Arastaman). Nobel.
  • Maskály, J., Ivković, S. K., & Neyroud, P. (2021). Policing the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploratory study of the types of organizational changes and police activities across the globe. International Criminal Justice Review, 31(3), 266–285.
  • Mintzberg, H., & Westley, F. (1992). Cycles of organizational change. Strategic Management Journal, 13, 39-59.
  • MoNE (2022, June 2). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ile Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi arasında Maçka Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesini kapsayan mesleki ve Teknik eğitim işbirliği protokolü imzalandı. OECD (2020). Back to the future of education: Four OECD scenarios for schooling. OECD (2022). Trends shaping education 2022.
  • Özdemir, S. (2000). Eğitimde örgütsel yenileşme. Pegem.
  • Özsoy, C. (2018). Türkiye'de mesleki ve teknik eğitimin iktisadi kalkınmadaki yeri ve önemi [Doctoral dissertation, Anadolu University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Patton, M. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Poole, M. S. (2004). Central issues in the study of change and innovation. In M. S. Poole and A. H. Van de Ven (Eds.), Handbook of organizational change and innovation (pp. 3-31). Oxford University Press.
  • Ripkey, S. L. (2017). Organizational change and ambidexterity in higher education: A case study of institutional merger. In Research in organizational change and development, (vol. 25) (pp.285-317). Emerald Publishing.
  • Saldaña, J. (2016). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. Sage.
  • Saylı, H., & Tüfekçi, A. (2008). Başarılı bir örgütsel değişimin gerçekleştirilmesinde dönüştürücü liderliğin rolü. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (30), 193-210.
  • Seo, M. G., Taylor, M.S., Hill, N.S., Zhang, X., Tesluk, P.E., & Lorinkova, N. M. (2012). The role of affect and leadership during organizational change. Personnel Psychology, 65(1), 121-165.
  • Skea, R. (2021). Leadership, organizational change and sensemaking. Routledge.
  • Sonenshein, S. (2016). How corporations overcome issue illegitimacy and issue equivocality to address social welfare: The role of the social change agent. The Academy of Management Review, 41, 349–366. https://doi:10.5465/amr.2013.0425
  • Specht, J., Kuonath, A., Pachler, D., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2018) How change agents’ motivation facilitates organizational change: Pathways through meaning and organizational identification. Journal of Change Management, 18(3), 198-217, https://doi:10.1080/14697017.2017.1378696
  • Tsoukas, H., & Chia, R. (2002). On organizational becoming: Rethinking organizational change. Organization Science, 13(5), 567-582.
  • Waggoner, D. P. (2020). The use of political skill in organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(5), 753-763.
  • Wallace, M. (2004). Orchestrating complex educational change: Local reorganisations of schools in England. Journal of Educational Change. 5(1), 57-78.
  • Worley, C., & Mohrman, S. (2014). Is change management obsolete?. Organizational Dynamics, 43(3), 214-224.
  • Yılmaz, D. & Kılıçoğlu, G. (2013). Resistance to change and ways of reducing resistance in educational organizations. European Journal of Research on Education, 1(1), 14-21.
  • Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study research design and methods (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • YTU Communication Coordinatorship (2022, May 13). MEB-YTÜ mesleki ve teknik eğitim iş birliği protokolü.
  • Yuan, R, & Lee, I. (2015). Action research facilitated by university-school collaboration. Elt Journal, 69(1), 1-10.

Örgütsel Değişimi Yönetmek: Üniversite-Okul Ortaklığı

Year 2023, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 1063 - 1083, 15.09.2023


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de köklü bir lisenin örgütsel değişim sürecine ilişkin öğretmen ve yöneticilerin algılarını üniversite işbirliğiyle derinlemesine incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Nitel araştırma kapsamında bir vaka çalışmasından yararlanılmıştır. Veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla toplanmış ve analizde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulguların analizi sonucunda algılar, farkındalık, süreç ve değişime etki olarak değişim olmak üzere dört temaya ulaşılmıştır. Katılımcıların görüşleri, okul iklimi, öğrenci profili, veli/çevre katılımı ve fiziksel donanımın iyileştirilmesi gibi eğitim ortamının etkililiğini artıran faktörlerde bir değişim olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bazı olumlu sonuçlara dayanarak, bu tür işbirliği uygulamalarının yaygınlaştırılması, başarıyı artırmak için değişim aşamalarında bağımsız akreditasyon kurumlarına danışılması ve değişimi etkili kılacak kilit kişilerin yetkinliklerinin artırılmasına yönelik girişimlerde bulunulması önerilmiştir.


  • Austin, M. J., & Ciaassen, J. (2008). Impact of organizational change on organizational culture. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 5(1), 321-359.
  • Bakioğlu, A. & Kirişçi-Sarıkaya, A. (2018). Bir öğretmen mesleki gelişim modeli: Üniversite-okul ortaklığı. Yıldız Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 76-98.
  • Berg, B. L. & Lune, H. (2012). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences. Pearson.
  • Beycioğlu, K., & Aslan, M. (2010). Okul gelişiminde temel dinamik olarak değişim ve yenileşme: Okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerin rolleri. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(1), 153-173.
  • Bogdan, R., & Biklen, S. (2006). Qualitative Research for Education (5th ed.). Allyn and Bacon. Burke, W. W. (2008). Organization change: Theory and practice. Sage.
  • Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: A re-appraisal. Journal of Management Studies, 41(6), 977-1002.
  • Burns, J. & Nielsen, K. (2006). How do embedded agents engage in institutional change?. Journal of Economic Issues, 40(2), 449-456.
  • Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2012). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change (3rd ed.). Kogan Page.
  • Cardona, L., Pardo, M., & Dasi, A. (2020). The institutional isomorphism in the context of organizational changes in higher education institutions. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(1), 61-73.
  • Carnegie, G. D., Guthrie, J., & Martin-Sardesai, A. (2021). Public universities and impacts of COVID-19 in Australia: risk disclosures and organisational change. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(1), 61-73.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education (6th ed.). Routledge.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. (4th ed.). Pearson.
  • Creswell, J.W. (2014). Research design. Qualitative, quantitate, and mixed method approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Çelik, K, & Gencer, M. (2019). Öğretmenlerin örgütsel güven algılarının değişime ilişkin tutumlarına etkisi. Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, 9(1), 108-124.
  • Çolakoğlu, M. (2005). Eğitim örgütlerinde değişim ve liderlik. Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 63-77.
  • Dawson, C. (2002). Practical research methods. A user-friendly guide to mastering research. How to books.
  • Dee, J., & Leisyte, L. (2017). Knowledge sharing and organizational change in higher education. The Learning Organization, 24(5), 355-365.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2002). Eğitimde değişim yönetimi. Pegem.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2008). How to design and evaluate research in education. The McGraw-Hill.
  • Fullan, M. (2001). The New Meaning of Educational Change. (3rd ed.). Teachers College Press.
  • Fullan, M. (2010). The awesome power of the principal. Principal 89(4), 1012.
  • Gilley, A., Gilley, J.W., & McMillan, H.S. (2009), Organizational change: Motivation, communication, and leadership effectiveness. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 21(4), 75-94.
  • Güçlü, N., & Şehitoğlu, E.T. (2006). Örgütsel değişim yönetimi. Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 13, 240-254.
  • Hargreaves, A. (2004). Inclusive and exclusive educational change: Emotional responses of teachers and implications for leadership. School Leadership and Management, 24(2), 287-309.
  • Hargreaves, A. (2011). Second international handbook of educational change. Springer.
  • Helvacı, M.A. (2010). Eğitim örgütlerinde değişim yönetimi. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Holmes, K., Clement, J., & Albright, J. (2013). The complex tasks of leading educational change in schools. School Leadership & Management, 33(3), 270-283.
  • Iljins, J., Skvarciany, V., & Gaile-Sarkane, E. (2015). Impact of organizational culture on organizational climate during the process of change. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 944-950.
  • Johns, E.A. (2013). The sociology of organizational change. Pergamon Press.
  • Kanter, R. M., Stein, B. A., & Jick, T. D. (2003). Challenge of organizational change: How companies experience it and leaders guide it. Simon and Schuster.
  • Kaptan, O., & Korumaz, M. (2022). Mesleki ve teknik lise öğretmenlerinin içselleştirilmiş davranışları bağlamında öğrencilerin mekanik itaati. Eğitim ve Bilim, 47(212).
  • Kondakçı, Y., Zayim, M., & Çalışkan, Ö. (2010). Okul yöneticilerinin değişime hazır olma tutumlarının okulun öğretim düzeyi, yöneticilerin deneyimi ve okul büyüklüğü bağlamında incelenmesi. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 155-176.
  • Kotter, J.P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard Business School Press.
  • Latta, G. (2009). A process model of organizational change in cultural context (OC3 model). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 16(1), 19-37.
  • Levent, F. (2016). Öğretmenlerin değişime hazır olma durumlarının farklı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 43(43), 117-134.
  • Li, Y. L., Evans, K., & Bond, M. A. (2022). Allies as organizational change agents to promote equity and inclusion: a case study. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(1), 135-156.
  • Lunenburg, F. C. (2010). Forces for and resistance to organizational change. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 27(4), 1-10.
  • Lunenburg, F.C., & Ornstein, A.C. (2013). Eğitim yönetimi (Çev. Ed. G. Arastaman). Nobel.
  • Maskály, J., Ivković, S. K., & Neyroud, P. (2021). Policing the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploratory study of the types of organizational changes and police activities across the globe. International Criminal Justice Review, 31(3), 266–285.
  • Mintzberg, H., & Westley, F. (1992). Cycles of organizational change. Strategic Management Journal, 13, 39-59.
  • MoNE (2022, June 2). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ile Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi arasında Maçka Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesini kapsayan mesleki ve Teknik eğitim işbirliği protokolü imzalandı. OECD (2020). Back to the future of education: Four OECD scenarios for schooling. OECD (2022). Trends shaping education 2022.
  • Özdemir, S. (2000). Eğitimde örgütsel yenileşme. Pegem.
  • Özsoy, C. (2018). Türkiye'de mesleki ve teknik eğitimin iktisadi kalkınmadaki yeri ve önemi [Doctoral dissertation, Anadolu University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Patton, M. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Poole, M. S. (2004). Central issues in the study of change and innovation. In M. S. Poole and A. H. Van de Ven (Eds.), Handbook of organizational change and innovation (pp. 3-31). Oxford University Press.
  • Ripkey, S. L. (2017). Organizational change and ambidexterity in higher education: A case study of institutional merger. In Research in organizational change and development, (vol. 25) (pp.285-317). Emerald Publishing.
  • Saldaña, J. (2016). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. Sage.
  • Saylı, H., & Tüfekçi, A. (2008). Başarılı bir örgütsel değişimin gerçekleştirilmesinde dönüştürücü liderliğin rolü. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (30), 193-210.
  • Seo, M. G., Taylor, M.S., Hill, N.S., Zhang, X., Tesluk, P.E., & Lorinkova, N. M. (2012). The role of affect and leadership during organizational change. Personnel Psychology, 65(1), 121-165.
  • Skea, R. (2021). Leadership, organizational change and sensemaking. Routledge.
  • Sonenshein, S. (2016). How corporations overcome issue illegitimacy and issue equivocality to address social welfare: The role of the social change agent. The Academy of Management Review, 41, 349–366. https://doi:10.5465/amr.2013.0425
  • Specht, J., Kuonath, A., Pachler, D., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2018) How change agents’ motivation facilitates organizational change: Pathways through meaning and organizational identification. Journal of Change Management, 18(3), 198-217, https://doi:10.1080/14697017.2017.1378696
  • Tsoukas, H., & Chia, R. (2002). On organizational becoming: Rethinking organizational change. Organization Science, 13(5), 567-582.
  • Waggoner, D. P. (2020). The use of political skill in organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(5), 753-763.
  • Wallace, M. (2004). Orchestrating complex educational change: Local reorganisations of schools in England. Journal of Educational Change. 5(1), 57-78.
  • Worley, C., & Mohrman, S. (2014). Is change management obsolete?. Organizational Dynamics, 43(3), 214-224.
  • Yılmaz, D. & Kılıçoğlu, G. (2013). Resistance to change and ways of reducing resistance in educational organizations. European Journal of Research on Education, 1(1), 14-21.
  • Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study research design and methods (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • YTU Communication Coordinatorship (2022, May 13). MEB-YTÜ mesleki ve teknik eğitim iş birliği protokolü.
  • Yuan, R, & Lee, I. (2015). Action research facilitated by university-school collaboration. Elt Journal, 69(1), 1-10.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Dilan Kuyurtar 0000-0003-0781-5010

Erkan Tabancalı 0000-0001-7536-2696

Publication Date September 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 24 Issue: 2


APA Kuyurtar, D., & Tabancalı, E. (2023). Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(2), 1063-1083.
AMA Kuyurtar D, Tabancalı E. Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership. INUJFE. September 2023;24(2):1063-1083. doi:10.17679/inuefd.1296083
Chicago Kuyurtar, Dilan, and Erkan Tabancalı. “Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 24, no. 2 (September 2023): 1063-83.
EndNote Kuyurtar D, Tabancalı E (September 1, 2023) Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 24 2 1063–1083.
IEEE D. Kuyurtar and E. Tabancalı, “Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership”, INUJFE, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 1063–1083, 2023, doi: 10.17679/inuefd.1296083.
ISNAD Kuyurtar, Dilan - Tabancalı, Erkan. “Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 24/2 (September 2023), 1063-1083.
JAMA Kuyurtar D, Tabancalı E. Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership. INUJFE. 2023;24:1063–1083.
MLA Kuyurtar, Dilan and Erkan Tabancalı. “Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 2, 2023, pp. 1063-8, doi:10.17679/inuefd.1296083.
Vancouver Kuyurtar D, Tabancalı E. Managing Organizational Change: The Case of University-School Partnership. INUJFE. 2023;24(2):1063-8.

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