Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 57 - 95, 29.12.2017


Dünyanın en kuzeyinde bulunan Arktika bölgesi, çoğunluğu buzlarla kaplı büyük bir alana sahiptir. Ancak, son yıllarda iklim değişimi yoluyla etkileri daha fazla hissedilen küresel ısınma yüzünden, bölgeye olan ilgi artmaktadır. Bu ilginin başında da, Arktika’nın büyük miktarda sahip olduğu düşünülen petrol, doğalgaz gibi hidrokarbon kaynakları gelmektedir. Ayrıca, Arktika Okyanusu’nun, küresel ısınma sebebiyle gelecek on yıllarda tamamen buzlardan arınacağına ilişkin tahminler, bölgedeki Kuzeybatı Geçidi ve Kuzey Denizi Rotası’nın, uluslararası ticaretteki geleneksel suyollarına alternatif olabilecekleri beklentisini yaratmıştır. Bu bağlamda, başta Arktika devletleri olmak üzere, dünyanın enerji ve ticaret devi ülkeleri, Arktika ile yakından ilgilenmektedir. Bir Arktika devleti olarak Rusya, geçmişten gelen tecrübesiyle bölgede süregelen jeopolitik mücadelelerin çok önemli bir unsurudur. Hâlihazırda, Arktika’daki en geniş kıyılara sahip devlet olan Rusya’nın, Arktika bölgesinin enerji kaynakları bakımından çok zengin olduğu düşünülmektedir. İşte bu makalede, Rusya’nın Arktika’ya geçmişten bugüne yaklaşımları, bölgedeki faaliyetleri ve muhtemel gelecek perspektifi ele alınmaktadır.


  • “Announcement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the Russian Federation’s Continental Shelf in the Arctic Ocean”, 17 January 2014, (Çevrimiçi) foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/80690, 11 Ağustos 2015.
  • “Arktik petrol çıkarımında önemli bir bölgeye dönüşüyor”, Rusya’nın Sesi Radyosu, 20 Nisan 2014, (Çevrimiçi) bolgeye-donusuyor/, 21 Nisan 2014.
  • “Arktika’da Rus Kuzey filosunun üssü olacak”, Rusya’nın Sesi Radyosu, 10 Eylül 2014, (Çevrimiçi), 10 Eylül 2014.
  • “Flora and Fauna”, Arctic Info, (Çevrimiçi) flora-and-fauna, 4 Mayıs 2015.
  • “Kuzey Kutbu’ndaki buzullarda rekor erime”, BBC Türkçe, 20 Mart 2015, (Çevrimiçi) http://, 23 Mart 2015.
  • “Russia has finally identifed the land territory of the Arctic”, Arctic-Info, 5 Mayıs 2014, (Çevrimiçi) russiahasfinallyidentifiedthelandterritoryofthearctic/, 22 Temmuz 2016.
  • “Russian Federation Marine Doctrine”, July 26, 2015, Baltiisk, (Çevrimiçi) http://www., 9 Ağustos 2015.
  • “Speech at Meeting of the Russian Security Council on Protecting Russia’s National Interests in the Arctic”, September 17, 2008, The Kremlin, Moscow, (Çevrimiçi) http://www.en.kremlin. ru/d/48304, 9 Ağustos 2015.
  • “The History of the Arctic”, Arctic Info, (Çevrimiçi) Rubric/the-history-of-the-arctic-, 4 Mayıs 2015.
  • ANTRIM, Caitlyn L., “The Next Geographical Pivot: The Russian Arctic in The Twenty-first Century”, Naval War College Review, c. LXIII/3 (Summer 2010), 2010, s. 15-38.
  • Arctic Council Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group, Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines, 2009, (Çevrimiçi) Oil_and_Gas/Offshore_Oil_and_Gas/Arctic-Guidelines-2009-13th-Mar2009.pdf, 4 Mayıs 2015.
  • Arctic Council, Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment Report, 2009, (Çevrimiçi) http://www., 30 Aralık 2014.
  • ÅTLAND, Kristian, “Russia and its Neighbors: Military Power, Security Politics, and Interstate Relations in the Post-Cold War Arctic”, Arctic Review on Law and Politics, c. I/2 (2010), 2010, s. 279-298.
  • BAEV, Pavel, “Russia’s Race for the Arctic and the New Geopolitics of the North Pole”, Occasional Paper, The Jamestown Foundation, 26 October 2007, (Çevrimiçi) https://, 30 Aralık 2014.
  • BAKER, Benjamin David, “Sino-Russian Relations in the Arctic: Thawing Out or Freezing Up?”, The Diplomat, October 3, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) relations-in-the-arctic-thawing-out-or-freezing-up/, 11 Ekim 2015.
  • Basics of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the Period till 2020 and a Further Perspective, September 18, 2008, (Çevrimiçi)
  • Russian+Federation+Policy+for+the+Arctic+to+2020, 2 Mart 2015.
  • BENDER, Jeremy, “Russia may have to scrap its plans to build a fifth-generation stealth bomber”, Business Insider, July 23, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) russian-pak-da-bomber-facing-major-problems-2015-7, 29 Aralık 2015.
  • BILSTAD, Torleiv, “Climate Change and Consequences for the Arctic”, Arctic Oil and Gas: Sustainability at Risk?, (ed. Aslaug Mikkelsen, Oluf Langhelle), New York 2008, s. 45-56.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi, Birleşmiş Milletler Enformasyon Merkezi UNIC-Ankara, Ankara, 5 Nisan 2001, (Çevrimiçi) denizhukuku.pdf, 2 Mayıs 2015.
  • BUDZIK, Philip, “Arctic Oil and Natural Gas Potential”, U.S. Energy Information Administration Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Oil and Gas Division, October 2009, (Çevrimiçi), 30 Aralık 2014.
  • CONLEY, Heather A. v.d., “Arctic Economics in the 21st Century: The Benefits and Costs of Cold”, A Report of the CSIS Europe Program, July 2013, (Çevrimiçi) publication/130710_Conley_ArcticEconomics_WEB.pdf, 18 Ekim 2014.
  • FLAKE, Lincoln E., “Russia and China in the Arctic: A Team of Rivals”, Strategic Analysis, c. XXXVII/6 (2013), 2013, s. 681-687.
  • GOLTS, Alexandr’, “The Arctic: A Clash of Interests or Clash of Ambitions”, Russia in the Arctic, (ed. Stephen J. Blank), Carlisle 2011, s. 43-62.
  • HEININEN, Lassi, SERGUNIN, Alexander, YAROVOY, Gleb, Russian Strategies in the Arctic: Avoiding a New Cold War, Moscow, September 2014, (Çevrimiçi) http://vid-1.rian. ru/ig/valdai/arctic_eng.pdf, 20 Mayıs 2015.
  • HOBBS, William H., “The Progress of Discovery and Exploration Within the Arctic Region”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, c. XXVII/1 (March, 1937), New York 1937, s. 1-22.
  • JOHNSTON, Peter F., “Arctic Energy Resources and Global Energy Security”, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, c. XII/2 (2010), 2010, s. 1-20.
  • JOSEPHSON, Paul R., The Conquest of the Russian Arctic, Cambridge 2014.
  • KLIMENKO, Ekaterina, “Russia’s Arctic Security Policy: Still Quiet in the High North?”, SIPRI Policy Paper, No. 45, Februrary 2016, (Çevrimiçi) files/SIPRIPP45.pdf, 22 Temmuz 2016.
  • KONYSHEV, Valery, SERGUNIN, Alexander, “Is Russia a Revisionist Military Power in the Arctic?”, Defense & Security Analysis, c. XXX/4 (2014), 2014, s. 323-335.
  • KOVALEV, S., GAINUTDINOVA, L., “Opening up the Arctic: Economic and Geopolitical Aspects”, Russian Politics and Law, c. L/2 (March-April 2012), 2012, s. 78-87.
  • NILSEN, Thomas, “NATO: Russian submarine activity equals Cold War levels”, The Independent Barents Observer, February 3, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) security/2016/02/nato-russian-submarine-activity-equals-cold-war-levels, 7 Şubat 2016.
  • ØSTHAGEN, Andreas, “High North, Low Politics–Maritime Cooperation with Russia in the Arctic”, Arctic Review on Law and Politics, c. VII/1 (2016), 2016, s. 83-100.
  • Partially Revised Submission of the Russian Federation to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Respect of the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean, 3 August 2015, (Çevrimiçi) submissions_files/rus01_rev15/2015_08_03_Exec_Summary_English.pdf, 26 Ekim 2015.
  • PAVLOV, K., SELIN, V., “Resources of the Russian Arctic: Problems and Prospects for Using Them”, Problems of Economic Transition, c. LV/4 (August 2012), 2012, s. 52-64.
  • PISKUNOVA, Ekaterina, “Russia in the Arctic: What’s Lurking Behind the Flag?”, International Journal, Autumn 2010, s. 851-864.
  • ROI, Michael L., “Russia: The Greatest Arctic Power?”, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, c. XXIII/24 (2010), 2010, s. 551-573.
  • RØSETH, Tom, “Russia’s China Policy in the Arctic”, Strategic Analysis, c. XXXVIII/6 (2014), 2014, s. 841-859.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Chinese mega-deals in Yamal LNG”, The Independent Barents Observer, May 2, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) deals-yamal-lng, 3 Mayıs 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Future of icebreaker fleet on President’s table”, The Independent Barents Observer, July 4, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) fleet-governments-table, 5 Temmuz 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “In Finnish skies, this year’s biggest Air Force exercise”, The Independent Barents Observer, October 11, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) security/2016/10/finnish-skies-years-biggest-air-force-exercise, 13 Ekim 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “More Chinese money for Yamal”, The Independent Barents Observer, January 7, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) chinese-money-yamal, 7 Ocak 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Navy fills up with new ships”, The Independent Barents Observer, December 28, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) new-ships, 28 Aralık 2015.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Russia deploys S-300 in Novaya Zemlya”, The Independent Barents Observer, December 9, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) security/2015/12/russia-deploys-s-300-novaya-zemlya, 13 Aralık 2015.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Russia submits claim for North Pole”, Barents Observer, August 4, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) 04-08, 15 Ağustos 2015.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Russia wants Arctic delimitation deal with Denmark”, The Independent Barents Observer, September 8, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) arctic/2016/09/russia-wants-arctic-delimitation-deal-denmark, 9 Eylül 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Statoil, Rosneft complete joint tundra drilling”, Barents Observer, July 28, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) tundra-drilling-28-07, 15 Ağustos 2015.
  • TOKER, Seray, “United States And Russia In the Arctic Energy Future: Rivalry or Harmony?”, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sürdürülebilir Enerji Yüksek Lisans Programı Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir 2014.
  • U.S. Geological Survey, Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle, (Çevrimiçi) fs2008-3049.pdf, 31 Aralık 2014.
  • United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP Year Book: Emerging Issues In Our Global Environment, 2013, (Çevrimiçi), 30 Mart 2015.
  • What Future for the Arctic?: New Awareness of and Opportunities for UNEP to Address Climate Change in the Arctic, Nairobi, Kenya, 18 February 2013, (Çevrimiçi) http://www., 30 Aralık 2014.
  • World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), Effects of Climate Change on Arctic Fish Factsheet, (Çevrimiçi) Change_on_Actic_Fish_fact_sheet.pdf, 31 Aralık 2014.
  • ZHURAVEL, V.P., “Россия в Арктике (краткий очерк) – Russia in the Arctic (brief article)”, Arctic Review, c. 0/1 (2015), 2015, (Çevrimiçi) item/413-arctic-reviw-1-2015, 16 Aralık 2015, s. 16-19.
  • ZONN, Igor S., “Social, Economic, Legal and Political Issues of the Russian Arctic”, Influence of Climate Change on the Changing Arctic and Sub-Arctic Conditions, (ed. Jacques C.J. Nihoul, Andrey G. Kostianoy), Netherlands 2009, s. 209-220.

Arctic Policy of the Russian Federation

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 57 - 95, 29.12.2017


The Arctic region, located in the northernmost part of the world, is

largely ice-covered. However, because of global warming affecting the entire

planet through climate change, the Arctic region recently has been receiving

increasing attention. The foremost reason for this attention is the presence of

large amounts of useful hydrocarbon resources, such as oil and gas. Further,

it has been predicted that, owing to global warming, the Arctic Ocean would

become ice-free; this has raised questions pertaining to whether the Northwest

Passage and Northern Sea Route could be alternatives to traditional seaways

in international transport. In this context, the Arctic states and energy and

trade giants, worldwide, are taking a close interest in the Arctic region. As an Arctic country, Russia, with its own historical experiences, is a crucial factor

in the ongoing geopolitical challenges. At present, Russia possesses the largest

shelves in the Arctic region, and the Russian Arctic is considered highly rich in

energy resources. This study discusses Russia’s approaches to the Arctic from

the past to present, its regional activities, and possible future plans.


  • “Announcement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the Russian Federation’s Continental Shelf in the Arctic Ocean”, 17 January 2014, (Çevrimiçi) foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/80690, 11 Ağustos 2015.
  • “Arktik petrol çıkarımında önemli bir bölgeye dönüşüyor”, Rusya’nın Sesi Radyosu, 20 Nisan 2014, (Çevrimiçi) bolgeye-donusuyor/, 21 Nisan 2014.
  • “Arktika’da Rus Kuzey filosunun üssü olacak”, Rusya’nın Sesi Radyosu, 10 Eylül 2014, (Çevrimiçi), 10 Eylül 2014.
  • “Flora and Fauna”, Arctic Info, (Çevrimiçi) flora-and-fauna, 4 Mayıs 2015.
  • “Kuzey Kutbu’ndaki buzullarda rekor erime”, BBC Türkçe, 20 Mart 2015, (Çevrimiçi) http://, 23 Mart 2015.
  • “Russia has finally identifed the land territory of the Arctic”, Arctic-Info, 5 Mayıs 2014, (Çevrimiçi) russiahasfinallyidentifiedthelandterritoryofthearctic/, 22 Temmuz 2016.
  • “Russian Federation Marine Doctrine”, July 26, 2015, Baltiisk, (Çevrimiçi) http://www., 9 Ağustos 2015.
  • “Speech at Meeting of the Russian Security Council on Protecting Russia’s National Interests in the Arctic”, September 17, 2008, The Kremlin, Moscow, (Çevrimiçi) http://www.en.kremlin. ru/d/48304, 9 Ağustos 2015.
  • “The History of the Arctic”, Arctic Info, (Çevrimiçi) Rubric/the-history-of-the-arctic-, 4 Mayıs 2015.
  • ANTRIM, Caitlyn L., “The Next Geographical Pivot: The Russian Arctic in The Twenty-first Century”, Naval War College Review, c. LXIII/3 (Summer 2010), 2010, s. 15-38.
  • Arctic Council Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group, Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Guidelines, 2009, (Çevrimiçi) Oil_and_Gas/Offshore_Oil_and_Gas/Arctic-Guidelines-2009-13th-Mar2009.pdf, 4 Mayıs 2015.
  • Arctic Council, Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment Report, 2009, (Çevrimiçi) http://www., 30 Aralık 2014.
  • ÅTLAND, Kristian, “Russia and its Neighbors: Military Power, Security Politics, and Interstate Relations in the Post-Cold War Arctic”, Arctic Review on Law and Politics, c. I/2 (2010), 2010, s. 279-298.
  • BAEV, Pavel, “Russia’s Race for the Arctic and the New Geopolitics of the North Pole”, Occasional Paper, The Jamestown Foundation, 26 October 2007, (Çevrimiçi) https://, 30 Aralık 2014.
  • BAKER, Benjamin David, “Sino-Russian Relations in the Arctic: Thawing Out or Freezing Up?”, The Diplomat, October 3, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) relations-in-the-arctic-thawing-out-or-freezing-up/, 11 Ekim 2015.
  • Basics of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the Period till 2020 and a Further Perspective, September 18, 2008, (Çevrimiçi)
  • Russian+Federation+Policy+for+the+Arctic+to+2020, 2 Mart 2015.
  • BENDER, Jeremy, “Russia may have to scrap its plans to build a fifth-generation stealth bomber”, Business Insider, July 23, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) russian-pak-da-bomber-facing-major-problems-2015-7, 29 Aralık 2015.
  • BILSTAD, Torleiv, “Climate Change and Consequences for the Arctic”, Arctic Oil and Gas: Sustainability at Risk?, (ed. Aslaug Mikkelsen, Oluf Langhelle), New York 2008, s. 45-56.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi, Birleşmiş Milletler Enformasyon Merkezi UNIC-Ankara, Ankara, 5 Nisan 2001, (Çevrimiçi) denizhukuku.pdf, 2 Mayıs 2015.
  • BUDZIK, Philip, “Arctic Oil and Natural Gas Potential”, U.S. Energy Information Administration Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Oil and Gas Division, October 2009, (Çevrimiçi), 30 Aralık 2014.
  • CONLEY, Heather A. v.d., “Arctic Economics in the 21st Century: The Benefits and Costs of Cold”, A Report of the CSIS Europe Program, July 2013, (Çevrimiçi) publication/130710_Conley_ArcticEconomics_WEB.pdf, 18 Ekim 2014.
  • FLAKE, Lincoln E., “Russia and China in the Arctic: A Team of Rivals”, Strategic Analysis, c. XXXVII/6 (2013), 2013, s. 681-687.
  • GOLTS, Alexandr’, “The Arctic: A Clash of Interests or Clash of Ambitions”, Russia in the Arctic, (ed. Stephen J. Blank), Carlisle 2011, s. 43-62.
  • HEININEN, Lassi, SERGUNIN, Alexander, YAROVOY, Gleb, Russian Strategies in the Arctic: Avoiding a New Cold War, Moscow, September 2014, (Çevrimiçi) http://vid-1.rian. ru/ig/valdai/arctic_eng.pdf, 20 Mayıs 2015.
  • HOBBS, William H., “The Progress of Discovery and Exploration Within the Arctic Region”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, c. XXVII/1 (March, 1937), New York 1937, s. 1-22.
  • JOHNSTON, Peter F., “Arctic Energy Resources and Global Energy Security”, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, c. XII/2 (2010), 2010, s. 1-20.
  • JOSEPHSON, Paul R., The Conquest of the Russian Arctic, Cambridge 2014.
  • KLIMENKO, Ekaterina, “Russia’s Arctic Security Policy: Still Quiet in the High North?”, SIPRI Policy Paper, No. 45, Februrary 2016, (Çevrimiçi) files/SIPRIPP45.pdf, 22 Temmuz 2016.
  • KONYSHEV, Valery, SERGUNIN, Alexander, “Is Russia a Revisionist Military Power in the Arctic?”, Defense & Security Analysis, c. XXX/4 (2014), 2014, s. 323-335.
  • KOVALEV, S., GAINUTDINOVA, L., “Opening up the Arctic: Economic and Geopolitical Aspects”, Russian Politics and Law, c. L/2 (March-April 2012), 2012, s. 78-87.
  • NILSEN, Thomas, “NATO: Russian submarine activity equals Cold War levels”, The Independent Barents Observer, February 3, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) security/2016/02/nato-russian-submarine-activity-equals-cold-war-levels, 7 Şubat 2016.
  • ØSTHAGEN, Andreas, “High North, Low Politics–Maritime Cooperation with Russia in the Arctic”, Arctic Review on Law and Politics, c. VII/1 (2016), 2016, s. 83-100.
  • Partially Revised Submission of the Russian Federation to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Respect of the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Ocean, 3 August 2015, (Çevrimiçi) submissions_files/rus01_rev15/2015_08_03_Exec_Summary_English.pdf, 26 Ekim 2015.
  • PAVLOV, K., SELIN, V., “Resources of the Russian Arctic: Problems and Prospects for Using Them”, Problems of Economic Transition, c. LV/4 (August 2012), 2012, s. 52-64.
  • PISKUNOVA, Ekaterina, “Russia in the Arctic: What’s Lurking Behind the Flag?”, International Journal, Autumn 2010, s. 851-864.
  • ROI, Michael L., “Russia: The Greatest Arctic Power?”, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, c. XXIII/24 (2010), 2010, s. 551-573.
  • RØSETH, Tom, “Russia’s China Policy in the Arctic”, Strategic Analysis, c. XXXVIII/6 (2014), 2014, s. 841-859.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Chinese mega-deals in Yamal LNG”, The Independent Barents Observer, May 2, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) deals-yamal-lng, 3 Mayıs 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Future of icebreaker fleet on President’s table”, The Independent Barents Observer, July 4, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) fleet-governments-table, 5 Temmuz 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “In Finnish skies, this year’s biggest Air Force exercise”, The Independent Barents Observer, October 11, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) security/2016/10/finnish-skies-years-biggest-air-force-exercise, 13 Ekim 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “More Chinese money for Yamal”, The Independent Barents Observer, January 7, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) chinese-money-yamal, 7 Ocak 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Navy fills up with new ships”, The Independent Barents Observer, December 28, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) new-ships, 28 Aralık 2015.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Russia deploys S-300 in Novaya Zemlya”, The Independent Barents Observer, December 9, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) security/2015/12/russia-deploys-s-300-novaya-zemlya, 13 Aralık 2015.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Russia submits claim for North Pole”, Barents Observer, August 4, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) 04-08, 15 Ağustos 2015.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Russia wants Arctic delimitation deal with Denmark”, The Independent Barents Observer, September 8, 2016, (Çevrimiçi) arctic/2016/09/russia-wants-arctic-delimitation-deal-denmark, 9 Eylül 2016.
  • STAALESEN, Atle, “Statoil, Rosneft complete joint tundra drilling”, Barents Observer, July 28, 2015, (Çevrimiçi) tundra-drilling-28-07, 15 Ağustos 2015.
  • TOKER, Seray, “United States And Russia In the Arctic Energy Future: Rivalry or Harmony?”, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sürdürülebilir Enerji Yüksek Lisans Programı Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir 2014.
  • U.S. Geological Survey, Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle, (Çevrimiçi) fs2008-3049.pdf, 31 Aralık 2014.
  • United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP Year Book: Emerging Issues In Our Global Environment, 2013, (Çevrimiçi), 30 Mart 2015.
  • What Future for the Arctic?: New Awareness of and Opportunities for UNEP to Address Climate Change in the Arctic, Nairobi, Kenya, 18 February 2013, (Çevrimiçi) http://www., 30 Aralık 2014.
  • World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), Effects of Climate Change on Arctic Fish Factsheet, (Çevrimiçi) Change_on_Actic_Fish_fact_sheet.pdf, 31 Aralık 2014.
  • ZHURAVEL, V.P., “Россия в Арктике (краткий очерк) – Russia in the Arctic (brief article)”, Arctic Review, c. 0/1 (2015), 2015, (Çevrimiçi) item/413-arctic-reviw-1-2015, 16 Aralık 2015, s. 16-19.
  • ZONN, Igor S., “Social, Economic, Legal and Political Issues of the Russian Arctic”, Influence of Climate Change on the Changing Arctic and Sub-Arctic Conditions, (ed. Jacques C.J. Nihoul, Andrey G. Kostianoy), Netherlands 2009, s. 209-220.
There are 54 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Oktay Ateş This is me

Publication Date December 29, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


Chicago Ateş, Oktay. “RUSYA FEDERASYONU’NUN ARKTİKA POLİTİKASI”. Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi 6, no. 1 (December 2017): 57-95.