Research Article
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Year 2023, , 119 - 142, 31.07.2023



  • Ammianus Marcellinus. History (vol I). Rolfe, J.C., trans., London, 1939. google scholar
  • Lucius Cassius Dio. Historia Romana (Roman history), Cary, E., trans., the Loeb Classical Library, 1968. google scholar
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  • Coşkun, A. (2017b). Zerzevan castle in the light of recent archeological research. Anadolu (Anatolia), 43, 91-110. google scholar
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  • Coşkun, A., & Oğuz Kırca, E.D. (2022). Beyond the Roman east: an archaeological evaluation of the Mithraeum based on its architectural authenticity at castrum Zerzevan (Diyarbakır, Turkey). Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 9 (2), 94-105. google scholar
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  • Dillemann, L. (1962). Haute Mesopotamie orientale et pays adjacents: contribution a la geographie historique de la region, du Ve s. avant l’ere chretienneau Vle s. de cette ere. Paris. google scholar
  • Dursun, F., & Coşkun, A. (2020). A preliminary study on material properties of the Zerzevan castle, Turkey. Materials Science and Engineering, 949, 1-8. google scholar
  • Eliade, M. (2003). Dinsel inançlar ve düşünceler tarihi, çev. A. Berktay. Kabalcı Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Erdoğan, N. (2014). Anastasiopolis- Dara Antik Kenti. Mardin. google scholar
  • Eyice, S. (1993). P.Guillaume de Jerphanion ve Ankara kalesi. Ankara Dergisi, 2 (5), 9-31. Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi. google scholar
  • Fıratlı, N. (1955). A short guide to the Byzantine works of art. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Foss, C. (1977). Late antique and byzantine Ankara. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 31: 27-87. google scholar
  • Foss, C., Winfield, D. (1986). Byzantine fortifications: an introduction. University of South Africa. google scholar
  • Gabriel, A. (1940). Voyages archeologiques dans la Turquie orientale. Paris. google scholar Gechter, M. (2007). Der Römische militarplatz Neuss (Novaesium). In G. Uelsberg (Ed.), Krieg und frieden-Kelten, Römer und Germanen (pp. 207-213). Begleitbuch Zur Gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Rheinischen Landesmuseum. google scholar
  • Goldsworthy, A. (2013). Armia Rzymska na wojnie 100p.n.e. - 200 n.e. Oswiçcim. google scholar
  • Görkay, K. (2011). Roman city walls (3rd century city walls), Roman Ancyra. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Görkay, K. (2017). Zeugma lejyon yerleşkesi: yeni araştırmalar, sonuçlar ve ön değerlendirmeler. Anadolu (Anatolia), 43, 147-179. google scholar
  • Guyer, H.S. (1968). Reise durch Mesopotamien. Zürich. google scholar
  • Guyer, S. (1939). Eski Hisar, ein römisches lagerkastell im gebiet von Edessa. In Melanges syriens offerts a monsieur Rene Dussaudpar ses amis et ses eleves (pp. 183-190). Paris. google scholar
  • Hartmann, M., Drahor, M.G., Speidel, M.A., & Çiğdem, S. (2006). New research at the Roman legionary camp at Satala, northeast Anatolia; geophysical and archaeological survey. AST, 21, 197-204. google scholar
  • Henderson, B. 1903. Controversies in Armenian topography I: the site of Tigranocerta. The Journal of Philology, 28, 99-121. google scholar
  • İdil, V. (1997). Ankara: the ancient sites and museums. Ankara. google scholar
  • Jones, R. (2017). Roman frontier studies 2009. In N. Hodgson, J.P. Bidwell, & J. Schachtman (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXI international congress of Roman frontier studies (limes congress) held at Newcastle upon Tyne, August 2009 (pp. 521-531). Archaeopress Publishing. google scholar
  • Joubin, A. (1898). Musee imperial Ottoman. bronzes et bijoux. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Kadıoğlu, M., & Görkay, K. (2011). Roma döneminde Ankyra. In Y. Kurt (Ed.), Tarihte Ankara uluslararası sempozyumu bildirileri (pp. 531-541). Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi. google scholar
  • Kaya, M.A. (2005). Roma lejyonerleri ve Anadolu. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24 (37), 87-98. google scholar
  • Kızıl, H. (2013). Zurvanizm’in kuruluşu ve Sasaniler dönemindeki etkileri. EKEV Akademi Dergi, 56, 295310. google scholar
  • Kretzschmer, F. (2010). Resimlerle antik Roma’da mimarlik ve mühendislik, çev. İlkgelen, Z.Z. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Kütük, A. (2014). İmparator I. Justinianos’un ilk yıllarında Bizans imparatorluğunun Mezopotamya sınırı (527-532). Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 18, 141-164. google scholar
  • Lander, J. (1984). Roman stone fortifications: variation and change from the first century a.d. to the fourth. Bar International Series. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, Ch.S. (1998). Survey work at Satala, a Roman legionary fortress in north-east Turkey. In R. Matthews (Ed.), Ancient Anatolia. fifty years’ work by the British institute of archaeology at Ankara (pp. 273-284). London. google scholar
  • Löhberg, B. (2006). Das itinerarium provinciarum Antonini Augusti. Frank & Timme. google scholar
  • Marciak, M. (2014). The cultural landscape of Sophene from hellenistic to early Byzantine times. Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, 17, 13-56. google scholar
  • Marcu, F. (2009). The internal planning of Roman forts of Dacia. Mega Publishing House. google scholar
  • Mitford, T.B. (1977). The Euphrates frontier in Cappadocia. Studien zu den 129 militargrenzen Roms II, 38 (501-511). Köln. google scholar
  • Mitford, T.B. (1998). The roman frontier on the upper Euphrates. In R. Matthews (Ed.), Ancient Anatolia: fifty years’ work by the British institute at Ankara (pp. 255-272). London. google scholar
  • Niebuhr, C. (1780). Voyage en Arabie & en d’autres pays circonvoisins. Amsterdam. google scholar
  • Parker, S.T. (2000). Roman legionary fortresses in the east. In R.J. Brewer (Ed.), Roman fortresses and their legions. papers in honour of G.C. Boon (pp. 121-138). Society of Antiquaries of London/National Museums & Galleries of Wales. google scholar
  • Pitarakis, B. (2015). Hayat kısa, sanat uzun- Bizans ’ta şifa sanatı/ life is short, art long - the art of healing in Byzantium. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Pleket, H. W., & Stroud, R.S. (1977). Samachi (kale’i Zerzevan; 45 km s. of Amida). inscription on a bronze bucket, 6th cent. A.D. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, 27. google scholar
  • Preusser, C. (1911). Nordmesopotamische baudenkmaler altchristlicher und islamischer zeit. Leipzig. google scholar
  • Ritter, C. (1844). Die erdkunde von Asien 7-2. Berlin. google scholar
  • Sachau, E. (1883). Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien. Leipzig. google scholar
  • Serin, U. (2011). Late antique and Byzantine Ankara: topography and architecture. In Marmoribus vestita. miscellanea in onore di Federico Guidobaldi (pp. 1257-1280). Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. google scholar
  • Schneider, A.W. (1943). Die Römische und Byzantinische denkmaler von İznik-Nicaea. Istanbuler Forschungen, 16. Berlin. google scholar
  • Shirley, E.A.M. (1996). The building of the legionary fortress at Inchtuthil. Britannia, 27, 111-128. google scholar
  • Taylor, J.G. (1868). Journal of a tour in Armenia, Kurdistan and upper Mesopotamia. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 38, 281-361. google scholar
  • Tosun, M., & Yalvaç, K. (1975). Sumer, Babil, Assur kanunları ve Ammi-Şaduqa fermanı. Türk Tarih Kurumu. google scholar
  • Uzunoğlu, H. (2012). Anadolu’da Roma lejyonları. In N.E. Akyürek Şahin, B. Takmer, & F. Onur (Eds.), Eskiçağ yazıları 2 (pp. 93-128). Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Wagner, J. (1977). Legio IIII Scythica in Zeugma am Euphrat. Limes, 10, 517-539. Köln. google scholar
  • Wagner, J. (1983). Provincia Osrhoene. In S. Mitchell (Ed.), Armies and frontiers in roman and byzantine Anatolia (proceedings of a colloquium held at university college) (pp. 103-129). Swansea, April 1981. Oxford, BAR International Series. google scholar
  • Wilkinson, T.J. (2003). Archaeological landscapes of the near east. The University of Arizona Press. google scholar
  • Wycherley, R.E. (2011). Antik çağda kentler nasıl kuruldu? Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. google scholar

An Evaluation of the Original Identity Problem and Structural Design of Zerzevan Castle

Year 2023, , 119 - 142, 31.07.2023


This study deals with the mature period of a Roman hilltop fortress (3rd-6th centuries AD) established at Zerzevan which is part of Upper Mesopotamia, now lying in Diyarbakır Province, Southeast Turkey. The site of Zerzevan was constructed according to predetermined rules and principles, with certain standards. It is possible that the Roman army, which specialized in organizing its frontiers with robust fortifications, hosted legionaries from different regions here. The main method of research is based on a combination of field evidence and textual data, giving priority to preliminary results of the excavations carried out on the site since 2014. Theories about the characterization of the site corresponding to the typical requirements of a border garrison approach the idea of an Auxilia/ Tactical Fortress, usually built by the legionaries (instead of an above-standard size Castrum Romanum) which could have been customized according to various factors arising from the geo-political conditions of the region. In this context, it must have been built as a local line of defense utilized in the outer boundaries of the Roman Empire, to meet the minimum requirements of a standard size base and/or outpost. The integrity of the site supports the hypothesis that it could have been ranked as a secondary order castrum in the operational chain of command and order of the Roman army.


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  • Lucius Cassius Dio. Historia Romana (Roman history), Cary, E., trans., the Loeb Classical Library, 1968. google scholar
  • Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. De architectura (mimarlık üzerine on kitap). Şevki Vanlı Mimarlık Vakfı, Güven, S., trans., Şevki Vanlı Mimarlık Vakfı, 1990; the ten books on architecture (1-10). Morgan M.H., trans., Dover Publications, 1960. google scholar
  • Polybius. Histories. Shuckburgh, E.S., trans., Macmillan. 1889, reprint Bloomington, 1962. google scholar
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  • Bletry, S. (2020). The fortifications of Zenobia reinterpreted. In E.E.Intagliata, S.J.Barker, & C. Courault (Eds.), City walls in late antiquity (pp. 137-147). Oxbow Books. google scholar
  • Buckingham, J.S. (1827). Travels in Mesopotamia (including a journey from Aleppo to Bagdad by the route of Beer, Orfah, Diarbekr, Mardin, & Mousul; with research on the ruins of Niniveh, Babylon, and other ancient cities) (vol.1). Henry Colburn. google scholar
  • Campbell, J.B. (1999). Legio. DNP, 7, 7-22. google scholar
  • Campbell, D.B. (2006). Roman legionary fortresses 27BC-AD 378. Osprey Publishing. google scholar
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  • Comfort, A., & Marciak, M. (2018). How did the Persian king of kings get his wine? the upper Tigris in antiquity (c.7000 bce to 636 ce). Archaeopress. google scholar
  • Coşkun, A. (2016). Zerzevan kalesi 2014 yılı kazı çalışmaları: ilk sezon. KST, 37 (1), 101-128. google scholar
  • Coşkun, A. (2017a). 2015 yılı Zerzevan kalesi kazı çalışmaları (2. sezon). KST 38 (1), 125-150. google scholar
  • Coşkun, A. (2017b). Zerzevan castle in the light of recent archeological research. Anadolu (Anatolia), 43, 91-110. google scholar
  • Coşkun, A. (2019). Zerzevan kalesi-Roma’nın sınır garnizonu / Zerzevan castle - Roman border garrison. Diyarbakır Valiliği. google scholar
  • Coşkun, A., & Oğuz Kırca, E.D. (2022). Beyond the Roman east: an archaeological evaluation of the Mithraeum based on its architectural authenticity at castrum Zerzevan (Diyarbakır, Turkey). Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 9 (2), 94-105. google scholar
  • Deichmann, F.W., & Peschlow, U. (1977). Zwei spatantike Ruinenstatten in nordmesopotamien. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
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  • Erdoğan, N. (2014). Anastasiopolis- Dara Antik Kenti. Mardin. google scholar
  • Eyice, S. (1993). P.Guillaume de Jerphanion ve Ankara kalesi. Ankara Dergisi, 2 (5), 9-31. Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi. google scholar
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  • Gabriel, A. (1940). Voyages archeologiques dans la Turquie orientale. Paris. google scholar Gechter, M. (2007). Der Römische militarplatz Neuss (Novaesium). In G. Uelsberg (Ed.), Krieg und frieden-Kelten, Römer und Germanen (pp. 207-213). Begleitbuch Zur Gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Rheinischen Landesmuseum. google scholar
  • Goldsworthy, A. (2013). Armia Rzymska na wojnie 100p.n.e. - 200 n.e. Oswiçcim. google scholar
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  • Görkay, K. (2017). Zeugma lejyon yerleşkesi: yeni araştırmalar, sonuçlar ve ön değerlendirmeler. Anadolu (Anatolia), 43, 147-179. google scholar
  • Guyer, H.S. (1968). Reise durch Mesopotamien. Zürich. google scholar
  • Guyer, S. (1939). Eski Hisar, ein römisches lagerkastell im gebiet von Edessa. In Melanges syriens offerts a monsieur Rene Dussaudpar ses amis et ses eleves (pp. 183-190). Paris. google scholar
  • Hartmann, M., Drahor, M.G., Speidel, M.A., & Çiğdem, S. (2006). New research at the Roman legionary camp at Satala, northeast Anatolia; geophysical and archaeological survey. AST, 21, 197-204. google scholar
  • Henderson, B. 1903. Controversies in Armenian topography I: the site of Tigranocerta. The Journal of Philology, 28, 99-121. google scholar
  • İdil, V. (1997). Ankara: the ancient sites and museums. Ankara. google scholar
  • Jones, R. (2017). Roman frontier studies 2009. In N. Hodgson, J.P. Bidwell, & J. Schachtman (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXI international congress of Roman frontier studies (limes congress) held at Newcastle upon Tyne, August 2009 (pp. 521-531). Archaeopress Publishing. google scholar
  • Joubin, A. (1898). Musee imperial Ottoman. bronzes et bijoux. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Kadıoğlu, M., & Görkay, K. (2011). Roma döneminde Ankyra. In Y. Kurt (Ed.), Tarihte Ankara uluslararası sempozyumu bildirileri (pp. 531-541). Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi. google scholar
  • Kaya, M.A. (2005). Roma lejyonerleri ve Anadolu. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24 (37), 87-98. google scholar
  • Kızıl, H. (2013). Zurvanizm’in kuruluşu ve Sasaniler dönemindeki etkileri. EKEV Akademi Dergi, 56, 295310. google scholar
  • Kretzschmer, F. (2010). Resimlerle antik Roma’da mimarlik ve mühendislik, çev. İlkgelen, Z.Z. Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Kütük, A. (2014). İmparator I. Justinianos’un ilk yıllarında Bizans imparatorluğunun Mezopotamya sınırı (527-532). Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 18, 141-164. google scholar
  • Lander, J. (1984). Roman stone fortifications: variation and change from the first century a.d. to the fourth. Bar International Series. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, Ch.S. (1998). Survey work at Satala, a Roman legionary fortress in north-east Turkey. In R. Matthews (Ed.), Ancient Anatolia. fifty years’ work by the British institute of archaeology at Ankara (pp. 273-284). London. google scholar
  • Löhberg, B. (2006). Das itinerarium provinciarum Antonini Augusti. Frank & Timme. google scholar
  • Marciak, M. (2014). The cultural landscape of Sophene from hellenistic to early Byzantine times. Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, 17, 13-56. google scholar
  • Marcu, F. (2009). The internal planning of Roman forts of Dacia. Mega Publishing House. google scholar
  • Mitford, T.B. (1977). The Euphrates frontier in Cappadocia. Studien zu den 129 militargrenzen Roms II, 38 (501-511). Köln. google scholar
  • Mitford, T.B. (1998). The roman frontier on the upper Euphrates. In R. Matthews (Ed.), Ancient Anatolia: fifty years’ work by the British institute at Ankara (pp. 255-272). London. google scholar
  • Niebuhr, C. (1780). Voyage en Arabie & en d’autres pays circonvoisins. Amsterdam. google scholar
  • Parker, S.T. (2000). Roman legionary fortresses in the east. In R.J. Brewer (Ed.), Roman fortresses and their legions. papers in honour of G.C. Boon (pp. 121-138). Society of Antiquaries of London/National Museums & Galleries of Wales. google scholar
  • Pitarakis, B. (2015). Hayat kısa, sanat uzun- Bizans ’ta şifa sanatı/ life is short, art long - the art of healing in Byzantium. İstanbul. google scholar
  • Pleket, H. W., & Stroud, R.S. (1977). Samachi (kale’i Zerzevan; 45 km s. of Amida). inscription on a bronze bucket, 6th cent. A.D. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, 27. google scholar
  • Preusser, C. (1911). Nordmesopotamische baudenkmaler altchristlicher und islamischer zeit. Leipzig. google scholar
  • Ritter, C. (1844). Die erdkunde von Asien 7-2. Berlin. google scholar
  • Sachau, E. (1883). Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien. Leipzig. google scholar
  • Serin, U. (2011). Late antique and Byzantine Ankara: topography and architecture. In Marmoribus vestita. miscellanea in onore di Federico Guidobaldi (pp. 1257-1280). Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. google scholar
  • Schneider, A.W. (1943). Die Römische und Byzantinische denkmaler von İznik-Nicaea. Istanbuler Forschungen, 16. Berlin. google scholar
  • Shirley, E.A.M. (1996). The building of the legionary fortress at Inchtuthil. Britannia, 27, 111-128. google scholar
  • Taylor, J.G. (1868). Journal of a tour in Armenia, Kurdistan and upper Mesopotamia. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 38, 281-361. google scholar
  • Tosun, M., & Yalvaç, K. (1975). Sumer, Babil, Assur kanunları ve Ammi-Şaduqa fermanı. Türk Tarih Kurumu. google scholar
  • Uzunoğlu, H. (2012). Anadolu’da Roma lejyonları. In N.E. Akyürek Şahin, B. Takmer, & F. Onur (Eds.), Eskiçağ yazıları 2 (pp. 93-128). Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Wagner, J. (1977). Legio IIII Scythica in Zeugma am Euphrat. Limes, 10, 517-539. Köln. google scholar
  • Wagner, J. (1983). Provincia Osrhoene. In S. Mitchell (Ed.), Armies and frontiers in roman and byzantine Anatolia (proceedings of a colloquium held at university college) (pp. 103-129). Swansea, April 1981. Oxford, BAR International Series. google scholar
  • Wilkinson, T.J. (2003). Archaeological landscapes of the near east. The University of Arizona Press. google scholar
  • Wycherley, R.E. (2011). Antik çağda kentler nasıl kuruldu? Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Aytaç Coşkun 0000-0002-2392-7218

E.deniz Oğuz Kırca 0000-0003-0202-5327

Publication Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Coşkun, A., & Oğuz Kırca, E. (2023). An Evaluation of the Original Identity Problem and Structural Design of Zerzevan Castle. Anatolian Research(28), 119-142.