Research Article
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Formation in the Highlands of Eastern Turkey: An Overview From the Bronze to Iron Ages

Year 2023, , 85 - 96, 31.07.2023


Archaeological data from the highlands of Eastern Turkey unfortunately does not provide tangible evidence for the transformation of the earliest village communities into the institutional societies of the Urartian State period. The first cities, advanced agricultural activities, mass production and developed commercial activities, however, started to appear after the establishment of the Urartian State, as a result of central authority and institutionalization. There is a sharp difference between the pre-Urartian and Urartian State periods, which makes it difficult to understand the stages of the state transformation process. This article discusses political and social changes and stages of state formation through the archaeological data, chronologically. The emergence of the first elites in the Eastern Anatolian plateaus goes back to the Middle Bronze Age with the appearance of the kurgan burials, which is mostly observed in Northeastern Anatolia. After a while, another organizational process started in the Van Lake Basin during the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age, which is characterized by the construction of fortresses and cemeteries including bronze and iron weapons. This means the state formation in the region and the establishment of the Urartian State rises from the organizational process of the semi-nomadic tribes dealing with animal husbandry during the Early Iron Age, rather than farmer societies engaged in agriculture. In other words, the state formation in the Eastern Anatolian highlands did not develop from the agricultural model of “village, city and state”. Rather, it is observed in the form of “village, state and city”


I would like to thank to Paul Zimansky for English editing and criticizing the paper.


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Year 2023, , 85 - 96, 31.07.2023



  • Bahşeliyev, V. (1997). Nahçıvan Arkeolojisi, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Baştürk, M. B. (2015). Considerations on the Belief Systems on the Early Iron Age Peoples in Lake Van Basin, International Symposium on East Anatolia-South Caucasus Cultures, vol. 2, Cambridge: 2-11. google scholar
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  • Çilingiroğlu, A. (1991a). The Early Iron Age Dilkaya, in Çilingiroğlu A., French, D. (eds), Anatolian Iron Ages 2. The Proceedings of the Second Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Van, Ankara: 29-38. google scholar
  • Çilingiroğlu, A. (1991b). Van-Dilkaya Höyüğü Kazıları Kapanış, XIV. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-I, Ankara: 469-489. google scholar
  • Çilingiroğlu, A. (1994). Urartu Tarihi, Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları, İzmir. google scholar
  • Erdem, A. Ü. (2011). Doğu Anadolu’nun Demir Çağ Aşiretleri, Tüba-ar 14: 59-68. google scholar
  • Erdem, A. Ü. (2018). A Consideration of Status and Wealth in the Lake Van Basin According to the Early Iron Age Burials, TÜBAAR (Special Issue): 29-36. google scholar
  • Frangipane, M. (2007). Different Types of Egalitarian Societies and the Development of Inequality in Early Mesopotamia, World Archaeology 39/2: 151-176. google scholar
  • Grayson, A. K. (2002a). Assyrian Rulers of the Third and Second Millennia BC (To 1115 BC), The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods Vol. 1, Toronto-Buffalo-London. google scholar
  • Grayson, A. K. (2002b). Assyrian Rulers of the First Millennium BC (1114-859 BC), The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods Vol. 2, Toronto-Buffalo-London. google scholar
  • Helwing, B. (2016). Networks of Craft Production and Material Distribution in the Late Chalcolithic. Metallurgical Evidence from Iran and the Southern Caucasus, in Rova, E., Tonussi, M. (eds), At the Northern Frontier of Near Eastern Archaeology, Brepols. google scholar
  • Işıklı, M. (2011). Doğu Anadolu Erken Transkafkasya Kültürü. Çok Bileşenli Gelişkin Bir Kültürün Analizi, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Işıklı, M. (2015). Geç Prehistorik Çağda Doğu Anadolu Yaylasında Ölüm: Kura-Aras Kültürü Ölü Gömme Uygulamaları Üzerine Gözlemler, İstanbul: 257-275. google scholar
  • Konyar, E. (2022). Urartu: Aşiretten Devlete, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Köroğlu, K. (2000). Çıldır Kurganları, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi 96: 2-11. google scholar
  • Köroğlu, K. (2003). The Transition from Bronze Age to Iron Age in Eastern Anatolia, in Fischer, E., Genz, H., Jean, E. and Köroğlu, K. (eds), Identifying Changes: The Transition from Bronze to Iron Ages in Anatolia and its Neighbouring Regions, İstanbul: 231-244. google scholar
  • Köroğlu, K. and Konyar, E. (2005). Van Havzası’nda Erken Demir Çağ Problemi, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi 119: 25-38. google scholar
  • Köroğlu, K. (2021). Urartu’da Kentleşme: Doğuda Devletin Değişim Çabası, Aktüel Arkeoloji 78: 68-81. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (2017). Fortified Kura-Arax Settlements in North-Western Iran, in Avetisyan, P. S., Grekyan Y. H. (eds), Bridging Times and Space. Papers in Ancient Near Eastern, Mediterranean and Armenian Studies. Honouring Gregory E. Areshian on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Oxford: 253-261. google scholar
  • Kushnareva. Kh. (1997). The Southern Caucasus in Prehistory: Stages of Cultural and Socioeconomic Development from the Eight to the Second Millennium B.C., Philadelphia. google scholar
  • Kuvanç, R., Ayaz, G., Işık, K., Erdoğan, S., and Genç, B. (2016). A New Iron Age Chamber Tomb Near Çatak, South of Lake Van, ANES 53: 149-194. google scholar
  • Özfırat, A. (2001). Doğu Anadolu Yayla Kültürleri, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Özfırat, A. (2003). Doğu Anadolu Yüksek Yaylası’ndan M.Ö. 2. Binyıl Kurganları, Belleten LXXIII/268: 343-356. google scholar
  • Özfırat, A. (2009). Bozkurt Kurgan Mezarlığı Kazıları, Belleten LXVI/246: 635-644. google scholar
  • Özfırat, A. (2014a). Ağrı Dağı ve Van Gölü Havzası Yüzey Araştırması (Muş, Bitlis, Van, Ağrı, Iğdır İlleri ve İlçeleri), in Özfırat, A., Coşkun, N. (eds), Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeoloji Bölümü Kazı ve Araştırmaları, Antakya: 17-43. google scholar
  • Özfırat, A. (2014b). Bozkurt Kurgan Nekropolü Kazısı, in Özfırat, A., Coşkun, N. (eds), Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeoloji Bölümü Kazı ve Araştırmaları, Antakya: 45-70. google scholar
  • Özfırat, A. (2014c). Bozkurt Kurgan Mezarlığı Kazısı (2007-2013), Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 36/2, Ankara: 209-226. google scholar
  • Palumbi, G. (2016). The Early Bronze Age of the Southern Caucasus, Oxford Handbooks Online: 1-44. google scholar
  • Puturidze, M. (2003). Social and Economic Shifts in the South Caucasian Middle Bronze Age, in Smith, A., Rubinson, K. (eds), Archaeology in the Borderlands. Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond, California: 111-127. google scholar
  • Rubinson, K. S. (2003). Silver Vessels and Cylinder Sealings: Precious Reflections of Economic Exchange in the Early Second Millennium BC”, Archaeology in the Borderlands. Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond, California: 128-143. google scholar
  • Sagona, A. and Sagona, C. (2000). Excavations at Sos Höyük, 1998-2000: Fifth Preliminary Report”, Ancient Near Eastern Studies 37: 56-127. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2006). Urartu Tarihi ve Kültürü, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Sevin, V. (2004a). Doğu Anadolu Orta ve Son Tunç Çağı, Arkeoatlas 3: 104-129. google scholar
  • Sevin, V. (2004b). Son Tunç/Erken Demir Çağ Van Bölgesi Kronolojisi: Kökeni Aranan Bir Devlet-Urartu, Belleten LXVIII-252: 355-400. google scholar
  • Sevin, V. and Kavaklı, E. (1996a). Van/Karagündüz Erken Demir Çağı Nekropolü”, Belleten LX-227, Ankara: 1-20. google scholar
  • Sevin, V. and Kavaklı, E. (1996b). Bir Erken Demir Çağ Nekropolü Van/ Karagündüz, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Sevin, V., Özfırat, A. and Kavaklı, E. (2000). Van-Karagündüz Höyüğü Kazıları (1997 Yılı Çalışmaları), Belleten 63: 847-867. google scholar
  • Zimansky, P. (1985). Ecology and Empire: The Structure of the Urartian State, Chicago. google scholar
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Aylin Ü. Erdem 0000-0002-5584-9357

Publication Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Erdem, A. Ü. (2023). Formation in the Highlands of Eastern Turkey: An Overview From the Bronze to Iron Ages. Anatolian Research(28), 85-96.