Research Article
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Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 7-8, 45 - 60, 30.11.2009


It is a common saying among Western women theologians that patriarchal
interpretation of the religious texts is the main cause for prejudices, opp
ressions and atrocities against women around the world. In this respect, in
recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of such
works which were written with the aim of including women’s perspectives
and experiences into the interpretation of religious texts. Such efforts and
activities started in the West are also gaining popularity in the Muslim world.
An overwhelming number of Muslim women theologians and researchers de
voted themselves to the understanding and interpretation the religious texts,
and produced a large number of works dedicated to the subject-matter. Their
basic aim is that the Qur’anic verses and the Prophetic traditions were dis
torted in order to degrade women and put them under men’s yoke. Their pro
posal about what should be done about the distortion of the religious texts
by patriarchal order is that these texts should be reconsidered and reinter
preted by the competent and qualified women theologians, researchers and
writers. Only then can women reach their high ideals of freedom, equality,
and justice, and only then can they recapture their dignity and rights which
were usurped by men for ages. If all these aims and goals necessitate a new
and fresh theology, doubtlessly it does so, then its name is “a women-cente
red Islamic theology”. When such theology established, women will be freed
from the burden that men placed upon them, and make themselves visible
with their womanhood, experiences, and perspectives not only in the field of
religion, but also in society and culture.


  • Baloğlu, Adnan Bülent, Dini Söylemde Erkek Egemenliğine Başkaldırı: Feminist Teoloji, İzmir, 2003.
  • Mılstead, Betty, “Feminist Theology And Women İn The Muslim World: An Interview With Riffat Hassan”, Committee On South Asian Women’s Bulletin, C. 4 (4), 1986, S.16-20 (İktibas Kaynağı: Http://Www.Wluml.Org/English/Pubs/Pdf/Dossi er4/D4-07-Islam.Pdf)
  • Mır-Hosseını, Ziba, “Muslim Women’s Quest For Equality: Between Islamic Law And Feminism”, Critical Inquiry 32, Summer 2006, 629-45.
  • -------, “The Quest For Gender Justice; Emerging Feminist Voices İn Islam”, Dossier 26, Wluml, October 2004.
  • Ramadan, Tahir, Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics And Liberation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009.
  • Şefkatli Tuksal, Hidayet, Kadın Karşıtı Söylemin İslam Geleneğindeki İzdüşümleri, Kita biyat Yay., Ankara 2000.
  • Wadud, Amina, Inside The Gender Jihad: Women’s Reform İn Islam, Oneworld Publica tions, Oxford, 2006.
  • İnternet Adresleri 8&Itemid=164
  • 3/_p-1/i.html

Towards Buıldıng A Woman-Centered Islamıc Theology?

Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 7-8, 45 - 60, 30.11.2009


It is a common saying among Western women theologians that patriarchal
interpretation of the religious texts is the main cause for prejudices, opp
ressions and atrocities against women around the world. In this respect, in
recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of such
works which were written with the aim of including women’s perspectives
and experiences into the interpretation of religious texts. Such efforts and
activities started in the West are also gaining popularity in the Muslim world.
An overwhelming number of Muslim women theologians and researchers de
voted themselves to the understanding and interpretation the religious texts,
and produced a large number of works dedicated to the subject-matter. Their
basic aim is that the Qur’anic verses and the Prophetic traditions were dis
torted in order to degrade women and put them under men’s yoke. Their pro
posal about what should be done about the distortion of the religious texts
by patriarchal order is that these texts should be reconsidered and reinter
preted by the competent and qualified women theologians, researchers and
writers. Only then can women reach their high ideals of freedom, equality,
and justice, and only then can they recapture their dignity and rights which
were usurped by men for ages. If all these aims and goals necessitate a new
and fresh theology, doubtlessly it does so, then its name is “a women-cente
red Islamic theology”. When such theology established, women will be freed
from the burden that men placed upon them, and make themselves visible
with their womanhood, experiences, and perspectives not only in the field of
religion, but also in society and culture.


  • Baloğlu, Adnan Bülent, Dini Söylemde Erkek Egemenliğine Başkaldırı: Feminist Teoloji, İzmir, 2003.
  • Mılstead, Betty, “Feminist Theology And Women İn The Muslim World: An Interview With Riffat Hassan”, Committee On South Asian Women’s Bulletin, C. 4 (4), 1986, S.16-20 (İktibas Kaynağı: Http://Www.Wluml.Org/English/Pubs/Pdf/Dossi er4/D4-07-Islam.Pdf)
  • Mır-Hosseını, Ziba, “Muslim Women’s Quest For Equality: Between Islamic Law And Feminism”, Critical Inquiry 32, Summer 2006, 629-45.
  • -------, “The Quest For Gender Justice; Emerging Feminist Voices İn Islam”, Dossier 26, Wluml, October 2004.
  • Ramadan, Tahir, Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics And Liberation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009.
  • Şefkatli Tuksal, Hidayet, Kadın Karşıtı Söylemin İslam Geleneğindeki İzdüşümleri, Kita biyat Yay., Ankara 2000.
  • Wadud, Amina, Inside The Gender Jihad: Women’s Reform İn Islam, Oneworld Publica tions, Oxford, 2006.
  • İnternet Adresleri 8&Itemid=164
  • 3/_p-1/i.html
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Kalam
Journal Section Articles

Adnan Bülent Baloğlu

Publication Date November 30, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 1 Issue: 7-8


ISNAD Baloğlu, Adnan Bülent. “KADIN-MERKEZLİ BİR İSLÂMÎ TEOLOJİ İNŞASINA DOĞRU MU?”. İslami İlimler Dergisi 1/7-8 (November 2009), 45-60.

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