Research Article
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The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye

Year 2024, Issue: 21, 13 - 28, 18.12.2024


This study aims to assess community interpreting students’ perceptions of the inter preter’s role. The migrant and refugee population in Türkiye has grown following global developments, wars and crises in the country’s neighbouring geography. This has increased the need for community interpreters who play a key role in over coming language and communication barriers between the host community and foreigners. Growing community interpreting needs requires adjusting the structure and content of community interpreting courses offered at the academic level in the relevant university programmes. As future community interpreters, students’ understanding of and attitude towards the community interpreter’s role is vital for their effective performance of the job and the tasks it entails. This study utilises data collected from 14 community interpreting students enrolled in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at a state university. The students’ perceptions of the community interpreter’s role, task boundaries, and status were explored through an open-ended questionnaire including scenarios based on ethical dilemmas that com munityinterpreters may face in different contexts and a Likert scale survey designed accordingly. The data were analysed under the following headings: communication issues, conveying emotions, impartiality and neutrality, addressing cultural differ ences, and managing power differentials. The analysis revealed findings pointing to the transgression of the boundaries of the mechanistic role traditionally attributed to interpreters. This indicates a developing awareness among the students of the mediating role of interpreters as active agents in different humanitarian contexts. It is hoped that the findings will contribute to the structure and content of community interpreting courses offered in the relevant programmes of higher education insti tutions and to prospective students’ understanding of the community interpreter’s role.


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  • Bahadır, Ş. (2011). The task of the interpreter in the struggle of the other for empowerment: Mythical utopia or sine qua non of professionalism? In R. Sela-Sheffy, & M. Shlesinger (Eds.), Identity and Status in the Translational Professions (pp. 263-278). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
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Türkiye’de Artan Toplum Çevirmenliği İhtiyaçları Bağlamında Çevirmenin Rolüne İlişkin Öğrenci Görüşleri

Year 2024, Issue: 21, 13 - 28, 18.12.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı toplum çevirmenliği öğrencilerinin toplum çevirmeninin rolüne ilişkin algılarını tespit etmektir. Türkiye’deki göçmen ve mülteci nüfusu komşu coğrafyada yaşanan savaş ve krizler sonrasında ve küresel gelişmeler ne deniyle oldukça artmıştır. Bu durum, ev sahibi toplum ile yabancılar arasındaki dil ve iletişim engellerinin aşılmasında kilit rol oynayan toplum çevirmenlerine olan ihtiyacı da artırmıştır. Kapsamı genişleyen toplum çevirmenliği ihtiyaçları üniversitelerde ilgili bölümlerde akademik düzeyde sunulan toplum çevirmenliği derslerinin yapısının ve içeriğinin aynı doğrultuda güncellen mesini gerektirmektedir. Bu kapsamda toplum çevirmeni adayları olan çeviri bölümü öğrencilerinin göçler ve kriz durumlarının ön plana çıkardığı çevirmenin rolünü kavrayış biçimleri çevirmenlik mesleğini ve gerektirdiği görevleri etkili ve verimli icraları açısından elzemdir. BuçalışmabirdevletüniversitesindeMütercimveTercümanlıkBölümündetoplumçevirmenliğidersinialan 14 öğrenciden toplanan verilere dayanır. Öğrencilerin toplum çevirmeninin rolü ve görevleri ile statüsüne ilişkin algıları toplum çevirmenlerinin farklı bağlamlarda karşılacabilecekleri etik ikilem durumlarına dayalı senaryolar içeren açık uçlu soru formu ile aynı doğrultuda tasarlanmış Likert ölçekli anket aracılığıyla araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler iletişim hususları, duyguların aktarımı, tarafsızlık ve yansızlık, kültürel farklılıkların ele alınması ve güç farklılıklarının yönetimi başlıkları altında incelen miştir. İnceleme sonucunda tercümanlara geleneksel olarak atfedilen mekanik rol sınırlarının aşıldığına işaret eden bulgular ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu durum, tercümanların farklı insani yardım bağlamlarında aktif aktörler olarak üstlendikleri rollere ilişkin öğrenciler arasında gelişen bir farkındalığa işaret etmektedir. Bulguların, yükseköğretim kurumlarının ilgili programlarında sunulan toplum çevirmenliği derslerinin yapısına ve içeriğine ve öğrencilerin toplum çevirmeninin rolünü anlayışına katkıda bulunacağı umulmaktadır.


  • Amato, A., & Mack, G. (2017). Interpreters working with children in Italy: Profile, role, and expectations’, inTRAlinea, 19. Retrieved July 19, 2022, from google scholar
  • Angelelli, C.V. (2004a). Medical interpreting and cross-cultural communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Angelelli, C.V. (2004b). Revisiting the interpreter’s role: A study of conference, court, and medical interpreters in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • Aral Duvan, M. (2021). Türkiye’de toplum çevirmenliği bağlamında mültecilere verilen tercüman bilirkişilik hizmetleri: Ağ kuramı işığında bir değerlendirme [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Istanbul University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Centre. google scholar
  • Arslan, R.K., & Durdağı, A.N. (2018). Türkiye’deki çeviri eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumlarında toplum çevirmenliği alanındaki derslere yönelik bir araştırma. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(23), 368-379. https:// SOBI DER.4223 google scholar
  • Bahadır, Ş. (2011). The task of the interpreter in the struggle of the other for empowerment: Mythical utopia or sine qua non of professionalism? In R. Sela-Sheffy, & M. Shlesinger (Eds.), Identity and Status in the Translational Professions (pp. 263-278). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
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  • Barsky, R. (1996). The interpreter as intercultural agent in convention refugee hearings. The Translator, 2(1), 45-63. google scholar
  • Berk-Seligson, S. (1990). The bilingual courtroom: Court interpreters in the judicial process. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Bot, H. (2003). The myth of the uninvolved interpreter interpreting in mental health and the development of a three-person psychology. In L. Brunette, G.L. Bastin, I. Hemlin, & H. Clarke (Eds.), The Critical Link 3 (pp. 27-35). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • Buend^a, C.T. (2010). Community interpreting: Breaking with the ‘norm’ through normalisation. Journal of Specialised Translation, 14, 11-25. google scholar
  • Bulut, A., & Kurultay, T. (2001). Interpreters-in-aid at disasters: Community interpreting in the process of disaster management. The Translator, 7(2), 249-263. doi:10.1080/13556509.2001.10799104 google scholar
  • California Healthcare Interpreters Association (CHIA). (2002). California standards for healthcare inter-preters: Ethical principles, protocols, and guidance on roles and intervention. July 19, 2022, from google scholar
  • Corsellis, A. (2008). Public service interpreting: The first steps. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Crezee, I., Jülich, S., & Hayward, M. (2013). Issues for interpreters and professionals working in refugee settings. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practise, 8(3), 253-273. doi:10.1558/japl.v8i3.253 google scholar
  • Davidson, B. (2000). The interpreter as institutional gatekeeper: The social-linguistic role of interpreters in Spanish-English medical discourse. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 4(3), 379-405. google scholar
  • Doğan, A., & Kahraman, R. (2011). Emergency and disaster interpreting in Turkey: Ten years of a unique endeavour. Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters, 28(2), 61-76. google scholar
  • Duman, D. (2018). Toplum çevirmenliğine yorumbilgisel bir yaklaşım: Sağlık çevirmeni ve öznellik [Unpublished doctoral thesis, Yıldız Technical University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Centre. google scholar
  • Edwards, R., Temple, B., & Alexander, C. (2006). Users’ experiences of interpreters: The critical role of trust. Interpreting. 7(1), 77-95. google scholar
  • Filmer, D. (2019). Mediating migrants: Trust and identity in communicating the migrant crisis on the South East coast of Sicily”, mediAzioni, 25. Retrieved July 19, 2022, from google scholar
  • Geiling, A., Nohr, L., Meyer, C., Böttche, M., Knaevelsrud, C., & Stammel, N. (2023). Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess role conflicts among interpreters working with refugee clients: The role conflicts questionnaire. Internal Journal of Public Health, 68, 1605844. doi:10.3389/ijph.2023.1605844 google scholar
  • Green, H., Sperlinger, D., & Carswell, K. (2012). Too close to home? Experiences of Kurdish refugee interpreters working in UK mental health services. Journal of Mental Health, 21(3), 227-235. doi:10.3109/09638237.2011.651659 google scholar
  • Güzel, M. (2022). Türkiye’deki sağlık çevirmenlerinin rol belirsizliği ve rol çatışması: Antalya, Ankara ve İstanbul’da bulunan sağlık çevirmenlerinin Erving Goffman’ın rol modeli eşliğinde incelenmesi [Unpublished master’s thesis, Istanbul University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Centre. google scholar
  • Hale, S.B. (2008). Controversies over the role of the court interpreter. In C. Valero-Garces, & A. Martin (Eds.), Crossing borders in community interpreting (pp. 99-121). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
  • Hale, S.B. (2014). Interpreting culture: Dealing with crosscultural issues in court interpreting. Perspectives, 22(3), 321-331. doi: 10.1080/0907676X.2013.827226 google scholar
  • Hale, S.B. (2015). Community interpreting. In F. Pöchhacker (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of interpreting studies (pp. 65-69). London and New York: Routledge. google scholar
  • Hsieh, E. (2003). The communicative perspective of medical interpreting. Studies in English Language and Literature, 11, 11-24. google scholar
  • Hsieh, E. (2006). Conflicts in how interpreters manage their roles in provider-patient interactions. Social Science & Medicine, 62(3), 721-730. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.06.029 google scholar
  • Inghilleri, M. (2005). Mediating zones of uncertainty: Interpreter agency, the interpreting habitus and political asylum adjudication. The Translator, 11, 69-85. google scholar
  • Inghilleri, M. (2012). Interpreting justice: Ethics, politics and language. London and New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203147962 google scholar
  • Jiang, L., Han, C., Jiang, J., & Feng, Y. (2014). The sociological turn in the interpreter’s role: Discourse interpreting filters. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 9(2), 274-298. doi: 10.1075/tis.9.2.07jia google scholar
  • Kadric, M. (2000). Interpreting in the Austrian courtroom. In R.P. Roberts, S.E. Carr, D. Abraham, & A. Dufour (Eds.), The Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the community (pp. 153-164). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. google scholar
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  • Kaufert, J.M., & Putsch, R.W. (1997). Communication through interpreters in healthcare: Ethical dilemmas arising from differences in class, culture, language, and power. Journal of Clinical Ethics, 8(1), 71-87. google scholar
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  • Lai, M., Heydon, G., & Mulayim, S. (2015). Vicarious trauma among interpreters. International Journal of Interpreter Education, 7(1), 3-22. google scholar
  • Retrieved March 23, 2022, from google scholar
  • Leanza, Y. (2005). Roles of community interpreters in pediatrics as seen by interpreters, physicians and researchers. Interpreting, 7(2), 167-192. doi:10.1075/intp.7.2.03lea google scholar
  • Mason, I., & Ren, W. (2013). Power in face-to-face interpreting events. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 7(2), 234-253. doi:10.1075/tis.7.2.08mas google scholar
  • Merlini, R., & Gatti, M. (2015). Empathy in healthcare interpreting: Going beyond the notion of role. The Interpreters’ Newsletter, 20, 139-160. google scholar
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Translation and Interpretation Studies
Journal Section MAKALELER

Aslı Polat Ulaş 0000-0002-7815-3686

Publication Date December 18, 2024
Submission Date September 11, 2024
Acceptance Date October 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 21


APA Polat Ulaş, A. (2024). The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies(21), 13-28.
AMA Polat Ulaş A. The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies. December 2024;(21):13-28. doi:10.26650/iujts.2024.1548105
Chicago Polat Ulaş, Aslı. “The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 21 (December 2024): 13-28.
EndNote Polat Ulaş A (December 1, 2024) The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies 21 13–28.
IEEE A. Polat Ulaş, “The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 21, pp. 13–28, December 2024, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2024.1548105.
ISNAD Polat Ulaş, Aslı. “The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 21 (December 2024), 13-28.
JAMA Polat Ulaş A. The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2024;:13–28.
MLA Polat Ulaş, Aslı. “The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 21, 2024, pp. 13-28, doi:10.26650/iujts.2024.1548105.
Vancouver Polat Ulaş A. The Community Interpreter’s Role: Students’ Perceptions in the Context of Growing Needs in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2024(21):13-28.