ISSN: 1306-7044
e-ISSN: 3023-7661
Founded: 2006
Publisher: Çorum Çağrı Eğitim Vakfı
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The Journal of Islamic Sciences is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal indexed by Ulakbim TR-Dizin, İndex İslamicus, EBSCO-Host: Academic Search Ultimate, Erih Plus and MLA - Modern Language Association Database. Research articles, review articles, translated articles, and case presentations in the field of religious studies are published after undergoing double-blind peer review. Articles submitted to our journal should be formatted according to the ISNAD citation system (2nd Edition), as well as our Article Template and Writing Guidelines. Articles that do not adhere to the journal's writing guidelines and article template will be rejected without review.

Our journal is published electronically twice a year, in March and November. The submission dates for articles are December 1st to January 15th for the March issue, and April 1st to September 15th for the November issue. The article submission process may be closed before these dates if a sufficient number of articles have been received.

Note: All required documents for article submission can be found in the Forms & Guides section.

2024 - Issue: 39

Journal of Islamic Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).