Research Article
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Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text

Year 2023, Issue: 18, 107 - 122, 31.07.2023


As the representations of the notion of alienation, fictive neologies help the reader to rationalize the plausibility of an imaginary world. Through these innovations, science fiction distinguishes its imaginary world from the world we actually live in. The translators carry the neologies as the novum/new words (Suvin, 1979) of science fiction to another language and thus they re-build (in a sense) the science fiction reality of the target text. In this respect, this study aims to analyze the translation of neologies seen in The Dispossessed and The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin through the approaches of both science fiction studies and translation studies. The findings show that fictive neologies have been transferred to the target texts mostly through transference, naturalization and through-translation methods among the suggested procedures of Newmark (1988). These translator preferences point that the neologies have been conserved within the target texts and the translators have highlighted the function of neologies as literary text elements. Source-oriented tendencies of the translators can be counted as a necessary quality for the comprehensibility of the science fictional texts because they ensure the plausibility of imaginary worlds in the texts. Yet, it should be noted that the neologies alone do not represent the whole world-building and so the examination of multiple infrastructures can suggest more on the translation of science fiction.


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  • Barbour, D. (1974). Wholeness and Balance in the Hainish Novels of Ursula K. Le Guin. Science Fiction Studies, 1(3), 164-173. google scholar
  • Cheyne, R. (2008). ‘Created Languages in Science Fiction’. In: Science Fiction Studies. Vol. 35, no. 3. Indiana: SF-TH Inc, pp. 386 - 403. google scholar
  • Csicsery-Ronay, I. (2008). The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction. Wesleyan University Press. google scholar
  • Delabastita, D. (2004). ‘Literary Style in Translation: Archaisms and Neologisms.’ In H. Kittel (Ed.), Übersetzung. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Übersetzungsforschung. 1. Teilband (pp. 883-888). Walter de Gruyter GmbH. google scholar
  • Gray, M. (2020). ‘Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti’s Framework to Science Fictional Texts’. Transletters: International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, 4. google scholar
  • Gürçağlar, Ş. T. (2014). Çevirinin ABC’si. Say Yayınları google scholar
  • Işıklar Koçak, M. and Aydın, E. (2017). Science Fiction in Turkey: Survival of a Genre through Retranslations and Reprints. Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Humanities, 4(1), p. 31-42. google scholar
  • Kavruk, F. Ü. (2022). Kurgusal Diller, Kültürel Neolojiler ve Çeviriyaratım: İngilizceden Türkçeye ve Almancaya Aktarımlar. Doktora Tezi. Ulusal Tez Merkezi google scholar
  • Korpi, S. (2017). Neologies as the Voice of Science Fiction in Translation: The Quest for Generic Fluency. In Vakki Symposium Electronic Publications. google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (1975). The Dispossessed. New York: Avon Publishing google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (2010). The Left Hand of Darkness. Berkley Publishing google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (2017). Mülksüzler. (Translated by L. Mollamustafaoğlu). İstanbul: Metis Publishing google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (2018). Karanlığın Sol Eli. (Translated by A. Ümit). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Publishing google scholar
  • Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice-Hall International. London-New York. google scholar
  • Roberts, A. (2006). Science fiction. Routledge google scholar
  • Saenz, A. E. (2020). (Re)translation and Reception of Neologisms in Science Fiction. Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, (3), 39-58 google scholar
  • Stockwell, P. (2006). ‘Invented Language in Literature’. in Keith Brown et al. (eds). Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. vol. 6, pp. 3-10, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. google scholar
  • Suvin, D. (1979). Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre. New Haven: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Yetkin Karakoç, N. (2014). Structural Calques in Neologism Translation and Unintelligibility: The Case of Generation X. Turkish Studies (Electronic), 9(3), 1611-1619. google scholar

Bilim Kurguda Neoloji Çevirisi: Hedef Metnin Metinsel Gerçekliği ya da Gerçek Dışılığı

Year 2023, Issue: 18, 107 - 122, 31.07.2023


Yabancılaşma kavramının birer temsilcisi olarak, kurgusal neolojiler, okuyucunun hayali bir dünyanın inandırıcılığını bir mantık çerçevesinde düşünebilmesine yardımcı olur. Bilim kurgu bu yenilikler sayesinde kendi hayali dünyasını gerçekte yaşadığımız dünyadan ayırır. Çevirmenler bilimkurgunun novum/yeni sözcükleri (Suvin, 1979) olarak nitelendirilebilecek olan neolojileri başka bir dile taşırlar ve böylece (bir anlamda) erek metnin bilimkurgu gerçekliğini yeniden inşa ederler. Bu bilgiler doğrultusunda, bu çalışmada Ursula K. Le Guin'in Mülksüzler ve Karanlığın Sol Eli romanlarında görülen neolojilerin çevirisi hem bilim kurgu hem de çeviribilim yaklaşımları üzerinden incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, Newmark'ın (1988) neolojilerin çevirisi için önerdiği çeşitli yöntemlerden yola çıkılarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve bulgular kurgusal neolojilerin çoğunlukla aktarım, doğallaştırma ve doğrudan çeviri işlemleri uygulanarak erek metinlere aktarıldığını göstermiştir. Bu çevirmen tercihleri, neolojilerin erek metinlerde korunduğunu ve çevirmenlerin birer edebi metin öğesi olarak bu neolojilerin işlevini ön plana çıkardıklarını ortaya koymaktadır. Ortaya çıkan bu kaynak odaklı çevirmen eğilimleri, metinlerdeki hayali dünyaların inandırıcılığını sağladığı için bilimkurgu metinlerinin anlaşılırlığının sağlanmasında gerekli bir nitelik olarak kabul edilebilir. Bu çalışma, bilimkurgu romanlarında görülen kurgusal neolojilerin çevirisini incelemektedir. Ancak, neolojilerin tek başına tüm hayali dünya inşasını temsil etmediği ve bu nedenle birden fazla hayali dünya altyapısının incelenmesinin bilim kurgu çevirisi hakkında daha fazla fikir verebileceği unutulmamalıdır.


  • Apaydın, T. (2020). Neolojizm Çevirileri Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ve Through the Looking Glass Örneği. Journal of International Social Research. 13(73). google scholar
  • Barbour, D. (1974). Wholeness and Balance in the Hainish Novels of Ursula K. Le Guin. Science Fiction Studies, 1(3), 164-173. google scholar
  • Cheyne, R. (2008). ‘Created Languages in Science Fiction’. In: Science Fiction Studies. Vol. 35, no. 3. Indiana: SF-TH Inc, pp. 386 - 403. google scholar
  • Csicsery-Ronay, I. (2008). The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction. Wesleyan University Press. google scholar
  • Delabastita, D. (2004). ‘Literary Style in Translation: Archaisms and Neologisms.’ In H. Kittel (Ed.), Übersetzung. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Übersetzungsforschung. 1. Teilband (pp. 883-888). Walter de Gruyter GmbH. google scholar
  • Gray, M. (2020). ‘Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti’s Framework to Science Fictional Texts’. Transletters: International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, 4. google scholar
  • Gürçağlar, Ş. T. (2014). Çevirinin ABC’si. Say Yayınları google scholar
  • Işıklar Koçak, M. and Aydın, E. (2017). Science Fiction in Turkey: Survival of a Genre through Retranslations and Reprints. Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Humanities, 4(1), p. 31-42. google scholar
  • Kavruk, F. Ü. (2022). Kurgusal Diller, Kültürel Neolojiler ve Çeviriyaratım: İngilizceden Türkçeye ve Almancaya Aktarımlar. Doktora Tezi. Ulusal Tez Merkezi google scholar
  • Korpi, S. (2017). Neologies as the Voice of Science Fiction in Translation: The Quest for Generic Fluency. In Vakki Symposium Electronic Publications. google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (1975). The Dispossessed. New York: Avon Publishing google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (2010). The Left Hand of Darkness. Berkley Publishing google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (2017). Mülksüzler. (Translated by L. Mollamustafaoğlu). İstanbul: Metis Publishing google scholar
  • Le Guin, U. K. (2018). Karanlığın Sol Eli. (Translated by A. Ümit). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Publishing google scholar
  • Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice-Hall International. London-New York. google scholar
  • Roberts, A. (2006). Science fiction. Routledge google scholar
  • Saenz, A. E. (2020). (Re)translation and Reception of Neologisms in Science Fiction. Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, (3), 39-58 google scholar
  • Stockwell, P. (2006). ‘Invented Language in Literature’. in Keith Brown et al. (eds). Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. vol. 6, pp. 3-10, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. google scholar
  • Suvin, D. (1979). Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre. New Haven: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Yetkin Karakoç, N. (2014). Structural Calques in Neologism Translation and Unintelligibility: The Case of Generation X. Turkish Studies (Electronic), 9(3), 1611-1619. google scholar
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics (Other)
Journal Section MAKALELER

Özge Aksoy 0000-0001-7975-4371

Ayşe Selmin Söylemez 0000-0001-7231-7523

Publication Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 18


APA Aksoy, Ö., & Söylemez, A. S. (2023). Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text. IU Journal of Translation Studies(18), 107-122.
AMA Aksoy Ö, Söylemez AS. Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text. IU Journal of Translation Studies. July 2023;(18):107-122. doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1255932
Chicago Aksoy, Özge, and Ayşe Selmin Söylemez. “Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 18 (July 2023): 107-22.
EndNote Aksoy Ö, Söylemez AS (July 1, 2023) Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text. IU Journal of Translation Studies 18 107–122.
IEEE Ö. Aksoy and A. S. Söylemez, “Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 18, pp. 107–122, July 2023, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2023.1255932.
ISNAD Aksoy, Özge - Söylemez, Ayşe Selmin. “Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 18 (July 2023), 107-122.
JAMA Aksoy Ö, Söylemez AS. Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023;:107–122.
MLA Aksoy, Özge and Ayşe Selmin Söylemez. “Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 18, 2023, pp. 107-22, doi:10.26650/iujts.2023.1255932.
Vancouver Aksoy Ö, Söylemez AS. Translation of Neologisms in Science Fiction: The Textual Reality or Unreality of The Target Text. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2023(18):107-22.