In this study, the presence of Turkish-speaking community in Russia, how the Russian identity and the concept of statehood of Russians affect the perception of Turkey in the country and the influences of this perception on the economic relations between two countries are analyzed on the basis of socio-economic and political geography. TurkishRussian economic relations was rather limited during the period of Soviet Union. A new era began in the relations with the indepence of Russia and Russia has become Turkey’s one of the significant economic partners today. In the study, when taking the potentials of two countries especially in the fields of trade, tourism and investment into consideration, it was concluded that these relations are far short of the level they were supposed to be and suggestions for the further development of economic relations were put forward. Within the boundaries of Russian Federation, Turkish-speaking community, who are the most important element after Russians, has played/has been playing a unifying role in these relations with their worker status and their population reaching 14 million. The matter of how and to what extent the reflections of Turkish-Russian economic relations, official or unofficial (luggage) trade, tourism, Turkish investments in Russia and the projects that Turkish construction companies realized or are realizing, on Turkish-speaking communities have been attempted to be clarified through field research, observation, interview and analysis.
Turkey Russi Turkish-speaking communities socio-economic and political geography economic relations.
Bu çalışmada, Rusya’daki Türk dilli halkların varlığının, Rus kimliğinin ve Rusların devletçilik anlayışının ülkedeki Türkiye algısını nasıl etkilediği ve bu algının iki ülke arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilere tesirleri sosyo-ekonomik, siyasi coğrafya ve jeopolitik temelinde analiz edilmektedir. Türk-Rus ekonomik ilişkileri Sovyetler döneminde oldukça sınırlı seviyedeydi. Rusya’nın bağımsızlığını kazanmasıyla ilişkilerde yeni bir dönem başlamış ve günümüzde Rusya Türkiye’nin önemli ekonomik partnerlerinden biri halini almıştır. Çalışmada, iki ülkenin özellikle ticaret, turizm ve yatırım alanındaki potansiyelleri göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bu ilişkilerin olması gereken seviyenin oldukça gerisinde olduğu sonucuna varılmış ve ekonomik ilişkilerin daha ileri düzeye çıkartılmasına yönelik çözüm önerileri ortaya konmaktadır. Rusya Federasyonu toprak sınırları içerisinde, Ruslardan sonra en önemli nüfus öğesi olan, işçi statüsündekilerle birlikte nüfusları 14 milyonu bulan Türk dilli halklar bu ilişkilerde birleştirici rol oynamış/oynamaktadırlar. Türk-Rus ekonomik ilişkilerinin, resmi ve gayrı resmi (bavul) ticaretin, turizmin, Rusya’daki Türk yatırımlarının, Türk inşaat şirketlerinin Rusya’da gerçekleştirmiş ve gerçekleştirmekte oldukları projelerin Türk halklarına ne ölçüde ve nasıl yansıdığı hususu, yapılan saha araştırmaları, inceleme, mülakat ve analizlerle aydınlatılmaya çalışılmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye, Rusya, Türk dilli halklar, sosyo-ekonomik ve siyasi coğrafya, ekonomik ilişkiler
Economic Relations Between Turkey And Russia And The Reflections Of This Relationship On The Turkish-Speaking Community Living In Russia
In this study, the presence of Turkish-speaking community in Russia, how the Russian identity and the concept of statehood of Russians affect the perception of Turkey in the country and the influences of this perception on the economic relations between two countries are analyzed on the basis of socio-economic and political geography. Turkish-Russian economic relations was rather limited during the period of Soviet Union. A new era began in the relations with the indepence of Russia and Russia has become Turkey’s one of
the significant economic partners today. In the study, when taking the potentials of two countries especially in the fields of trade, tourism and investment into consideration, it was concluded that these relations are far short of the level they were supposed to be and suggestions for the further development of economic relations were put forward. Within the boundaries of Russian Federation, Turkish-speaking community, who are the most important element after Russians, has played/has been playing a unifying role in these relations with their worker status and their population reaching 14 million. The matter of how and to what extent the reflections of Turkish-Russian economic relations, official or unofficial (luggage) trade, tourism, Turkish investments in Russia and the projects that Turkish construction companies realized or are realizing, on Turkish-speaking communities have been attempted to be clarified through field research, observation, interview and analysis.
Key Words: Turkey, Russi, Turkish-speaking communities, socio-economic and political geography, economic relations.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | November 24, 2014 |
Submission Date | November 24, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Issue: 26 |