Peer Review Policy

All research articles in ITALL have undergone a rigorous peer review based on the initial editorial screening and at least two anonymous reviewers.

Editorial Evaluation: The editor or field editor evaluates all articles before the peer review. The papers rejected at this stage have serious scientific or formal problems in the publication process or are outside the journal's scope. Articles that meet requirements are taken into the peer review process.

Peer Review Process: At this stage, double-blind reviewing is applied, in which the referees and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process. The duration given to the reviewers in the peer review process is 30 days. 

Editorial Decision: The editor considers the reviewer's feedback and his/her own evaluation of the paper to form a decision. The following types of decisions are possible: (i) Accept, (ii) Minor revision, (iii) Major revision, (iv) Reject. Decisions are notified to the corresponding author in a formal letter, along with reviewer feedback.

Revision: Revisions asked by reviewers and/or editors should be completed by authors within 30 days.

Decision in process: The manuscript reviews of manuscripts submitted to ITALL are expected to be finalized within approximately two months. However, this two-month period does not include when the reviewers or editors ask for corrections from the author(s) and when the author(s) complete the revisions.

Last Update Time: 12/14/23, 1:07:24 PM


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