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İran'ın Afrika Politikası ve Karşılaşılan Zorluklar: Ahmedinejad Dönemi, 2005 – 2013

Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 84 - 116, 30.06.2017


Bu makale, 2005–2013 yılları arasında iktidarda bulunan Cumhurbaşkanı Mahmud Ahmedinejad döneminde İran’ın Afrika siyasetini ele almaktadır. Zikredilen dönemde İran’ın Afrika siyaseti, tabii kaynaklar üzerinden işbirliği yapma, teknolojik sahada ortaklıklar geliştirme ve İran’a ait meselelerin ele alındığı BM’de (oy kullanan) Afrika ülkelerinin desteğini kazanma hedefi üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Bu politika incelenirken İran’ın sahra altı Afrika bölgesine giriş çabaları ele alınmış, İran dış politikasının içinde bulunduğu zor şartlar gözden geçirilmiş, siyasi ve ekonomik olarak hâlihazırda Afrika’da güçlü bir konuma sahip Batılı ülkeler ve Batılı olmayan rakipler ile İran’ın nasıl karşı karşıya geldiği ve bunlara nasıl mukavemet gösterdiği tartışılmıştır. İran’daki Pehlevî monarşisinin 1979’daki devrilişinden itibaren bu ülkenin ABD ile anlaşmakta zorlanması ve Amerikan baskısıyla karşılaşması Batılı ülkelerle ticaret yapmasını zorlaştırmıştır. Aynı şekilde ABD, Afrika’da kendine yer açmaya çalışan İran’ı durdurmak için bu kıtadaki ekonomik ve siyasi nüfuzunu da kullanmıştır.


  • Kaynakça
  • Yayınlanmamış Arşiv Vesikası:
  • FO, PREM 16/1872.
  • Yayınlanmış Arşiv (İngiliz Müstemlekesi) Raporları:
  • Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, n.1562, London, 1932.
  • Kenya Colony and Protectorate, 1937, London, 1938.
  • Kitap ve Makaleler:
  • Alagöz, Bilgehan. “Büyükelçilik Baskınından Müzakere Masasına İran - ABD İlişkileri”, Aljazeera Turk, 04.11.2014.
  • Bakari, Mohamed. Kenya’da Siyaset ve Müslümanlar, ter. Cafer Talha Şeker, ORDAF, İstanbul, 2016.
  • Bakhash, Shaul. The Politics of Oil and Revolution in Iran: A Staff Paper, Washington, 1982.
  • Baktiari, Bahman. Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran, University Press of Florida, 1996.
  • Barber, James. & John Barratt, South Africa's Foreign Policy: The Search for Status and Security, 1945-1988, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • Chigora, Percyslage. & Dorothy Goredema, “Zimbabwe – Iran Relations in the 21st Century”, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, c.13, n.4, 2011.
  • Devellioğlu, Ferid. Osmanlıca Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lügat, Aydın Kitabevi, Ankara, 2005.
  • England, Andrew. & Guy Chazan, “South Africa looks for alternatives to Iran oil” Financial Times, 13.03.2012.
  • Ferrier, Ronald. “The Iranian Oil Industry”, The Cambridge History of Iran, ed. William Bayne Fisher, P. Avery, G.R.G. Hambly, C. Melville, c.7.
  • Haji-Yousefi, Amir M. “Iran’s Foreign Policy during Ahmedinejad: From Confrontation to Accomodation”, Tebliğ, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 2-3 Haziran 2010.
  • Howard, Roger. Iran Oil: The New Middle East Challenge to America, I.B.Tauris, 2007.
  • Hunter, Shireen T. Iran's Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era, 2010.
  • İbni Haldun, Mukaddime, ter. Pirizade Mehmed Sahib, c.1, Klasik, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Kollman, Paul V. “The Evangelization of Slaves and Catholic Origins in Eastern Africa”, American Society of Missionary Series, New York, 2005, n.38.
  • Mohammadi, Manouchehr. “The Sources of Power in Islamic Republic of Iran”, The Iranian Journal of International Affairs, vol.20, n.2: 1-21, Spring 2008.
  • Moorcraft, Paul. Omar Al-Bashir and Africa's Longest War, UK, 2015.
  • Oded, Arye. Islam and Politics in Kenya, 2000.
  • Rubin, Michael. “Africa: Iran’s Final Frontier”, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, n.2, Nisan 2013.
  • Rundle, Christopher. “Iran – United Kingdom Relations Since the Revolution: Opening Doors”, Iran’s Foreign Policy, from Khatami to Ahmadinejad, ed. Anoushiravan Ehteshami & Mahjoob Zweir, ITHICA Press.
  • Szrom, Charlie. “Ahmadinejad in West Africa”, AEI, Ağustos 2010.
  • Şeker, Cafer Talha. Kenya’nın Müstemleke Tarihi: Afrika’da Kolonyalizmin İki Silahı: Din ve Sermaye, İstanbul, 2016.
  • Taylor, Ian. The International Relations of Sub-Saharan Africa, Continuum International Publishing, 2010.
  • Wakeford, J.J. “The impact of oil price shocks on the South African macroeconomy: History and prospects”, SARB Conference, 2006.
  • Weissbach, Muriel Mirak. “Iran takes up the fight for the development of Africa”, EIR, c.24, n.31, Ağustos 1997.
  • Haber Kaynakları:
  • “1,5 ton altın soruşturmasını da kapattılar”, Zaman, 04.07.2014.
  • “Ahmadinejad wraps up Senegal visit, heads for Cuba”, IRNA, 14.09.2006.
  • “Ahmadinejad's last Africa tour tries to cement ties”, BBC, 15.04.2013.
  • “Arabs who toppled government vote against Iran at UN”, Iran Times, 30.12.2011.
  • “Bloomberg Türkiye’den İran’a 200 ton gizli altın satışını yazdı”, Hürriyet, 26.05.2014.
  • “Böcekçi Polisler Türkiye’ye Getirildi” Anadolu Ajansı, 28.03.2015.
  • “Britain urges Kenya not to import more Iranian oil”, Reuters, 04.06.2012.
  • “Bu Bir Darbedir”, Yeni Şafak, 26.12.2013.
  • “Cari Açığı Hayırsever Reza Kapatmış!”, Zaman, 20.04.2014.
  • “Devlete Kapalı Yandaşa Açık”, Star, 20.12.2013.
  • “Iran becomes new frontier for Kenyan tea”, Standard Medya, Kenya, 15.04.2012.
  • “Iran expanding its covert overseas hunt for uranium”, The Jerusalem Post, 24.02.2011.
  • “Iran leader leaves Uganda without oil deal”, CNN, 25.04.2010.
  • “Iran seeks to double its credit to Kenya”, Daily Nation, Kenya, 27.02.2011.
  • “Iran selling oil to S Africa, Sri Lanka: Official”, PRESS TV, 19.05.2014.
  • “Iran signs deal to supply crude to Kenya”, Reuters, 03.03.2009.
  • “Iran to build tractor factory in Senegal”, PRESS TV, 14.10.2009.
  • “Iran to set up car plant in Nigeria”, PRESS TV, 2010.
  • “Iran urges South Sudan to withdraw forces from Heglig”,, 16.04.2012.
  • “Iran warships leave Sudan after four day stay”, Reuters, 03.11.2012.
  • “Iran warships leave Sudan after three day stay”, Sudan Tribune, 01.11.2012.
  • “Iran welcomes expansion of trade ties with Ghana: Vice president”, PRESS TV, 06.08.2013.
  • “Iran, Benin support peace for all nations”, Et’telaat, 18.04.2013.
  • “Iran, Ghana determined to enhance ties: Larijani”, PRESS TV, 21.10.2013.
  • “Iran, Ghana must try for just world order”, Et’telaat, 18.04.2013.
  • “Iran, Saudi Arabia jostle for influence in Sudan as Iranian cultural centre shut down”, Middle East Eye, 08.09.2014.
  • “Iran, Senegal resume bilateral relations”, PRESS TV, 07.02.2013.
  • “Iran: Arms shipment intercepted in Nigeria was a misunderstanding”, CNN, 16.10.2010.
  • “Iran’s warships doct in Sudan”, Reuters, 30.10.2012.
  • “Iran-Khodro Starts Samand Assembly in Senegal”, Payvand, 04.10.2008.
  • “Iran's president to visit Niger, Ghana, Benin”, PRESS TV, 06.04.2013.
  • “Israel’s Relations With Ghana Is Natural – Ambassador Bar-Li”, The Chronicle, 23.04.2013.
  • “Israeli Ambassador’s comments surprise me - Hanna Tetteh”, Ghanaweb, 16.04.2013.
  • “Kenya cancels Iran oil imports over sanctions threat”, BBC, 04.06.2012.
  • “Kenya finds 2 Iranians guilty of terror attack plot”, The Jerusalem Post, 05.02.2013.
  • “Kenya oil discovery after Tullow Oil drilling”, BBC, 26.03.2012.
  • “Kılıçdaroğlu, Davutoğlu’na Sordu: 292 kilo altını kim yürüttü?” Zaman, 10.12.2014.
  • “Nigeria puts Iranian behind bars for "alleged arms shipment"”, PRESS TV, 17.05.2013.
  • “Nigeria reports Iran arms seizure to UN Security council”, CNN, 16.10.2010.
  • “Nigeria-Iran friendly called off”, BBC, 15.10.2010.
  • “Nigerian soldiers kill 25 anti-Israel protesters on Quds Day”, PRESS TV, 26.07.2014.
  • “Nuclear deal means more Iran oil”, Reuters, 03.03.2015.
  • “Nuclear Plans Dominate Iranian President’s Visit”, The Observer, 28.04.2010.
  • “Paralel Savcılara Hukuk Dersi”, Sabah, 19.10.2014.
  • “PM blames Iran for thwarted Cyprus terror attack”, The Jerusalem Post, 16.07.2012.
  • “Rana Rahimpour, Ahmadinejad's last Africa tour tries to cement ties”, BBC, 15.04.2013.
  • “Relations with Africa priority of Iran’s foreign policy”, Et’telaat, 07.01.2013.
  • “Report: Zimbabwe denies signing secret deal to sell uranium to Iran”, The Jerusalem Post, 08.10.2013.
  • “Reza Zarrab Nasıl Zengin Oldu?”, Cumhuriyet, 19.12.2013.
  • “Senegal severs ties with Iran”, Aljazeera, 23.02.2011.
  • “Senegal’s President Tells Government to Boost Arab Investment”, Bloomberg, 10.12.2010.
  • “Sheikh Zakzaky: Why Nigeria could fear an attack on Iran”, BBC, 08.05.2012.
  • “South Africa looks for alternatives to Iran oil” Financial Times, 13.03.2012.
  • “South Africa plans big food sales to Iran once sanctions ease”, Reuters, 24.10.2013.
  • “South Africa to keep importing Iran oil: Minister”, PRESS TV, 24.07.2012.
  • “South Africa wants to resume Iran oil imports in three months”, Reuters, 09.09.2014.
  • “South Africa's Sasol to Avoid Iran Oil”, The Wall Street Journal, 25.01.2012.
  • “Spiker’e Erdoğan’a Hakaretten Suç Duyurusu”, Cumhuriyet, 19.12.2013.
  • “Sudan Needs Further Attention”,, 28.09.2011.
  • “Sudan Needs Further Attention”,, 28.09.2011.
  • “Sudan orders Iranian diplomats to leave”, Aljazeera, 02.09.2014.
  • “Sudanese army says ground troops to join Saudi-led coalition in Yemen”, Sudan Tribune, 27.03.2015
  • “Sudan's Bashir barred from Saudi airspace”, Aljazeera, 04.08.2013.
  • “The Report South Africa 2008”, Oxford Business Group.
  • “Turkey lifts ban on Iranian gold cargo plane” Et’telaat, 01.01.2013.
  • “U.N Approves New Sanctions”, New York Times, 10.06.2010.
  • “US may punish South Africa over Iran”, PRESS TV, 12.05.2012.
  • “When Khartoum turns away from Tehran”, Al-Araby, 15.09.2014.
  • İnternet Kaynakları:
  • “From Ashura till Arbaeen" conference held in Senegal”, 08.01.2013. (
  • “President Ahmadinejad arrives in Senegal”, 29.10.2009. (
  • “Press TV interveiws Sheikh Zakzaky”, /
  • “Quran Translations in 8 Languages Ready for Publication”, 30.04.2014. Bkz.
  • “Senegal Intellectuals Visit Hazrat Masoumehs (SA) Holy Shrine”, 29.06.2013. (
  • Ghanaweb, 16.04.2013.

Iran’s Africa Policy and Its Confrontations During the Ahmadinejad Era, 2005 – 2013

Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 84 - 116, 30.06.2017


This paper deals with Iran’s foreign
policy towards Africa at specific period, namely the period during the tenure
of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad between 2005 and 2013. Iran’s foreign policy
towards Africa was predicated on economic and technological cooperation,
exploitation of natural resources, and garnering African support at United
Nations on key issues of particular interest to Iran at that period. In doing
so, the paper addresses the issue of Iran’s attempts at breaking into the
sub-Saharan markets and argues about the reasoning behind Iranian foreign
policy challenges, while at the same time confronting its Western and
non-Western rivals locally and globally, who were already well established
politically and economically in the continent. With the overthrow of the
Pahlavi monarchy in Iran in 1979, it became increasingly difficult for Iran to
do business with Western countries due to American pressure towards Iran. At
the same time, the US used its considerable economic and political clouts in
Africa to frustrate Iranian attempts at penetrating Africa.


  • Kaynakça
  • Yayınlanmamış Arşiv Vesikası:
  • FO, PREM 16/1872.
  • Yayınlanmış Arşiv (İngiliz Müstemlekesi) Raporları:
  • Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, n.1562, London, 1932.
  • Kenya Colony and Protectorate, 1937, London, 1938.
  • Kitap ve Makaleler:
  • Alagöz, Bilgehan. “Büyükelçilik Baskınından Müzakere Masasına İran - ABD İlişkileri”, Aljazeera Turk, 04.11.2014.
  • Bakari, Mohamed. Kenya’da Siyaset ve Müslümanlar, ter. Cafer Talha Şeker, ORDAF, İstanbul, 2016.
  • Bakhash, Shaul. The Politics of Oil and Revolution in Iran: A Staff Paper, Washington, 1982.
  • Baktiari, Bahman. Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran, University Press of Florida, 1996.
  • Barber, James. & John Barratt, South Africa's Foreign Policy: The Search for Status and Security, 1945-1988, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • Chigora, Percyslage. & Dorothy Goredema, “Zimbabwe – Iran Relations in the 21st Century”, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, c.13, n.4, 2011.
  • Devellioğlu, Ferid. Osmanlıca Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lügat, Aydın Kitabevi, Ankara, 2005.
  • England, Andrew. & Guy Chazan, “South Africa looks for alternatives to Iran oil” Financial Times, 13.03.2012.
  • Ferrier, Ronald. “The Iranian Oil Industry”, The Cambridge History of Iran, ed. William Bayne Fisher, P. Avery, G.R.G. Hambly, C. Melville, c.7.
  • Haji-Yousefi, Amir M. “Iran’s Foreign Policy during Ahmedinejad: From Confrontation to Accomodation”, Tebliğ, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 2-3 Haziran 2010.
  • Howard, Roger. Iran Oil: The New Middle East Challenge to America, I.B.Tauris, 2007.
  • Hunter, Shireen T. Iran's Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era, 2010.
  • İbni Haldun, Mukaddime, ter. Pirizade Mehmed Sahib, c.1, Klasik, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Kollman, Paul V. “The Evangelization of Slaves and Catholic Origins in Eastern Africa”, American Society of Missionary Series, New York, 2005, n.38.
  • Mohammadi, Manouchehr. “The Sources of Power in Islamic Republic of Iran”, The Iranian Journal of International Affairs, vol.20, n.2: 1-21, Spring 2008.
  • Moorcraft, Paul. Omar Al-Bashir and Africa's Longest War, UK, 2015.
  • Oded, Arye. Islam and Politics in Kenya, 2000.
  • Rubin, Michael. “Africa: Iran’s Final Frontier”, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, n.2, Nisan 2013.
  • Rundle, Christopher. “Iran – United Kingdom Relations Since the Revolution: Opening Doors”, Iran’s Foreign Policy, from Khatami to Ahmadinejad, ed. Anoushiravan Ehteshami & Mahjoob Zweir, ITHICA Press.
  • Szrom, Charlie. “Ahmadinejad in West Africa”, AEI, Ağustos 2010.
  • Şeker, Cafer Talha. Kenya’nın Müstemleke Tarihi: Afrika’da Kolonyalizmin İki Silahı: Din ve Sermaye, İstanbul, 2016.
  • Taylor, Ian. The International Relations of Sub-Saharan Africa, Continuum International Publishing, 2010.
  • Wakeford, J.J. “The impact of oil price shocks on the South African macroeconomy: History and prospects”, SARB Conference, 2006.
  • Weissbach, Muriel Mirak. “Iran takes up the fight for the development of Africa”, EIR, c.24, n.31, Ağustos 1997.
  • Haber Kaynakları:
  • “1,5 ton altın soruşturmasını da kapattılar”, Zaman, 04.07.2014.
  • “Ahmadinejad wraps up Senegal visit, heads for Cuba”, IRNA, 14.09.2006.
  • “Ahmadinejad's last Africa tour tries to cement ties”, BBC, 15.04.2013.
  • “Arabs who toppled government vote against Iran at UN”, Iran Times, 30.12.2011.
  • “Bloomberg Türkiye’den İran’a 200 ton gizli altın satışını yazdı”, Hürriyet, 26.05.2014.
  • “Böcekçi Polisler Türkiye’ye Getirildi” Anadolu Ajansı, 28.03.2015.
  • “Britain urges Kenya not to import more Iranian oil”, Reuters, 04.06.2012.
  • “Bu Bir Darbedir”, Yeni Şafak, 26.12.2013.
  • “Cari Açığı Hayırsever Reza Kapatmış!”, Zaman, 20.04.2014.
  • “Devlete Kapalı Yandaşa Açık”, Star, 20.12.2013.
  • “Iran becomes new frontier for Kenyan tea”, Standard Medya, Kenya, 15.04.2012.
  • “Iran expanding its covert overseas hunt for uranium”, The Jerusalem Post, 24.02.2011.
  • “Iran leader leaves Uganda without oil deal”, CNN, 25.04.2010.
  • “Iran seeks to double its credit to Kenya”, Daily Nation, Kenya, 27.02.2011.
  • “Iran selling oil to S Africa, Sri Lanka: Official”, PRESS TV, 19.05.2014.
  • “Iran signs deal to supply crude to Kenya”, Reuters, 03.03.2009.
  • “Iran to build tractor factory in Senegal”, PRESS TV, 14.10.2009.
  • “Iran to set up car plant in Nigeria”, PRESS TV, 2010.
  • “Iran urges South Sudan to withdraw forces from Heglig”,, 16.04.2012.
  • “Iran warships leave Sudan after four day stay”, Reuters, 03.11.2012.
  • “Iran warships leave Sudan after three day stay”, Sudan Tribune, 01.11.2012.
  • “Iran welcomes expansion of trade ties with Ghana: Vice president”, PRESS TV, 06.08.2013.
  • “Iran, Benin support peace for all nations”, Et’telaat, 18.04.2013.
  • “Iran, Ghana determined to enhance ties: Larijani”, PRESS TV, 21.10.2013.
  • “Iran, Ghana must try for just world order”, Et’telaat, 18.04.2013.
  • “Iran, Saudi Arabia jostle for influence in Sudan as Iranian cultural centre shut down”, Middle East Eye, 08.09.2014.
  • “Iran, Senegal resume bilateral relations”, PRESS TV, 07.02.2013.
  • “Iran: Arms shipment intercepted in Nigeria was a misunderstanding”, CNN, 16.10.2010.
  • “Iran’s warships doct in Sudan”, Reuters, 30.10.2012.
  • “Iran-Khodro Starts Samand Assembly in Senegal”, Payvand, 04.10.2008.
  • “Iran's president to visit Niger, Ghana, Benin”, PRESS TV, 06.04.2013.
  • “Israel’s Relations With Ghana Is Natural – Ambassador Bar-Li”, The Chronicle, 23.04.2013.
  • “Israeli Ambassador’s comments surprise me - Hanna Tetteh”, Ghanaweb, 16.04.2013.
  • “Kenya cancels Iran oil imports over sanctions threat”, BBC, 04.06.2012.
  • “Kenya finds 2 Iranians guilty of terror attack plot”, The Jerusalem Post, 05.02.2013.
  • “Kenya oil discovery after Tullow Oil drilling”, BBC, 26.03.2012.
  • “Kılıçdaroğlu, Davutoğlu’na Sordu: 292 kilo altını kim yürüttü?” Zaman, 10.12.2014.
  • “Nigeria puts Iranian behind bars for "alleged arms shipment"”, PRESS TV, 17.05.2013.
  • “Nigeria reports Iran arms seizure to UN Security council”, CNN, 16.10.2010.
  • “Nigeria-Iran friendly called off”, BBC, 15.10.2010.
  • “Nigerian soldiers kill 25 anti-Israel protesters on Quds Day”, PRESS TV, 26.07.2014.
  • “Nuclear deal means more Iran oil”, Reuters, 03.03.2015.
  • “Nuclear Plans Dominate Iranian President’s Visit”, The Observer, 28.04.2010.
  • “Paralel Savcılara Hukuk Dersi”, Sabah, 19.10.2014.
  • “PM blames Iran for thwarted Cyprus terror attack”, The Jerusalem Post, 16.07.2012.
  • “Rana Rahimpour, Ahmadinejad's last Africa tour tries to cement ties”, BBC, 15.04.2013.
  • “Relations with Africa priority of Iran’s foreign policy”, Et’telaat, 07.01.2013.
  • “Report: Zimbabwe denies signing secret deal to sell uranium to Iran”, The Jerusalem Post, 08.10.2013.
  • “Reza Zarrab Nasıl Zengin Oldu?”, Cumhuriyet, 19.12.2013.
  • “Senegal severs ties with Iran”, Aljazeera, 23.02.2011.
  • “Senegal’s President Tells Government to Boost Arab Investment”, Bloomberg, 10.12.2010.
  • “Sheikh Zakzaky: Why Nigeria could fear an attack on Iran”, BBC, 08.05.2012.
  • “South Africa looks for alternatives to Iran oil” Financial Times, 13.03.2012.
  • “South Africa plans big food sales to Iran once sanctions ease”, Reuters, 24.10.2013.
  • “South Africa to keep importing Iran oil: Minister”, PRESS TV, 24.07.2012.
  • “South Africa wants to resume Iran oil imports in three months”, Reuters, 09.09.2014.
  • “South Africa's Sasol to Avoid Iran Oil”, The Wall Street Journal, 25.01.2012.
  • “Spiker’e Erdoğan’a Hakaretten Suç Duyurusu”, Cumhuriyet, 19.12.2013.
  • “Sudan Needs Further Attention”,, 28.09.2011.
  • “Sudan Needs Further Attention”,, 28.09.2011.
  • “Sudan orders Iranian diplomats to leave”, Aljazeera, 02.09.2014.
  • “Sudanese army says ground troops to join Saudi-led coalition in Yemen”, Sudan Tribune, 27.03.2015
  • “Sudan's Bashir barred from Saudi airspace”, Aljazeera, 04.08.2013.
  • “The Report South Africa 2008”, Oxford Business Group.
  • “Turkey lifts ban on Iranian gold cargo plane” Et’telaat, 01.01.2013.
  • “U.N Approves New Sanctions”, New York Times, 10.06.2010.
  • “US may punish South Africa over Iran”, PRESS TV, 12.05.2012.
  • “When Khartoum turns away from Tehran”, Al-Araby, 15.09.2014.
  • İnternet Kaynakları:
  • “From Ashura till Arbaeen" conference held in Senegal”, 08.01.2013. (
  • “President Ahmadinejad arrives in Senegal”, 29.10.2009. (
  • “Press TV interveiws Sheikh Zakzaky”, /
  • “Quran Translations in 8 Languages Ready for Publication”, 30.04.2014. Bkz.
  • “Senegal Intellectuals Visit Hazrat Masoumehs (SA) Holy Shrine”, 29.06.2013. (
  • Ghanaweb, 16.04.2013.
There are 112 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Cafer Talha Şeker

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Şeker, C. T. (2017). İran’ın Afrika Politikası ve Karşılaşılan Zorluklar: Ahmedinejad Dönemi, 2005 – 2013. İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 84-116.

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