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Yıl 2017, , 551 - 572, 31.12.2017


Constitutionalism and the EU
constitution still keep their distinctive place in European Union (the EU)
studies. The concept of constitutionalism has legal and institutional
dimensions, which have an integrative influence over the people of the Union.
It implies effective relationships within social actors so as to create social
ordering and cultural ideas. For that reason, diversities and different
interest actors within the Union require valid, reasonable, symbolic and
normative elements such as social identity, catastrophic events, and common history,
culture and religion in order to bind people together in the Union and to
generate a common mental process. Yet in case of a crisis within the EU – such
as identity, integration, constitution, and democratic deficit etc. – the
fundamental reason for this would be the lack of constitutive element known as
the raison d’être of integration. For instance, democracy deficit in the policy
and law making process of the EU is regarded as one of the main issues. The
citizens of the Member States have been excluded and they have been losing
their interests of and support to EU policies. This is closely related to
legitimacy of the constitution of the EU as well as creating common mental
process. In this manner, BrExit is the historic event that all these crises and
problems have obviously revealed. It divulges how EU constitutionalism fails in
creating common legal and institutional dimensions. BrExit referendum is taken
as a catalyser event creating huge impacts on constitutionalism and social
integration of the EU. BrExit implies that preserving national sovereignty with
high level of legitimacy has kept its importance over the supranational project
of the Union challenging with democracy deficit, limited legitimacy, and lack
of common mental process for European demos.


  • Avbelj Mi Matej, “Transformation of EU Constitutionalism” VerfBlog, 22.06.2016, Available at <http://verfassungsblog.de/transformation-of-eu-constitutionalism/>
  • Bankoviski Zenon and Christodoulidis Emilios: "The European Union as an Essentially Contested Project" European Law Journal, 4, 1998, pp.341-354.
  • Bellamy Richard, ` Liberalism and Pluralism: Towards a Politics of Compromise` Routledge, 1999
  • Ballmy Richard, `The European Constitution is Dead, Long Live European Constitutionalism` (2006) 13 Constellations pp.181-189
  • Bellamy Richard: "Sovereignty, Post-Sovereignty and Pre-Sovereignty: Reconceptualising the State, Rights and Democracy in the EU", pp.167-189., in: Walker Neil (Ed), Sovereignty in Transition Oxford: Hart, 2003
  • Bellamy Richard: "Which Constitution for What Kind of Europe.? Three Models of European Constitutionalism" Legitimationsgrundlagen der Europäischen Union, 2006, pp. 117-132., F. Cheneval, ed., LIT, Available at < http://ssrn.com/abstract=1525473 >
  • Breda Vito, `A European Constitution in a Multinational Europe or a Multinational Constitution for Europe?` (2006) 12 European Law Journal pp.330-344
  • Breda Vito: "A European Constitution in a Multinational Europe or a Multinational Constitution for Europe?" European Law Journal, 12, 2006, p.330-344.
  • Castiglione Dario: "Contrast and Constitutions" in Bellamy Richard (Ed), Democracy and Constitutional Culture in the Union of Europe, Lothian Foundation Press, 1995.
  • Gertsenberg Oliver: "The New Europe: Part of the Problem-or part of the Solution to the Problem" Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 22, 2002, pp. 563-571
  • Grimm Dieter: "Does Europe Need a Constitution?" European Law Journal, 1, 1995, pp.282-302.
  • Grimm Dieter: "Integration by Constitution" International Journal of Constitutional Law, 3, 2005, pp.193-208
  • Gümplová Petra “Are EU Exit Referenda Good for Democracy?” 08.08.2016 Available at <http://www.publicseminar.org/2016/08/are-eu-exit-referenda-good-for-democracy/#.WfBqdlu0OM9>
  • Habermas Jurgen: "Remarks on Dieter Grimm`s `Does Europe Need a Constitution?" European Law Journal, 1, 1995, pp.303-307.
  • HC Deb 02 August 1961 vol 645, HC Deb 16 November 1966 vol 736 (Accessed on HANSARD - the transcripts of Parliamentary Debates in Britain and many Commonwealth countries.)
  • Hurrelmann, Achim: `European Constitutionalism and Social Integration`. Paper prepared for the Federal Trust/UACES Conference ‘Towards a European Constitution’, London, 1-2 July 2004
  • Hurrelmann Achim: "European Democracy, the `Permissive Consensus` and the Collapse of the EU Constitution" European Law Journal, 13, 2007, pp.343-359
  • Klabbers Jan and Leino Paivi: "Death by Constitution? The Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe" German Law Journal, 4, 2003, pp.1293-1305.
  • Margalit Avishai: "The Ethics of Memory, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA: 2002
  • McBridge James, “the Debate over Brexit” Council on Foreign Relations” 08.04.2016 Available at <https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/196540/The%20Debate%20Over%20%27Brexit%27%20-%20Council%20on%20Foreign%20Relations.pdf>
  • Melossi Dario: "Security, Social Control, Democracy and Migration within the `Constitution` of the EU" European Law Journal, 11, 2005, pp.5-21.
  • Murkens Jo Eric Khushal, “The Blunders of Brexit:Economics, Sovereignty, and the Constitution” (05.10.2016) LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers 14/2016, Available at <http://ssrn.com/abstract=2848430.>
  • Risse Thomas: "How Do We Know a European Public Sphere When We See One? Theoretical Clarifications and Empirical Indicators", Prepared for the IDNET Workshop “Europeanization and the Public Sphere”, European University Institute, Florence, 20-21.01.2002, Available at <http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~atasp/texte/pi5s1otn.pdf>
  • Robin Niblett `Bracing for `Brexit`` Council on Foreign Relations” 17.01.2013, Available at <https://www.cfr.org/interview/bracing-brexit>
  • Shaw Jo: "The Emergence of Post national Constitutionalism in the European Union" Journal of European Public Policy, 6, 1997, pp.579-597
  • Snyder Francis: "The Unfinished Constitution of the European Union: Principles, Process, and Culture" This paper was published by International Conference on Law and Justice in the 21st century. Available at <http://opj.ces.uc.pt/portugues/novidds/comunica/FrancisSnyder.pdf>
  • Todosijević Bojan: "Europe in Search of Legitimacy: Strategies of Legitimation Assessed" International Political Science Review, 25, 2004, pp.435-459
  • Tully James: "Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity" CUP, Cambridge, 1995
  • Ward Ian, `Beyond Constitutionalism: The Search for a European Political Imagination` (2001) 7 European Law Journal pp.24-40
  • Weiler J. H. H. and Wind Marlene: "European Constitutionalism Beyond the State" CUP, Cambridge, 2003
  • Weiler J.H.H.: "The Constitution of Europe" CUP, Cambridge, 1999
  • Weiler J.H.H.: "The European Union: Enlargement, Constitutionalism and Democracy" (1999) This is the text of a lecture given at the Walter Hallstein-Institute of European Constitutional Law, Humboldt University, Berlin, in the FORUM CONSTITUTIONIS EUROPAE (FCE 7/99), Available at <http://www.whi-berlin.de/documents/weiler.pdf>
  • Wilkinson Michael A.: "Civil Society and the Re-imagination of European Constitutionalism" European Law Journal, 9, 2003, pp.451-472.


Yıl 2017, , 551 - 572, 31.12.2017


       Anayasalcılık ve anayasanın kendisi hala Avrupa
Birliği (AB) çalışmalarında önemli bir yer edinmektedir. Anayasalcılık konsepti
AB vatandaşlar üzerinde entegrasyonu sağlayan bir etkisi olan yasal ve kurumsal
boyutları içermektedir. Anayasalcılık kültürel fikirler ve sosyal düzenleyiş
yaratan, sosyal aktörler arasında etkileyici ilişkileri kapsamaktadır.  Bu nedenle, birlik vatandaşlarını birlikte
tutabilmek için ve ortak bir akli süreç oluşturabilmek için, birlik
içerisindeki farklı çıkar grupları ve çeşitlilikler geçerli, makul sembolik ve
normatif unsurlara - sosyal kimlik, feci-yıkımsal olaylar ve ortak tarih,
kültür, din, - ihtiyacı vardır. Fakat, AB'nin herhangi bir krizi durumunda -
örneğin; kimlik, entegrasyon, anayasa, ve 
demokrasi açığı gibi - entegrasyonun varlık sebebi olarak bilinen kurucu
unsurların eksikliği bu krizlerin temel sebep olmaktadır. Örneğin, AB
politikaları ve kanunlarını yapma sürecinde demokrasi eksikliği en temel konu
olarak kabul edilebilir. AB vatandaşları bu süreçlere dahil edilmemiş ve onlar
AB politikalarına olan desteklerini ve ilgilerini kaybetmişlerdir. Bu durum AB
anayasasının meşrutiyeti ile ve ortak akli süreç yaratma ile yakından
alakalıdır. Bu bağlamda Brexit bu problemleri ve krizleri ortaya çıkaran tarihi
bir olaydır. Aynı zamanda Brexit AB anayasalcılığının ortak bir yasal ve
kurumsal boyut oluşturmada başarısız olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Brexit referandumu
burada katalizör bir olay olarak kabul edilerek AB toplumsal entegrasyonu ve
anayasalcılığı üzerinde çok büyük bir etkisi olmaktadır. Brexit meşru ulusal
egemenliğin sınırlı toplumsal meşrutiyete sahip olan, demokratik eksiklik ile
yüzleşen ve "Avrupa halkı" için sınırlı seviyede ortak akli sürece
sahip olan ulus üstü bir proje olan AB ye karşı önemini hala koruduğu ortaya


  • Avbelj Mi Matej, “Transformation of EU Constitutionalism” VerfBlog, 22.06.2016, Available at <http://verfassungsblog.de/transformation-of-eu-constitutionalism/>
  • Bankoviski Zenon and Christodoulidis Emilios: "The European Union as an Essentially Contested Project" European Law Journal, 4, 1998, pp.341-354.
  • Bellamy Richard, ` Liberalism and Pluralism: Towards a Politics of Compromise` Routledge, 1999
  • Ballmy Richard, `The European Constitution is Dead, Long Live European Constitutionalism` (2006) 13 Constellations pp.181-189
  • Bellamy Richard: "Sovereignty, Post-Sovereignty and Pre-Sovereignty: Reconceptualising the State, Rights and Democracy in the EU", pp.167-189., in: Walker Neil (Ed), Sovereignty in Transition Oxford: Hart, 2003
  • Bellamy Richard: "Which Constitution for What Kind of Europe.? Three Models of European Constitutionalism" Legitimationsgrundlagen der Europäischen Union, 2006, pp. 117-132., F. Cheneval, ed., LIT, Available at < http://ssrn.com/abstract=1525473 >
  • Breda Vito, `A European Constitution in a Multinational Europe or a Multinational Constitution for Europe?` (2006) 12 European Law Journal pp.330-344
  • Breda Vito: "A European Constitution in a Multinational Europe or a Multinational Constitution for Europe?" European Law Journal, 12, 2006, p.330-344.
  • Castiglione Dario: "Contrast and Constitutions" in Bellamy Richard (Ed), Democracy and Constitutional Culture in the Union of Europe, Lothian Foundation Press, 1995.
  • Gertsenberg Oliver: "The New Europe: Part of the Problem-or part of the Solution to the Problem" Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 22, 2002, pp. 563-571
  • Grimm Dieter: "Does Europe Need a Constitution?" European Law Journal, 1, 1995, pp.282-302.
  • Grimm Dieter: "Integration by Constitution" International Journal of Constitutional Law, 3, 2005, pp.193-208
  • Gümplová Petra “Are EU Exit Referenda Good for Democracy?” 08.08.2016 Available at <http://www.publicseminar.org/2016/08/are-eu-exit-referenda-good-for-democracy/#.WfBqdlu0OM9>
  • Habermas Jurgen: "Remarks on Dieter Grimm`s `Does Europe Need a Constitution?" European Law Journal, 1, 1995, pp.303-307.
  • HC Deb 02 August 1961 vol 645, HC Deb 16 November 1966 vol 736 (Accessed on HANSARD - the transcripts of Parliamentary Debates in Britain and many Commonwealth countries.)
  • Hurrelmann, Achim: `European Constitutionalism and Social Integration`. Paper prepared for the Federal Trust/UACES Conference ‘Towards a European Constitution’, London, 1-2 July 2004
  • Hurrelmann Achim: "European Democracy, the `Permissive Consensus` and the Collapse of the EU Constitution" European Law Journal, 13, 2007, pp.343-359
  • Klabbers Jan and Leino Paivi: "Death by Constitution? The Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe" German Law Journal, 4, 2003, pp.1293-1305.
  • Margalit Avishai: "The Ethics of Memory, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA: 2002
  • McBridge James, “the Debate over Brexit” Council on Foreign Relations” 08.04.2016 Available at <https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/196540/The%20Debate%20Over%20%27Brexit%27%20-%20Council%20on%20Foreign%20Relations.pdf>
  • Melossi Dario: "Security, Social Control, Democracy and Migration within the `Constitution` of the EU" European Law Journal, 11, 2005, pp.5-21.
  • Murkens Jo Eric Khushal, “The Blunders of Brexit:Economics, Sovereignty, and the Constitution” (05.10.2016) LSE Law, Society and Economy Working Papers 14/2016, Available at <http://ssrn.com/abstract=2848430.>
  • Risse Thomas: "How Do We Know a European Public Sphere When We See One? Theoretical Clarifications and Empirical Indicators", Prepared for the IDNET Workshop “Europeanization and the Public Sphere”, European University Institute, Florence, 20-21.01.2002, Available at <http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~atasp/texte/pi5s1otn.pdf>
  • Robin Niblett `Bracing for `Brexit`` Council on Foreign Relations” 17.01.2013, Available at <https://www.cfr.org/interview/bracing-brexit>
  • Shaw Jo: "The Emergence of Post national Constitutionalism in the European Union" Journal of European Public Policy, 6, 1997, pp.579-597
  • Snyder Francis: "The Unfinished Constitution of the European Union: Principles, Process, and Culture" This paper was published by International Conference on Law and Justice in the 21st century. Available at <http://opj.ces.uc.pt/portugues/novidds/comunica/FrancisSnyder.pdf>
  • Todosijević Bojan: "Europe in Search of Legitimacy: Strategies of Legitimation Assessed" International Political Science Review, 25, 2004, pp.435-459
  • Tully James: "Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity" CUP, Cambridge, 1995
  • Ward Ian, `Beyond Constitutionalism: The Search for a European Political Imagination` (2001) 7 European Law Journal pp.24-40
  • Weiler J. H. H. and Wind Marlene: "European Constitutionalism Beyond the State" CUP, Cambridge, 2003
  • Weiler J.H.H.: "The Constitution of Europe" CUP, Cambridge, 1999
  • Weiler J.H.H.: "The European Union: Enlargement, Constitutionalism and Democracy" (1999) This is the text of a lecture given at the Walter Hallstein-Institute of European Constitutional Law, Humboldt University, Berlin, in the FORUM CONSTITUTIONIS EUROPAE (FCE 7/99), Available at <http://www.whi-berlin.de/documents/weiler.pdf>
  • Wilkinson Michael A.: "Civil Society and the Re-imagination of European Constitutionalism" European Law Journal, 9, 2003, pp.451-472.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Makaleler

İlyas Fırat Cengiz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Kasım 2017
Kabul Tarihi 28 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Cengiz, İ. F. (2017). AVRUPA ANAYASALCILIĞI VE BREXIT SONRASI GELECEĞİ!. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 551-572. https://doi.org/10.21492/inuhfd.353082
AMA Cengiz İF. AVRUPA ANAYASALCILIĞI VE BREXIT SONRASI GELECEĞİ!. İnÜHFD. Aralık 2017;8(2):551-572. doi:10.21492/inuhfd.353082
Chicago Cengiz, İlyas Fırat. “AVRUPA ANAYASALCILIĞI VE BREXIT SONRASI GELECEĞİ!”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 8, sy. 2 (Aralık 2017): 551-72. https://doi.org/10.21492/inuhfd.353082.
EndNote Cengiz İF (01 Aralık 2017) AVRUPA ANAYASALCILIĞI VE BREXIT SONRASI GELECEĞİ!. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 551–572.
IEEE İ. F. Cengiz, “AVRUPA ANAYASALCILIĞI VE BREXIT SONRASI GELECEĞİ!”, İnÜHFD, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 551–572, 2017, doi: 10.21492/inuhfd.353082.
ISNAD Cengiz, İlyas Fırat. “AVRUPA ANAYASALCILIĞI VE BREXIT SONRASI GELECEĞİ!”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (Aralık 2017), 551-572. https://doi.org/10.21492/inuhfd.353082.
MLA Cengiz, İlyas Fırat. “AVRUPA ANAYASALCILIĞI VE BREXIT SONRASI GELECEĞİ!”. İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 551-72, doi:10.21492/inuhfd.353082.