Meşhur künyesi Ebû Yahyâ olan Üseyd b. Hudayr, Medine’de bulunan Evs kabilesinin en büyük boyu olan Abdüleşhel oğulları boyuna mensuptur. Birinci Akabe Bey’ati’nden sonra İslâm’ı anlatmak üzere bir muallim olarak Medine’ye gönderilen Mus’ab b. Umeyr vasıtasıyla Müslüman oldu. Güzel ahlakıyla Hz. Peygamber (S.A.V)’in sevgisine ve övgüsüne mazhar oldu. Sahabe arasında da özel bir yere sahipti. Hz. Peygamber (S.A.V)’in vefat ettiği gün takındığı tavır sebebiyle Hz. Ebû Bekir’in halife seçilmesinde önemli rol oynadı
Useyd b. Hudayr, whose famous nick name was Abu Yahya, was the member of the largest family of Abd al-Ashhal Sons which was the biggest tribe of Madina. He became Muslim by means of Mus’ab b. Umeyr who was sent to Madina as a teacher to teach Islam after the First Akabe Bay’ah. He enjoyed the affinity and praise of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) for his good ethics. He had a very special place among the companions of the Prophet. He played a crucial role in the election of Abu Bakr as a Caliph due to the attitude he posed on the day Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) had passed away
Other ID | JA45SF37YF |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 1, 2014 |
Submission Date | December 1, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 Issue: 24 |
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