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Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 9 - 21, 01.08.2015


Although there are many novelties in medical sciences, the paradigm of nutrition
in health, disease or seasons is obscure. The industrialization of food, both in
terms of production or processing, have questionable effects on its nutritive value.
Medicine has also paradigmatic limitations about the development and regulation
of tissues. In discordance with the current acceptance, health depends on true
nutrition. This article reevaluates the negative effects of industrial food. However,
sugar refineries could also be a central part of true food production


  • LANDAU-OSSONDO M, RABİA N, JOS-PELAGE J et al. ARTAC international research group on pesticides. Why pesticides could be a common cause of prostate and breast cancers in the French Caribbean Island, Martinique. An overview on key mechanisms of pesticide-induced cancer. Biomed Pharmacother 2009; 63: 383-395.
  • DE REZENDE Juliana, CHRISMAN J, KOIFMAN S, DE NOVAES Sarcinelli P et al. Pesticide sales and adult male cancer mortality in Brazil. Inter J Hyg Environ Health 2009; 212: 310–321.
  • CAROZZA SE, LI B, WANG et al. Agricultural pesticides and risk of childhood cancers. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2009; 212: 186–195.
  • DİZDAR Y. Tarım ilaçları konusunda “ülkemizden” tıbbi analiz sonuçları: Zehirleniyoruz! Dünya Gazetesi, Sağlık ve Ekonomi, 04.08.2010.
  • LIU Y, WU F. Global burden of aflatoxin-induced hepatocellular carcinoma: A risk assessment. Environ Health Perspect. 2010; 118: 818–824.
  • WELCH RW, MITCHELL PC. Food processing: A century of change. Brit Med Bull 2000, 56: 1-17.
  • O’HARA AM, SHANAHAN F. The gut flora as a forgotten organ. EMBO Reports, 2006; 7:688–693.
  • LUTSEY PL, JACOBS Jr DR, KORI S et al. Whole grain intake and its cross-sectional association with obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation, diabetes and subclinical CVD: The MESA Study. Brit J Nutr 2007; 1-9
  • BOUNOUS G, BATIST G, GOLD P. Immunoenhancing property of dietary whey protein in mice: Role of glutathione. Clin Invest Med 1989; 12:154-161.
  • ZOGHBI S, TROMPETTE A, CLAUSTRE J et al. Beta-casomorphin-7 regulates the secretion and expression of gastrointestinal mucins through a muopioid pathway. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2006; 290: G1105-113.).
  • CHABANCE B, MARTEAU P, RAMBAUD JC et al. Casein peptide release and passage to the blood in humans during digestion of milk and yogurt. Biochimie 1998; 80: 155-165.
  • MOZAFFARIAN D, CAO H, KING IB et al. Trans-palmitoleic acid, metabolic risk factors, and new-onset diabetes in U.S. Adults: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2010; 153:790-799.
  • MESERI R. Beslenme ve genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalar (GDO). TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2008; 7: 455-460.
  • DUKE SO, RIMANDO AM, PACE PF et al. Isoflavone, glyphosate, andaminomethylphosphonic acid levels in seeds of glyphosate-treated, glyphosateresistant soybean. J Agric Food Chem 2003; 51: 340-344.
  • PAGANELLI A, GNAZZO V, ACOSTA H et al. Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by imparing retinoic acid signalling. Chem Res Toxicol 2010; 23: 1586-1595.
  • MARC J, MULNER-LORILLON O, BELLE R. Glyphosate-based pesticides affect cell cycle regulation. Biol Cell 2004; 96: 245-9.
  • WILLIAMS GM, KROES R, MUNRO IC. Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2000; 31:117–165.
  • SPIROUX DE VENDOMOIS J, ROULLIER F, CELLIER D et al. A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammalian health. Int J Biol Sci 2009; 5: 706-726.
  • PITT HA. Presidential adres. Hepato-pankreato-biliary fat: The good, the bad and the ugly. HPB 2007; 9: 92-97.
  • MICHAUD DS, LIU S, GIOVANNUCCI E et al. Dietary sugar, glycemic load, and pancreatic cancer risk in a prospective study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002; 94: 1293-1300.
  • NÖTHLINGS U, MURPHY SP, WILKENS LR et al. Dietary glycemic load, added sugars, and carbohydrates as risk factors for pancreatic cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 86: 1495-1501.
  • JIAO L, FLOOD A, SUBAR AF et al. SCHATZKIN A, STOLZENBERGSOLOMON R. Glycemic index, carbohydrates, glycemic load, and the risk of pancreatic cancer in a prospective cohort study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009; 18: 1144-51.
  • STEPHAN BCM, WELLS JCK, BRAYNE C et al. Increased fructose intake as a risk factor for dementia. J Gerantol 2010; Special Issue: Biology of Aging Summit Perspective.
  • ZAVARONI I, IDA CHEN YDI, REAVEN GM. Studies of the mechanism of fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemia in the rat. Metabolism 1982; 31: 1077-1083.
  • LINDA T. TRAN LT, YUEN VG et al. The fructose-fed rat: a review on the mechanisms of fructose-induced insulin resistance and hypertension. Mol Cell Biochem 2009; 332: 145-159.
  • GERSCH MS, MU W, CIRILLO P et al. Fructose, but not dextrose, accelerates the progression of chronic kidney disease. Am. J Physiol Renal Physiol 2007; 293: F1256-F1261.
  • GIOVANNUCCI E. The role of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in cancer caution. Curr Med Chem – Immun Endoc Metab Agents 2005; 5: 53-60.
  • HSU IR, KIM SP, KABIR M et al. Metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, and cancer. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007; 86: 867-871.
  • RIPPES JM, ANGELOPOULOS TI. Sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, and fructose, their metabolism and potential health effects: What do we really know? Adv Nutr 2013; 4: 236-245.
  • DİKİCİOĞLU T, ERGÜN A, SAÇAKLI P. Broyler rasyonlarında sıvı metiyonin kullanımı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Der 1997; 44: 237-248.
  • HAVENSTEIN GB, FERKET PR, QURESHI MA. Growth, livability, and feed conversion of 1957 versus 2001 Broilers when fed representative 1957 and 2001 Broiler diets. Poultry Sci 2003; 82: 1500-1508.
  • KOYUNCUOGLU H, ARICIOGLU F, DIZDAR Y. Effects of neonatal monosodium glutamate and aging on morphine dependence development. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1992; 43:341-345.

Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 9 - 21, 01.08.2015


Beslenmenin nasıl olması gerektiği; sağlık, hastalık, mevsim gibi durumlardaki
olası değişiklikler yeterince iyi bilinmemektedir. Gıdanın endüstrileşmesiyle birlikte
ortaya çıkan değişiklikler, gıda üretimi ve işlenmesinin de sorgulanmasına
neden olmuştur. Benzer bilgi eksikliği dokuların yapımı ve düzenlenmesi açısından
da geçerlidir. Tıptaki genel kabullenmenin aksine, sağlığın korunması ancak
gerçek gıdaların tüketilmesiyle mümkündür. Bu değerlendirmede gıdanın endüstrileşme
sürecinin sağlık açısından yarattığı sakıncaları irdelenmektedir. Türkiye
geneline dağılmış ve örgütlü işgücüne sahip şeker fabrikaları; gerçek gıda üretiminin
bütün alanlarda ayrılmaz bir parçası olmalıdır


  • LANDAU-OSSONDO M, RABİA N, JOS-PELAGE J et al. ARTAC international research group on pesticides. Why pesticides could be a common cause of prostate and breast cancers in the French Caribbean Island, Martinique. An overview on key mechanisms of pesticide-induced cancer. Biomed Pharmacother 2009; 63: 383-395.
  • DE REZENDE Juliana, CHRISMAN J, KOIFMAN S, DE NOVAES Sarcinelli P et al. Pesticide sales and adult male cancer mortality in Brazil. Inter J Hyg Environ Health 2009; 212: 310–321.
  • CAROZZA SE, LI B, WANG et al. Agricultural pesticides and risk of childhood cancers. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2009; 212: 186–195.
  • DİZDAR Y. Tarım ilaçları konusunda “ülkemizden” tıbbi analiz sonuçları: Zehirleniyoruz! Dünya Gazetesi, Sağlık ve Ekonomi, 04.08.2010.
  • LIU Y, WU F. Global burden of aflatoxin-induced hepatocellular carcinoma: A risk assessment. Environ Health Perspect. 2010; 118: 818–824.
  • WELCH RW, MITCHELL PC. Food processing: A century of change. Brit Med Bull 2000, 56: 1-17.
  • O’HARA AM, SHANAHAN F. The gut flora as a forgotten organ. EMBO Reports, 2006; 7:688–693.
  • LUTSEY PL, JACOBS Jr DR, KORI S et al. Whole grain intake and its cross-sectional association with obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation, diabetes and subclinical CVD: The MESA Study. Brit J Nutr 2007; 1-9
  • BOUNOUS G, BATIST G, GOLD P. Immunoenhancing property of dietary whey protein in mice: Role of glutathione. Clin Invest Med 1989; 12:154-161.
  • ZOGHBI S, TROMPETTE A, CLAUSTRE J et al. Beta-casomorphin-7 regulates the secretion and expression of gastrointestinal mucins through a muopioid pathway. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2006; 290: G1105-113.).
  • CHABANCE B, MARTEAU P, RAMBAUD JC et al. Casein peptide release and passage to the blood in humans during digestion of milk and yogurt. Biochimie 1998; 80: 155-165.
  • MOZAFFARIAN D, CAO H, KING IB et al. Trans-palmitoleic acid, metabolic risk factors, and new-onset diabetes in U.S. Adults: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2010; 153:790-799.
  • MESERI R. Beslenme ve genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalar (GDO). TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2008; 7: 455-460.
  • DUKE SO, RIMANDO AM, PACE PF et al. Isoflavone, glyphosate, andaminomethylphosphonic acid levels in seeds of glyphosate-treated, glyphosateresistant soybean. J Agric Food Chem 2003; 51: 340-344.
  • PAGANELLI A, GNAZZO V, ACOSTA H et al. Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by imparing retinoic acid signalling. Chem Res Toxicol 2010; 23: 1586-1595.
  • MARC J, MULNER-LORILLON O, BELLE R. Glyphosate-based pesticides affect cell cycle regulation. Biol Cell 2004; 96: 245-9.
  • WILLIAMS GM, KROES R, MUNRO IC. Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2000; 31:117–165.
  • SPIROUX DE VENDOMOIS J, ROULLIER F, CELLIER D et al. A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammalian health. Int J Biol Sci 2009; 5: 706-726.
  • PITT HA. Presidential adres. Hepato-pankreato-biliary fat: The good, the bad and the ugly. HPB 2007; 9: 92-97.
  • MICHAUD DS, LIU S, GIOVANNUCCI E et al. Dietary sugar, glycemic load, and pancreatic cancer risk in a prospective study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002; 94: 1293-1300.
  • NÖTHLINGS U, MURPHY SP, WILKENS LR et al. Dietary glycemic load, added sugars, and carbohydrates as risk factors for pancreatic cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2007; 86: 1495-1501.
  • JIAO L, FLOOD A, SUBAR AF et al. SCHATZKIN A, STOLZENBERGSOLOMON R. Glycemic index, carbohydrates, glycemic load, and the risk of pancreatic cancer in a prospective cohort study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009; 18: 1144-51.
  • STEPHAN BCM, WELLS JCK, BRAYNE C et al. Increased fructose intake as a risk factor for dementia. J Gerantol 2010; Special Issue: Biology of Aging Summit Perspective.
  • ZAVARONI I, IDA CHEN YDI, REAVEN GM. Studies of the mechanism of fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemia in the rat. Metabolism 1982; 31: 1077-1083.
  • LINDA T. TRAN LT, YUEN VG et al. The fructose-fed rat: a review on the mechanisms of fructose-induced insulin resistance and hypertension. Mol Cell Biochem 2009; 332: 145-159.
  • GERSCH MS, MU W, CIRILLO P et al. Fructose, but not dextrose, accelerates the progression of chronic kidney disease. Am. J Physiol Renal Physiol 2007; 293: F1256-F1261.
  • GIOVANNUCCI E. The role of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in cancer caution. Curr Med Chem – Immun Endoc Metab Agents 2005; 5: 53-60.
  • HSU IR, KIM SP, KABIR M et al. Metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, and cancer. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007; 86: 867-871.
  • RIPPES JM, ANGELOPOULOS TI. Sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, and fructose, their metabolism and potential health effects: What do we really know? Adv Nutr 2013; 4: 236-245.
  • DİKİCİOĞLU T, ERGÜN A, SAÇAKLI P. Broyler rasyonlarında sıvı metiyonin kullanımı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Der 1997; 44: 237-248.
  • HAVENSTEIN GB, FERKET PR, QURESHI MA. Growth, livability, and feed conversion of 1957 versus 2001 Broilers when fed representative 1957 and 2001 Broiler diets. Poultry Sci 2003; 82: 1500-1508.
  • KOYUNCUOGLU H, ARICIOGLU F, DIZDAR Y. Effects of neonatal monosodium glutamate and aging on morphine dependence development. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1992; 43:341-345.
There are 32 citations in total.


Other ID JA28BE72VU
Journal Section Articles

Yavuz Dizdar This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Dizdar, Y. (2015). Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?. İş Ve Hayat, 1(2), 9-21.
AMA Dizdar Y. Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?. İş ve Hayat. August 2015;1(2):9-21.
Chicago Dizdar, Yavuz. “Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?”. İş Ve Hayat 1, no. 2 (August 2015): 9-21.
EndNote Dizdar Y (August 1, 2015) Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?. İş ve Hayat 1 2 9–21.
IEEE Y. Dizdar, “Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?”, İş ve Hayat, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 9–21, 2015.
ISNAD Dizdar, Yavuz. “Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?”. İş ve Hayat 1/2 (August 2015), 9-21.
JAMA Dizdar Y. Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?. İş ve Hayat. 2015;1:9–21.
MLA Dizdar, Yavuz. “Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?”. İş Ve Hayat, vol. 1, no. 2, 2015, pp. 9-21.
Vancouver Dizdar Y. Gıda Hastalık İlişkisi: Şekerin Yeri Nedir?. İş ve Hayat. 2015;1(2):9-21.