Research Article
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Assessment of risk factors associated with spread of tuberculosis in Gujrat city Pakistan

Year 2019, , 41 - 60, 30.12.2019


Like other cities of Pakistan, Gujrat is also facing problems to eradicate tuberculosis. The current paper is an effort to highlight the risk factors which are
responsible for the spread of tuberculosis in the urban areas of Gujrat city. Tuberculosis data were collected from the District Health Officer, the National
Tuberculosis Control Program and the Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Hospital, Gujrat. Data were analyzed temporally from 2013 to 2016, which showed the escalation
of TB cases. Questionnaire survey-based data were analyzed in Principal Component Analysis using SPSS software. Three factors were extracted from the
PCA. Factor 1 revealed the highest correlation of 37 variables. On the basis of the highest loadings of variables, Factor I was named as the socio-ecological
and demographic status. It is evident from Factor I that tuberculosis has the highest relation with social, ecological and demographic factors in the study
area. Factor II is named as the socio-economic and ecological factors, and indicates the relationship of social, economic and ecological factors of the disease.
There is an urgent need to evaluate the vulnerable population of urban areas on a priority basis, i.e Moinuddin pur, Kanjah, Adhowal, and Madina UCs.
Unplanned urbanization, poor garbage disposal, lack of recreational facilities, poverty, and poor management of the city, accessibility to health facilities,
diet and diagnosis are favorable factors for disease transmission.


  • Aguilar, A. G. (2008). Peri-urbanization, illegal settlements and environmental impact in Mexico City. Cities, 25(3), 133-145.
  • Ali, T. S., Krantz, G., Gul, R., Asad, N., Johansson, E., & Mogren, I. (2011). Gender roles and their influence on life prospects for women in urban Karachi, Pak0istan: a qualitative study. Global health action, 4(1), 7448.
  • Antczak, E. (2016). Environmental health–global and urban aspects „EkoMiasto# Społeczeństwo. Zrównoważony, inteligentny i partycypacyjny rozwój miasta”, red. A. Nowakowska, Z. Przygodzki, A. Rzeńca, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016; : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
  • Antrop, M., & Van Eetvelde, V. (2000). Holistic aspects of suburban landscapes: visual image interpretation and landscape metrics. Landscape and urban planning, 50(1-3), 43-58.
  • Azam, M., Burke, F., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., & Miandad, M. (2012). Open Green Spaces-Shah Faisal Town, Karachi, Pakistan: A Temporal Perspective. Karachi University Journal of Science, 40, 5-11.
  • Burke, F., Azam, M., ul Huda, S. N., & Hamza, S. (2007). Open Green Spaces-Asset or Liability-Case Study of North Nazimabad TownKarachi. Karachi University Journal of Science, 35, 23-30.
  • Byers, V. (2016). Democratic Governance and Health: Hospitals, Politics, and Health in New Zealand: Duke University Press.
  • Cameron, C. M., Nazar, J. C., Ehrlich, C., Kendall, E., Crompton, D., Liddy, A. M., & Kisely, S. (2018). General practitioner management of chronic diseases in adults with severe mental illness: a community intervention trial. Australian Health Review, 41(6), 665-671.
  • Cresswell, K., & Sheikh, A. (2013). Organizational issues in the implementation and adoption of health information technology innovations: an interpretative review. International journal of medical informatics, 82(5), e73-e86.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches: Sage publications.
  • De Muynck, A., Siddiqi, S., Ghaffar, A., & Sadiq, H. (2001). Tuberculosis control in Pakistan: critical analysis of its implementation. J Pak Med Assoc, 51(1), 41-47.
  • Deneulin, S., & Alkire, S. (2009). A normative framework for development An introduction to the human development and capability approach (pp. 25-35): Routledge.
  • Dunteman, G. (1989). Main components analysis (No. 69): Sage.
  • Eisenberg, J. N., Desai, M. A., Levy, K., Bates, S. J., Liang, S., Naumoff, K., & Scott, J. C. (2007). Environmental determinants of infectious disease: a framework for tracking causal links and guiding public health research. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(8), 12161223.
  • Farchi, S., Mantovani, J., Borgia, P., & Giorgi Rossi, P. (2008). Tuberculosis incidence, hospitalisation prevalence and mortality in Lazio, Italy, 1997–2003. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 12(2), 193-198.
  • Fatima, R., Harris, R., Enarson, D., Hinderaker, S., Qadeer, E., Ali, K., & Bassilli, A. (2014). Estimating tuberculosis burden and case detection in Pakistan. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 18(1), 55-60.
  • Gatrell, A., & Loytonen, M. (1998). GIS and health. GISDATA VI: London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Hawthorne, G., Richardson, J., & Osborne, R. (1999). The Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) instrument: a psychometric measure of health-related quality of life. Quality of Life Research, 8(3), 209-224.
  • Hossain, S., Quaiyum, M. A., Zaman, K., Banu, S., Husain, M. A., Islam, M. A., Cooreman, E., Borgdorff, M., Lönnroth, K., & Salim, A. H. (2012). Socio economic position in TB prevalence and access to services: results from a population prevalence survey and a facilitybased survey in Bangladesh. PloS one, 7(9), e44980.
  • Keall, M. D., Crane, J., Baker, M. G., Wickens, K., Howden-Chapman, P., & Cunningham, M. (2012). A measure for quantifying the impact of housing quality on respiratory health: a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health, 11(1), 33.
  • Khan, M. A., Nazir, S., Tahir, A. H., Khan, I., Abbas, T., & Younus, M. (2007). Study on human tuberculosis with reference to sociodemographic factors. Punjab Univ J Zool, 22(1-2), 57-61.
  • Lane, S. (2011). Stealing innocence: Child marriage and gender inequality in Pakistan. Plan Finland & Abo Akademi University, Finland, 1-44.
  • Lienhardt, C., Fielding, K., Sillah, J., Bah, B., Gustafson, P., Warndorff, D., Palayew, M., Lisse, I., Donkor, S., & Diallo, S. (2005). Investigation of the risk factors for tuberculosis: a case–control study in three countries in West Africa. International journal of epidemiology, 34(4), 914-923.
  • Mangtani, P., Jolley, D. J., Watson, J. M., & Rodrigues, L. C. (1995). Socioeconomic deprivation and notification rates for tuberculosis in London during 1982-91. BMj, 310(6985), 963-966.
  • Mankin, E. (2003). Principal Components Analysis: A How-To Manual for R. Desde http://psych. colorado. edu/wiki/lib/exe/fetch. php.
  • Mathur, S., Greene, M., & Malhotra, A. (2003). Too young to wed: the lives, rights and health of young married girls.
  • Miandad, M., Burke, F., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., & Azam, M. (2017). Tuberculosis incidence in Karachi: a spatio-temporal analysis. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 10(5).
  • Miandad, M., Burke, F., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., Ghazi, S., & Azam, M. (2015). Lingual Distribution of Tuberculosis Patients in Karachi-A Demographic Analysis. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11, 74-80.
  • Miandad, M., Burke, F., Ul-Huda, S. N., & Azam, M. (2015). Geodemographic Analysis of Tuberculosis Patients in Karachi. Human Geographies–Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, 9(2).
  • Miandad, M., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., Burke, F., Hamza, S., & Azam, M. (2016). Educational status and awareness among tuberculosis patients of Karachi. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 66(3), 265-269.
  • Middelkoop, K., Bekker, L.-G., Morrow, C., Lee, N., & Wood, R. (2014). Decreasing household contribution to TB transmission with age: a retrospective geographic analysis of young people in a South African township. BMC infectious diseases, 14(1), 221.
  • Obermeyer, Z., Abbott-Klafter, J., & Murray, C. J. (2008). Has the DOTS strategy improved case finding or treatment success? An empirical assessment. PloS one, 3(3), e1721.
  • Pauleit, S., Ennos, R., & Golding, Y. (2005). Modeling the environmental impacts of urban land use and land cover change—a study in Merseyside, UK. Landscape and urban planning, 71(2-4), 295-310.
  • Pearson, K. (1901). Principal components analysis. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 6(2), 559.
  • Qadeer, E., Fatima, R., Yaqoob, A., Tahseen, S., Haq, M. U., Ghafoor, A., Asif, M., Straetemans, M., & Tiemersma, E. W. (2016). Population based national tuberculosis prevalence survey among adults (> 15 years) in Pakistan, 2010–2011. PloS one, 11(2), e0148293.
  • Rabbani, F., Qureshi, F., & Rizvi, N. (2008). Perspectives on domestic violence: case study from Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Rees, D., Murray, J., Nelson, G., & Sonnenberg, P. (2010). Oscillating migration and the epidemics of silicosis, tuberculosis, and HIV infection in South African gold miners. American journal of industrial medicine, 53(4), 398-404.
  • Shetty, N., Shemko, M., Vaz, M., & D’souza, G. (2006). An epidemiological evaluation of risk factors for tuberculosis in South India: a matched case control study. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 10(1), 80-86.
  • Silverman, D. (2013). Doing qualitative research: A practical handbook: SAGE Publications Limited.
  • Tavakol, M., & Sandars, J. (2014). Quantitative and qualitative methods in medical education research: AMEE Guide No 90: Part II. Medical teacher, 36(10), 838-848.
  • Tiberi, S., Petersen, E., Maeurer, M., Ntoumi, F., Yeboa-Manu, D., Mwaba, P., Vilaplana, C., Dar, O., Bates, M., & Corrah, T. (2018). Taking forward the Stop TB Partnership and World Health Organization Joint Theme for World TB Day March 24th 2018—“Wanted: Leaders for a TB-Free World. You can make history. End TB”. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 68, 122-124.
  • Turkington, C., & Ashby, B. (2007). The encyclopedia of infectious diseases: Infobase Publishing.
  • Wanyeki, I., Olson, S., Brassard, P., Menzies, D., Ross, N., Behr, M., & Schwartzman, K. (2006). Dwellings, crowding, and tuberculosis in Montreal. Social science & medicine, 63(2), 501-511.
  • Williams, B., Onsman, A., & Brown, T. (2010). Exploratory factor analysis: A five-step guide for novices. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 8(3).
  • World Health Organization, W. (2006). WHO REPORT 2006: global tuberculosis control: surveillance, planning, financing WHO report 2006: global tuberculosis control: surveillance, planning, financing.
  • World Health Organization, W. (2010). Global tuberculosis control: WHO report 2010: World Health Organization.
  • World Health Organization, W. (2019). The WHO global task force on TB impact measurement: World Health Organization.
  • Zaman, R. M., Zaman, T. R., & Stewart, S. M. (2006). Pakistan: culture, community, and filial obligations in a Muslim society. Paper presented at the Families across cultures: A 30 nation psychological study.
  • Zumla, A., George, A., Sharma, V., Herbert, R. H. N., Oxley, A., & Oliver, M. (2015). The WHO 2014 global tuberculosis report—further to go. The Lancet Global Health, 3(1), e10-e12.

Pakistan’ın Gujrat kentinde tüberkülozun yayılması ile ilişkili risk faktörlerinin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2019, , 41 - 60, 30.12.2019


Pakistan’ın diğer şehirleri gibi Gujrat da tüberkülozu ortadan kaldırma çabası içerisindedir. Bu çalışma Gujrat’ın şehir bölgelerinde tüberkülozun yayılmasına
neden olan faktörleri ortaya koymayı amaçlamıştır. Tüberküloza ait veriler bölge sağlık görevlileri, Ulusal Tüberküloz Kontrol Programı ve Aziz Bhatti Shaheed
Hastanesi’nden toplanmıştır. 2013 - 2016 aralığına ait veriler tüberkülozda artış olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Saha anketlerinden toplanan verilere SPSS
yazılımıyla temel bileşen analizi uygulanmıştır. Bu analizden sonucunda tüberkülozu arttıran 3 faktör saptanmıştır. 37 değişken arasındaki en yüksek
korelasyonu gösteren ve tüberkülozun yayılmasında en yüksek paya sahip olan faktör sosyoekolojik ve demografik özelliklerdir. İkinci sırada yer alan faktör
sosyoekonomik faktördür. Moinuddin pur, Kanjah, Adhowal ve Madina acil eylem gerektiren, hassas nüfusun çoğunlukta olduğu bölgelerdir. Plansız
şehirleşme, yetersiz atık yönetimi, rekreasyonel birimlerin azlığı, yoksulluk, kötü şehir yönetimi, sağlık birimlerine erişimdeki zorluklar hastalığın yayılmasına
neden olan önemli etmenlerdir.


  • Aguilar, A. G. (2008). Peri-urbanization, illegal settlements and environmental impact in Mexico City. Cities, 25(3), 133-145.
  • Ali, T. S., Krantz, G., Gul, R., Asad, N., Johansson, E., & Mogren, I. (2011). Gender roles and their influence on life prospects for women in urban Karachi, Pak0istan: a qualitative study. Global health action, 4(1), 7448.
  • Antczak, E. (2016). Environmental health–global and urban aspects „EkoMiasto# Społeczeństwo. Zrównoważony, inteligentny i partycypacyjny rozwój miasta”, red. A. Nowakowska, Z. Przygodzki, A. Rzeńca, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016; : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
  • Antrop, M., & Van Eetvelde, V. (2000). Holistic aspects of suburban landscapes: visual image interpretation and landscape metrics. Landscape and urban planning, 50(1-3), 43-58.
  • Azam, M., Burke, F., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., & Miandad, M. (2012). Open Green Spaces-Shah Faisal Town, Karachi, Pakistan: A Temporal Perspective. Karachi University Journal of Science, 40, 5-11.
  • Burke, F., Azam, M., ul Huda, S. N., & Hamza, S. (2007). Open Green Spaces-Asset or Liability-Case Study of North Nazimabad TownKarachi. Karachi University Journal of Science, 35, 23-30.
  • Byers, V. (2016). Democratic Governance and Health: Hospitals, Politics, and Health in New Zealand: Duke University Press.
  • Cameron, C. M., Nazar, J. C., Ehrlich, C., Kendall, E., Crompton, D., Liddy, A. M., & Kisely, S. (2018). General practitioner management of chronic diseases in adults with severe mental illness: a community intervention trial. Australian Health Review, 41(6), 665-671.
  • Cresswell, K., & Sheikh, A. (2013). Organizational issues in the implementation and adoption of health information technology innovations: an interpretative review. International journal of medical informatics, 82(5), e73-e86.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches: Sage publications.
  • De Muynck, A., Siddiqi, S., Ghaffar, A., & Sadiq, H. (2001). Tuberculosis control in Pakistan: critical analysis of its implementation. J Pak Med Assoc, 51(1), 41-47.
  • Deneulin, S., & Alkire, S. (2009). A normative framework for development An introduction to the human development and capability approach (pp. 25-35): Routledge.
  • Dunteman, G. (1989). Main components analysis (No. 69): Sage.
  • Eisenberg, J. N., Desai, M. A., Levy, K., Bates, S. J., Liang, S., Naumoff, K., & Scott, J. C. (2007). Environmental determinants of infectious disease: a framework for tracking causal links and guiding public health research. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(8), 12161223.
  • Farchi, S., Mantovani, J., Borgia, P., & Giorgi Rossi, P. (2008). Tuberculosis incidence, hospitalisation prevalence and mortality in Lazio, Italy, 1997–2003. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 12(2), 193-198.
  • Fatima, R., Harris, R., Enarson, D., Hinderaker, S., Qadeer, E., Ali, K., & Bassilli, A. (2014). Estimating tuberculosis burden and case detection in Pakistan. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 18(1), 55-60.
  • Gatrell, A., & Loytonen, M. (1998). GIS and health. GISDATA VI: London: Taylor & Francis.
  • Hawthorne, G., Richardson, J., & Osborne, R. (1999). The Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) instrument: a psychometric measure of health-related quality of life. Quality of Life Research, 8(3), 209-224.
  • Hossain, S., Quaiyum, M. A., Zaman, K., Banu, S., Husain, M. A., Islam, M. A., Cooreman, E., Borgdorff, M., Lönnroth, K., & Salim, A. H. (2012). Socio economic position in TB prevalence and access to services: results from a population prevalence survey and a facilitybased survey in Bangladesh. PloS one, 7(9), e44980.
  • Keall, M. D., Crane, J., Baker, M. G., Wickens, K., Howden-Chapman, P., & Cunningham, M. (2012). A measure for quantifying the impact of housing quality on respiratory health: a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health, 11(1), 33.
  • Khan, M. A., Nazir, S., Tahir, A. H., Khan, I., Abbas, T., & Younus, M. (2007). Study on human tuberculosis with reference to sociodemographic factors. Punjab Univ J Zool, 22(1-2), 57-61.
  • Lane, S. (2011). Stealing innocence: Child marriage and gender inequality in Pakistan. Plan Finland & Abo Akademi University, Finland, 1-44.
  • Lienhardt, C., Fielding, K., Sillah, J., Bah, B., Gustafson, P., Warndorff, D., Palayew, M., Lisse, I., Donkor, S., & Diallo, S. (2005). Investigation of the risk factors for tuberculosis: a case–control study in three countries in West Africa. International journal of epidemiology, 34(4), 914-923.
  • Mangtani, P., Jolley, D. J., Watson, J. M., & Rodrigues, L. C. (1995). Socioeconomic deprivation and notification rates for tuberculosis in London during 1982-91. BMj, 310(6985), 963-966.
  • Mankin, E. (2003). Principal Components Analysis: A How-To Manual for R. Desde http://psych. colorado. edu/wiki/lib/exe/fetch. php.
  • Mathur, S., Greene, M., & Malhotra, A. (2003). Too young to wed: the lives, rights and health of young married girls.
  • Miandad, M., Burke, F., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., & Azam, M. (2017). Tuberculosis incidence in Karachi: a spatio-temporal analysis. Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 10(5).
  • Miandad, M., Burke, F., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., Ghazi, S., & Azam, M. (2015). Lingual Distribution of Tuberculosis Patients in Karachi-A Demographic Analysis. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11, 74-80.
  • Miandad, M., Burke, F., Ul-Huda, S. N., & Azam, M. (2015). Geodemographic Analysis of Tuberculosis Patients in Karachi. Human Geographies–Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, 9(2).
  • Miandad, M., Nawaz-ul-Huda, S., Burke, F., Hamza, S., & Azam, M. (2016). Educational status and awareness among tuberculosis patients of Karachi. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 66(3), 265-269.
  • Middelkoop, K., Bekker, L.-G., Morrow, C., Lee, N., & Wood, R. (2014). Decreasing household contribution to TB transmission with age: a retrospective geographic analysis of young people in a South African township. BMC infectious diseases, 14(1), 221.
  • Obermeyer, Z., Abbott-Klafter, J., & Murray, C. J. (2008). Has the DOTS strategy improved case finding or treatment success? An empirical assessment. PloS one, 3(3), e1721.
  • Pauleit, S., Ennos, R., & Golding, Y. (2005). Modeling the environmental impacts of urban land use and land cover change—a study in Merseyside, UK. Landscape and urban planning, 71(2-4), 295-310.
  • Pearson, K. (1901). Principal components analysis. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 6(2), 559.
  • Qadeer, E., Fatima, R., Yaqoob, A., Tahseen, S., Haq, M. U., Ghafoor, A., Asif, M., Straetemans, M., & Tiemersma, E. W. (2016). Population based national tuberculosis prevalence survey among adults (> 15 years) in Pakistan, 2010–2011. PloS one, 11(2), e0148293.
  • Rabbani, F., Qureshi, F., & Rizvi, N. (2008). Perspectives on domestic violence: case study from Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Rees, D., Murray, J., Nelson, G., & Sonnenberg, P. (2010). Oscillating migration and the epidemics of silicosis, tuberculosis, and HIV infection in South African gold miners. American journal of industrial medicine, 53(4), 398-404.
  • Shetty, N., Shemko, M., Vaz, M., & D’souza, G. (2006). An epidemiological evaluation of risk factors for tuberculosis in South India: a matched case control study. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 10(1), 80-86.
  • Silverman, D. (2013). Doing qualitative research: A practical handbook: SAGE Publications Limited.
  • Tavakol, M., & Sandars, J. (2014). Quantitative and qualitative methods in medical education research: AMEE Guide No 90: Part II. Medical teacher, 36(10), 838-848.
  • Tiberi, S., Petersen, E., Maeurer, M., Ntoumi, F., Yeboa-Manu, D., Mwaba, P., Vilaplana, C., Dar, O., Bates, M., & Corrah, T. (2018). Taking forward the Stop TB Partnership and World Health Organization Joint Theme for World TB Day March 24th 2018—“Wanted: Leaders for a TB-Free World. You can make history. End TB”. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 68, 122-124.
  • Turkington, C., & Ashby, B. (2007). The encyclopedia of infectious diseases: Infobase Publishing.
  • Wanyeki, I., Olson, S., Brassard, P., Menzies, D., Ross, N., Behr, M., & Schwartzman, K. (2006). Dwellings, crowding, and tuberculosis in Montreal. Social science & medicine, 63(2), 501-511.
  • Williams, B., Onsman, A., & Brown, T. (2010). Exploratory factor analysis: A five-step guide for novices. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 8(3).
  • World Health Organization, W. (2006). WHO REPORT 2006: global tuberculosis control: surveillance, planning, financing WHO report 2006: global tuberculosis control: surveillance, planning, financing.
  • World Health Organization, W. (2010). Global tuberculosis control: WHO report 2010: World Health Organization.
  • World Health Organization, W. (2019). The WHO global task force on TB impact measurement: World Health Organization.
  • Zaman, R. M., Zaman, T. R., & Stewart, S. M. (2006). Pakistan: culture, community, and filial obligations in a Muslim society. Paper presented at the Families across cultures: A 30 nation psychological study.
  • Zumla, A., George, A., Sharma, V., Herbert, R. H. N., Oxley, A., & Oliver, M. (2015). The WHO 2014 global tuberculosis report—further to go. The Lancet Global Health, 3(1), e10-e12.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Muhammad Mıandad 0000-0002-4339-8181

Muhammad Mushahid Anwar This is me 0000-0002-7370-8101

Shawaz Ahmed This is me 0000-0002-4019-4079

Ghani Rahman This is me 0000-0002-5091-2337

Mehtab Ahmed Khan This is me 0000-0001-9575-382X

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Submission Date August 9, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Mıandad, M., Anwar, M. M., Ahmed, S., Rahman, G., et al. (2019). Assessment of risk factors associated with spread of tuberculosis in Gujrat city Pakistan. Journal of Geography(39), 41-60.
AMA Mıandad M, Anwar MM, Ahmed S, Rahman G, Khan MA. Assessment of risk factors associated with spread of tuberculosis in Gujrat city Pakistan. Journal of Geography. December 2019;(39):41-60. doi:10.26650/JGEOG2019-0023
Chicago Mıandad, Muhammad, Muhammad Mushahid Anwar, Shawaz Ahmed, Ghani Rahman, and Mehtab Ahmed Khan. “Assessment of Risk Factors Associated With Spread of Tuberculosis in Gujrat City Pakistan”. Journal of Geography, no. 39 (December 2019): 41-60.
EndNote Mıandad M, Anwar MM, Ahmed S, Rahman G, Khan MA (December 1, 2019) Assessment of risk factors associated with spread of tuberculosis in Gujrat city Pakistan. Journal of Geography 39 41–60.
IEEE M. Mıandad, M. M. Anwar, S. Ahmed, G. Rahman, and M. A. Khan, “Assessment of risk factors associated with spread of tuberculosis in Gujrat city Pakistan”, Journal of Geography, no. 39, pp. 41–60, December 2019, doi: 10.26650/JGEOG2019-0023.
ISNAD Mıandad, Muhammad et al. “Assessment of Risk Factors Associated With Spread of Tuberculosis in Gujrat City Pakistan”. Journal of Geography 39 (December 2019), 41-60.
JAMA Mıandad M, Anwar MM, Ahmed S, Rahman G, Khan MA. Assessment of risk factors associated with spread of tuberculosis in Gujrat city Pakistan. Journal of Geography. 2019;:41–60.
MLA Mıandad, Muhammad et al. “Assessment of Risk Factors Associated With Spread of Tuberculosis in Gujrat City Pakistan”. Journal of Geography, no. 39, 2019, pp. 41-60, doi:10.26650/JGEOG2019-0023.
Vancouver Mıandad M, Anwar MM, Ahmed S, Rahman G, Khan MA. Assessment of risk factors associated with spread of tuberculosis in Gujrat city Pakistan. Journal of Geography. 2019(39):41-60.