Research Article
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Year 2023, , 168 - 179, 30.09.2023


The present quantitative study explored parents’ engagement in children’s online learning, considering parents’ readiness to engage in their child’s online learning and aligned those with a discussion of parents’ education qualifications. The sample of the study was 374 primary school students’ parents. The data was gathered through survey questionnaires which were checked for reliability before being administered. Descriptive analysis was employed to study parents’ engagement and readiness levels in their child’s online learning, and to study the difference in parents’ engagement and readiness levels based on parents’ education level. One-way ANOVA was employed. In addition, correlation analysis was used to explore the relationship between parents’ readiness level and their engagement in children’s online learning. The findings from the study revealed that parents were engaged in their children’s online learning and confirmed the high readiness level towards involvement in their child’s online learning. However, parents’ engagement and readiness level differed by parents’ educational level so that there was a positive relationship noted between engagement in children’s online learning and their readiness towards online learning. Therefore, the study suggests that parental education level and their readiness towards online learning needs to be considered when schools move teaching and learning online.

Ethical Statement

The authors declare that the study has not unethical issues and that research and publication ethics have been considered carefully. The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


  • Algahtani, A. F. (2011). Evaluating the Effectiveness of the E-learning Experience in some Universities in Saudi Arabia from Male Students' Perceptions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Durham University: United Kingdom.
  • Alvarez, M., Torres, A., Rodriguez, E., Padilla, S., & Rodrigo, M. J. (2013). Attitudes and parenting dimensions in parents’ regulation of Internet use by primary and secondary school children’. Computers & Education, 67, 69–78.
  • Amanor-Mfoafo, N. K., Akrofi, O., Edonu, K. K., & Dowuona, E. N. (2020). Investigating the e-learning readiness of Ghanaian parents during covid-19’. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(10), 39-56.
  • Anderson, K., & Minke, K. (2007). Parent involvement in education: Toward an understanding of parents’ decision making. The Journal of Educational Research, 100(5), 311-323.
  • Barnard, W. M. (2004). Parent involvement in elementary school and educational attainment. Child and Youth Services Review, 26(1), 39–62.
  • Beck, D., Maranto, R., & Lo, W. J. (2013). Parent involvement and student/parent satisfaction in cyber schools. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Paper presented at the society for information technology & teacher international conference 2013 (pp. 229-236). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
  • Bhamani, S., Makhdoom, A. Z., Bharuchi, V., Ali, N., Kaleem, S., & Ahmed, D. (2020). Home Learning in Times of COVID: Experiences of Parents. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 7(1), 09-26. DOI:
  • Budhrani, K., Martin, F., Malabanan, O., & Espiritu, J. L. (2021). How did parents balance it all? Work-from-home parents’ engagement in academic and support roles during remote learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 7(2), 153-184.
  • Bryman, A. (2008). Social research methods. (3rd ed). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Dong, C., Simin, C., & Hui, L. (2020). Young children’s online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: Chinese parents’ beliefs and attitudes. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105440. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105440
  • Churiyah.M., Sholikhan, S., Filianti, F., & Sakdiyyah, D. A. (2020). Indonesia education readiness conducting distance learning in Covid-19 pandemic situation. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 7(6), 491-507.
  • Coman, C., Țîru, L. G., Meseșan-Schmitz, L., Stanciu, C., & Bularca, M. C. (2020). Online teaching and learning in higher education during the coronavirus pandemic: Students’ perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(24), 1–22.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2010), Educational research - planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th Ed.), Pearson Merril Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches, 2nd ed. Oak: Sage Publications.
  • Creswell, R. (2014), Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach, Sage Publications, USA.
  • Domina, T., Renzulli,L., and Murray, B. (2021). Remote or Removed: Predicting Successful Engagement with Online Learning during COVID-19. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 7, 1-15.
  • Dwiyono, Y., Harnowo, R., & Ridani., A. (2021). The role of parents in helping online learning during covid19 in class iii students of SDN 014 samarinda ulu year 2020/2021. Jurnal Pendas Mahakam, 6(1), 34-41.
  • Edwards, P. A. (2004). Children’s literacy development: Making it happen through school, family, and community involvement. Boston: Pearson.
  • Ermisch, J., & Francesconi, M. (2001). Family matters: Impacts of family background on educational attainments. Economica, 68(270), 137–156. doi:
  • Fedina, N. V., Burmykina, I. V., Zvezda, L. M., Pikalova, O. S., Skudnev, D. M., & Voronin, I. V. (2017). Use of distance learning technologies in the course of implementing educational programs in preschool education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(11), 7561-7571.
  • Gorard, S. (2001). Quantitative Methods in Educational Research: The role of numbers made easy. London: The Tower Building.
  • Gutman, L. M., & Midgley, C. (2000). The role of protective factors in supporting the academic achievement of poor African American students during the middle school transition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 29, 233–248.
  • Henderson, A. T., & Mapp, K. L. (2002). A new wave of evidence: The impact of school, family, and community connections on student achievement. Austin, TV: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
  • Herwin, H., & Dahalan, S. C. (2022). Technological integration factors in parental involvement during distance learning. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 12(7), 637-641. doi:
  • Hoover-Dempsey, K. V., Walker, J. M. T., Sandler, H. M., Whetsel, D., Green, C. L., Wilkins, A. S., & Closson, K. (2005). Why do parents become involved? Research findings and implications. The Elementary School Journal, 106(2), 105–130.
  • Kong, S. C., & Li, K. M. (2009). Collaboration between school and parents on fostering information literacy: Learning in the information society’, Computers and Education, 52(2), 275–282.
  • Krejcie, R. V., & Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30(3), 607-610.
  • Lara, L., & Saracostti, M. (2019). Effect of parental involvement on children’s academic achievement in Chile. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1464, 1-5. doi:
  • Lase, D., Zega, T, G, C., Daeli, D, O., & Zaluchu, S, E. (2022). Parents' perceptions of distance learning during COVID-19 in Rural Indonesia. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 16(1), 103-113.
  • Lee, M., & Figueroa, R. (2012). ‘Internal and external indicators of virtual learning success a guide to success in k-12 virtual learning’ Distance Learning, 9(1), 21-28.
  • Lewin, C., & Luckin, R. (2010). Technology to support parental engagement in elementary education: Lessons learned from the UK. Computers and Education, 54(3), 749–758.
  • Makrooni, G. (2019). Being a first-generation migrant family student in Finland: Perceptions and experiences of the educational journey to higher education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(3), 157-170. DOI:
  • Mantzicopoulos, P. (2003). Flunking kindergarten after Head Start: An inquiry into the contribution of contextual and individual variables. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(2), 268-278.
  • Ministry of Education, Bhutan (2022). Annual Education Statistics. Retrieved
  • National Statistical Bureau of Bhutan (2017). Bhutan living standards survey report. Retrieved file:///C:/Users/Academic%20Head/Downloads/BLSS-2017-Report.
  • Pallant, J. (2001), SPSS survival manual - a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS for windows (version 10), Buckingham Open University Press.
  • Pimentel, J. L. (2019). Some biases in likert scaling usage and its correction. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and
  • Pomerantz, E. M., Moorman, E. A., & Litwack, S. D. (2007). The how, whom, and why of parents’ engagement in children’s schooling: More is not necessarily better. Review of Educational Research, 77, 373–410.
  • Putri, R. S., Purwanto, A., Pramono, R., Asbari, M., Wijayanti, L. M., & Hyun, C. C. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online home learning: An explorative study of primary schools in Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5), 4809–4818.
  • Rasmitadila, R., Aliyyah, R. R., Rachmadtullah, R., Samsudin, A., Syaodih, E., Nurtanto, M., & Tambunan, A. R. S. (2020). The perceptions of primary school teachers of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic period: A case study in Indonesia. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 7(2), 90-109.
  • Sheldon, S. B. (2009). In school, family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action. (3rd ed.). USA: Corwin Press.
  • Siahaan, C., Murniarti, E., & Simbolon, K. (2021). Readiness level of parents as student guide in online learning. Psychology and Education, 58(2), 5995-6007.
  • Smith, S. J., Burdette, P. J., Cheatham, G. A., & Harvey, S, P. (2016). Parental role and support for online learning of Students with disabilities: A paradigm shift. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 29(2), 101-112.
  • Stevens, M., & Borup, J. (2015). Parental engagement in online learning environments: A review of the literature. Advances in Research on Teaching, 25, 95–111. DOI:10.1108/S1479-368720150000027005
  • Tsuei, M., & Hsu, Y. Y. (2019). Parents’ acceptance of participation in the integration of technology into children’s instruction. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28, 457-467.
  • UNESCO (2020). COVID19 Impact on Education (2020, November 6). Retrieved from
  • Wahid, A. (2022). Listening to Filipino parents’ voices during distance learning of their children amidst COVID-19. Education, 3(13), 1-12. DOI:
  • Wang, M. T., & Sheikh-Khalil, S. (2014). Does Parental Involvement Matter for Student Achievement and Mental Health in High School?’ Child Development, 85(2), 610–625.
  • Woofter, S. (2019). Book review: Building equity: Policies and practices to empower all learners. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 3(1), 136-139.
  • Yakubu, M. N. & Dasuki, S. (2018). Assessing eLearning systems success in Nigeria: An application of the DeLone and McLean information systems success model. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 183-203.
  • Yamamoto, Y., & Brinton, M. (2010). ‘Cultural capital in East Asian educational context: The case of Japan. Sociology of Education, 83(1), 67–83.
Year 2023, , 168 - 179, 30.09.2023



  • Algahtani, A. F. (2011). Evaluating the Effectiveness of the E-learning Experience in some Universities in Saudi Arabia from Male Students' Perceptions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Durham University: United Kingdom.
  • Alvarez, M., Torres, A., Rodriguez, E., Padilla, S., & Rodrigo, M. J. (2013). Attitudes and parenting dimensions in parents’ regulation of Internet use by primary and secondary school children’. Computers & Education, 67, 69–78.
  • Amanor-Mfoafo, N. K., Akrofi, O., Edonu, K. K., & Dowuona, E. N. (2020). Investigating the e-learning readiness of Ghanaian parents during covid-19’. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(10), 39-56.
  • Anderson, K., & Minke, K. (2007). Parent involvement in education: Toward an understanding of parents’ decision making. The Journal of Educational Research, 100(5), 311-323.
  • Barnard, W. M. (2004). Parent involvement in elementary school and educational attainment. Child and Youth Services Review, 26(1), 39–62.
  • Beck, D., Maranto, R., & Lo, W. J. (2013). Parent involvement and student/parent satisfaction in cyber schools. In R. McBride & M. Searson (Eds.), Paper presented at the society for information technology & teacher international conference 2013 (pp. 229-236). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
  • Bhamani, S., Makhdoom, A. Z., Bharuchi, V., Ali, N., Kaleem, S., & Ahmed, D. (2020). Home Learning in Times of COVID: Experiences of Parents. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 7(1), 09-26. DOI:
  • Budhrani, K., Martin, F., Malabanan, O., & Espiritu, J. L. (2021). How did parents balance it all? Work-from-home parents’ engagement in academic and support roles during remote learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 7(2), 153-184.
  • Bryman, A. (2008). Social research methods. (3rd ed). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Dong, C., Simin, C., & Hui, L. (2020). Young children’s online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: Chinese parents’ beliefs and attitudes. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105440. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105440
  • Churiyah.M., Sholikhan, S., Filianti, F., & Sakdiyyah, D. A. (2020). Indonesia education readiness conducting distance learning in Covid-19 pandemic situation. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 7(6), 491-507.
  • Coman, C., Țîru, L. G., Meseșan-Schmitz, L., Stanciu, C., & Bularca, M. C. (2020). Online teaching and learning in higher education during the coronavirus pandemic: Students’ perspective. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(24), 1–22.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2010), Educational research - planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th Ed.), Pearson Merril Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches, 2nd ed. Oak: Sage Publications.
  • Creswell, R. (2014), Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach, Sage Publications, USA.
  • Domina, T., Renzulli,L., and Murray, B. (2021). Remote or Removed: Predicting Successful Engagement with Online Learning during COVID-19. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 7, 1-15.
  • Dwiyono, Y., Harnowo, R., & Ridani., A. (2021). The role of parents in helping online learning during covid19 in class iii students of SDN 014 samarinda ulu year 2020/2021. Jurnal Pendas Mahakam, 6(1), 34-41.
  • Edwards, P. A. (2004). Children’s literacy development: Making it happen through school, family, and community involvement. Boston: Pearson.
  • Ermisch, J., & Francesconi, M. (2001). Family matters: Impacts of family background on educational attainments. Economica, 68(270), 137–156. doi:
  • Fedina, N. V., Burmykina, I. V., Zvezda, L. M., Pikalova, O. S., Skudnev, D. M., & Voronin, I. V. (2017). Use of distance learning technologies in the course of implementing educational programs in preschool education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(11), 7561-7571.
  • Gorard, S. (2001). Quantitative Methods in Educational Research: The role of numbers made easy. London: The Tower Building.
  • Gutman, L. M., & Midgley, C. (2000). The role of protective factors in supporting the academic achievement of poor African American students during the middle school transition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 29, 233–248.
  • Henderson, A. T., & Mapp, K. L. (2002). A new wave of evidence: The impact of school, family, and community connections on student achievement. Austin, TV: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
  • Herwin, H., & Dahalan, S. C. (2022). Technological integration factors in parental involvement during distance learning. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 12(7), 637-641. doi:
  • Hoover-Dempsey, K. V., Walker, J. M. T., Sandler, H. M., Whetsel, D., Green, C. L., Wilkins, A. S., & Closson, K. (2005). Why do parents become involved? Research findings and implications. The Elementary School Journal, 106(2), 105–130.
  • Kong, S. C., & Li, K. M. (2009). Collaboration between school and parents on fostering information literacy: Learning in the information society’, Computers and Education, 52(2), 275–282.
  • Krejcie, R. V., & Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30(3), 607-610.
  • Lara, L., & Saracostti, M. (2019). Effect of parental involvement on children’s academic achievement in Chile. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1464, 1-5. doi:
  • Lase, D., Zega, T, G, C., Daeli, D, O., & Zaluchu, S, E. (2022). Parents' perceptions of distance learning during COVID-19 in Rural Indonesia. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 16(1), 103-113.
  • Lee, M., & Figueroa, R. (2012). ‘Internal and external indicators of virtual learning success a guide to success in k-12 virtual learning’ Distance Learning, 9(1), 21-28.
  • Lewin, C., & Luckin, R. (2010). Technology to support parental engagement in elementary education: Lessons learned from the UK. Computers and Education, 54(3), 749–758.
  • Makrooni, G. (2019). Being a first-generation migrant family student in Finland: Perceptions and experiences of the educational journey to higher education. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6(3), 157-170. DOI:
  • Mantzicopoulos, P. (2003). Flunking kindergarten after Head Start: An inquiry into the contribution of contextual and individual variables. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(2), 268-278.
  • Ministry of Education, Bhutan (2022). Annual Education Statistics. Retrieved
  • National Statistical Bureau of Bhutan (2017). Bhutan living standards survey report. Retrieved file:///C:/Users/Academic%20Head/Downloads/BLSS-2017-Report.
  • Pallant, J. (2001), SPSS survival manual - a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS for windows (version 10), Buckingham Open University Press.
  • Pimentel, J. L. (2019). Some biases in likert scaling usage and its correction. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and
  • Pomerantz, E. M., Moorman, E. A., & Litwack, S. D. (2007). The how, whom, and why of parents’ engagement in children’s schooling: More is not necessarily better. Review of Educational Research, 77, 373–410.
  • Putri, R. S., Purwanto, A., Pramono, R., Asbari, M., Wijayanti, L. M., & Hyun, C. C. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online home learning: An explorative study of primary schools in Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5), 4809–4818.
  • Rasmitadila, R., Aliyyah, R. R., Rachmadtullah, R., Samsudin, A., Syaodih, E., Nurtanto, M., & Tambunan, A. R. S. (2020). The perceptions of primary school teachers of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic period: A case study in Indonesia. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 7(2), 90-109.
  • Sheldon, S. B. (2009). In school, family, and community partnerships: Your handbook for action. (3rd ed.). USA: Corwin Press.
  • Siahaan, C., Murniarti, E., & Simbolon, K. (2021). Readiness level of parents as student guide in online learning. Psychology and Education, 58(2), 5995-6007.
  • Smith, S. J., Burdette, P. J., Cheatham, G. A., & Harvey, S, P. (2016). Parental role and support for online learning of Students with disabilities: A paradigm shift. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 29(2), 101-112.
  • Stevens, M., & Borup, J. (2015). Parental engagement in online learning environments: A review of the literature. Advances in Research on Teaching, 25, 95–111. DOI:10.1108/S1479-368720150000027005
  • Tsuei, M., & Hsu, Y. Y. (2019). Parents’ acceptance of participation in the integration of technology into children’s instruction. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28, 457-467.
  • UNESCO (2020). COVID19 Impact on Education (2020, November 6). Retrieved from
  • Wahid, A. (2022). Listening to Filipino parents’ voices during distance learning of their children amidst COVID-19. Education, 3(13), 1-12. DOI:
  • Wang, M. T., & Sheikh-Khalil, S. (2014). Does Parental Involvement Matter for Student Achievement and Mental Health in High School?’ Child Development, 85(2), 610–625.
  • Woofter, S. (2019). Book review: Building equity: Policies and practices to empower all learners. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 3(1), 136-139.
  • Yakubu, M. N. & Dasuki, S. (2018). Assessing eLearning systems success in Nigeria: An application of the DeLone and McLean information systems success model. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 17, 183-203.
  • Yamamoto, Y., & Brinton, M. (2010). ‘Cultural capital in East Asian educational context: The case of Japan. Sociology of Education, 83(1), 67–83.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Classroom Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Lotey Gyeltshen This is me 0000-0002-1281-9094

Rebecca Englısh This is me 0000-0002-9135-7202

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Gyeltshen, L., & Englısh, R. (2023). PARENTS’ ENGAGEMENT AND READINESS IN CHILDREN ONLINE LEARNING IN BHUTAN. International Online Journal of Primary Education, 12(3), 168-179.

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