Articles to be uploaded to the system must be in Microsoft Word format.
Page layout: A4 size. All texts are in single line spacing. 2.5 cm clearance from all edges of the page.
Font size: Times New Roman, Body texts 10 points, Titles 11 points.
Article title: The first page of the study should be written in Turkish and English. 14 Punto.
There should not be any information about the author(s) on the study's first page.
A separate word file containing the study's title, author name, surname, institution, unit, email, and ORCID ID should be uploaded to the system as a "cover file".
The study should include Turkish and English abstracts consisting of 150-160 words and three keywords.
The study's first page should include the type of article (e.g., research or review).
Table names should be above the tables, and figure and graphic names should be below the figures and graphics.
The study's total number of words, including main text and bibliography (excluding abstract), should not be less than 3,000 words and more than 10,000 words.