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DDSA’larda (Devlet Dışı Silahlı Aktörler) Özerklik ve Çatışmalarda Üstlenilen Role Etkisi: Hizbullah ve Fatımi Tugayı Örnekleri

Year 2024, , 215 - 243, 30.12.2024


Devlet dışı silahlı aktörler (DDSA) Ortadoğu’daki çoğu çatışma bölgesinde diğer DDSA’lara veyahut devletlere karşı savaşta rol almaktadırlar. Bölgedeki pek çok çatışmaya müttefiki DDSA’lar üzerinden dahil olarak bölgedeki nüfuzunu arttıran İran ise DDSA’lar ve sponsor devletler üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda ön plana çıkan bir vaka konumundadır. Irak, Lübnan, Yemen ve Suriye’de İran destekli DDSA’lar çatışmaların ve bölge politikalarının önemli aktörleri haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada odaklanılacak Suriye iç savaşında ise İran bölgeye yönlendirdiği onlarca DDSA üzerinden savaş sahasına müdahil olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Suriye’deki İran destekli milisler içerisinden Hizbullah ve Fatımi Tugayı’nın İran ile ilişkileri özerklik ve savaşta üstlenilen rol bağlamında ele alınacaktır. DDSA’lar ve DDSA’ların özerkliğine dair literatür ışığında her iki örgütün tarihi arka planına, Suriye iç savaşındaki rollerine ve özerklik kapasitelerine odaklanılacaktır. Vakaların özerklik kapasiteleri insani, mali ve askeri kaynakları üzerinden analiz edilecektir. Örgütlerin İran ile ilişkilerde sahip oldukları özerkliğin Suriye iç savaşında üstlendikleri roller üzerindeki etkisi çalışmanın bir diğer çıktısı olacaktır.


  • Al-Aloosy, M. (2023). Insurgency, proxy, and dependence: How Hezbollah’s ideology prevails over its interest in its relationship with Iran. International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 78(1–2), 24–40.
  • Alfoneh, A. (2017, Nisan 19). Shia Afghan fighters in Syria. Atlantic Council.
  • Alghannam, H. (2024). Border traffic: How Syria uses Captagon to gain leverage over Saudi Arabia. Carnegie Middle East Center.
  • Al-Ghazi, S. (2022, Eylül). Ortadoğu Araştırmaları merkezi. ORSAM, Bakış 222.
  • Al-Haj Salih, Y. (2014, Mart 3). The Syrian Shabiha and their state - statehood & participation. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | Lebanon-Beirut.
  • Ali, M. H. (2019). Power points defining the Syria-hezbollah relationship. Carnegie Middle East Center.
  • AP News. (2024, Temmuz 9). An Israeli strike in Syria kills a former bodyguard of Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader, official says. AP News.
  • Aydınlı, E. (2013). Assessing violent nonstate actorness in global politics: A framework for analysis. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 28(3), 424–444.
  • Azizi, H., & Vazirian, A. H. (2022). The role of armed non-state actors in Iran’s Syria strategy: A case study of fatemiyoun and zainabiyoun brigades. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25(3), 540–557.
  • BBC News Türkçe. (2017, Kasım 3). Suriye ordusu Deyrezzor’u geri aldı, IŞİD’in ülkede kontrol ettiği büyük kent kalmadı.
  • Beeri, T. (2024, February 5). US airstrikes on Iranian proxies. Alma Research and Education Center.
  • Blanford, N. (2017, Kasım 16). The battle for Qusayr: How the Syrian regime and Hizb Allah tipped the balance. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
  • Blanford, N. (2017, Temmuz 24). Hezbollah’s evolution: From Lebanese militia to regional player. Middle East Institute.
  • Bucala , P., & Kagan, F. W. (2016). Iran’s evolving way of war: How the IRGC fights in Syria. Critical Threats.
  • Bużański, M. (2017). Reversing state failure in Somalia: Policy areas and political processes in need of change. The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies, 2, 19–43.
  • COAR. (2021, Ekim 31). The Syrian economy at war: Captagon, hashish, and the Syrian narco-state.
  • Daher, J. (2017). The consequences of Hezbollah’s military intervention in Syria on the Lebanese Shia population and relations with Israel: Foundation for Strategic Research. FRS.
  • DeVore, M. R. (2012). Exploring the Iran-Hezbollah Relationship: A Case Study of how State Sponsorship affects terrorist group decision-making. Perspectives on Terrorism, 6(4/5), 85–107.
  • Filkins, D. (2013, Eylül 23). The Shadow commander. The New Yorker.
  • Guardian News and Media. (2021, Ocak 13). Deadliest Israeli airstrikes on Syria in years kill 57, say observers. The Guardian.
  • Haid, H. (2018). Reintegrating Syrian militias: mechanisms, actors, and shortfalls. Carnegie Middle East Center.
  • Humire, J. M. (2020, Ekim 7). The maduro-hezbollah nexus: How Iran-backed networks prop up the Venezuelan regime. Atlantic Council.
  • Iran’s networks of influence in the Middle East. (2020). Edited by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. Routledge
  • Jamal, A. S. (2019, Mart 19). The Fatemiyoun Army: Reintegration into afghan society. United States Institute of Peace.
  • Jones, S. G., & Markusen, M. B. (2018). The escalating conflict with Hezbollah in Syria. CSIS.
  • Karataş, İ. (2021). Iran’s use of Afghan Shiite migrants as proxies: the case of Liwa Fatemiyoun. İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 31–53.
  • Kozak, C. (2015). “An army in all corners” Assad’s campaign strategy in Syrıa. Institute for the Study of War.
  • Krause, K., & Milliken, J. (2009). Introduction: the challenge of non-state armed groups. Contemporary Security Policy, 30(2), 202–220.
  • Levitt, M. (2012). Hizbullah narco-terrorism: A growing cross-border threat. The Washington Institute.
  • Levitt, M. (2019). Hezbollah’s procurement channels: Leveraging Criminal Networks and partnering with Iran. The Washington Institute.
  • Levitt, M. (2021). Hezbollah’s regional activities in support of Iran’s proxy networks. Middle East Institute.
  • Lia, B. (2015). Understanding Jihadi Proto-States. Perspectives on Terrorism, 9(4), 31–41.
  • McQuinn, B. (2016). DDR and the internal organization of non-state armed groups. Stability: International Journal of Security & Development, 5(1), 1–24.
  • Miron, R. V. (2019). Iranian operational art. School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Nadimi, F. (2016). Iran’s Afghan and Pakistani proxies: In Syria and beyond?. The Washington Institute.
  • Nasrullah, B., & Hourani, R. (2022). The Israeli strikes in Syria during 2022. Jusoor For Studies.
  • Nasrullah, B., & Hourani, R. (2024). Israeli strikes in Syria in 2023. Jusoor For Studies.
  • NPA. (2024, March 18). Iranian-backed faction reinforces posts in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor.
  • Öğür, B., & Baykal, Z. (2017). Understanding “foreign policy” of the PYD/YPG as a non-state actor in Syria and beyond. İçinde Yeşiltaş M. & Kardaş, T. (Ed.). Non-State Armed Actors in the Middle East, (s. 43–75), Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Özdemir, Ö. B. (2022, Haziran 16). Suriye Ulusal Savunma Güçleri (USG). ORSAM.
  • Özdemir, Ö. B. (2022, Ocak 11). Rejim Yanlısı Milislerin 2021 Karnesi. ORSAM.
  • Pollak, N. (2016). The transformation of Hezbollah by its involvement in Syria. The Washington Institute.
  • Public Safety Canada. (2021, Haziran 25). Currently listed entities.
  • Reuters. (2013, Temmuz 23). Eu adds Hezbollah’s military wing to terrorism list.
  • Saad, A. (2019). Challenging the sponsor-proxy model: the Iran–Hizbullah relationship. Global Discourse, 9(4), 627-650.
  • Saad, A. (2024, February 7). Iran’s proxies aren’t really proxies. Time.
  • Schneckener, U. (2009, Ekim). Spoilers or governance actors? engaging armed non-state groups in areas of limited statehood. SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, 21, 3-30.
  • Schneider, T. (2018, Temmuz 9). The Fatemiyoun Division: Afghan fighters in the Syrian Civil War. Middle East Institute.
  • Seliktar, O., & Rezaei, F. (2020). Iran, revolution, and proxy wars. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Shapir, Y. (2017). Hezbollah as an Army. INSS.
  • Sinkaya, B. (2016). The Revolutionary Guards in Iranian politics: Elites and shifting relations. Routledge.
  • Slavin, B. (2008, Eylül 30). Mullahs, money, and militias: How Iran exerts its influence in the Middle East. United States Institute of Peace.
  • Sly, L. (2017, Mart 2). Hezbollah, Russia and the U.S. help Syria retake Palmyra. The Washington Post.
  • Smyth, P. (2014). Iran’s Afghan Shiite fighters in Syria. The Washington Institute.
  • Sullivan, M. (2014). Hezbollah in Syria. Institute for the Study of War.
  • The Jerusalem Post. (2024, Haziran 15). The Kremlin’s ties with terror groups casts shadow its neutral relationship with Israel.
  • The Times of Israel. (2018, Ekim 16). US designates Hezbollah a transnational crime threat. .
  • The Times of Israel. (2019, Haziran 24). Hezbollah is now giving orders to Syria’s army - and using it to spy on israel.
  • Thomas, T. S., & Casebeer, W. D. (2004). Violent systems : defeating terrorists, insurgents, and other non-state adversaries. USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy.
  • Truzman, J. (2020, Mart 8). Turkey’s Operation “Spring Shield” delivers blow to Hezbollah. FDDs Long War Journal.
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury. (2019, Şubat 11). Treasury designates Iran’s foreign fighter militias in Syria along with a civilian airline ferrying weapons to Syria.
  • White, J. (2013). Hezbollah’s declaration of war in Syria: Military implications. The Washington Institute.
  • Yeşiltaş, M., & Kardaş, T. (2021). Mimicry and substitution in the logic of sovereignty: The case of PYD. International Politics, 60(1), 154–173.
  • Zelin, A. Y., & Margolin, D. (2023, Eylül 20). The Islamic State’s shadow governance in eastern Syria since the fall of Baghuz. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
  • Zohar, E. (2015). A new typology of contemporary armed non-state-actors: Interpreting the Diversity. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 39(5), 423–450.
  • Zorri, D. M., Sadri, H. A., & Ellis, D. C. (2020). Iranian proxy groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen: A principal-agent comparative analysis. JSOU Report, 20(5), JSOU University Press

Autonomy of Violent Non-State Actors (VNSA) and Its Impact on the Role Undertaken in Conflict: The Cases of Hezbollah and the Fatemiyoun Brigade

Year 2024, , 215 - 243, 30.12.2024


Violent non-state actors (VNSA) play a role in the wars against other VNSAs or states in most conflict zones in the Middle East. Iran, which has increased its influence in the region by involving itself in many conflicts through allied VNSAs, stands out as a prominent case in studies on VNSAs and their sponsor states. In Iraq, Lebanon, Yemenessential, and Syria, Iranian-backed VNSAs have become important actors in conflicts and regional politics. In the Syrian civil war, which will be the focus of this study, Iran intervened in the battlefield through dozens of VNSAs directed to the region. In this study, the relationships of Hezbollah and the Fatemiyoun Brigade with Iran will be examined in the context of autonomy and the roles undertaken in the Syrian civil war. The focus will be on the historical background of both organizations, their roles in the Syrian civil war, and their capacities for autonomy in light of the literature on VNSAs and their autonomy. The autonomy capacities of the cases will be analyzed through the manpower, financial, and military resources. Another outcome of the study will be the impact of the autonomy these organizations possess in their relationships with Iran on the roles they have undertaken in the Syrian civil war.


  • Al-Aloosy, M. (2023). Insurgency, proxy, and dependence: How Hezbollah’s ideology prevails over its interest in its relationship with Iran. International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 78(1–2), 24–40.
  • Alfoneh, A. (2017, Nisan 19). Shia Afghan fighters in Syria. Atlantic Council.
  • Alghannam, H. (2024). Border traffic: How Syria uses Captagon to gain leverage over Saudi Arabia. Carnegie Middle East Center.
  • Al-Ghazi, S. (2022, Eylül). Ortadoğu Araştırmaları merkezi. ORSAM, Bakış 222.
  • Al-Haj Salih, Y. (2014, Mart 3). The Syrian Shabiha and their state - statehood & participation. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | Lebanon-Beirut.
  • Ali, M. H. (2019). Power points defining the Syria-hezbollah relationship. Carnegie Middle East Center.
  • AP News. (2024, Temmuz 9). An Israeli strike in Syria kills a former bodyguard of Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader, official says. AP News.
  • Aydınlı, E. (2013). Assessing violent nonstate actorness in global politics: A framework for analysis. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 28(3), 424–444.
  • Azizi, H., & Vazirian, A. H. (2022). The role of armed non-state actors in Iran’s Syria strategy: A case study of fatemiyoun and zainabiyoun brigades. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25(3), 540–557.
  • BBC News Türkçe. (2017, Kasım 3). Suriye ordusu Deyrezzor’u geri aldı, IŞİD’in ülkede kontrol ettiği büyük kent kalmadı.
  • Beeri, T. (2024, February 5). US airstrikes on Iranian proxies. Alma Research and Education Center.
  • Blanford, N. (2017, Kasım 16). The battle for Qusayr: How the Syrian regime and Hizb Allah tipped the balance. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
  • Blanford, N. (2017, Temmuz 24). Hezbollah’s evolution: From Lebanese militia to regional player. Middle East Institute.
  • Bucala , P., & Kagan, F. W. (2016). Iran’s evolving way of war: How the IRGC fights in Syria. Critical Threats.
  • Bużański, M. (2017). Reversing state failure in Somalia: Policy areas and political processes in need of change. The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies, 2, 19–43.
  • COAR. (2021, Ekim 31). The Syrian economy at war: Captagon, hashish, and the Syrian narco-state.
  • Daher, J. (2017). The consequences of Hezbollah’s military intervention in Syria on the Lebanese Shia population and relations with Israel: Foundation for Strategic Research. FRS.
  • DeVore, M. R. (2012). Exploring the Iran-Hezbollah Relationship: A Case Study of how State Sponsorship affects terrorist group decision-making. Perspectives on Terrorism, 6(4/5), 85–107.
  • Filkins, D. (2013, Eylül 23). The Shadow commander. The New Yorker.
  • Guardian News and Media. (2021, Ocak 13). Deadliest Israeli airstrikes on Syria in years kill 57, say observers. The Guardian.
  • Haid, H. (2018). Reintegrating Syrian militias: mechanisms, actors, and shortfalls. Carnegie Middle East Center.
  • Humire, J. M. (2020, Ekim 7). The maduro-hezbollah nexus: How Iran-backed networks prop up the Venezuelan regime. Atlantic Council.
  • Iran’s networks of influence in the Middle East. (2020). Edited by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. Routledge
  • Jamal, A. S. (2019, Mart 19). The Fatemiyoun Army: Reintegration into afghan society. United States Institute of Peace.
  • Jones, S. G., & Markusen, M. B. (2018). The escalating conflict with Hezbollah in Syria. CSIS.
  • Karataş, İ. (2021). Iran’s use of Afghan Shiite migrants as proxies: the case of Liwa Fatemiyoun. İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 31–53.
  • Kozak, C. (2015). “An army in all corners” Assad’s campaign strategy in Syrıa. Institute for the Study of War.
  • Krause, K., & Milliken, J. (2009). Introduction: the challenge of non-state armed groups. Contemporary Security Policy, 30(2), 202–220.
  • Levitt, M. (2012). Hizbullah narco-terrorism: A growing cross-border threat. The Washington Institute.
  • Levitt, M. (2019). Hezbollah’s procurement channels: Leveraging Criminal Networks and partnering with Iran. The Washington Institute.
  • Levitt, M. (2021). Hezbollah’s regional activities in support of Iran’s proxy networks. Middle East Institute.
  • Lia, B. (2015). Understanding Jihadi Proto-States. Perspectives on Terrorism, 9(4), 31–41.
  • McQuinn, B. (2016). DDR and the internal organization of non-state armed groups. Stability: International Journal of Security & Development, 5(1), 1–24.
  • Miron, R. V. (2019). Iranian operational art. School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College.
  • Nadimi, F. (2016). Iran’s Afghan and Pakistani proxies: In Syria and beyond?. The Washington Institute.
  • Nasrullah, B., & Hourani, R. (2022). The Israeli strikes in Syria during 2022. Jusoor For Studies.
  • Nasrullah, B., & Hourani, R. (2024). Israeli strikes in Syria in 2023. Jusoor For Studies.
  • NPA. (2024, March 18). Iranian-backed faction reinforces posts in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor.
  • Öğür, B., & Baykal, Z. (2017). Understanding “foreign policy” of the PYD/YPG as a non-state actor in Syria and beyond. İçinde Yeşiltaş M. & Kardaş, T. (Ed.). Non-State Armed Actors in the Middle East, (s. 43–75), Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Özdemir, Ö. B. (2022, Haziran 16). Suriye Ulusal Savunma Güçleri (USG). ORSAM.
  • Özdemir, Ö. B. (2022, Ocak 11). Rejim Yanlısı Milislerin 2021 Karnesi. ORSAM.
  • Pollak, N. (2016). The transformation of Hezbollah by its involvement in Syria. The Washington Institute.
  • Public Safety Canada. (2021, Haziran 25). Currently listed entities.
  • Reuters. (2013, Temmuz 23). Eu adds Hezbollah’s military wing to terrorism list.
  • Saad, A. (2019). Challenging the sponsor-proxy model: the Iran–Hizbullah relationship. Global Discourse, 9(4), 627-650.
  • Saad, A. (2024, February 7). Iran’s proxies aren’t really proxies. Time.
  • Schneckener, U. (2009, Ekim). Spoilers or governance actors? engaging armed non-state groups in areas of limited statehood. SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, 21, 3-30.
  • Schneider, T. (2018, Temmuz 9). The Fatemiyoun Division: Afghan fighters in the Syrian Civil War. Middle East Institute.
  • Seliktar, O., & Rezaei, F. (2020). Iran, revolution, and proxy wars. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Shapir, Y. (2017). Hezbollah as an Army. INSS.
  • Sinkaya, B. (2016). The Revolutionary Guards in Iranian politics: Elites and shifting relations. Routledge.
  • Slavin, B. (2008, Eylül 30). Mullahs, money, and militias: How Iran exerts its influence in the Middle East. United States Institute of Peace.
  • Sly, L. (2017, Mart 2). Hezbollah, Russia and the U.S. help Syria retake Palmyra. The Washington Post.
  • Smyth, P. (2014). Iran’s Afghan Shiite fighters in Syria. The Washington Institute.
  • Sullivan, M. (2014). Hezbollah in Syria. Institute for the Study of War.
  • The Jerusalem Post. (2024, Haziran 15). The Kremlin’s ties with terror groups casts shadow its neutral relationship with Israel.
  • The Times of Israel. (2018, Ekim 16). US designates Hezbollah a transnational crime threat. .
  • The Times of Israel. (2019, Haziran 24). Hezbollah is now giving orders to Syria’s army - and using it to spy on israel.
  • Thomas, T. S., & Casebeer, W. D. (2004). Violent systems : defeating terrorists, insurgents, and other non-state adversaries. USAF Institute for National Security Studies, USAF Academy.
  • Truzman, J. (2020, Mart 8). Turkey’s Operation “Spring Shield” delivers blow to Hezbollah. FDDs Long War Journal.
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury. (2019, Şubat 11). Treasury designates Iran’s foreign fighter militias in Syria along with a civilian airline ferrying weapons to Syria.
  • White, J. (2013). Hezbollah’s declaration of war in Syria: Military implications. The Washington Institute.
  • Yeşiltaş, M., & Kardaş, T. (2021). Mimicry and substitution in the logic of sovereignty: The case of PYD. International Politics, 60(1), 154–173.
  • Zelin, A. Y., & Margolin, D. (2023, Eylül 20). The Islamic State’s shadow governance in eastern Syria since the fall of Baghuz. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
  • Zohar, E. (2015). A new typology of contemporary armed non-state-actors: Interpreting the Diversity. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 39(5), 423–450.
  • Zorri, D. M., Sadri, H. A., & Ellis, D. C. (2020). Iranian proxy groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen: A principal-agent comparative analysis. JSOU Report, 20(5), JSOU University Press
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Middle East Studies
Journal Section Makaleler

Ömer Behram Özdemir 0000-0002-0488-5091

Early Pub Date December 23, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date August 21, 2024
Acceptance Date November 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Özdemir, Ö. B. (2024). DDSA’larda (Devlet Dışı Silahlı Aktörler) Özerklik ve Çatışmalarda Üstlenilen Role Etkisi: Hizbullah ve Fatımi Tugayı Örnekleri. İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 215-243.

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