ISSN: 1300-2899
e-ISSN: 2149-9683
Founded: 2002
Publisher: Inonu University
Cover Image

Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education (INUJFE) is a refereed open access electronic journal devoted to the dissemination, criticism, interpretation, and encouragement, interpretation, and encouragement of all forms of systematic enquiry into education and fields related to or associated with education. Our audience includes members of government education departments, school boards, school councils, faculties of education, parent organizations, school staff, and a broad audience of persons interested in educational issues.

INUJFE is published triannually in the Spring, Summer and Fall by the Faculty of Education, Inonu University, in Malatya, Turkey. It was founded by the Faculty of Education of Inonu University in 2000. The journal publishes articles related to all educational issues from early childhood to adult and continuing education, special education, vocational and professional education, curriculum, educational administration, policy and planning, educational research techniques, etc.

The Editorial Board invites submissions related to various educational issues. Submissions can take various forms:

·         articles on current quantitative or qualitative research

·         conceptual papers

·         reflective commentaries on published submissions, etc.

INUJFE is indexed by ULAKBIM (TR DİZİN)EBSCOHost Education Research CompleteIndex CopernicusDOAJ Open AccessSOBIAD 

2024 - Volume: 25 Issue: 3

2017 INUEFD  Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.