Research Article
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Year 2010, Volume: 1 Issue: 10, 149 - 163, 15.10.2010


In this article, we examined how Alfarab approached to the subject of cate
gorical syllogism within scope of his works entitled “Kitāb al-Kıyās al-Sağīr”
and “Kitāb al-Kıyās”. Alfarab defined syllogism as Aristoteles did it, and after
defining it, made analysing of that definition, and then explained each of the
terms which composed the definition in that analysing. Categorical syllo
gisms were the main syllogisms that Alfarab emphasised. Before him, Aris
toteles also took up those syllogisms. He examined it in the Organon and did
not mention the syllogisms composed of conditional propositions. Alfarab no
ted that categorical syllogisms had to have same special conditions in terms
of quality and quantity for giving conclusions of each figure of the categorical
syllogisms, and exemplifid the moods giving conclusion in every figure.


  • Ahderî, Abdurrahman, es-Süllem (el-Mantıku’l-Munazzam içinde), Mısır t.y.
  • Ahmet Cevdet, Mi’yâr-ı Sedâd, İstanbul 1293.
  • Akkanat, Hasın, “Dördüncü Şeklin Aidiyatı, Meşrûiyeti ve İslâm Mantık Düşüncesindeki Yeri”, Felsefe Dünyası, Sy. 49, Ankara 2009, ss. 250-274.
  • Ali Sedat, Mîzânu’l-Ukûl fi’l-Mantık ve’l-Usûl, İstanbul 1303.
  • Aristoteles, Organon III, Birinci Analitikler, Çev. H. Ragıp Atademir, İstanbul 1996.
Year 2010, Volume: 1 Issue: 10, 149 - 163, 15.10.2010



  • Ahderî, Abdurrahman, es-Süllem (el-Mantıku’l-Munazzam içinde), Mısır t.y.
  • Ahmet Cevdet, Mi’yâr-ı Sedâd, İstanbul 1293.
  • Akkanat, Hasın, “Dördüncü Şeklin Aidiyatı, Meşrûiyeti ve İslâm Mantık Düşüncesindeki Yeri”, Felsefe Dünyası, Sy. 49, Ankara 2009, ss. 250-274.
  • Ali Sedat, Mîzânu’l-Ukûl fi’l-Mantık ve’l-Usûl, İstanbul 1303.
  • Aristoteles, Organon III, Birinci Analitikler, Çev. H. Ragıp Atademir, İstanbul 1996.
There are 5 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects History of Logic
Journal Section Articles

Halil İmamoğlugil This is me

Publication Date October 15, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 1 Issue: 10


ISNAD İmamoğlugil, Halil. “FÂRÂBÎ’DE YÜKLEMLİ KIYASLAR”. İslami İlimler Dergisi 1/10 (October 2010), 149-163.

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