Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 18, 61 - 81, 31.07.2023



  • Bartosch, S., and A. Stuhlmann. 2013. “Reconsidering adaptation as translation: The comic in between.” Studies in Comics 4 (1): 59-73. doi: 10.1386/stic.4.1.59_1. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992a. Pour une theorie de l’adaptationfilmique: Lefilm noir americain. Bern: Peter Lang. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992b. “Film (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals.” Target 4 (1): 53-70. doi: 10.1075/target.4.1.05cat. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1997a. “The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Film Adaptation Seen from a Different Perspective.” Literature/Film Quarterly 25 (3): 222-229. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, Patrick. 1997b. “Audiovisual Translation and New Media.” In From One Medium to Another: Basic Issuesfor Communicating the Scriptures in New Media, edited by P. Soukup & R. Hodgson, 67-89. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward. google scholar
  • Chai, S. 2021. “On the Presentificating Cultural Storage in the Animated English Translation Mulan 论动漫英译片Mulan中的现时性文化存储.” Journal of Hunan University of Science & Technology (Social Science Edition) 24 (5): 174-184. google scholar
  • Dong, L. 2011. Mulan’s Legend and Legacy in China and the United States. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. google scholar
  • Even-Zohar, I. 1990. Polysystem Studies. Durham: Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Feng, L. 2003. “The Female Individual and the Empire: A Historicist Approach to Mulan and Kingston’s The Woman Warrior.” Comparative Literature 55 (3): 229-45. doi: 10.2307/4125407. google scholar
  • Frankel, H. H. 1976. The Flowering Plum and the Palace Lady: Interpretations of Chinese Poetry. New Haven, London: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Guo, M. 1998. Yuefu shiji 乐府诗集. Beijing: Chung Hwa Book Company. google scholar
  • Hsiung, A-Marie. 2022. “Mulan’s travel from ballad to movie: A case study of inter-modal translation.” Translation Studies 15 (1): 69-83. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2021.1984288. google scholar
  • Huang, D. 1995. Huaju zai beifang dianjiren zhiyi – Peng Chun Chang 话剧在北方奠基人之一——张彭春. Beijing: China Theatre Press. google scholar
  • Işıklar Koçak, M. 2017. “Readers of retranslation on online platforms.” Journal of Turkish Studies 12 (15): 413-430. doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.11839. google scholar
  • Jakobson, R. 2000. “On linguistic aspects of translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Krebs, K. 2012. “Translation and Adaptation - Two Sides of an Ideological Coin.” In Translation, Adaptation, and Transformation, edited by L. Raw, 42-53. London: Bloomsbury. google scholar
  • Lefevere, A. 2000. “Mother Courage’s Cucumbers: Text, System and Refraction in A Theory of Literature.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Li, W. 2007. “‘Hua Mulan’ in Bikini A Narrative Analysis of Poem ‘Mulan Shi’ and Movie Mulan 穿比基尼的“ 花木兰”——从叙事学角度看迪斯尼影片《木兰》对中国《木兰诗》的改编.” Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition) (4): 64-67. google scholar
  • Liang, L., and M. Xu. 2018. “A Comparative Analysis of the Reception of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji: Translation, Publication and International Circulation.” Translation Review 101 (1): 7-30. doi: 10.1080/07374836.2018.1475271. google scholar
  • Nida, E. A., and C. R. Taber. 1982. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill. google scholar
  • Nord, C. 1991. Text Analysis in Translation. Amsterdam: Rodopi. google scholar
  • Qing, Y. 2018. “Mulan in China and America: From Premodern to Modern.” Comparative Literature: East & West 2 (1): 45-59. doi: 10.1080/25723618.2018.1482681. google scholar
  • Rado, G. 1979. “Outline of a Systematic Translatology.” Babel 25 (4): 187-196. doi: 10.1075/babel.25.4.01rad. google scholar
  • Roth, H. 2018. P. C. Chang and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. google scholar
  • San Souci, R. D. 1998. Fa Mulan: The Story of a Woman Warrior. Illustrated by Jean and Mou-Sien Tseng. New York: Hyperion Books for Children. google scholar
  • Tian, C., and C. Xiong. 2013. “A cultural analysis of Disney’s Mulan with respect to translation.” Continuum 27(6): 862-874. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2013.843636. google scholar
  • Toury, G. 1980. In Search of a Theory of Translation. Tel Aviv: Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. 2007. “Adaptation, Translation, Critique.” Journal of Visual Culture 6(1): 25-43. doi: 10.1177/1470412907075066. google scholar
  • Vinay, J.-P., and J. Darbelnet. 1995. Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A Methodology for Translation. Translated and edited by Juan C. Sager & M.-J. Hamel. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Wang, B., and Y. Quan. 2015. “Evaluation and Reception of Yu Hua’s Brothers in the English-Speaking World《兄弟》英译本在英语世界的评价与接受.” Foreign Language and Literature 31 (4): 65-71. google scholar
  • Wang, F., & Humble, P. 2020. “Readers’ perceptions of Anthony Yu’s self-retranslation of The Journey to the West.” Perspectives 28(5): 756-776. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2019.1594317. google scholar
  • Warwick. 2005. “Mulan 2005.” Drama and Theatre Education at Warwick. Accessed 27 September 2022. works/mulan/ google scholar
  • Wei, J. 1999. “The Discourse Function of Chinese Traditional Culture in Chinese American English Works –Interpreting ‘The Warrior Woman’ - Hua Mulan 中国传统文化在美国华人英语作品中的话语功能——解 读《女勇士》—花木兰.” Comparative Literature in China (4): 73-85. google scholar
  • Yau, W-P. 2016. “Revisiting the systemic approach to the study of film adaptation as intersemiotic translation.” Translation Studies 9 (3): 256-267. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2016.1178595. google scholar Yu, J. 2001. “Narrative, Desire, and Nationalism: A Preliminary Study of the Mulan Story through the Ages 從樂府詩到迪斯尼動畫——木蘭故事中的敘事、情慾和國族想像.” Chung Wai Literary Quarterly 29 (8):38-69. google scholar
  • Zhang, Z. 1999. “Hua Mulan or Fa Mulan: My Understanding of the Original Story, and Maxine Hong Kingston’s Interpretation of the Heroine Fa Mulan in Her Novel.” Fiction and Drama 11: 107-118. google scholar
Year 2023, Issue: 18, 61 - 81, 31.07.2023



  • Bartosch, S., and A. Stuhlmann. 2013. “Reconsidering adaptation as translation: The comic in between.” Studies in Comics 4 (1): 59-73. doi: 10.1386/stic.4.1.59_1. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992a. Pour une theorie de l’adaptationfilmique: Lefilm noir americain. Bern: Peter Lang. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992b. “Film (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals.” Target 4 (1): 53-70. doi: 10.1075/target.4.1.05cat. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1997a. “The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Film Adaptation Seen from a Different Perspective.” Literature/Film Quarterly 25 (3): 222-229. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, Patrick. 1997b. “Audiovisual Translation and New Media.” In From One Medium to Another: Basic Issuesfor Communicating the Scriptures in New Media, edited by P. Soukup & R. Hodgson, 67-89. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward. google scholar
  • Chai, S. 2021. “On the Presentificating Cultural Storage in the Animated English Translation Mulan 论动漫英译片Mulan中的现时性文化存储.” Journal of Hunan University of Science & Technology (Social Science Edition) 24 (5): 174-184. google scholar
  • Dong, L. 2011. Mulan’s Legend and Legacy in China and the United States. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. google scholar
  • Even-Zohar, I. 1990. Polysystem Studies. Durham: Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Feng, L. 2003. “The Female Individual and the Empire: A Historicist Approach to Mulan and Kingston’s The Woman Warrior.” Comparative Literature 55 (3): 229-45. doi: 10.2307/4125407. google scholar
  • Frankel, H. H. 1976. The Flowering Plum and the Palace Lady: Interpretations of Chinese Poetry. New Haven, London: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Guo, M. 1998. Yuefu shiji 乐府诗集. Beijing: Chung Hwa Book Company. google scholar
  • Hsiung, A-Marie. 2022. “Mulan’s travel from ballad to movie: A case study of inter-modal translation.” Translation Studies 15 (1): 69-83. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2021.1984288. google scholar
  • Huang, D. 1995. Huaju zai beifang dianjiren zhiyi – Peng Chun Chang 话剧在北方奠基人之一——张彭春. Beijing: China Theatre Press. google scholar
  • Işıklar Koçak, M. 2017. “Readers of retranslation on online platforms.” Journal of Turkish Studies 12 (15): 413-430. doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.11839. google scholar
  • Jakobson, R. 2000. “On linguistic aspects of translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Krebs, K. 2012. “Translation and Adaptation - Two Sides of an Ideological Coin.” In Translation, Adaptation, and Transformation, edited by L. Raw, 42-53. London: Bloomsbury. google scholar
  • Lefevere, A. 2000. “Mother Courage’s Cucumbers: Text, System and Refraction in A Theory of Literature.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Li, W. 2007. “‘Hua Mulan’ in Bikini A Narrative Analysis of Poem ‘Mulan Shi’ and Movie Mulan 穿比基尼的“ 花木兰”——从叙事学角度看迪斯尼影片《木兰》对中国《木兰诗》的改编.” Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition) (4): 64-67. google scholar
  • Liang, L., and M. Xu. 2018. “A Comparative Analysis of the Reception of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji: Translation, Publication and International Circulation.” Translation Review 101 (1): 7-30. doi: 10.1080/07374836.2018.1475271. google scholar
  • Nida, E. A., and C. R. Taber. 1982. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill. google scholar
  • Nord, C. 1991. Text Analysis in Translation. Amsterdam: Rodopi. google scholar
  • Qing, Y. 2018. “Mulan in China and America: From Premodern to Modern.” Comparative Literature: East & West 2 (1): 45-59. doi: 10.1080/25723618.2018.1482681. google scholar
  • Rado, G. 1979. “Outline of a Systematic Translatology.” Babel 25 (4): 187-196. doi: 10.1075/babel.25.4.01rad. google scholar
  • Roth, H. 2018. P. C. Chang and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. google scholar
  • San Souci, R. D. 1998. Fa Mulan: The Story of a Woman Warrior. Illustrated by Jean and Mou-Sien Tseng. New York: Hyperion Books for Children. google scholar
  • Tian, C., and C. Xiong. 2013. “A cultural analysis of Disney’s Mulan with respect to translation.” Continuum 27(6): 862-874. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2013.843636. google scholar
  • Toury, G. 1980. In Search of a Theory of Translation. Tel Aviv: Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. 2007. “Adaptation, Translation, Critique.” Journal of Visual Culture 6(1): 25-43. doi: 10.1177/1470412907075066. google scholar
  • Vinay, J.-P., and J. Darbelnet. 1995. Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A Methodology for Translation. Translated and edited by Juan C. Sager & M.-J. Hamel. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Wang, B., and Y. Quan. 2015. “Evaluation and Reception of Yu Hua’s Brothers in the English-Speaking World《兄弟》英译本在英语世界的评价与接受.” Foreign Language and Literature 31 (4): 65-71. google scholar
  • Wang, F., & Humble, P. 2020. “Readers’ perceptions of Anthony Yu’s self-retranslation of The Journey to the West.” Perspectives 28(5): 756-776. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2019.1594317. google scholar
  • Warwick. 2005. “Mulan 2005.” Drama and Theatre Education at Warwick. Accessed 27 September 2022. works/mulan/ google scholar
  • Wei, J. 1999. “The Discourse Function of Chinese Traditional Culture in Chinese American English Works –Interpreting ‘The Warrior Woman’ - Hua Mulan 中国传统文化在美国华人英语作品中的话语功能——解 读《女勇士》—花木兰.” Comparative Literature in China (4): 73-85. google scholar
  • Yau, W-P. 2016. “Revisiting the systemic approach to the study of film adaptation as intersemiotic translation.” Translation Studies 9 (3): 256-267. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2016.1178595. google scholar Yu, J. 2001. “Narrative, Desire, and Nationalism: A Preliminary Study of the Mulan Story through the Ages 從樂府詩到迪斯尼動畫——木蘭故事中的敘事、情慾和國族想像.” Chung Wai Literary Quarterly 29 (8):38-69. google scholar
  • Zhang, Z. 1999. “Hua Mulan or Fa Mulan: My Understanding of the Original Story, and Maxine Hong Kingston’s Interpretation of the Heroine Fa Mulan in Her Novel.” Fiction and Drama 11: 107-118. google scholar
Year 2023, Issue: 18, 61 - 81, 31.07.2023



  • Bartosch, S., and A. Stuhlmann. 2013. “Reconsidering adaptation as translation: The comic in between.” Studies in Comics 4 (1): 59-73. doi: 10.1386/stic.4.1.59_1. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992a. Pour une theorie de l’adaptationfilmique: Lefilm noir americain. Bern: Peter Lang. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992b. “Film (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals.” Target 4 (1): 53-70. doi: 10.1075/target.4.1.05cat. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1997a. “The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Film Adaptation Seen from a Different Perspective.” Literature/Film Quarterly 25 (3): 222-229. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, Patrick. 1997b. “Audiovisual Translation and New Media.” In From One Medium to Another: Basic Issuesfor Communicating the Scriptures in New Media, edited by P. Soukup & R. Hodgson, 67-89. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward. google scholar
  • Chai, S. 2021. “On the Presentificating Cultural Storage in the Animated English Translation Mulan 论动漫英译片Mulan中的现时性文化存储.” Journal of Hunan University of Science & Technology (Social Science Edition) 24 (5): 174-184. google scholar
  • Dong, L. 2011. Mulan’s Legend and Legacy in China and the United States. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. google scholar
  • Even-Zohar, I. 1990. Polysystem Studies. Durham: Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Feng, L. 2003. “The Female Individual and the Empire: A Historicist Approach to Mulan and Kingston’s The Woman Warrior.” Comparative Literature 55 (3): 229-45. doi: 10.2307/4125407. google scholar
  • Frankel, H. H. 1976. The Flowering Plum and the Palace Lady: Interpretations of Chinese Poetry. New Haven, London: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Guo, M. 1998. Yuefu shiji 乐府诗集. Beijing: Chung Hwa Book Company. google scholar
  • Hsiung, A-Marie. 2022. “Mulan’s travel from ballad to movie: A case study of inter-modal translation.” Translation Studies 15 (1): 69-83. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2021.1984288. google scholar
  • Huang, D. 1995. Huaju zai beifang dianjiren zhiyi – Peng Chun Chang 话剧在北方奠基人之一——张彭春. Beijing: China Theatre Press. google scholar
  • Işıklar Koçak, M. 2017. “Readers of retranslation on online platforms.” Journal of Turkish Studies 12 (15): 413-430. doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.11839. google scholar
  • Jakobson, R. 2000. “On linguistic aspects of translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Krebs, K. 2012. “Translation and Adaptation - Two Sides of an Ideological Coin.” In Translation, Adaptation, and Transformation, edited by L. Raw, 42-53. London: Bloomsbury. google scholar
  • Lefevere, A. 2000. “Mother Courage’s Cucumbers: Text, System and Refraction in A Theory of Literature.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Li, W. 2007. “‘Hua Mulan’ in Bikini A Narrative Analysis of Poem ‘Mulan Shi’ and Movie Mulan 穿比基尼的“ 花木兰”——从叙事学角度看迪斯尼影片《木兰》对中国《木兰诗》的改编.” Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition) (4): 64-67. google scholar
  • Liang, L., and M. Xu. 2018. “A Comparative Analysis of the Reception of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji: Translation, Publication and International Circulation.” Translation Review 101 (1): 7-30. doi: 10.1080/07374836.2018.1475271. google scholar
  • Nida, E. A., and C. R. Taber. 1982. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill. google scholar
  • Nord, C. 1991. Text Analysis in Translation. Amsterdam: Rodopi. google scholar
  • Qing, Y. 2018. “Mulan in China and America: From Premodern to Modern.” Comparative Literature: East & West 2 (1): 45-59. doi: 10.1080/25723618.2018.1482681. google scholar
  • Rado, G. 1979. “Outline of a Systematic Translatology.” Babel 25 (4): 187-196. doi: 10.1075/babel.25.4.01rad. google scholar
  • Roth, H. 2018. P. C. Chang and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. google scholar
  • San Souci, R. D. 1998. Fa Mulan: The Story of a Woman Warrior. Illustrated by Jean and Mou-Sien Tseng. New York: Hyperion Books for Children. google scholar
  • Tian, C., and C. Xiong. 2013. “A cultural analysis of Disney’s Mulan with respect to translation.” Continuum 27(6): 862-874. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2013.843636. google scholar
  • Toury, G. 1980. In Search of a Theory of Translation. Tel Aviv: Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. 2007. “Adaptation, Translation, Critique.” Journal of Visual Culture 6(1): 25-43. doi: 10.1177/1470412907075066. google scholar
  • Vinay, J.-P., and J. Darbelnet. 1995. Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A Methodology for Translation. Translated and edited by Juan C. Sager & M.-J. Hamel. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Wang, B., and Y. Quan. 2015. “Evaluation and Reception of Yu Hua’s Brothers in the English-Speaking World《兄弟》英译本在英语世界的评价与接受.” Foreign Language and Literature 31 (4): 65-71. google scholar
  • Wang, F., & Humble, P. 2020. “Readers’ perceptions of Anthony Yu’s self-retranslation of The Journey to the West.” Perspectives 28(5): 756-776. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2019.1594317. google scholar
  • Warwick. 2005. “Mulan 2005.” Drama and Theatre Education at Warwick. Accessed 27 September 2022. works/mulan/ google scholar
  • Wei, J. 1999. “The Discourse Function of Chinese Traditional Culture in Chinese American English Works –Interpreting ‘The Warrior Woman’ - Hua Mulan 中国传统文化在美国华人英语作品中的话语功能——解 读《女勇士》—花木兰.” Comparative Literature in China (4): 73-85. google scholar
  • Yau, W-P. 2016. “Revisiting the systemic approach to the study of film adaptation as intersemiotic translation.” Translation Studies 9 (3): 256-267. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2016.1178595. google scholar Yu, J. 2001. “Narrative, Desire, and Nationalism: A Preliminary Study of the Mulan Story through the Ages 從樂府詩到迪斯尼動畫——木蘭故事中的敘事、情慾和國族想像.” Chung Wai Literary Quarterly 29 (8):38-69. google scholar
  • Zhang, Z. 1999. “Hua Mulan or Fa Mulan: My Understanding of the Original Story, and Maxine Hong Kingston’s Interpretation of the Heroine Fa Mulan in Her Novel.” Fiction and Drama 11: 107-118. google scholar

Adaptation as Translation: The Representation and Reception of “The Ballad of Mulan” in the Anglophone World

Year 2023, Issue: 18, 61 - 81, 31.07.2023


“The Ballad of Mulan”, a well-known ancient Chinese poem recording the story of Mulan who took the place of her aged father to enlist in the army by disguising herself as a man, has been translated many times into English, both interlingually and intersemiotically. The various versions are not dominated by faithfully translated texts but by adaptations represented by Maxine Hong Kingston’s novel The Woman Warrior (1976) and Disney’s animation Mulan (1998). To further learn about the dissemination of “The Ballad of Mulan” outside of China, this research examines its adaptations and their reception in the anglophone world. Recognizing adaptation as translation by employing Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet’s concept of “equivalence” based on Christine Nord’s preservationadaptation percentage in translation, this study employs a descriptive approach. It first gives a chronological list of the English adaptations of “Mulan” that fall into four major genres (including dramas, novels, picture books, and videogames). It then scrutinizes the features of these adaptations and summarizes three adaptation types. Finally it investigates the acceptance of “Mulan” adaptations of three kinds as per statistics collected from representative websites and mainstream media. It argues that the adaptations altering or fabricating parts of the original story outnumber those of other kinds and are generally the best received.


  • Bartosch, S., and A. Stuhlmann. 2013. “Reconsidering adaptation as translation: The comic in between.” Studies in Comics 4 (1): 59-73. doi: 10.1386/stic.4.1.59_1. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992a. Pour une theorie de l’adaptationfilmique: Lefilm noir americain. Bern: Peter Lang. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1992b. “Film (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals.” Target 4 (1): 53-70. doi: 10.1075/target.4.1.05cat. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, P. 1997a. “The Unbearable Lightness of Being: Film Adaptation Seen from a Different Perspective.” Literature/Film Quarterly 25 (3): 222-229. google scholar
  • Cattrysse, Patrick. 1997b. “Audiovisual Translation and New Media.” In From One Medium to Another: Basic Issuesfor Communicating the Scriptures in New Media, edited by P. Soukup & R. Hodgson, 67-89. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward. google scholar
  • Chai, S. 2021. “On the Presentificating Cultural Storage in the Animated English Translation Mulan 论动漫英译片Mulan中的现时性文化存储.” Journal of Hunan University of Science & Technology (Social Science Edition) 24 (5): 174-184. google scholar
  • Dong, L. 2011. Mulan’s Legend and Legacy in China and the United States. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. google scholar
  • Even-Zohar, I. 1990. Polysystem Studies. Durham: Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Feng, L. 2003. “The Female Individual and the Empire: A Historicist Approach to Mulan and Kingston’s The Woman Warrior.” Comparative Literature 55 (3): 229-45. doi: 10.2307/4125407. google scholar
  • Frankel, H. H. 1976. The Flowering Plum and the Palace Lady: Interpretations of Chinese Poetry. New Haven, London: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Guo, M. 1998. Yuefu shiji 乐府诗集. Beijing: Chung Hwa Book Company. google scholar
  • Hsiung, A-Marie. 2022. “Mulan’s travel from ballad to movie: A case study of inter-modal translation.” Translation Studies 15 (1): 69-83. doi: 10.1080/14781700.2021.1984288. google scholar
  • Huang, D. 1995. Huaju zai beifang dianjiren zhiyi – Peng Chun Chang 话剧在北方奠基人之一——张彭春. Beijing: China Theatre Press. google scholar
  • Işıklar Koçak, M. 2017. “Readers of retranslation on online platforms.” Journal of Turkish Studies 12 (15): 413-430. doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.11839. google scholar
  • Jakobson, R. 2000. “On linguistic aspects of translation.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Krebs, K. 2012. “Translation and Adaptation - Two Sides of an Ideological Coin.” In Translation, Adaptation, and Transformation, edited by L. Raw, 42-53. London: Bloomsbury. google scholar
  • Lefevere, A. 2000. “Mother Courage’s Cucumbers: Text, System and Refraction in A Theory of Literature.” In The Translation Studies Reader, edited by L. Venuti, 233-249. London: Routledge. google scholar
  • Li, W. 2007. “‘Hua Mulan’ in Bikini A Narrative Analysis of Poem ‘Mulan Shi’ and Movie Mulan 穿比基尼的“ 花木兰”——从叙事学角度看迪斯尼影片《木兰》对中国《木兰诗》的改编.” Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University (Social Sciences Edition) (4): 64-67. google scholar
  • Liang, L., and M. Xu. 2018. “A Comparative Analysis of the Reception of Four English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji: Translation, Publication and International Circulation.” Translation Review 101 (1): 7-30. doi: 10.1080/07374836.2018.1475271. google scholar
  • Nida, E. A., and C. R. Taber. 1982. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E. J. Brill. google scholar
  • Nord, C. 1991. Text Analysis in Translation. Amsterdam: Rodopi. google scholar
  • Qing, Y. 2018. “Mulan in China and America: From Premodern to Modern.” Comparative Literature: East & West 2 (1): 45-59. doi: 10.1080/25723618.2018.1482681. google scholar
  • Rado, G. 1979. “Outline of a Systematic Translatology.” Babel 25 (4): 187-196. doi: 10.1075/babel.25.4.01rad. google scholar
  • Roth, H. 2018. P. C. Chang and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. google scholar
  • San Souci, R. D. 1998. Fa Mulan: The Story of a Woman Warrior. Illustrated by Jean and Mou-Sien Tseng. New York: Hyperion Books for Children. google scholar
  • Tian, C., and C. Xiong. 2013. “A cultural analysis of Disney’s Mulan with respect to translation.” Continuum 27(6): 862-874. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2013.843636. google scholar
  • Toury, G. 1980. In Search of a Theory of Translation. Tel Aviv: Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University. google scholar
  • Venuti, L. 2007. “Adaptation, Translation, Critique.” Journal of Visual Culture 6(1): 25-43. doi: 10.1177/1470412907075066. google scholar
  • Vinay, J.-P., and J. Darbelnet. 1995. Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A Methodology for Translation. Translated and edited by Juan C. Sager & M.-J. Hamel. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
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There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics (Other)
Journal Section MAKALELER

Bilin Liu 0000-0003-3692-0303

Publication Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 18


APA Liu, B. (2023). Adaptation as Translation: The Representation and Reception of “The Ballad of Mulan” in the Anglophone World. IU Journal of Translation Studies(18), 61-81.
AMA Liu B. Adaptation as Translation: The Representation and Reception of “The Ballad of Mulan” in the Anglophone World. IU Journal of Translation Studies. July 2023;(18):61-81. doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1243760
Chicago Liu, Bilin. “Adaptation As Translation: The Representation and Reception of ‘The Ballad of Mulan’ in the Anglophone World”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 18 (July 2023): 61-81.
EndNote Liu B (July 1, 2023) Adaptation as Translation: The Representation and Reception of “The Ballad of Mulan” in the Anglophone World. IU Journal of Translation Studies 18 61–81.
IEEE B. Liu, “Adaptation as Translation: The Representation and Reception of ‘The Ballad of Mulan’ in the Anglophone World”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 18, pp. 61–81, July 2023, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2023.1243760.
ISNAD Liu, Bilin. “Adaptation As Translation: The Representation and Reception of ‘The Ballad of Mulan’ in the Anglophone World”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 18 (July 2023), 61-81.
JAMA Liu B. Adaptation as Translation: The Representation and Reception of “The Ballad of Mulan” in the Anglophone World. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023;:61–81.
MLA Liu, Bilin. “Adaptation As Translation: The Representation and Reception of ‘The Ballad of Mulan’ in the Anglophone World”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 18, 2023, pp. 61-81, doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1243760.
Vancouver Liu B. Adaptation as Translation: The Representation and Reception of “The Ballad of Mulan” in the Anglophone World. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023(18):61-8.