Research Article
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Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 7-8, 307 - 328, 30.11.2009


Throughout the history, the relationship between the rulers and the ruled
ones has been developed in a specific hierarchical structure. The subjects
concerning the quality of that relationship depend on that society. This is
the same in Islamic political culture. The people who recognized Islam th
rough the arrival of Divine Inspiration to Prophet Mohammed, implemented
the doctrines of the Holy Koran and the practices (sunnas) of prophet Mo
hammed in their political lives. However, after the death of Prophet Moham
med, the matter of obedience hasn’t been evolved in accordance with the
core values of the Holy Koran and the practices of Prophet Mohammed.
Absolute obedience to the rulers isn’t discussed in the Holy Koran and it
never existed in the Prophet Mohammed’s Prophet hood of 23 years. Con
trary to that main conception, it is a common fact that there are some
hadithes in the hadith litarature which bring the rulers’ rights in the foreg
round and force the ruled ones to abide them unconditionally. Accordingly,
it is thought that it would be useful to re-read those hadithes in terms of
their presence and accuracy. With the assistance of this article, it is aimed
to make a contribution to the insight of the human being of the present day
about the matter of obedience.


  • Abdurrazık, Ali; El-İslâmu Ve Usûlu’l-Hukm, Dâru Mektebeti’l-Hayât, Beyrut, tsz.
  • Abdurrazzak; İbn Hemmâm Es-San’ânî, El-Musannaf (I-XI), Lübnan, 1970-1972 (Ma’mer İbn Râşid’in El-Câmii Adlı Eseri, C.X, S. 379 vd.)
  • Aclûnî, İsmail B. Muhammed; Keşfu’l-Hafâ, Dâru İhyâi’t-Turâsi’l-Arabî, Beyrut, H. 1351 (Ve Mısır H. 1351 Baskısı)
  • Aliyyu’l-Kârî, Kitâbu’l-Mevdûâtu’l-Kebîr, Matbaa Amira, İstanbul, H. 1289
  • Aynî; Umdetu’l-Kârî, Şerhu Sahihi’l-Buharî, Munîriyye, Mısır, tsz.
  • Bennâ, Ahmed Abdurrahman; El-Fethu’r-Rabbânî (Li Tertîbi Musnedi El-İmam-I Ahmed İbn Hanbel), Dâru’ş-Şihâb, Kâhire, tsz.
  • Beyhakî; Es-Sunenu’l-Kubrâ (I-X), Haydarâbad, H. 1347.
  • Buharî, Ebû Abdillah Muhammed B. İsmail; el-Câmiu’s-Sahih I-VIII, El-Mektebetu’l-İs lâmiyye, İstanbul,1981.
  • Concordanca; Et Indices De La Tradıtıon Musulmane, Çağrı Yayınları, İstanbul,1988.
  • Dârekutnî, Ali İbn Ömer; Es-Sunen (I-Iv), El-Medinetu’l-Munevvere, 1386/1966.
  • Dârimî, Es-Sunen (I-Iı), Dâru’l-Kutubi’l-İslâmiyye, Beyrut, tsz.
  • Davudoğlu, Ahmed, Sahih-İ Muslim Tercümesi ve Şerhi (I-XII), Sönmez Neşriyat, İstan bul, 1978.
  • Deylemî, El-Firdevs Bi Me’sûri’l-Hitâb, Dâru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, Beyrut, 1406/1986.
  • Ebû Dâvûd, Es-Sunen (I-IV) Dâru İhyâi’t-Turâsi’l-Arabî), Beyrut, tsz.
  • Ebû Yûsuf, Yakub B. İbrahim, Kitâbu’l-Haraç, Kâhire-1352, Ve Dâru’l-Mârife, Beyrut, tsz.


Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 7-8, 307 - 328, 30.11.2009


Throughout the history, the relationship between the rulers and the ruled
ones has been developed in a specific hierarchical structure. The subjects
concerning the quality of that relationship depend on that society. This is
the same in Islamic political culture. The people who recognized Islam th
rough the arrival of Divine Inspiration to Prophet Mohammed, implemented
the doctrines of the Holy Koran and the practices (sunnas) of prophet Mo
hammed in their political lives. However, after the death of Prophet Moham
med, the matter of obedience hasn’t been evolved in accordance with the
core values of the Holy Koran and the practices of Prophet Mohammed.
Absolute obedience to the rulers isn’t discussed in the Holy Koran and it
never existed in the Prophet Mohammed’s Prophet hood of 23 years. Con
trary to that main conception, it is a common fact that there are some
hadithes in the hadith litarature which bring the rulers’ rights in the foreg
round and force the ruled ones to abide them unconditionally. Accordingly,
it is thought that it would be useful to re-read those hadithes in terms of
their presence and accuracy. With the assistance of this article, it is aimed
to make a contribution to the insight of the human being of the present day
about the matter of obedience.


  • Abdurrazık, Ali; El-İslâmu Ve Usûlu’l-Hukm, Dâru Mektebeti’l-Hayât, Beyrut, tsz.
  • Abdurrazzak; İbn Hemmâm Es-San’ânî, El-Musannaf (I-XI), Lübnan, 1970-1972 (Ma’mer İbn Râşid’in El-Câmii Adlı Eseri, C.X, S. 379 vd.)
  • Aclûnî, İsmail B. Muhammed; Keşfu’l-Hafâ, Dâru İhyâi’t-Turâsi’l-Arabî, Beyrut, H. 1351 (Ve Mısır H. 1351 Baskısı)
  • Aliyyu’l-Kârî, Kitâbu’l-Mevdûâtu’l-Kebîr, Matbaa Amira, İstanbul, H. 1289
  • Aynî; Umdetu’l-Kârî, Şerhu Sahihi’l-Buharî, Munîriyye, Mısır, tsz.
  • Bennâ, Ahmed Abdurrahman; El-Fethu’r-Rabbânî (Li Tertîbi Musnedi El-İmam-I Ahmed İbn Hanbel), Dâru’ş-Şihâb, Kâhire, tsz.
  • Beyhakî; Es-Sunenu’l-Kubrâ (I-X), Haydarâbad, H. 1347.
  • Buharî, Ebû Abdillah Muhammed B. İsmail; el-Câmiu’s-Sahih I-VIII, El-Mektebetu’l-İs lâmiyye, İstanbul,1981.
  • Concordanca; Et Indices De La Tradıtıon Musulmane, Çağrı Yayınları, İstanbul,1988.
  • Dârekutnî, Ali İbn Ömer; Es-Sunen (I-Iv), El-Medinetu’l-Munevvere, 1386/1966.
  • Dârimî, Es-Sunen (I-Iı), Dâru’l-Kutubi’l-İslâmiyye, Beyrut, tsz.
  • Davudoğlu, Ahmed, Sahih-İ Muslim Tercümesi ve Şerhi (I-XII), Sönmez Neşriyat, İstan bul, 1978.
  • Deylemî, El-Firdevs Bi Me’sûri’l-Hitâb, Dâru’l-Kutubi’l-İlmiyye, Beyrut, 1406/1986.
  • Ebû Dâvûd, Es-Sunen (I-IV) Dâru İhyâi’t-Turâsi’l-Arabî), Beyrut, tsz.
  • Ebû Yûsuf, Yakub B. İbrahim, Kitâbu’l-Haraç, Kâhire-1352, Ve Dâru’l-Mârife, Beyrut, tsz.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Kalam
Journal Section Articles

İlyas Canikli

Publication Date November 30, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 1 Issue: 7-8


ISNAD Canikli, İlyas. “İTAAT KÜLTÜRÜNÜN OLUŞMASINDA HADİSLERİN ROLÜ”. İslami İlimler Dergisi 1/7-8 (November 2009), 307-328.

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