In an ordinary partnership, where cooperation and trust between the partners are crucial, it is an important opportunity to exclude of the partner for just cause who has damaged the relationship of trust. This is because the other partners who do not want to continue the relationship with the said partner have an alternative way of dissolving the partnership. They can continue the partnership relationship among themselves by excluding the partner who has damaged the relationship of trust. This study examined the perspectives of the German, Austrian, Swiss and Turkish legislatures on the issue of exclusion from an ordinary partnership for just cause and their regulations on this. In short, there is a specific legal regulation in German and Austrian law on the issue of exclusion for just cause in an ordinary partnership (§ 737 BGB; § 1213 ABGB). In Swiss and Turkish law, however, the issue in question is not regulated by law. In Turkish law, Article 633 of the Turkish Code of Obligations Nr. 6098, for the first time explicitly regulates the issue of exclusion from an ordinary partnership. However, the text of the corresponding article does not include the question of the exclusion of the partner for just cause. However, taking into account the legislator's objective, the study considered that de lege lata it is possible to exclude the partner from the ordinary partnership for just cause and, in addition, de lege ferenda proposals were made on the subject.