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Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması

Year 2012, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 89 - 106, 01.12.2012


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wensing ve Peterson (2008) tarafından geliştirilen Otantik Liderlik Ölçegi’ni (the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire-ALQ) Türkçe’ye uyarlamak, güvenirlik ve geçerliğini incelemektir. Araştırma, Ankara’da yüksek lisans ve doktora eğitimine devam eden öğrenciler ile Tekirdağ’ın Çerkezköy ilçesinde üretim sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir firmanın çeşitli kademelerindeki çalışanların yer aldığı üç farklı örneklem ile yürütülmüştür. Doğrulayıcı ve keşfedici faktör analizleri sonucunda, ölçeğin orijinal ölçekle benzer biçimde “ilişkilerde şeffaflık”, “içselleştirilmiş ahlak anlayışı”, “bilgiyi dengeli değerlendirme” ve “özfarkındalık” boyutlarından oluşan dört boyuttan meydana geldiği görülmüştür. Elde edilen bulgular Otantik Liderlik Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlamasından yeterli düzeyde olumlu sonuçlar elde edildiğini, bununla birlikte ölçeğin güvenirlik ve geçerlik değerlerinin de kabul edilebilir seviyelerde olduğunu destekleyen kanıtlar sunmaktadır.


  • AVOLIO, B. J., W. L. GARDNER, F. O. WA- LUMBWA, F. LUTHANS ve D. R. MAY. (2004), “Unlocking The Mask: A Look at The Process by which Authen- tic Leaders Impact Follower Attitudes and Behaviors”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 15, s.801–823.
  • AVOLIO, B. J. ve W. L. GARDNER. (2005), “Authentic Leadership Development: Getting to The Root of Positive Forms of Leadership”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 16, s.315–338.
  • AVOLIO, B. J., W. L. GARDNER ve F. O. WALUMBWA. (2005), “Authentic Lea- dership Theory and Practice: Origins, Effects and Development”, Monog- raphs in Leadership and Management, 3, s.21-29.
  • BASS, Bernard M. (1998), Transformational Leadership: Industrial, Military, and Educational Impact, New Jersey, Law- rence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • BASS, B.M. ve P. STEIDLMEIER. (1999), “Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Beha- vior”, The Leadership Quarterly, 10: 2, s.181–217.
  • BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener. (2009), Sosyal Bi- limler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı İstatis- tik, Uygulamaları ve Yorum, Pegem Yayın- cılık, Ankara. Deseni, SPSS
  • CHAN, A., S. T. HANNAH ve W. L. GARD- NER. (2005), “Veritable Authentic Lea- dership: Emergence, Functioning, and Impacts”, Monographs in Leadership and Management, 3, s.3–41.
  • artıracağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca farklı
  • sosyo-ekonomik gruplara ve demografik
  • niteliklere sahip katılımcılara ulaşılarak
  • otantik liderlik algılamaların ölçülmesi yararlı olacaktır.
  • COOPER, C. D., T. A. SCANDURA ve C. A. SCHRIESHEIM. (2005), “Looking Forward But Learning From Our Past: Potential Challenges to Developing Authentic Leadership Theory and Aut- hentic Leaders”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 16, s.475–493.
  • CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, Mihaly. (2003), Good Business: Leadership, Flow, And The Making of Meaning, New York, Penguin Group.
  • ÇERİ-BOOMS, S. Meltem. (2009), An Empi- rical Study on Transactional, Transfor- mational and Authentic Leaders: Exploring the Mediating Role of Trust in Leader on Organizational Identifica- tion (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İs- tanbul, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • EAGLY, Alice H. (2005), “Achieving Rela- tional Authenticity in Leadership: Does Gender Matter?”, The Leadership Quarterly, 16, s.459–474.
  • FARH, J. L. ve B. S. CHENG. (2000), “A Cul- tural Analysis of Paternalistic Leaders- hip Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 13, s.126-180.
  • GARDNER, W. L. ve J. R. Jr. SCHERMER- HORN (2004), “Unleashing Individual Potential: Performance GainsThrough Positive Organizational Behavior and Authentic Leadership”, Organizational Dynamics, XXXIII:3, s.270–281.
  • GARDNER. W. L., B. J. AVOLIO, F. LUT- HANS, D. R. MAY ve F. WALUMBWA. (2005), “Can You See The Real Me? A Self-Based Model of Authentic Leader and Follower Development”, The Lea- dership Quarterly, 16, s.343–372.
  • GEORGE, Bill. (2003), Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value, San Francisco, Jossey- Bass.
  • GINI, Al. (1997), “Moral Leadership An Overview”, Journal of Business Ethics, 16, 323-330.
  • GOETHALS, G. R., G. J. SORENSON ve J. M. BURNS. (2004), Encyclopedia of Leadership I, California, Sage Publica- tions Inc.
  • GOFFEE, R. ve G. JONES. (2005), “Mana- ging Authenticity: The Paradox of Great Leaders”, Harvard Business Review, 83:12, s.86 94.
  • HARTER, Susan. (2002), “Authenticity”, C. R. SNYDER ve S. J. LOPEZ (Ed.), Hand- book of Positive Psychology, London: Oxford University Press, s.382-394.
  • HARVEY, P., M. J. MARTINKO ve W. L. GARDNER. (2006), “Promoting Aut- hentic Behavior in Organizations: An Attributional Perspective”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 12:3, s.1-11.
  • HUGHES, Larry W. (2005), “Developing Transparent Relationships Through Humor in The Authentic Leader–Follo- wer Relationship”, Monographs in Lea- dership and Management, 3, s.83–106.
  • HUNT, J. G., K. B. BOAL ve R. L. SOREN- SON. (1990), “Top Management Lea- dership: Inside the Black Box”, The Leadership Quarterly, 1, s.41-65.
  • ILIES, R., F. P. MORGESON ve J. D. NAHR- GANG. (2005), “Authentic Leadership and Eudaemonic Well-Being: Unders- tanding Leader–Follower Outcomes”, The Leadership Quarterly, 16, s.373– 394.
  • KERNIS, Michael H. (2003), “Toward a Con- ceptualization of Optimal Self-Esteem”, Psychological Inquiry, XIV:1, s.1-26.
  • KLENKE, Karin. (2007), “Authentic Lea- dership: A Self, Leader, and Spiritual Identity Perspective”, International Jo- urnal of Leadership Studies, III: 1, s.68- 97.
  • LADKIN, D. ve S. S. TAYLOR. (2010), “Enacting The ‘True Self’: Towards a Theory of Embodied Authentic Lea- dership”, The Leadership Quarterly, 21, s.64–74.
  • LUTHANS, F. ve B. J. AVOLIO. (2003), “Authentic Leadership Development”, K. S. CAMERON, J. E. DUTTON ve R. E. QUINN (Ed.), Positive Organizatio- nal Scholarship, San Francisco:Berrett- Koehler, s.241-258.
  • MANZ, Charles C. (1992), Mastering Self- leadership: Empowering Yourself For Personal Excellence, New Jersey, Pren- tice–Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
  • MAY, D. R., A.Y. L. CHAN, T. D. HODGES ve B. J. AVOLIO. (2003), “Developing the Moral Component of Authentic Leadership”, Organizational Dyna- mics, XXXII:3, s.247–260.
  • NOVICEVIC, M. M., W. DAVIS, F. DORN, M. R. BUCKLEY ve J. A. BROWN. (2005), “Barnard on Con icts of Res- ponsibility: Implications for Today’s Perspectives on Transformational and Authentic Leadership”, Management Decision, XVIII:10, s.1396-1409.
  • SEXTON, Terry. (2007), Review of Research Literature on Authentic Leadership, En- gland, Creative Edge Consulting Limi- ted.
  • SOYLU, Y., A. TABAK ve M. POLAT. (2007), “Ankara İlinde Savunma Sanayiinde Çalışan Orta Kademe Yöneticilerin Li- derlik Bileşenlerini Algılamaları: Anali- tik Hiyerarşi Süreci (Ahs) İle Bir Çalışma”, ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, III:5, s.179-191.
  • TABAK, A., H. YALÇINKAYA ve A. ERKUŞ. (2007), “Liderlik kavramına Ta- rihsel Bir Bakış”, O. KAYMAKÇI (Ed.), 21nci Yüzyılda Rusya, AB ve Tür- kiye’den Yansımalar, İstanbul, Türk- men Yayıncılık, s.349-357.
  • TABAK, A., Ü. SIĞRI, Ö. ARLI ve S. COŞAR. (2010), “Otantik Liderlik Ölçe- ğinin Uyarlama Çalışması”, 18. Yöne- tim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Kongre Bildiriler Kitabı, Adana, s.699-706.
  • TURHAN, Muhammed. (2007), Genel ve Mesleki Lise Yöneticilerinin Etik Lider- lik Davranışlarının Okullardaki Sosyal Adalet Üzerindeki Etkisi (Yayımlanma- mış Doktora Tezi), Elazığ, Fırat Üniver- sitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • WALUMBWA, F. O., B. J. AVOLIO, W. L. GARDNER, T. S. WERNSING ve S. J. PETERSON. (2008), “Authentic Lea- dership: Development and Validation of a Theory-Based Measure”, Journal of Management, XXXIV: 1, s.89-126.
  • YAMMARINO, F. J., S. D. DIONNE, J. U. CHUN ve F. DANSEREAU. (2005), “Leadership and Levels of Analysis: A State-of-the-Science Review”, The Lea- dership Quarterly, 16, s.879-919.

The Authentic Leadership Questionnaire: The Study of Reliability and Validity

Year 2012, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 89 - 106, 01.12.2012


This paper reports an adaptation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) which was developed by Walumbwa, Avalio, Gardner, Wensing and Peterson (2008 )into Turkish context, and an evaluation of its reliability and validity tests. The study sample consist of three different samples, the pilot study group was master and doctorate program students in Ankara. Second and third samples consist of employee groups with different status in a company at Tekirdağ-Çerkezköy. In the first phase, with a small sample, a pilot study was carried out to investigate the items validity. The factor structure of Turkish ALQ was explored again with sample two and sample three with using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Findings support the four factor model as in original ALQ, dimensions are “self-awarenes”, “balanced processing”, “internalized moral perspective” and “relational transparency”. Confirmatory factor analysis using second order factor model with sample two and three showed acceptable fit indices for the scale’s contruct validity. Results suggest that the adaptation of ALQ in Turkish context is a reliable and valid scale for use with Turkish samples.


  • AVOLIO, B. J., W. L. GARDNER, F. O. WA- LUMBWA, F. LUTHANS ve D. R. MAY. (2004), “Unlocking The Mask: A Look at The Process by which Authen- tic Leaders Impact Follower Attitudes and Behaviors”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 15, s.801–823.
  • AVOLIO, B. J. ve W. L. GARDNER. (2005), “Authentic Leadership Development: Getting to The Root of Positive Forms of Leadership”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 16, s.315–338.
  • AVOLIO, B. J., W. L. GARDNER ve F. O. WALUMBWA. (2005), “Authentic Lea- dership Theory and Practice: Origins, Effects and Development”, Monog- raphs in Leadership and Management, 3, s.21-29.
  • BASS, Bernard M. (1998), Transformational Leadership: Industrial, Military, and Educational Impact, New Jersey, Law- rence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • BASS, B.M. ve P. STEIDLMEIER. (1999), “Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Beha- vior”, The Leadership Quarterly, 10: 2, s.181–217.
  • BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener. (2009), Sosyal Bi- limler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı İstatis- tik, Uygulamaları ve Yorum, Pegem Yayın- cılık, Ankara. Deseni, SPSS
  • CHAN, A., S. T. HANNAH ve W. L. GARD- NER. (2005), “Veritable Authentic Lea- dership: Emergence, Functioning, and Impacts”, Monographs in Leadership and Management, 3, s.3–41.
  • artıracağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca farklı
  • sosyo-ekonomik gruplara ve demografik
  • niteliklere sahip katılımcılara ulaşılarak
  • otantik liderlik algılamaların ölçülmesi yararlı olacaktır.
  • COOPER, C. D., T. A. SCANDURA ve C. A. SCHRIESHEIM. (2005), “Looking Forward But Learning From Our Past: Potential Challenges to Developing Authentic Leadership Theory and Aut- hentic Leaders”, The Leadership Quar- terly, 16, s.475–493.
  • CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, Mihaly. (2003), Good Business: Leadership, Flow, And The Making of Meaning, New York, Penguin Group.
  • ÇERİ-BOOMS, S. Meltem. (2009), An Empi- rical Study on Transactional, Transfor- mational and Authentic Leaders: Exploring the Mediating Role of Trust in Leader on Organizational Identifica- tion (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İs- tanbul, Yeditepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • EAGLY, Alice H. (2005), “Achieving Rela- tional Authenticity in Leadership: Does Gender Matter?”, The Leadership Quarterly, 16, s.459–474.
  • FARH, J. L. ve B. S. CHENG. (2000), “A Cul- tural Analysis of Paternalistic Leaders- hip Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 13, s.126-180.
  • GARDNER, W. L. ve J. R. Jr. SCHERMER- HORN (2004), “Unleashing Individual Potential: Performance GainsThrough Positive Organizational Behavior and Authentic Leadership”, Organizational Dynamics, XXXIII:3, s.270–281.
  • GARDNER. W. L., B. J. AVOLIO, F. LUT- HANS, D. R. MAY ve F. WALUMBWA. (2005), “Can You See The Real Me? A Self-Based Model of Authentic Leader and Follower Development”, The Lea- dership Quarterly, 16, s.343–372.
  • GEORGE, Bill. (2003), Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value, San Francisco, Jossey- Bass.
  • GINI, Al. (1997), “Moral Leadership An Overview”, Journal of Business Ethics, 16, 323-330.
  • GOETHALS, G. R., G. J. SORENSON ve J. M. BURNS. (2004), Encyclopedia of Leadership I, California, Sage Publica- tions Inc.
  • GOFFEE, R. ve G. JONES. (2005), “Mana- ging Authenticity: The Paradox of Great Leaders”, Harvard Business Review, 83:12, s.86 94.
  • HARTER, Susan. (2002), “Authenticity”, C. R. SNYDER ve S. J. LOPEZ (Ed.), Hand- book of Positive Psychology, London: Oxford University Press, s.382-394.
  • HARVEY, P., M. J. MARTINKO ve W. L. GARDNER. (2006), “Promoting Aut- hentic Behavior in Organizations: An Attributional Perspective”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 12:3, s.1-11.
  • HUGHES, Larry W. (2005), “Developing Transparent Relationships Through Humor in The Authentic Leader–Follo- wer Relationship”, Monographs in Lea- dership and Management, 3, s.83–106.
  • HUNT, J. G., K. B. BOAL ve R. L. SOREN- SON. (1990), “Top Management Lea- dership: Inside the Black Box”, The Leadership Quarterly, 1, s.41-65.
  • ILIES, R., F. P. MORGESON ve J. D. NAHR- GANG. (2005), “Authentic Leadership and Eudaemonic Well-Being: Unders- tanding Leader–Follower Outcomes”, The Leadership Quarterly, 16, s.373– 394.
  • KERNIS, Michael H. (2003), “Toward a Con- ceptualization of Optimal Self-Esteem”, Psychological Inquiry, XIV:1, s.1-26.
  • KLENKE, Karin. (2007), “Authentic Lea- dership: A Self, Leader, and Spiritual Identity Perspective”, International Jo- urnal of Leadership Studies, III: 1, s.68- 97.
  • LADKIN, D. ve S. S. TAYLOR. (2010), “Enacting The ‘True Self’: Towards a Theory of Embodied Authentic Lea- dership”, The Leadership Quarterly, 21, s.64–74.
  • LUTHANS, F. ve B. J. AVOLIO. (2003), “Authentic Leadership Development”, K. S. CAMERON, J. E. DUTTON ve R. E. QUINN (Ed.), Positive Organizatio- nal Scholarship, San Francisco:Berrett- Koehler, s.241-258.
  • MANZ, Charles C. (1992), Mastering Self- leadership: Empowering Yourself For Personal Excellence, New Jersey, Pren- tice–Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
  • MAY, D. R., A.Y. L. CHAN, T. D. HODGES ve B. J. AVOLIO. (2003), “Developing the Moral Component of Authentic Leadership”, Organizational Dyna- mics, XXXII:3, s.247–260.
  • NOVICEVIC, M. M., W. DAVIS, F. DORN, M. R. BUCKLEY ve J. A. BROWN. (2005), “Barnard on Con icts of Res- ponsibility: Implications for Today’s Perspectives on Transformational and Authentic Leadership”, Management Decision, XVIII:10, s.1396-1409.
  • SEXTON, Terry. (2007), Review of Research Literature on Authentic Leadership, En- gland, Creative Edge Consulting Limi- ted.
  • SOYLU, Y., A. TABAK ve M. POLAT. (2007), “Ankara İlinde Savunma Sanayiinde Çalışan Orta Kademe Yöneticilerin Li- derlik Bileşenlerini Algılamaları: Anali- tik Hiyerarşi Süreci (Ahs) İle Bir Çalışma”, ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, III:5, s.179-191.
  • TABAK, A., H. YALÇINKAYA ve A. ERKUŞ. (2007), “Liderlik kavramına Ta- rihsel Bir Bakış”, O. KAYMAKÇI (Ed.), 21nci Yüzyılda Rusya, AB ve Tür- kiye’den Yansımalar, İstanbul, Türk- men Yayıncılık, s.349-357.
  • TABAK, A., Ü. SIĞRI, Ö. ARLI ve S. COŞAR. (2010), “Otantik Liderlik Ölçe- ğinin Uyarlama Çalışması”, 18. Yöne- tim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Kongre Bildiriler Kitabı, Adana, s.699-706.
  • TURHAN, Muhammed. (2007), Genel ve Mesleki Lise Yöneticilerinin Etik Lider- lik Davranışlarının Okullardaki Sosyal Adalet Üzerindeki Etkisi (Yayımlanma- mış Doktora Tezi), Elazığ, Fırat Üniver- sitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • WALUMBWA, F. O., B. J. AVOLIO, W. L. GARDNER, T. S. WERNSING ve S. J. PETERSON. (2008), “Authentic Lea- dership: Development and Validation of a Theory-Based Measure”, Journal of Management, XXXIV: 1, s.89-126.
  • YAMMARINO, F. J., S. D. DIONNE, J. U. CHUN ve F. DANSEREAU. (2005), “Leadership and Levels of Analysis: A State-of-the-Science Review”, The Lea- dership Quarterly, 16, s.879-919.
There are 41 citations in total.


Other ID JA23DU28PG
Journal Section Articles

Doç.Dr. Akif Tabak This is me

Dr. Mustafa Polat This is me

Serkan Coşar This is me

Tolga Türköz This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


APA Tabak, D. A., Polat, D. M., Coşar, S., Türköz, T. (2012). Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 14(4), 89-106.
AMA Tabak DA, Polat DM, Coşar S, Türköz T. Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması. isguc. December 2012;14(4):89-106.
Chicago Tabak, Doç.Dr. Akif, Dr. Mustafa Polat, Serkan Coşar, and Tolga Türköz. “Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik Ve Geçerlik Çalışması”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources 14, no. 4 (December 2012): 89-106.
EndNote Tabak DA, Polat DM, Coşar S, Türköz T (December 1, 2012) Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources 14 4 89–106.
IEEE D. A. Tabak, D. M. Polat, S. Coşar, and T. Türköz, “Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması”, isguc, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 89–106, 2012.
ISNAD Tabak, Doç.Dr. Akif et al. “Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik Ve Geçerlik Çalışması”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources 14/4 (December 2012), 89-106.
JAMA Tabak DA, Polat DM, Coşar S, Türköz T. Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması. isguc. 2012;14:89–106.
MLA Tabak, Doç.Dr. Akif et al. “Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik Ve Geçerlik Çalışması”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, vol. 14, no. 4, 2012, pp. 89-106.
Vancouver Tabak DA, Polat DM, Coşar S, Türköz T. Otantik Liderlik Ölçeği: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması. isguc. 2012;14(4):89-106.