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Role of Media in Modernization Process: Matter of Contraction of Approaches

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 7 - 27, 01.06.2012



  • Ann R. Tickamyer, “Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Lenski‟s “Power and Privilege” in the Study of Inequlalities”, Sociological Theory 22, no: 2, (2004): 147-257.
  • Armand – Michele Mattelart, İletişim Kuramları Tarihi, çev: Merih Zıllıoğlu, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003.
  • Barbro Klein, “The Moral Content of Tradition: Homecraft, Ethnology, and Swedish Life in the Twentieth Century”, Western Folklore 59, no: 2, (2000): 171-195.
  • Brigitte Miriam Redos-Rezak, “Medieval Identity: A Sign and a Concept”, The American Historical Review 105, no: 5, (2000): 14891533.
  • Brigitte Nierlich, “Media, Metaphors and Modelling: How the UK Newspapers Reported the Epidemiological Modelling Controversy during the 2001 Foot and Mouth Outbreak”, Science, Technology & Human Values 32, no: 4, (2007): 432-457.
  • Charles Kurzman, ve Chelise Anderson, ve , Clinton Key ve Youn Ok Lee, ve Mairead Moloney, ve Alexis Silver, ve Maria W. Van Ryn, “Celebrety Status”. Sociological Theory 25, no: 4, (2007): 347-367.
  • David Garman, “Bourdieu‟s Theory of Cultural Change: Explication, Application, Critique”, Sociological Theory 20, no: 2, (2002): 255-277.
  • David M Jones, “Postmodernism, Pop Music, and Blues Practice in Nelson George‟s Post-Soul Culture”, African American Review 41, no: 4, (2007): 667-694.
  • Diane Winston, “Back to the Future: Religion, Politics and Media”, American Quarterly 59, no: 3, (2007): 969-989.
  • Dirk J. van de Kaa, “Postmodern Fertility Preferences: From Changing Value Orientation to New Behavior”, Population and Development Review 27, (2001): 290.331.
  • Elizabeth Levy Paluck, ve Donald P. Green, “Deference, Dissent, and Dispute Resolution: An Experimental Intervertion Using Mass Media to Change Norms and Behavior in Rwanda”, The Amercian Political Science Review 103, no: 4, (2009): 622-644.
  • Hans von Rautenfeld, “Thinking for Thousands: Emerson‟s Theory of Political Representation in the Public Sphere”, American Journal of Political Science 49, no: 1, (2005): 184-197. 13- Immanuel Wallerstein, Modern Küresel-Sistem, çev. M. Kürşad Atalar, İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları, 2005.
  • Jody Patterson, “Modernism and Murtal at the 1939 New York World‟s Fair”, American Art 24, no: 2, (2010): 50-73.
  • Jeffrey M. Jozefski, “The Role of Polish and American Identities in the Future of the Polish National Catholic Church”, Polish American Studies 65, no: 2, (2008): 27-52.
  • John T. Toolley, “Using Media-Based Data in Studies of Politics”, American Journal of Polirtical Science, vol. 44, no: 1, 2000, s. 156-173.
  • Joseph Ledoux, “Zihin, Beyin ve Benlik”, Gelecek 50 Yıl, Ed. John Brockman. 4. Baskı, İstanbul: NTV Yayınları, 2007.
  • Juan A. Suarez, “City Space, Technology, Popular Culture: The Modernism of Paul Satrand and Charles Sheeler‟s „Manhatta‟”, Journal of American Studies 36, no: 1, (2002): 85-106.
  • Kenneth Mori Mcelwain, “Manipulating Electoral Rules to Manufacture Single-Party Dominance”, American Journal of Political Science 52, No: 1, (2008): 32-47.
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein, Kesinlik Üstüne Kültür ve Değer, çev. Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 2009.
  • Mehmet Akgül, Türk Modernleşmesi ve Din, Konya: Çizgi Yayınevi 1999.
  • Otomar J Barbos, “Postmodernism, Postindustrialism, and the Future”. The Sociological Quarterly 37, no: 2, (1996): 307-325.
  • Sedat Cereci, “Communication Matter in Expanding Cities After Migration”. 38. Icanas Kongresi, Atatürk Yüksek Kurumu, 10-15 Eylül Ankara 2007.
  • Robert S. Morison, “The Need for New Types of Excellence”, Deadalus 90, no: 4, (1961): 764-781.
  • Roger D Launius, “Heroes in a Vacuum: The Apollo Astronaut as Cultural Icon”, The Florida Historical Quarterly 86, no: 4, (2008): 174-209.
  • Ronald E. Martin, ve Scott P. Hippensteel, ve Daria Nikitina, ve James E Pizzuto, “Artifical Time-Averaging of Marsh Foraminiferal Assemblages: Linking the Temporal Scales of Ecology and Paleoecology”, Paleobiology vol. 28, no: 2, (2002): 263-277.
  • Sarah Williams Goldhagen, “Something to Talk about: Modernism, Discourse, Style”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 64, no: 2, (2005) 144-167.
  • Sedat Cereci, “Televizyon İzleyici Araştırması Sonuçları 2009”. Üniversite ve Toplum, (Mart 2009), c. 9, sa. 1.
  • Sedat Cereci, “Kent, Kentli ve Medya Teknolojisi”. Broadcasterinfo 84 (2011): 104-105.
  • Taria Knuuttila, “Models, Representation, and Mediation”, Philosophy of Science 72, no: 5. (2005): 1260-1271.
  • Yılmaz Levent, Modern Zamanın Tarihi, çev. M. Emin Özcan, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 2010.

Modernleşme Sürecinde Medyanın Rolü: Yaklaşımların Sınırlanması Sorunu

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 7 - 27, 01.06.2012


İnsan doğasının ve zorunlulukların sonucunda ortaya çıkan yeni buluşlar, teknikler ve yaklaşımlar modernliği yaratırken, teknolojinin en görkemli ve yaygın araçları olan medya da modernliğin başat unsurları olarak yaşamın içinde yerini almıştır. Modern yaşamı ideal olarak benimseyip teknoloji temeli üzerinde yaşamaya alışan az gelişmiş toplumların bireyleri, medyadan edindikleri verilerle yaşamlarına yön verirken, tüm yaşam dinamiklerini de medya temeli üzerinde biçimlendirmektedir. Hazır düşünce ve imge paketleriyle insanların pek çok işini kolaylaştırma, sıkıntılarını giderme, sorunlarını çözme yöntemleri öneren medya, insanların daha az düşünüp daha az hayal kurarak düşünce ve imgelemlerinin daralmasına da neden olmaktadır


  • Ann R. Tickamyer, “Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Lenski‟s “Power and Privilege” in the Study of Inequlalities”, Sociological Theory 22, no: 2, (2004): 147-257.
  • Armand – Michele Mattelart, İletişim Kuramları Tarihi, çev: Merih Zıllıoğlu, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2003.
  • Barbro Klein, “The Moral Content of Tradition: Homecraft, Ethnology, and Swedish Life in the Twentieth Century”, Western Folklore 59, no: 2, (2000): 171-195.
  • Brigitte Miriam Redos-Rezak, “Medieval Identity: A Sign and a Concept”, The American Historical Review 105, no: 5, (2000): 14891533.
  • Brigitte Nierlich, “Media, Metaphors and Modelling: How the UK Newspapers Reported the Epidemiological Modelling Controversy during the 2001 Foot and Mouth Outbreak”, Science, Technology & Human Values 32, no: 4, (2007): 432-457.
  • Charles Kurzman, ve Chelise Anderson, ve , Clinton Key ve Youn Ok Lee, ve Mairead Moloney, ve Alexis Silver, ve Maria W. Van Ryn, “Celebrety Status”. Sociological Theory 25, no: 4, (2007): 347-367.
  • David Garman, “Bourdieu‟s Theory of Cultural Change: Explication, Application, Critique”, Sociological Theory 20, no: 2, (2002): 255-277.
  • David M Jones, “Postmodernism, Pop Music, and Blues Practice in Nelson George‟s Post-Soul Culture”, African American Review 41, no: 4, (2007): 667-694.
  • Diane Winston, “Back to the Future: Religion, Politics and Media”, American Quarterly 59, no: 3, (2007): 969-989.
  • Dirk J. van de Kaa, “Postmodern Fertility Preferences: From Changing Value Orientation to New Behavior”, Population and Development Review 27, (2001): 290.331.
  • Elizabeth Levy Paluck, ve Donald P. Green, “Deference, Dissent, and Dispute Resolution: An Experimental Intervertion Using Mass Media to Change Norms and Behavior in Rwanda”, The Amercian Political Science Review 103, no: 4, (2009): 622-644.
  • Hans von Rautenfeld, “Thinking for Thousands: Emerson‟s Theory of Political Representation in the Public Sphere”, American Journal of Political Science 49, no: 1, (2005): 184-197. 13- Immanuel Wallerstein, Modern Küresel-Sistem, çev. M. Kürşad Atalar, İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları, 2005.
  • Jody Patterson, “Modernism and Murtal at the 1939 New York World‟s Fair”, American Art 24, no: 2, (2010): 50-73.
  • Jeffrey M. Jozefski, “The Role of Polish and American Identities in the Future of the Polish National Catholic Church”, Polish American Studies 65, no: 2, (2008): 27-52.
  • John T. Toolley, “Using Media-Based Data in Studies of Politics”, American Journal of Polirtical Science, vol. 44, no: 1, 2000, s. 156-173.
  • Joseph Ledoux, “Zihin, Beyin ve Benlik”, Gelecek 50 Yıl, Ed. John Brockman. 4. Baskı, İstanbul: NTV Yayınları, 2007.
  • Juan A. Suarez, “City Space, Technology, Popular Culture: The Modernism of Paul Satrand and Charles Sheeler‟s „Manhatta‟”, Journal of American Studies 36, no: 1, (2002): 85-106.
  • Kenneth Mori Mcelwain, “Manipulating Electoral Rules to Manufacture Single-Party Dominance”, American Journal of Political Science 52, No: 1, (2008): 32-47.
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein, Kesinlik Üstüne Kültür ve Değer, çev. Doğan Şahiner, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 2009.
  • Mehmet Akgül, Türk Modernleşmesi ve Din, Konya: Çizgi Yayınevi 1999.
  • Otomar J Barbos, “Postmodernism, Postindustrialism, and the Future”. The Sociological Quarterly 37, no: 2, (1996): 307-325.
  • Sedat Cereci, “Communication Matter in Expanding Cities After Migration”. 38. Icanas Kongresi, Atatürk Yüksek Kurumu, 10-15 Eylül Ankara 2007.
  • Robert S. Morison, “The Need for New Types of Excellence”, Deadalus 90, no: 4, (1961): 764-781.
  • Roger D Launius, “Heroes in a Vacuum: The Apollo Astronaut as Cultural Icon”, The Florida Historical Quarterly 86, no: 4, (2008): 174-209.
  • Ronald E. Martin, ve Scott P. Hippensteel, ve Daria Nikitina, ve James E Pizzuto, “Artifical Time-Averaging of Marsh Foraminiferal Assemblages: Linking the Temporal Scales of Ecology and Paleoecology”, Paleobiology vol. 28, no: 2, (2002): 263-277.
  • Sarah Williams Goldhagen, “Something to Talk about: Modernism, Discourse, Style”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 64, no: 2, (2005) 144-167.
  • Sedat Cereci, “Televizyon İzleyici Araştırması Sonuçları 2009”. Üniversite ve Toplum, (Mart 2009), c. 9, sa. 1.
  • Sedat Cereci, “Kent, Kentli ve Medya Teknolojisi”. Broadcasterinfo 84 (2011): 104-105.
  • Taria Knuuttila, “Models, Representation, and Mediation”, Philosophy of Science 72, no: 5. (2005): 1260-1271.
  • Yılmaz Levent, Modern Zamanın Tarihi, çev. M. Emin Özcan, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 2010.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Sedat Cereci This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Cereci, S. (2012). Modernleşme Sürecinde Medyanın Rolü: Yaklaşımların Sınırlanması Sorunu. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 7-27.

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