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Experiential Learning in Religious Education

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 345 - 359, 01.06.2012



  • CUMPSTY, J.S. (1991) Religion as Belonging: A General Theory of Religion (New York: University Press of Amerika).
  • DONALDSON, M. (1992) Human Minds (London: Allen Lane).
  • DURHAM, W. (1991) Coevolution: Genes, Culture and Human Diversity (Stanford University Press).
  • FRECH, R.M. (1972) The Way of a Pilgrim (London: SPCK).
  • GRIMMITT, M.H. (1987) Religious Education and Human Development (Great Wakering: McCrimmons).
  • Hammond, J., Hay, D., Moxon, J., Netto, B., Raban, K., Straugheir, G.  Willian, C. (1990) New Methods in RE Teaching: An Experiental Approach (London: Oliver & Boyd / Longman).
  • HARDY, A.C. (1965) The Living Stream: A Restatement of Evolution Theory and its Relationto the Spirit of Man (London: Collins).
  • HARDY, A.C. (1966) The Divine Flame: An Essay towards a Natural History of Religion (London: Collins).
  • HAY, D. (1979) “Religious experience amongst a group of postgraduate students: a qualitative study”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 18 (2), pp.164-182.
  • HAY, D. (1982) Exploring Inner Space: Scientists and Religious Experience (London: Penguin Books).
  • Hay, D. (1990) Religious Experience Today: Studying the Facts (London: Cassell).
  • HAY, D. (1994) ““The biology of God”: What is the current status of Hardy’s hypothesis?”, International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 4 (1), pp.1-23.
  • HAY, D. & Hammond, J. (1992) “When you pray, go to your private room”: a reply to Adrian Thatcher”, British Journal of Religious Education, 14 (3), pp.146-149.
  • HAY, D. & Morisy, A. (1978) “Reports of ecstatic, paranormal or religious experience in Great Britain and the United States: a comparison of trends”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 17 (3), pp. 255-68.
  • HAY, D. & Morisy, A. (1985) “Seculer society / Religious meanings: a contemporary paradox”, Review of Religious Research, 26 (3), pp. 213-27.
  • HAY, D. & Nye, R. (1996) “Investigating children’s spirituality: the need for a fruitful hypothesis”, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 1 (1), pp. 6-16.
  • HAY, D., Nye, R. & Murphy, R. (1996) “Thinking about childhood spirituality: review of research and current directions”, in, Leslie Francis, William, K. Kay & William S. Campbell (eds) Research in Religious Education (Leominster: Gracewing Press).
  • HAY, D. & Nye, R. (1998) The Spirit of the Child (London: HarperCollins). HEBBLETHWAITE, M. (1994) Finding God in All Things: the Way of st Ignatius (London: HarperCollins).
  • IHDE, D. (1979) Experimental Phenomenology (New York: Paragon Books).
  • LEWIS, D. (1985) “All in good faith”, Nursing Times, 18 / 24 Mar., pp. 40-43.
  • MACMURRAY, J. (1995) The Self as Agent (London: Faber  Faber) (orijinal baskı tarihi 1957).
  • MOL, H. (1976 Identity and the Sacred: a sketch for a new socialscientific theory of religion (Oxford: Basil Blackwell).
  • MOTT-THORNTON, K. (1996) “Language, dualism and experiential religious education: a critical appraisal of the debate between Adrian Thatcher and the authors of New Methods of RE Teaching”, British Journal of Religious Education, 18 (3), pp.155-165.
  • NYE, R. & HAY, D. (1996) “Identifying Children’s Spirituality: How do you start without a starting point?”, British Journal of Religious Education, 18 (3), pp. 144-154.
  • POPPER, K. (1972) The Logic of Scientific Discovery (London: Hutchinson).
  • SMART, N. (1971) The Religious Experience of Mankind (London: Fontana Books).
  • SMART, N. (1992) The World’s Religions (Cambridge University Press).
  • SOSKICE, J. (1985) Metaphor and Religious Language (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
  • THATCHER, A. (1991) “A critique of inwardness in religious education”, British Journal of Religious Education, 14 (1), pp. 22-27.
  • WRIGHT, A. (1996) “Language and experience in the hermeneutics of religious understandings” British Journal of Religious Education, 18 (3), pp. 166-180.


Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 345 - 359, 01.06.2012


Bu yazı, “Pedagogies of Religious Education, (Ed.: Michael Grimmitt), McCrimmon Publishing, Essex, England, 2000.” künyeli eserin 70-87. sayfaları arasında yer alan “Experiential Learning in Religious Education” başlıklı ingilizce makalenin Türkçe’ye tercümesidir. Makale Dr. David Hay tarafından yazılmıştır. Editörlüğü Michael Grimmitt tarafından yapılan "Pedagogies of Religious Education" adlı kitap, plüralist İngiliz toplumuna yönelik farklı din eğitimi pedagojileri geliştirmek amacıyla devlet ve vakıflarca desteklenen projeler hakkında önemli bilgiler vermektedir. 11 ayrı makaleden oluşan kitap, İngiltere’de akademik araştırmalar sonunda geliştirilmiş 9 önemli proje ve bu projelerin ulaştığı pedagojik prensipleri bir arada sunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri olan “Dini Tecrübe ve Eğitim Projesi” projesi de çocukların ve öğrencilerin yaşadıkları dini tecrübelere odaklanarak, onlarda çoğulculuğa yönelen ortak bir dini kültür geliştirilmesini hedeflemektedir


  • CUMPSTY, J.S. (1991) Religion as Belonging: A General Theory of Religion (New York: University Press of Amerika).
  • DONALDSON, M. (1992) Human Minds (London: Allen Lane).
  • DURHAM, W. (1991) Coevolution: Genes, Culture and Human Diversity (Stanford University Press).
  • FRECH, R.M. (1972) The Way of a Pilgrim (London: SPCK).
  • GRIMMITT, M.H. (1987) Religious Education and Human Development (Great Wakering: McCrimmons).
  • Hammond, J., Hay, D., Moxon, J., Netto, B., Raban, K., Straugheir, G.  Willian, C. (1990) New Methods in RE Teaching: An Experiental Approach (London: Oliver & Boyd / Longman).
  • HARDY, A.C. (1965) The Living Stream: A Restatement of Evolution Theory and its Relationto the Spirit of Man (London: Collins).
  • HARDY, A.C. (1966) The Divine Flame: An Essay towards a Natural History of Religion (London: Collins).
  • HAY, D. (1979) “Religious experience amongst a group of postgraduate students: a qualitative study”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 18 (2), pp.164-182.
  • HAY, D. (1982) Exploring Inner Space: Scientists and Religious Experience (London: Penguin Books).
  • Hay, D. (1990) Religious Experience Today: Studying the Facts (London: Cassell).
  • HAY, D. (1994) ““The biology of God”: What is the current status of Hardy’s hypothesis?”, International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 4 (1), pp.1-23.
  • HAY, D. & Hammond, J. (1992) “When you pray, go to your private room”: a reply to Adrian Thatcher”, British Journal of Religious Education, 14 (3), pp.146-149.
  • HAY, D. & Morisy, A. (1978) “Reports of ecstatic, paranormal or religious experience in Great Britain and the United States: a comparison of trends”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 17 (3), pp. 255-68.
  • HAY, D. & Morisy, A. (1985) “Seculer society / Religious meanings: a contemporary paradox”, Review of Religious Research, 26 (3), pp. 213-27.
  • HAY, D. & Nye, R. (1996) “Investigating children’s spirituality: the need for a fruitful hypothesis”, International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 1 (1), pp. 6-16.
  • HAY, D., Nye, R. & Murphy, R. (1996) “Thinking about childhood spirituality: review of research and current directions”, in, Leslie Francis, William, K. Kay & William S. Campbell (eds) Research in Religious Education (Leominster: Gracewing Press).
  • HAY, D. & Nye, R. (1998) The Spirit of the Child (London: HarperCollins). HEBBLETHWAITE, M. (1994) Finding God in All Things: the Way of st Ignatius (London: HarperCollins).
  • IHDE, D. (1979) Experimental Phenomenology (New York: Paragon Books).
  • LEWIS, D. (1985) “All in good faith”, Nursing Times, 18 / 24 Mar., pp. 40-43.
  • MACMURRAY, J. (1995) The Self as Agent (London: Faber  Faber) (orijinal baskı tarihi 1957).
  • MOL, H. (1976 Identity and the Sacred: a sketch for a new socialscientific theory of religion (Oxford: Basil Blackwell).
  • MOTT-THORNTON, K. (1996) “Language, dualism and experiential religious education: a critical appraisal of the debate between Adrian Thatcher and the authors of New Methods of RE Teaching”, British Journal of Religious Education, 18 (3), pp.155-165.
  • NYE, R. & HAY, D. (1996) “Identifying Children’s Spirituality: How do you start without a starting point?”, British Journal of Religious Education, 18 (3), pp. 144-154.
  • POPPER, K. (1972) The Logic of Scientific Discovery (London: Hutchinson).
  • SMART, N. (1971) The Religious Experience of Mankind (London: Fontana Books).
  • SMART, N. (1992) The World’s Religions (Cambridge University Press).
  • SOSKICE, J. (1985) Metaphor and Religious Language (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
  • THATCHER, A. (1991) “A critique of inwardness in religious education”, British Journal of Religious Education, 14 (1), pp. 22-27.
  • WRIGHT, A. (1996) “Language and experience in the hermeneutics of religious understandings” British Journal of Religious Education, 18 (3), pp. 166-180.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Translated Articles

Abdulkadir Çekin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Çekin, A. (2012). DİN EĞİTİMİNDE TECRÜBİ ÖĞRENME. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 345-359.

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