Research Article
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Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 31 - 36, 30.06.2012


It is important to determine and develop problem solving skills of gifted and talented children, who have different emotional characteristics compared to peers, in terms of using their potentials at the highest level. In this research, which was done with the aim of determining self sensations of gifted and talented children in problem solving skills,it was examined if gender and grade level variables create differences on sensations for problem solving skills of gifted and talented children. The study group of research that was done by using Survey method is made up of 100 students who attended Sivas Science and Art Center in spring term of 2010- 2011 Education year. As a data collecting tool in study, “Problem Solving Inventory for Children” that was developed for primary school students by Serin, Bulut Serin & Saygılı (2010) was used. Inventory (ÇPÇE), its Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient is 0.80, is made up of three factors, “Confidence”, “Self-control” and “Avoidance” and 24 items in total. Collected data was analyzed by using SPSS 12.00 programme. In this context, “t”, “F”, “schefee” tests and “correlation analysis” were applied. As a result of study, according to the findings, it wasn’t found any significant differences between total point of gender, grade levels, problem solving skill sensation and point avarages of subscales.


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  • Arenofsky, J. (2001). Developing your problem-solving skills (Problem-solving techniques and approaches: Brief article). Career World. Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0HUV/is_4_29/ai_68707326
  • Arı, M. (2003). Early childhood education in Turkey and importance of quality, improving in early childhood and new approaches in education, (Ed: Sevinç, M.). İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Publications
  • Ataman, A. (2003). Children who needs special requirements and ıntroduction to special education. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publications.
  • Bingham, A. (2004). Improving problem solving skills in children. (Çeviren; Dr. A. Ferhan Oguzkan), İstanbul: Ministry of National Education Publications.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004), Data analyzing manual for social sciences. 4. Baskı, Ankara: PegemA Pressing,
  • Clark, B. (1997). Growing up gifted (5. Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Columbus, Ohio: Merrill
  • Cutts N. E., & Moseley, N. (2001). Education of gifted and talented children. Ankara: Özgür Publications Çam, S. (1997). The effect of communication skills education on teacher candidates’ ego situations and problem solving skill sensations. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis Ankara Uni. Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Çapan, E. B. (2010) Metaphoric sensations of teacher candidates about gifted students. International Social Researches Journal, 3 (12), 140-154. Dinçer, F. Ç. (1995), Analyzing the effect of education in acquiring ınterpersonal problem solving skills to children at the age of 5 in pre- school. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences Department of Mental Health and Education, Ankara
  • Enç, M. (2005). Outstanding brain power. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publications.
  • Feldhussen, J. (1986). A conception of giftedness: Conception of giftedness. In RJ. Steinberg, J.E Davidson (Eds), Conception of giftedness. Newyork: Cambrige University press.
  • Güçlü, N. (2003). Problem solving skills of high school directors. National Education Journal, 160, 272-300.
  • Güner, İ. (2007). The effect group counseling for ımproving conflict solving skills on problem solving skills and offensiveness of high school students. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, İnönü University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Education Sciences Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Malatya.
  • Güven. A., & Akyüz, M. Y. (2001). The views of teacher candidates about problem solving skills and communication. Ege Education Journal, 1 (1), 13-22.
  • Heppner, P. P., & Peterson, C. H. (1982). The development and ımplications of a personal-problem solving ınventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29, 66-75.
  • Kalaycı, N. (2001). Problem solving and applications in social sciences. Ankara: Gazi Bookstore.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2002). The effect of project based learning in science education on levels of academic risk taking, problem solving and creative thinking. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis. Hacettepe Uni. Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Philip E. V. (1977). The pschology and education of' gifted children, Methuen-Co Ltd.
  • Renzulli.J. S. ( 1999). What is thing called giftedness, and how do we develop it? a twenty- five year perspective. Journal for the Education of Gifted, 23 (1) 3-54.
  • Saracaloğlu, A. S., Serin, O., & Bozkurt, N. (2002). Relation between problem solving skills and success of ınstitute of education sciences students. 1st Learning and Teaching in 2000s Symposium(presented paper), Marmara University, Atatürk Education Faculty, İstanbul.
  • Saygılı, H. (2000). The examination of relation between social and personal harmony and problem solving skill. Unpublished Master Degree Thesis, Atatürk University Institution of Social Sciences Department of Education Sciences, Erzurum.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2001). Evolution, learning and teaching (3rd Press), Ankara: Gazi Bookstore
  • Serin, O., Bulut Serin, N., & Saygılı, G. (2010). Developing problem solving inventory (PSI) for primary school children. Primary Education Online, 9(2), 446-458.
  • Serin, O. (2001). Relation between problem solving skills, attitudes to science and computer and success of science group graduate and undergraduate students. DEÜ Institute of Education Sciences Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, İzmir.
  • Taylan, S. (1990) Adaptation, credibility and validity studies of heppner’s problem solving inventory. Unpublished Master Degree Thesis, A.Ü. Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yazıcı, S. (2001). Learning organizations, İstanbul: Alfa Publications
Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 31 - 36, 30.06.2012



  • Albayrak, G. (2002). Individual problem solving skills of primary school directors. Sakarya University, Institute of Social Sciences, Sakarya.
  • Arenofsky, J. (2001). Developing your problem-solving skills (Problem-solving techniques and approaches: Brief article). Career World. Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0HUV/is_4_29/ai_68707326
  • Arı, M. (2003). Early childhood education in Turkey and importance of quality, improving in early childhood and new approaches in education, (Ed: Sevinç, M.). İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Publications
  • Ataman, A. (2003). Children who needs special requirements and ıntroduction to special education. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publications.
  • Bingham, A. (2004). Improving problem solving skills in children. (Çeviren; Dr. A. Ferhan Oguzkan), İstanbul: Ministry of National Education Publications.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004), Data analyzing manual for social sciences. 4. Baskı, Ankara: PegemA Pressing,
  • Clark, B. (1997). Growing up gifted (5. Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Columbus, Ohio: Merrill
  • Cutts N. E., & Moseley, N. (2001). Education of gifted and talented children. Ankara: Özgür Publications Çam, S. (1997). The effect of communication skills education on teacher candidates’ ego situations and problem solving skill sensations. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis Ankara Uni. Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Çapan, E. B. (2010) Metaphoric sensations of teacher candidates about gifted students. International Social Researches Journal, 3 (12), 140-154. Dinçer, F. Ç. (1995), Analyzing the effect of education in acquiring ınterpersonal problem solving skills to children at the age of 5 in pre- school. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences Department of Mental Health and Education, Ankara
  • Enç, M. (2005). Outstanding brain power. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publications.
  • Feldhussen, J. (1986). A conception of giftedness: Conception of giftedness. In RJ. Steinberg, J.E Davidson (Eds), Conception of giftedness. Newyork: Cambrige University press.
  • Güçlü, N. (2003). Problem solving skills of high school directors. National Education Journal, 160, 272-300.
  • Güner, İ. (2007). The effect group counseling for ımproving conflict solving skills on problem solving skills and offensiveness of high school students. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, İnönü University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Education Sciences Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Malatya.
  • Güven. A., & Akyüz, M. Y. (2001). The views of teacher candidates about problem solving skills and communication. Ege Education Journal, 1 (1), 13-22.
  • Heppner, P. P., & Peterson, C. H. (1982). The development and ımplications of a personal-problem solving ınventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29, 66-75.
  • Kalaycı, N. (2001). Problem solving and applications in social sciences. Ankara: Gazi Bookstore.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2002). The effect of project based learning in science education on levels of academic risk taking, problem solving and creative thinking. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis. Hacettepe Uni. Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Philip E. V. (1977). The pschology and education of' gifted children, Methuen-Co Ltd.
  • Renzulli.J. S. ( 1999). What is thing called giftedness, and how do we develop it? a twenty- five year perspective. Journal for the Education of Gifted, 23 (1) 3-54.
  • Saracaloğlu, A. S., Serin, O., & Bozkurt, N. (2002). Relation between problem solving skills and success of ınstitute of education sciences students. 1st Learning and Teaching in 2000s Symposium(presented paper), Marmara University, Atatürk Education Faculty, İstanbul.
  • Saygılı, H. (2000). The examination of relation between social and personal harmony and problem solving skill. Unpublished Master Degree Thesis, Atatürk University Institution of Social Sciences Department of Education Sciences, Erzurum.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2001). Evolution, learning and teaching (3rd Press), Ankara: Gazi Bookstore
  • Serin, O., Bulut Serin, N., & Saygılı, G. (2010). Developing problem solving inventory (PSI) for primary school children. Primary Education Online, 9(2), 446-458.
  • Serin, O. (2001). Relation between problem solving skills, attitudes to science and computer and success of science group graduate and undergraduate students. DEÜ Institute of Education Sciences Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, İzmir.
  • Taylan, S. (1990) Adaptation, credibility and validity studies of heppner’s problem solving inventory. Unpublished Master Degree Thesis, A.Ü. Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yazıcı, S. (2001). Learning organizations, İstanbul: Alfa Publications
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Gizem Saygılı

Publication Date June 30, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Saygılı, G. (2012). DETERMINATION OF THE PROBLEM SOLVING LEVEL OF GIFTED/TALENTED STUDENTS. International Online Journal of Primary Education, 1(1), 31-36.

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