Research Article
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Year 2023, , 97 - 118, 31.07.2023



  • Diod. Sic. (=Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca historica) google scholar
  • Diodorus Siculus, Diodorus of Sicily in Twelve Volumes, with an English translation by C. H. Oldfather. Vols. 4-8. London: Harvard University Press, 1989. google scholar
  • Akbıyıkoğlu, K. (1997), “1995 Yılı Blaundos (Sülümenli) Kazısı”, Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri, VII, Ankara, 29-48. google scholar
  • Akyay-Meriçboyu, Y. (2005), “Kurşun Sırlı Keramiklerin Üretim Merkezleri”, TÜBA-AR, VIII, 99-126. google scholar
  • Atik, N., (1995), Die Keramik aus den Südthermen von Perge. Tübingen: Ernest Wasmuth. google scholar
  • Bouzek, J., & Jansova, L. (1974), “Megarian Bowls”, J. Bouzek (Ed.), Anatolian Collection of Charles University (Kyme I) (pp. 13-76). Praha: Universita Karlova. google scholar
  • Can, B. (2017), “Blaundos Antik Kenti”, R. M. Czichon, Ş. Söyler, B. Can, İ. Çavuş (Eds.), Yüzey Araştırmaları ve Kazılar Işığında Uşak (pp. 73-82). İstanbul: Zero Books. google scholar
  • Can, B., Söyler, Ş., & Keklik Dündar, G. (2020), “Blaundos Antik Kenti 2018 Yılı (İlk Sezon) Çalışmaları”, 41. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 1, Ankara, 393-409. google scholar
  • Courby, F. (1922), Les Vases Grecs a reliefs. Paris: E. De Boccard. google scholar
  • Duman, B. (2010), Laodikeia Hellenistik ve Erken Roma Dönemi Seramiği. (Unpublished PhD dissertation). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya. google scholar
  • Duman, B. (2014), “Lykos Laodikeia’sından Yerel Üretim Bir Grup Seramik: Lykos Skyphosları”, C. Şimşek (Ed.), 10. Yılında Laodikeia (2003-2013 Yılları) (pp. 159-172). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2001), “Blaundos”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 18(1), Ankara, 231-240. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2002), “Blaundos 2000”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 19(1), Ankara, 263-270. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2004), “Bericht Über die Arbeiten in Blaundos im Jahr 2002”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 21(1), Ankara, 79-86. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2006), Blaundos Berichte zur Erforschung einer Kleinstadt im lydisch-phrygischen Grenzgebiet. Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag. google scholar
  • Hochuli-Gysel, A. (1977), Kleinasiatische glasierte Reliefkeramik (50 v. Chr. bis 50 n. Chr.) und ihre oberitalischen nachahmungen, Bern: Verlag Stampfli & Cie AG. google scholar
  • Jones, F. F. (1950), “The Pottery”, H. Goldman (Ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (pp. 149-296). Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Kossatz, A. U. (1990), Funde aus Milet. Teil 1: Die megarischen Becher. Berlin: De Gruyter. google scholar
  • Kileci, Ş., & Can, B. (2020), “A New Honorific Inscription from Blaundos: Tiberius Claudius Lucius, the Priest of Dionysos Kathegemon”, Adalya, 23, 297-309. google scholar
  • Laumonier, A. (1977), Exploration Archeologique de Delos XXXI. La ceramique hellenistique a reliefs 1. ateliers ‘ioniens’. Paris: Diffusion De Boccard. google scholar
  • Ok, M. (2018), Tripolis Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Seramiği. (Unpublished PhD dissertation). Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Arkeoloji Enstitüsü, Denizli. google scholar
  • Oransay, A. (2001), “Antik Çağ’da Anadolu’da Kurşun Sırlı Seramikler”, I. Uluslararası Eskişehir Pişmiş Toprak Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (pp. 47-55). Eskişehir. google scholar
  • Öz, C. (2022), “Myra Tiyatrosu’nda Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Kalıp Yapımı Kabartmalı Kâseler”, Cedrus, X, 113-138. google scholar
  • Panarelli, P. (2016), “Il cosiddetto ‘Santuario delle Sorgenti’ (Ploutonion): le attivita di scavo 2008-2011”, F. D’Andria, M. P. Caggia & T. Ismaelli (Eds.), Hierapolis di Frigia VIII, 1. Le Attivita delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2007-2011 (pp. 293-320). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Polito, C. (2007), “Teatro (Regio VIII): campana di scavo 2003. Rapporto preliminare”, F. D’Andria & M. P. Caggia (Eds.), Hierapolis di Frigia I. Le Attivita delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2000-2003 (pp. 157-168). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Quien, M. L. (1740), Oriens Christianus, In Quatuar Patriarchatus Digetus; Quo Exhibentur Ecclesiae, Patriarchae, Caeterique Praesules Totius Orientis. Paris: Ex Typographia Regia. google scholar
  • Ramsay, W. M. (1897), The Cities and Bishoprics ofPhrygia. Oxford: Clarendon Press. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (1982), The Athenian Agora XXII. Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Mold Made Bowls. Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. & Oliver, Jr. A. (2003), The Hellenistic Pottery from Sardis: The Finds Through 1994. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Semeraro, G. (2003), “Hierapolis de Phrygie. Les ceramiques a reliefs hellenistiques et romaines”, C. Abadie-Reynal (Ed.), Les ceramiques en Anatolie aux epoques hellenistiques et romaines. Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 23-24 mai 1996 (pp. 83-89). Paris. google scholar
  • Semeraro, G. (2005), “Per un approccio contestuale alla lettura delle immagini: le ceramiche a rilievo di Hierapolis di Frigia”, Melanges de I’ecole française de Rome. Antiquite, 117(1), 83-98. google scholar
  • Semeraro, G. (2016), “Ricerche nel Santuario di Apollo (2007-2011)”, F. D’Andria, M. P. Caggia & T. Ismaelli (Eds.), Hierapolis di Frigia VIII, 1. Le Attivita delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2007-2011 (pp. 191-222). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Tekkök, B., Akyol, A. A., Kadıoğlu, Y. K. & Demirci, Ş. (2009), “The Importance of Archaeometric Analysis on Ceramics from Archaeological Excavations: The Example of Early Roman Glazed Ware from Tarsus and Troia (Ilion)”, SERES I, International Ceramic, Glass, Porcelain, Enamel, Glaze and Pigment Congress, 12-14 October 2009 (pp. 101-121), Eskişehir, Turkey. google scholar
  • Waage, F. O. (1948), “Hellenistic and Roman Tableware of North Syria”, F. O. Waage (Ed.), Antioch on the Orontes IV/1. Ceramic and Islamic Coins (pp. 1-60). Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Zahn, R. (1904), “Thongeschirr”, T. Wiegand & H. Schrader (Eds.), Priene. Ergebnisse der ausgrabungen und untersuchungen in den jahren 1895-1898. Berlin: Georg Reimer. google scholar

Preliminary Evaluations on a Group of Embossed Skyphoi Unearthed in Blaundos

Year 2023, , 97 - 118, 31.07.2023


This article covers the twenty-eight embossed skyphoi found between 2018 and 2020 during the excavations of the ancient city of Blaundos, located within the borders of Sülümenli Village of Ulubey District of Uşak Province. While the majority of the skyphoi were discovered on the western, southern, and northwestern slopes of the city, some of them were unearthed during the excavations carried out in the propylon and the main street. These skyphoi were evaluated in seven different groups: pinecone, imbricated leaf, long petal, floral, figured, embossed dot, and other pieces. The clay, slip, form, and decoration features of the skyphoi in Blaundos are similar to the Laodikeia and Tripolis samples from which the Lycos Skyphoi were produced. Therefore, the dating suggested for the skyphoi from Laodikeia and Tripolis, ranging from the second half of the 1st century BCE to the end of the 1st century CE, has also been proposed for the Blaundos skyphoi. The Lycos Skyphoi, which were produced as the contemporaries of Lead-Glazed Ceramics, and thought to have continued to be in use until the end of the 1st century CE, were not produced only for the local needs of the Lycos Valley settlements. The presence of skyphos of this type in Blaundos indicates that they were also exported to the neighboring cities. The limited number of finds of Lycos Skyphoi in Anatolia must be related to the preference for Lead-Glazed Ceramics, which were more popular in the period they were produced.


  • Diod. Sic. (=Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca historica) google scholar
  • Diodorus Siculus, Diodorus of Sicily in Twelve Volumes, with an English translation by C. H. Oldfather. Vols. 4-8. London: Harvard University Press, 1989. google scholar
  • Akbıyıkoğlu, K. (1997), “1995 Yılı Blaundos (Sülümenli) Kazısı”, Müze Kurtarma Kazıları Semineri, VII, Ankara, 29-48. google scholar
  • Akyay-Meriçboyu, Y. (2005), “Kurşun Sırlı Keramiklerin Üretim Merkezleri”, TÜBA-AR, VIII, 99-126. google scholar
  • Atik, N., (1995), Die Keramik aus den Südthermen von Perge. Tübingen: Ernest Wasmuth. google scholar
  • Bouzek, J., & Jansova, L. (1974), “Megarian Bowls”, J. Bouzek (Ed.), Anatolian Collection of Charles University (Kyme I) (pp. 13-76). Praha: Universita Karlova. google scholar
  • Can, B. (2017), “Blaundos Antik Kenti”, R. M. Czichon, Ş. Söyler, B. Can, İ. Çavuş (Eds.), Yüzey Araştırmaları ve Kazılar Işığında Uşak (pp. 73-82). İstanbul: Zero Books. google scholar
  • Can, B., Söyler, Ş., & Keklik Dündar, G. (2020), “Blaundos Antik Kenti 2018 Yılı (İlk Sezon) Çalışmaları”, 41. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 1, Ankara, 393-409. google scholar
  • Courby, F. (1922), Les Vases Grecs a reliefs. Paris: E. De Boccard. google scholar
  • Duman, B. (2010), Laodikeia Hellenistik ve Erken Roma Dönemi Seramiği. (Unpublished PhD dissertation). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya. google scholar
  • Duman, B. (2014), “Lykos Laodikeia’sından Yerel Üretim Bir Grup Seramik: Lykos Skyphosları”, C. Şimşek (Ed.), 10. Yılında Laodikeia (2003-2013 Yılları) (pp. 159-172). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2001), “Blaundos”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 18(1), Ankara, 231-240. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2002), “Blaundos 2000”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 19(1), Ankara, 263-270. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2004), “Bericht Über die Arbeiten in Blaundos im Jahr 2002”, Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 21(1), Ankara, 79-86. google scholar
  • Filges, A. (2006), Blaundos Berichte zur Erforschung einer Kleinstadt im lydisch-phrygischen Grenzgebiet. Tübingen: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag. google scholar
  • Hochuli-Gysel, A. (1977), Kleinasiatische glasierte Reliefkeramik (50 v. Chr. bis 50 n. Chr.) und ihre oberitalischen nachahmungen, Bern: Verlag Stampfli & Cie AG. google scholar
  • Jones, F. F. (1950), “The Pottery”, H. Goldman (Ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods (pp. 149-296). Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Kossatz, A. U. (1990), Funde aus Milet. Teil 1: Die megarischen Becher. Berlin: De Gruyter. google scholar
  • Kileci, Ş., & Can, B. (2020), “A New Honorific Inscription from Blaundos: Tiberius Claudius Lucius, the Priest of Dionysos Kathegemon”, Adalya, 23, 297-309. google scholar
  • Laumonier, A. (1977), Exploration Archeologique de Delos XXXI. La ceramique hellenistique a reliefs 1. ateliers ‘ioniens’. Paris: Diffusion De Boccard. google scholar
  • Ok, M. (2018), Tripolis Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Seramiği. (Unpublished PhD dissertation). Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Arkeoloji Enstitüsü, Denizli. google scholar
  • Oransay, A. (2001), “Antik Çağ’da Anadolu’da Kurşun Sırlı Seramikler”, I. Uluslararası Eskişehir Pişmiş Toprak Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (pp. 47-55). Eskişehir. google scholar
  • Öz, C. (2022), “Myra Tiyatrosu’nda Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Kalıp Yapımı Kabartmalı Kâseler”, Cedrus, X, 113-138. google scholar
  • Panarelli, P. (2016), “Il cosiddetto ‘Santuario delle Sorgenti’ (Ploutonion): le attivita di scavo 2008-2011”, F. D’Andria, M. P. Caggia & T. Ismaelli (Eds.), Hierapolis di Frigia VIII, 1. Le Attivita delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2007-2011 (pp. 293-320). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Polito, C. (2007), “Teatro (Regio VIII): campana di scavo 2003. Rapporto preliminare”, F. D’Andria & M. P. Caggia (Eds.), Hierapolis di Frigia I. Le Attivita delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2000-2003 (pp. 157-168). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Quien, M. L. (1740), Oriens Christianus, In Quatuar Patriarchatus Digetus; Quo Exhibentur Ecclesiae, Patriarchae, Caeterique Praesules Totius Orientis. Paris: Ex Typographia Regia. google scholar
  • Ramsay, W. M. (1897), The Cities and Bishoprics ofPhrygia. Oxford: Clarendon Press. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. (1982), The Athenian Agora XXII. Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Mold Made Bowls. Princeton: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Rotroff, S. I. & Oliver, Jr. A. (2003), The Hellenistic Pottery from Sardis: The Finds Through 1994. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Semeraro, G. (2003), “Hierapolis de Phrygie. Les ceramiques a reliefs hellenistiques et romaines”, C. Abadie-Reynal (Ed.), Les ceramiques en Anatolie aux epoques hellenistiques et romaines. Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 23-24 mai 1996 (pp. 83-89). Paris. google scholar
  • Semeraro, G. (2005), “Per un approccio contestuale alla lettura delle immagini: le ceramiche a rilievo di Hierapolis di Frigia”, Melanges de I’ecole française de Rome. Antiquite, 117(1), 83-98. google scholar
  • Semeraro, G. (2016), “Ricerche nel Santuario di Apollo (2007-2011)”, F. D’Andria, M. P. Caggia & T. Ismaelli (Eds.), Hierapolis di Frigia VIII, 1. Le Attivita delle campagne di scavo e restauro 2007-2011 (pp. 191-222). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları. google scholar
  • Tekkök, B., Akyol, A. A., Kadıoğlu, Y. K. & Demirci, Ş. (2009), “The Importance of Archaeometric Analysis on Ceramics from Archaeological Excavations: The Example of Early Roman Glazed Ware from Tarsus and Troia (Ilion)”, SERES I, International Ceramic, Glass, Porcelain, Enamel, Glaze and Pigment Congress, 12-14 October 2009 (pp. 101-121), Eskişehir, Turkey. google scholar
  • Waage, F. O. (1948), “Hellenistic and Roman Tableware of North Syria”, F. O. Waage (Ed.), Antioch on the Orontes IV/1. Ceramic and Islamic Coins (pp. 1-60). Princeton: Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Zahn, R. (1904), “Thongeschirr”, T. Wiegand & H. Schrader (Eds.), Priene. Ergebnisse der ausgrabungen und untersuchungen in den jahren 1895-1898. Berlin: Georg Reimer. google scholar
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Cüneyt Öz 0000-0003-4229-1398

Publication Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Öz, C. (2023). Preliminary Evaluations on a Group of Embossed Skyphoi Unearthed in Blaundos. Anatolian Research(28), 97-118.