Writing Rules


All correspondence will be sent to the first-named author unless otherwise specified. Manuscpript is to be submitted online via http://sdsl.istanbul.edu.tr and it should be accompanied by a cover letter indicating that the manuscript is intended for publication, specifying the article category (i.e. research article, book review etc.) and including information about the manuscript (see the Submission Checklist). Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word 2003 and upper versions. In addition, Copyright Agreement Form that has to be signed by all authors must be submitted.

1.    The manuscripts should be in A4 paper standards: having 2.5 cm margins from right, left, bottom and top, Times New Roman font style in 10 font size, line spacing of 1.5 and “justify align” format. For indented paragraph, tab key should be used.

2.    The title of the text should be centered on the page, in lower-case letter, bold, Times New Roman font.

3.    Before the introduction part, there should be an abstract of 200-250 words both in the language of the article and in English and an extended abstract in English between 600-800 words, summarizing the scope, the purpose, the results of the study and the methodology used following the abstracts. The English title of the manuscript should be above the English abstract. Underneath the abstracts, 5 keywords that inform the reader about the content of the study should be specified in the language of the article and in English.

4. Articles should be between 5000 - 8000 words, excluding abstract(s) and extended abstract.

5. The manuscripts should contain mainly these components: title in the language of the article, abstract and keywords; title in English, abstract and keywords in English, extended abstract in English, body text sections, footnotes and references.

6.    Quantitative and qualitative studies should include Introduction, Methods, Findings, Discussion sections. If an original model is used, the Methods section should include the Sample / Study Group, Data Collection Tools and Process subdivisions.

7.    Tables, graphs and figures should be given with a number and a defining title to enable following the idea of the article.

8.    A title page including author information must be submitted together with the manuscript. The title page is to include fully descriptive title of the manuscript and affiliation, title, e-mail address, ORCID, postal address, phone number of the author(s) (see The Submission Checklist).

9. Tables, Graphics and Pictures

All tables, graphics and pictures should be numbered in the order of Arabic numerals and written in bold. Every table, graphic or picture should have a title. More informations about the tables, pictures or graphics should be given as footnote.

Examples: Tablo 1: Öğrencilerin Dil Kullanımı  / Resim 1: René Magritte İmgelerin Laneti

10. All words except publication languages (German, English and Turkish) should be written in italic font. 

Examples: 1968 führte Jacques Derrida den Begriff la différance in die Philosophie ein.

             Lexikalisch zentral sind die Wörter pelle, rughe, viso und luce.

11. Citations should be given in original form. Every citation shpuld have a reference information such as date, author and page numbers.

Citations shorter than 3 lines should be given as shown below:

Articles written in English or Turkish: “…”

Example: Lennard J. Davis writes “To understand the disabled body, one must return to the concept of the norm, the normal body” (Davis, 1995, p. 23).

Example: Akşit Göktürk ütopya adasını “örnek yasalarla kurulmuş mutlu bir toplum düzeni” olarak tanımlar (Göktürk, 2012, s. 60-61).

Articles written in German: ,,……“

Example: Die Szene eröffnet mit dem Ausspruch „Pietro Aretino war ein Spötter, / Und trotzdem hat ihn Tizian gemalt.“ (Wedekind, 2009, Band VII,1, S. 275).

Citations longer than 3 lines should be given as shown below:

Articles written in German:

Gegen Ende der Szene stürmt der Polizeipräsident die Bühne und versucht, das Publikum vor der Nacktheit zu schützen:

Besteht das Publikum da unten vielleicht aus Paradieskindern? Nein! Besteht das Publikum aus lauter Geistesgrößen? Nein! Der normale Staatsbürger kann nun einmal die Wahrheit nicht hören und die Nacktheit nicht sehen, ohne außer Rand und Band zu geraten, ohne gemeingefährlich zu werden. (Wedekind, 2009, Band VII,1, S. 281)

Articles written in English or Turkish:

Example: The Author Lennard J. Davis continues,

So much of writing about disability has focused on the disabled person as the object of study, just as the study of race has focused on the person of color. But as recent scholarship on race, which has turned its attention to whiteness, I would like to focus not so much on the construction of disability as on the construction of normalcy. I do this because the problem is not the person with disabilities; the problem is the way that normalcy is constructed to create the ‘problem’ of the disabled person. (Davis, 1995, pp. 23–24)

Batı’nın zamanı ideal tarihin inşasının kurucu öğesi olarak görmesi, Engelhardt’ı zamanın ve tarihin dışında bir şimdi yaratmaya sevk eder: 

Zira Engelharhdt’ın, komodin olarak kullandığı bir kütüğün üzerine yerleştirdiği ve bir anahtar vasıtasıyla düzenli bir şekilde kurduğu saati tek bir kum tanesi yüzünden geri kalmaktaydı, kum tanesi kendisine saatin içinde yay ile vızıldayan küçük bir dişli arasında rahat bir yer bulmuştu ve sert, öğütülmüş mercan iskeletinden meydana geldiği için Kabakon zamanının minimal ölçüde yavaşlamasında neden oluyordu (Kracht, 2012, s. 74)

12. The references part shuold be named as Literaturverzeichnis, References or Kaynakça.

13. Title of the abstracts should be Abstract for articles written in German or English and Öz for articles written in Turkish.

14. All shortened book names or names of special historical events should be remarked as footnote to provide information about the book’s original name.

Example: World War I > WWI

Verwirrung der Gefühle (Zweig, 1926) > VG

15. All emphasized words or phrases should be given as shown below:

Articles written in German:

Haushofer perspektiviert die Natura us einem ,femininien Stanpunktʽ. 

Articles written in English or Turkish:

As a matter of fact, this speaks about ‘hopelessness’ and ‘the way to uncertainty’.

Romandaki adada dış dünyada akıp giden zamanın aksine bir tür ‘zamansızlık’ hüküm sürer.

16. Names of books, films, journals, songs etc. Should be written in italic font.

17. Custom names or names of the fictional characters should not be written in bold or italic font.

18. Headlines and subheadlines are not necessary, however if they will be used, all of them should be numbered in the order of Arabic numerals and formatted as shown below: 



Erstes Kapitel 

2.1 Erstes Unterkapitel des ersten Kapitels

2.2 Zweites Unterkapitel des ersten Kapitels

3 Zweites Kapitel 

3.1  Erstes Unterkapitel des zweiten Kapitels

3.2  Zweites Unterkapitel des zweiten Kapitels

3.3  Drittes Unterkapitel des zweiten Kapitels

Drittes Kapitel 




19.    The liability of the manuscripts submitted to our journal for publication, belongs to the author(s).

20.    The author(s) can be asked to make some changes in their manuscripts due to peer reviews.

21.    The studies that were sent to the journal will not be returned whether they are published or not.

Last Update Time: 3/22/24, 1:54:12 PM